Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2122 stop at red light, go at green light

Conan had also exchanged game characters with Feichi before, and he immediately reacted. He and Chi Feichi switched controllers and positions, and manipulated the naughty male policeman to investigate the river.

Seeing this, Mao Lilan didn't stop anymore, sitting beside Conan and staring at the progress of the game, his eyes were tense and serious.

At the round mushroom table in the back, Kudo Yukiko sat on the cushion, smiled and whispered to Kudo Yusaku, "They seem to have fully invested in it, and they are very motivated."

Yusaku Kudo stared at the three TV screens in front of him, with a trace of expectation hidden in his eyes, "The planning consultant for this game is a junior novelist in Japan. When I was conceiving the plot of the game, she called me and asked me where the murderer was. Regarding how to disguise herself when in doubt, I have seen her previous works, which are very exciting, if she designs and supervises the completion of the case, the details and logic should be handled very well.”

"Hey? It's the one you mentioned half a year ago..." Yukiko Kudo became interested and asked in a low voice, "Then who is the murderer?"

She just wanted to know the answer directly, and then went to the three people playing the game to make a fool of herself~

"She just asked me how the murderer would disguise himself, but she didn't tell me who the murderer was or how he committed the crime," Kudo Yusaku said with a smile, "Frankly speaking, I am also looking forward to the case she designed."

Haibara Ai also took the juice, and arrived beside Koshimizu Nanatsuki, watching the policewoman character cross the street, and then...


A car sped past and hit the female police character in the game.

"Hey?" Yueshui Nanatsuki watched the policewoman lying dead and resurrected at a nearby street corner, "Why did she die?"

Conan was still searching and asking passers-by along the river, and when he heard what Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, he temporarily stopped his investigation and turned to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Is there any plot triggered? Or is there a Dodge the checkpoint of the car?"

"It's not triggering the plot," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around with the policewoman character, and came to the intersection again, "Maybe it's to avoid the checkpoint, let me try..."

The policewoman character takes two steps forward, then backs up quickly, avoiding the speeding car.

That's right, she will seduce her first, and then she will leave after the car passes by.

After the car passed by, the policewoman stepped onto the zebra crossing again with great vigor.

One step, no danger.

Two steps, no danger.

In the third step, she moved forward to seduce, and then...


A van honked its horn and rushed over. After knocking over the policewoman, the wheels also rolled over.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared at the bloody and bloody picture on the TV, and was stunned. He waited for the policewoman to come back to life at a nearby street before operating the role of the policewoman and walking over, "The difficulty of this level seems to be quite high..."

On the side, Chi Feichi was silent for a second, and reminded, "Have you ever thought that this is asking you to wait for the green light?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, stared at the game screen again, and saw the countdown to the red light on the opposite side of the street, "So, the first time I crossed the road, it seemed that the red light counted down 51 seconds, and the second time It's a 20-second countdown to the red light, so it seems that I should be waiting for the green light, but who would have thought that I would have to wait for the traffic light in the game..."

Mao Lilan nodded again and again, "That's right."

Chi Feichi looked at the TV screen in front of him, and the serious-faced male police officer obediently stood at the intersection of traffic lights and waited for the green light.

Nothing wrong with waiting for the green light, right?

Do you want to be as unqualified as Gin, directly crossing the traffic flow, and giving people stares?

The game mechanism doesn't care whether you have fierce eyes or not, the driver will drive and crush when he should.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki and Hui Yuanai turned their heads: "..."

There are really people waiting for traffic lights in the game...

Conan and Mao Lilan turned their heads: "..."

Of course there is nothing wrong with obeying the traffic rules, but because this is in a game, it always feels a little weird.

Chi Feichi was uncomfortably stared at by a group of people, and looked at the character on Koshishui Nanatsuki's side, "You are a policeman now, so you should obey the traffic rules."

In the game, the green light across the street from the policewoman is on.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki operated the character to cross the road until he got to the opposite side, but he was not hit by a car. "It turns out that the characters played by the players are all policemen, and there is a hidden setting of 'policemen should obey the traffic rules'."

"It's not wrong to obey the traffic rules," Mao Lilan said with a dry smile, "This game is quite educational, but the scene of being hit by a car is too bloody..."

