Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2110 A veritable city in the sky

"Mary begat God, God begot Void, Void begot no, no no no, no begot the crow, the crow screamed, it wanted blood, food, breadcrumbs, everything, in the filthy nest, the void Mao's legs trembled..." Feimo felt drowsy when he saw that the room was full of sleep, and he tilted his head to look at the drizzled sky outside the window, "Although I don't understand the meaning of this poem, listen to it Looks cool...the weather is perfect for sleeping too..."

The rain slapped on the window sill, making the originally scorching weather a bit cooler.

The light dimmed at some point, and people, pandas, crows, and snakes were sleeping quietly in the retro room with interlaced light and shadow.

After the light rain outside the window gradually stopped and the sky gradually brightened up, Tuanzi turned over on the thick carpet, with his ears on the floor, and roared sleepily, "Master, Xiao Ai has woken up."

Feimo was awakened with a start, and suddenly raised his drooping head, "Huh?"

Chi Feichi opened his eyes, sat up and cleared his mind of drowsiness, got up and went out.

Upon waking up, Hui Yuanai's morning sultriness disappeared completely, he washed his face with clean water in a daze, and then went out with Chi Feichi.

Even if Chi Feichi drove Hui Yuanai out to relax, the bodyguard team still persistently drove two cars, followed the siblings and a car of pets to Hyde Park.

After Feimo arrived at the park, he flew to quarrel with the birds in the park.

Tuanzi followed Chi Feichi's feet, rolled over when passing by the grass, and solved his excretion problem by the way.

The bodyguard team surrounded Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai, facing the curious eyes of passers-by along the way, and still vigilantly guarding the surroundings with a serious face. After the brothers and sisters left the park, they drove back and forth with the car, Follow to the tennis courts where the Wimbledon tennis games are played.

The three cars drove to the parking lot, just in time to meet a group of police officers escorting Hades into the police car, and the Kudou couple who followed them.

Chi Feichi parked the car next to the police car, opened the door, and got out of the car with Hui Yuanai.

The bodyguards in the front and rear cars immediately got out of the car and surrounded the siblings.

Dr. Ali heard the movement, turned around and saw a large group of bodyguards, sweating, "Feichi, Xiaoai, you are here too."

"You guys are late," Conan said with half-moon eyes, "everything has been settled."

"Miss Minerva won the championship," Koshimizu Nanatsuki laughed, "Hades also caught it!"

"Really?" Hui Yuanai looked at Hades, who was under the control of the police, "Finally, I don't have to be surrounded by a large group of bodyguards when I go out."

After seeing a large group of people getting off from three cars, Hades glanced over a group of bodyguards, stopped on Chi Feichi, smiled ironically, and got into the police car.

Did these people start to get proud when they caught him?

There is a more dangerous lunatic here.

It made him regret that his revenge plan had not been able to complete the final step, but it made him feel ironic and a little gloating that someone more dangerous than himself was still at large.

He knows that he can't see the future of this world, but there may be more than one person who can't see the future like him! …

The police chief stared at Hades vigilantly and got into the police car before turning his head and saying hello to Chi Feichi, "Master Feichi, we will take Hades back to the police station right now, please rest assured, we finally caught him, we don't care No matter what, it is impossible for him to escape halfway."

Chi Feichi nodded, "The police officers have worked hard for these things for a long time. If you have a holiday tomorrow, I hope you can take your family members to participate in the maiden voyage of the airship."

The two young police officers couldn't hold back, thinking that they could take a flying boat to the castle for sightseeing, they smiled for a moment, "Thank you, Master Feichi!"

The sheriff glanced at the two of them with a warning look, and laughed, "The case that has given us headaches for so long is finally solved, leave the person on duty to deal with the follow-up with me tomorrow, everyone else go relax, of course, I really want to thank Mr. Shinnosuke and Master Feichi, catching criminals is our job, but you have to bother to provide us with extra rewards to motivate us!"

Hades sat in the police car, stunned for a second, looked at Chi Feichi outside the car window, his eyes were full of anger, he gritted his teeth and reached out to slap the car window hard, "Bastard!"

In the elevator before, Chi Feichi said that if he didn't die, he wouldn't care what he did, but instead he used rewards to encourage the police to catch him as soon as possible?

He didn't care if Chi Feichi kept his promise, no matter how cunning Chi Feichi was, he wouldn't feel surprised, but he felt that he was being played like a fool.

This feeling makes people angry!

The police officer sitting next to Hades was taken aback, and hurriedly controlled Hades' body with his colleagues to prevent Hades from acting aggressively.

Chi Feichi just glanced at Hades, and continued to greet the sheriff calmly, "Being kind to those who shed blood and sweat for the society and the people is also the attitude that nobles should have."

The sheriff raised his hand on the brim of his hat with a serious face, and took off his hat before turning around and getting into the police car.

