Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2112 malice from children

that night.

Dr. Ari and Conan talked about it in the room.

"So, Feichi left the words 'Find the murderer who killed Xiaonuan' in the wish capsule of his primary school graduation. It wasn't at all what he thought of 'someone was killed', but... Feichi's little girl. The hamster is dead, probably killed by someone, and he wants to find the murderer?"

"It doesn't have to be killed by someone," Conan sat by the bed, put on pajamas, looked down on the forum with his mobile phone, his feet dangling by the bed from time to time, "Whether it's a rabbit or a hamster, They are all animals that need to be taken care of by children, or it may be that a child was careless when he was on duty, causing the hamster adopted by brother Chi to get sick and die..."

"That's right, the rabbits in Didan Elementary School will also die due to accidents," Dr. Ali recalled, "I remember when you were still in elementary school... I mean when you were in elementary school..."

Conan: "..."

The doctor doesn't need to emphasize it deliberately, he knows that he is also in elementary school now.

Dr. A Li continued to recall, "It seems that two boys in the first grade who are older than you are on duty. They didn't dry the water on the vegetable leaves when they went to feed the rabbits. In the end, one of the little rabbits had diarrhea and died like that. At that time, a child who lived near my house cried for several days, and even I heard about it.”

"Yeah, Xiaolan almost cried when she heard that the little rabbit died. That guy likes to visit the rabbits every time he goes to school, and gives each rabbit a name or nickname," Conan bowed his head speechlessly. I flipped through the forum on my mobile phone, “At that time, some students accused those two boys of being the murderers who killed the little rabbit. If there was no teacher to mediate the conflict and they sincerely apologized, they would probably be blamed by everyone for a long time. The world of children is like this Ah, when it comes to 'killing', it may not be what we imagined..."

Dr. Ali walked to the bed and saw that Conan was still looking down at the forum, "But, Shinichi, you keep flipping through the forum, do you suspect that Feichi is lying?"

"You have to make sure, don't you? No matter what Brother Chi said, he always had a cold expression on his face. He was more calm than that guy Huiyuan, and he couldn't tell if he was lying." Conan looked at the phone and said, "Since After the establishment of Yingming Academy’s forum, some graduates posted on the forum. They talked about the changes in the school, including hamsters. Yingming Academy had a school hamster house a few years ago, as well as other animals. At the breeding place, the children in each class will discuss with the teacher what kind of animals to raise, and then let the children raise them. I saw someone in the forum saying that they raised beetles back then, which is much more diverse than the animals in Didan Elementary School... "

Dr. A Li laughed and joked, "Compared with raising small hamsters, Feichi seems to prefer raising snakes that can eat small hamsters."

Conan lowered his head and continued to type on his phone, "I like to challenge raising special animals. Maybe it's the influence of the school spirit, because back then, some classes in their school would raise butterflies, ducklings, and piglets..."

"That's really a good life experience. If Didan Primary School had stables, Xiao Ai wouldn't have to worry about having to have the crescent moon brought home every time." Dr. A Li smiled and walked to the other side of the bed , ready to pack up and go to sleep, "Although I don't want to say that my alma mater is not good, this point is indeed that Yingming Academy is better. Shinichi, there will be horse riding experience tomorrow, and Xiaoai's flying boat will make its maiden voyage. Go to bed early, if you are interested in Yingming Academy’s forum post, you can read it later.”…

"No, I'm waiting for someone to reply to the message." Conan turned his head and pulled the quilt away, kicked off the slippers, sat on the bed, looked at the phone and explained, "Didn't I say it before? The animals raised in each of their classes are It's different. Brother Chi didn't skip a grade before he went to college, so it's easy to figure out which year he entered. There was only one class that raised hamsters in the same year. I found a person who seemed to be his elementary school classmate, and the person happened to be online , I want to ask how Xiaonuan died..."

Dr. A Li also lay on the bed, and reminded speechlessly, "If Feichi knew that you were digging up his past, he might be angry. Everyone has embarrassing things when they are young, even me, I also have embarrassing things that I don't want you to know. If you dig it out, I will definitely beat you."

Conan sat on the head of the bed, and looked at Dr. A Li with a black line. The doctor was not so violent before, and at most he said 'I will ignore you for a month', because Chi Feichi led him to ruin him, "I just I'm more concerned about Brother Chi's reaction. When I mentioned Xiaonuan, he thought about it for a while. If it wasn't a disguise, it means that he hasn't heard this name for a long time, and he hasn't even thought about it in recent years. This is also the reason why I believe that Xiaonuan is a hamster, because if the person who died was a human being, after more than ten years, if someone mentions it, he should be able to quickly remember who it is..."

Seeing that Conan was still awake, Dr. A Li simply sat up, "Then why do you still think there is something wrong with Feichi's reaction?"

