Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2107 confrontation on the tower

"Henry VIII, that's right." Morton frowned when he saw a crow flying out of the Tower of London, but he didn't hesitate to speak. "After all, he is executing his two queens..."

Chi Feichi also saw the crow, and complained hoarsely, "There is a saying that no crow can fly away from the Tower of London."

"Is there?" Morton was startled, and said quickly, "That probably isn't a crow kept in the Tower of London. If it was a crow in the Tower of London, it probably wouldn't be able to fly out, but you seem to know the history of England very well. , are you... English?"

Chi Feichi looked at the Tower of London, but did not answer.

Don't try to talk to him, he just wants to admire the cruel white buildings of the Tower of London from a high altitude, and then wait to see if there is any change in Morton...

"Sorry, I was talking too much."

Morton saw that Lark was silent and didn't care. He took out the lighter and reached out to block the wind to light it.

Very good, by smoking, dragging for another ten minutes.

The wind on the roof made it difficult to light the fire, and it took Morton two or three minutes to light the cigarette.

Chi Feichi was so distracted by staring at the Tower of London the whole time that Morton wondered if a certain Luke had any unusual affection for the Tower of London.


Chi Feichi's cell phone vibrated under his clothes, and the soft sound was inaudible amidst the howling wind.

"Jingle Bell……"

Morton's cell phone rang at the same time.

In the strong wind, Morton did not answer the phone, and quickly stretched his right hand to his waist under the jacket.


Chi Feichi clasped Morton's right wrist tightly with his left hand, making Morton's right fingers stop within one centimeter of the gun body.

Morton gritted his teeth unwillingly, and when he raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi, there was already a murderous intent in his eyes.

From the windows of the tower below, a middle-aged man shouted in English, "Morton! Are you okay? Now the tower is full of our people, so be careful!"

Chi Feichi suddenly exerted force with his left hand. While breaking Morton's right wrist, he reached out to reach for the pistol at Morton's waist.

Morton gritted his teeth and endured the pain from his wrist, and rolled to one side, avoiding Chi Feichi's outstretched hand for grabbing the gun, and leaned against the cold marble of the sloping roof. At the same time, he pulled out the pistol from his waist with his left hand.


When Morton raised his pistol, Chi Feichi also took out his own pistol, condescendingly aimed at Morton who was leaning on the marble, and hissed calmly, "You're not left-handed, it's hard to even load it now." Is it difficult?"

"Ah, my left hand is indeed much clumsier than my right hand. You can kill me at any time, but it's useless..." Morton gritted his molars, endured the pain of his right wrist fracture, and resolutely aimed the gun with his left hand. Chi Feichi, "Even if you kill me, my colleagues have already surrounded the tower, Lark, you can't escape!"

"Colleague?" Chi Feichi hissed, loaded the pistol in his hand, and lowered his eyes to look at the tower below which had quieted down for some time, "You mean the people from MI6?"

"You never believed me, did you?" Morton stood up against the marble sloping roof, the unloaded gun in his left hand was still not put down, his eyes fixed on Chi Feichi, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face Yi said, "It just so happens that I am the same. Not long after I entered MI6, you used me to accidentally betray the news of my colleagues, which led to the death of the senior who came undercover to your side. You also used this afterwards How could I do things for people like you? I was really guilty at that time, but I never thought about making the same mistake again and again!"…

"In Sutern... that's the senior you mentioned. After her death, people from the organization have been monitoring you and put bugs in your room. As long as you try to go to the MI6 headquarters or try to contact your colleagues, they will Kill you, but according to their reports, you have been staying at your own home, you have not gone out, and you have not called your colleagues." Chi Feichi was still calm, and asked in a hissing voice, "A person who once betrayed internal information and caused MI6 If you tell MI6 the truth after the death of an intelligence agent colleague, they may not believe you. With their style, you should be suspended for investigation. That is to say, you have already contacted your colleagues during the period of surveillance by the organization , Avoiding our eyes and ears, and discussing with them a plan to let you infiltrate the organization, how did you avoid the organization's monitoring and contact them?"

"Through the sewer," Morton was pointed at by Chi Feichi with a gun. Thinking that his colleagues had surrounded the downstairs, he felt confident and determined to die. He didn't mind telling a certain Lak clearly, "The building where I live In the apartment building, the sewer was overhauled not long ago. The maintenance personnel carelessly installed the wrong pipe and planned to re-lay it during that time. I wrote a lot of secret contact codes and sealed them with wax pills. At that time, hundreds of wax pills were flushed into the sewer. When the maintenance personnel repaired the pipe, there were still many wax pills left in it. I asked for leave for several days in a row. The construction site found the wax pellets taken out by the maintenance personnel. Through the code hidden in the wax pellets, I knew my situation. After that, our people asked the maintenance personnel to do something about the nearby water outlet pipes and sewer pipes. I finished it the next day. I took out the wax pellets and was about to continue flushing, but found that there was only a drop of water dripping from the faucet, so I knew the faucet was blocked, and when I removed the faucet, I saw a small wax pellet stuck in the outlet pipe..."