Haddish's irritated abuse could still be heard as the police car drove away.

"Bastard! Hypocritical bastard!"

Mori Kogoro watched the police car leave blankly, then turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, "Feichi, Hades is... scolding you, right?"

Chi Feichi responded coldly, "I don't know what's wrong with him."

Conan laughed inwardly.

Would Chi Feichi really not know? Couldn't it be that when Hades and Chi Feichi met in the elevator of the office building, what Chi Feichi said and did made Hades feel like he was 'stabbed' in the back just now? ?

Hades' reaction was exactly the same as that of the prisoners who were stabbed in the back by Chi Feichi.


In the morning of the next day, a flying boat was loaded with guests and lifted off.

The airship carrying passengers to Field Castle was set to be the "City in the Sky" named by Chi Feichi.

Compared with Suzuki Jirokichi's "world's largest flying ship", "Castle in the Sky" is nearly 20 meters longer in terms of hull length and maximum diameter.

Those who participated in the maiden voyage, in addition to the police officers on vacation in London, a group of protagonists, and some nobles and wealthy businessmen in the UK, plus the family members brought by these people, the TV staff who boarded the ship for live broadcast, and the staff of the flying ship, just Even the staff of Japan's Nikkei TV station in the UK came here after hearing the news, and the public area was full of active people. The interviews that should be interviewed, and the viewings that should be viewed are very lively. …

At first, those who participated in the maiden voyage only moved between the cabins below. After halfway through the voyage, when they followed the staff to the air deck collectively, everyone was stunned in front of the elevator.

Compared with the old flying boat technology, the top of this flying boat is a sky deck surrounded by a fully transparent glass cover, the top and surroundings are blue sky, and there are a few white mist-like clouds floating around the edge of the glass cover.

The opened ventilation window sends in the cool breeze, the mountains and green forest stretch their branches and leaves under the sun, and the vines hang down and sway with the wind.

The white castle building is hidden in the greenery. On one side of the castle, there are bluestone stairs spiraling up, leading to an open bluestone music platform.

On the other side, there is a pond surrounded by pebbles embedded in the grass. Under the sun, the water in the pool is blue and green and clear, and it ripples under the breeze.

All the scenery blends and corresponds, like a quiet and beautiful fairyland.

The children brought by the guests stood beside their parents, stopped chasing and fighting, and stood quietly looking around, as if they were worried about disturbing this quiet and beautiful fairyland, so they did not take a step.

Mao Lilan stared blankly at the beautiful scenery that caught her eyes, "Okay, it's amazing..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki stood beside Chi Feichi, saw a leaf being blown to his side by the wind, raised his hand to catch it, and looked down at the small green leaf in the palm of his hand, which was so green under the sun, he couldn't recover. "Are all the trees here real?"

"The trees and grass are real, they were all transplanted from the outside. There is no shortage of sunlight and air here, and the irrigation with stored water can ensure their survival," Chi Feichi said in a scientific introduction, bringing the others together. Pulled out from the trance of 'Suspected Wonderland', "If the outside weather is extremely cold or hot, the glass cover here will be temporarily closed, and the ventilation system will be used to provide air. At the same time, the temperature will be adjusted to keep the deck at the optimum temperature for plant growth. The temperature is good, and if there are no accidents, it will always be green here."

"I don't think anyone would expect the unexpected to come," Yusaku Kudo joked with a smile, looking at the green eyes and said with emotion, "This is the city in the sky that everyone dreams of."

Chi Kanai turned around and smiled at a group of TV crews, "Let me show you around. As I said before, you can take pictures, but I hope you don't take pictures and videos."

Ike Shinosuke whispered a few words to the noble and wealthy businessman beside him, and led a group of people into the forest path first.

Chi Feichi was in charge of entertaining the guests from Japan, and took a group of people to the White Castle first after everyone else had left.

"Brother Feichi, why are people from the TV station not allowed to record?" Mao Lilan asked curiously, "Aren't they planning to broadcast live?"

"This is my flying boat," Chi Feichi explained, "I don't want people to see my personal territory clearly through the program."

Conan laughed inwardly.

His little friend's terrifying sense of territory...

When he arrived in front of the castle, Kogoro Mori touched the cold, smooth, jade-white wall and asked in surprise, "Hey, is this castle made of jade?"

"No, it's just a new material. It looks and feels like jade, but it's much lighter than jade, and the steps over there are the same." Chi Feichi looked at the bluestone steps on the side of the castle, "but don't worry about bearing the weight. , The inner layer of the building here is a steel plate, which is welded to the main body when the flying ship is manufactured, and then these jade and bluestone-like materials are added, and it is strong enough after welding."

"Hey..." Kudo Yukiko reached out to touch the smooth outer wall, curiously looking at the delicate texture of the bricks and stones on the outer wall of the castle under her palm, "I also thought this castle was made of white jade, at least it looks like that from the outside."


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