"Because when he remembered, his complexion suddenly became ugly. Although he calmed down quickly, there are not many things that can make him change his complexion, right? And his primary school classmate on the forum also reacted very Strange, I just mentioned the hamster that was killed, and the other party immediately thought of Brother Chi, so I was thinking," Conan stared at the phone, his pupils froze, and his voice softened, "The killing he said...maybe not Children's..."

"What's wrong?"

Dr. Ali probed in doubt, and looked at the chat page on Conan's phone.

It is a private chat user page of the UL forum, and the top shows that the two parties are not friends.

【Cat Blowing Bubble Gum: That’s right. At that time, only their class was keeping hamsters in the whole grade. Each of them claimed one and put it in the mouse house to take care of it together. 】

[Sherlock Holmes' successor: A classmate's little hamster was killed back then, do you remember? 】

Full marks for speaking skills.

On the chat page, it took two minutes for the other party to reply.

[Cat Blows Bubble Gum: Are you... classmate Chi? 】

[Sherlock Holmes's successor: No, you misunderstood me. I am his friend. Today, I heard him say that the hamster he raised back then was killed. thing. 】

[The cat blows bubble gum: You don't mean to trouble him, do you? So pretending to be his friend to inquire about these things? 】

【Sherlock Holmes' successor: ...】

[Sherlock Holmes' successor: We are really friends. He said that the hamster was called Xiaonuan. If it wasn't a friend, he wouldn't even tell me the hamster's name, right? But why do you say that? Will that get him into trouble? 】…

A detective sent this news with tears in his eyes. In fact, Chi Feichi really didn't intend to tell him the name of the hamster. He secretly investigated it.

【Cat Blowing Bubble Gum: That’s right, and what happened back then is no secret. Both classmates and teachers know about it, so it doesn’t matter if I tell you about it. 】

[Cat Blowing Bubble Gum: At first, it seemed to be because of Chi’s eyes. I think it’s because his pupil color is very rare, so he was excluded without knowing it... Actually, I don’t know when it started, I don’t know Who did it start with? By the time I found out, many people in the class were already isolating him... There were also some naughty boys and girls who would play tricks on him, and some of them went too far, and the hamster thing was one of them 1. On the morning of school, the hamster raised by classmate Chi was killed in the cage. The murder weapon seemed to be a utility knife. The school also investigated afterwards, but because everyone was silent when asked, it was impossible to investigate, so it has been I don't know who did it...]

"It's too much!" Dr. A Li looked angry, "No matter who did this, it is a very excessive thing to cruelly kill a little life with a knife and hurt a child who cherishes that little life !"

Conan also frowned, typing a new message.

[Holmes' successor: This can't be called a prank anymore, can it? 】

He still thought too lightly before, thinking that it was a misunderstanding caused by children because of improper keeping of pets. At most, there was something strange about the death of that hamster. He never thought that there would be such a big malice behind it.

It is also very likely that it comes from the malice of children.

He also raised animals when he was in primary school. After becoming a primary school student again, he was surrounded by a group of little devils who cherished those small animals. Any one of them would feel sad after learning that the small animals he cared for died. If the small animals It was even more unacceptable to be killed by someone.

And that year in the Elementary School of Yingming College, the class where the dead hamster was found, when the teacher asked about it, a group of children kept an indifferent and resistant attitude and kept silent. Some of them may have lowered their heads, but that kind of collective silent resistance, It's like the person who made the mistake blames the person who was hurt, and everyone else sided with the person who made the mistake.

Will the boy standing aside waiting for the truth doubt himself and the world in the face of such a scene?

He is not Chi Feichi, and no one thinks exactly the same as Chi Feichi, but they are both human beings. What he can be sure of is that looking at the collectively silent classmates, Chi Feichi's heart will gradually become cold, and finally become a bone-chilling cold.

[Cat Blowing Bubble Gum: Yes, this is more than just a prank... I remember that although Classmate Chi was not a particularly sunny and cheerful person before, he liked to help everyone. He seems to be a very reliable person. When he was isolated, I also want to talk to him, but everyone is like this. It would be strange for me to talk to him alone. I don’t want to be treated as a different kind. Dare to talk to him, so... Now that I think about it, I'm really sorry. 】

Dr. A Li took a deep breath, but it was still difficult to control his anger, "The person who should apologize the most is the person who did such a thing?"

Conan remained silent, typing a new message.

[Sherlock Holmes' successor: Who killed Xiao Nuan, it was not found out in the end, right? 】

In fact, he had already guessed the answer.

In that incident back then, no one cooperated with the investigation, no one helped to provide clues, the truth was not clarified, and those who made mistakes were not punished, so it passed.

That's why when he graduated, Chi Feichi wrote down the words 'Find the murderer who killed Xiaonuan' on a piece of paper, and then put it into a capsule and put it in a box.

Therefore, the mentality of no longer trusting anyone.

Just like now, Chi Feichi would rather solve everything by himself. When he is sick, he just wants to stay at home alone. He doesn't like to share his life with them. He doesn't need help and doesn't trust them anymore, even if he says they are friends.

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