"I see."

Chi Feichi hissed in a low voice.

He had guessed before that Morton could transmit information through places like sewer pipes, but he didn't know that the nearby sewer pipes were being repaired.

Because he checked the information released by the community, the nearby pipeline repairs were completed before they took action against Sutern. He did not expect that the maintenance personnel would make a mistake with the wrong pipeline. After Sutern died, While Morton was under their surveillance, he repaired the pipeline again.

This is probably - two if one person fails, two if one fails, as long as you have the heart to sneak into the organization, someone will succeed?

"Next, can I ask questions instead?" Morton stared at the young face in front of him. Under the blond hair blown by the wind, the face with small freckles was really young, and it seemed that he hadn't He is old, but he never dared to take it lightly, "You...or your organization has always acted cautiously, obviously you don't trust me enough, why did you make an appointment to meet me in this kind of place? Don't tell me, you It's just a sudden carelessness!"

Chi Feichi took out the bug in his pocket with his free left hand, let Morton look at it, put it back in his pocket, and hissed, "Come and get those two keys, and check whether you are in collusion with MI6 and took the opportunity to sneak in." organize."…

Their action this time has another purpose.

When he met with Morton, when those MI6 intelligence agents surrounded the tower, Belmode and Curacao, disguised as tourists, had already used the hidden cameras on their bodies to capture the faces, body shapes, and action characteristics of those MI6 intelligence agents. They were all photographed and thrown into the organization's intelligence library for later use. In addition, there were bugs installed by the organization in the tower, and MI6 intelligence agents could hear each other's address during the siege operation.

In other words, he used himself as a bait to not only test whether Morton was loyal to the organization, but also obtained the basic information of a group of MI6 intelligence agents, such as appearance, body shape, physical characteristics or special habits, names or code names.

This information is useless now, but it may be the key to confirming whether the MI6 intelligence agent is somewhere and trying to deceive the MI6 intelligence agent to obtain important information in the future.

Of course, he could not and would not tell Morton about this purpose.

The bug on his body would transmit all their conversations to Jane nearby, and Jane would program them on the tablet to relay them to Rum, that one, and the others in real time.

With so many people listening to their conversation, it was impossible for him to reveal to MI6 the rare card he backhand stole.

"Just to test me, is it worth putting you in danger?" No matter what he thought, Morton didn't think he had such weight, his eyes flashed, he quickly calmed down, and shouted loudly, "Luck, put down the gun ! Not only do we have the manpower to surround the downstairs, but in two minutes at most, the helicopters we dispatched will surround the area. As long as you cooperate with us, I promise..."

"Can you acquit me?" Chi Feichi hissed and put down the pistol in his right hand.

Morton breathed a sigh of relief, but he still felt uneasy, "If you are willing to tell us the information about your organization..."

On the tall building on the other side of the Tower of London, Stout listened to the conversation from the Bluetooth headset, stared at the sniper rifle scope, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and then he reached out and pressed the headset button, switched to frequent communication, and tried Asked, "What's the matter with Lark? There is no place suitable for observation nearby, I can't see their situation clearly here, he..."

Although he was assigned to prepare for Lark, there were no suitable observation points or sniper points nearby.

Rucker was surrounded by MI6 colleagues on a tall tower, and he couldn't escape no matter what he thought.

Even if Lak tries to jump off the tower, they can take the opportunity to shoot Lak and wound him. In the worst case, they can kill Lak directly and eliminate a member of the organization.

He believes that this is also the reason why Morton and other colleagues took the risk of catching Lark - the chance of catching Lark is too high, no matter whether there are traps or not, they must seize the opportunity to try!

If he can really take the opportunity to capture Lark, his career lurking in the organization will soon be over.

But before that, he will continue to be the organization's Stout, trying to find out about Lak's overall plan, and if possible, he will assist his colleagues in arresting or killing Lak.

"Stout, you don't have to worry," Belmode's voice came from the earphone with a smile, "If Lark dares to betray the organization, just kill him... No, if he really falls into the hands of those in MI6 , I will find a chance to kill him before he is taken to MI6 headquarters."

"Okay," the electronic voice that was hard to distinguish between men and women under the effect of the voice changer sounded in everyone's ears, "Bermod, there is no doubt that Lark will raise his hands and surrender, you should make preparations, Stout, continue to stare at the surrounding area, Feel free to report what you can see..."

Seeing that nothing came out of the test, Si Tao Te did not continue to test, and replied in a deep voice, "Understood!"

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