"The game tries to restore the scene of the car accident as realistically as possible, and it can also warn people. If it is in reality, the scene will be much more tragic than in the game." Chi Feichi saw that the traffic light on his side also turned green, and manipulated the character to walk across the road. Of course, the triggering events in the game are all programs, players can rely on their reaction speed to avoid the car, or they can use their lives to find out the rules of the car passing, and then use the seduce method before crossing the water to pass."

Conan withdrew his gaze and continued to operate the character to investigate.

Uh, he remembered Hattori telling him:

'This game is really troublesome, Kudo, the road is full of levels to avoid cars, I died many times, and it took five minutes to explore the car on one road through the rules, but the second road still has levels to avoid cars , the rules of the car are completely different from the previous road. I was not hit by a car at the third intersection, but when I turned back, I was hit by a car again. What's going on in this game? Don’t those people look at the road when they drive...’

Thinking back like this, Chi Feichi's calm voice just now appeared in his mind again.

"Have you ever thought that this is asking you to wait for the green light..."

Yes, has Hattori ever thought that this game does not require them to spend their lives and time to cross the street recklessly, but has a rule that even children know - 'stop at red light, go at green light'?

It's not that the NPC driving doesn't look at the road, it's that the player doesn't look at the road when crossing the road.

Thinking that Hattori actually found out the traffic rules of multiple streets, there may be many players like Hattori thinking that this is a level of "avoiding cars", he understands why this game has not been released for three days. Clearance……

Just how these people play, being hit to death by a car, returning to the resurrection point, trying to avoid the first car and then being hit to death by the second car, repeating this, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time on the road.


Next, the three players who play the game know how to look at the traffic lights first at the intersection.

Red light stop, green light go.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki arrived at the home of the murdered boy, Masao, but failed to enter.

"There is a reminder, 'Zhengnan's mother hasn't come back yet, your father was called to the police station by your colleagues, and there is no one at home, please come back at nine o'clock in the evening'..." After reading the reminder in red, Mao Lilan said emotionally, "This The game is really detailed, the school won't show that it's winter vacation, no one can provide clues, right?"

"I'm afraid it's really possible," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around and found an NPC standing in front of the elevator, "However, we should be able to ask the neighbors for clues, and the school is the same, there should be a winter vacation The security guard on duty or the teacher."

"I found the place where the murderer threw the body into the river, and there was a reminder, 'We found a strange drag mark', the drag mark was indeed strange, it was dragged from the bushes by the river, but there was no blood in the bushes , indicating that the bush is not the scene of the first crime," Conan looked at the picture with a puzzled expression on his face, "That is to say, the murderer killed Masao somewhere, moved the body to the bush by the river, and then picked it up from the bush. Cong Li dragged him to the river and dumped his body..."

"It may be that someone passed by when the murderer threw the body. In order to avoid passers-by, the murderer temporarily hid Masao's body here. In this case, there should be witnesses who passed by here in the morning or afternoon," Koshimizu Nanatsuki analyzed. "It may also be that the murderer took off Zhengnan's clothes in the bushes and committed an assault. In terms of time, Zhengnan's injuries were also left behind after death. It is possible that the murderer did it while leaving the crime scene. That kind of thing happened...Anyway, Conan, look for it in the bushes, there should be clues in the bushes."

Mao Lilan didn't expect that Conan would be exposed to these contents in this direction of investigation, staring at the game screen carefully, and was going to stop Conan from playing if he found something wrong.

Then... change her!

She also wanted to know why the villain wanted to brutally kill a little boy. If she didn't figure it out, she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Conan didn't have much hope.

If this was a real crime scene, he would definitely be able to find clues or suspicious traces in the bushes, but this was a game, and he didn't expect the game to leave such clues.

However, Conan manipulated the character around the bushes and found new clues.

"Huh? There's a new item," Conan clicked 'pick up', and looked at the introduction of the newly acquired item, "the introduction said, 'This is a dark blue silk thread hanging between the branches of a bush, it looks like some kind of fabric Partly, it was reminiscent of the blue jacket the murdered boy wore as he left school'."

"It's the thread that was hooked off Masao's clothes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "It means that when the murderer brought Masao into the bushes, Masao still had clothes on him, but if the murderer took off Masao's clothes on the bank of the river, he would Staying on the river bank for too long, it is easy to be spotted, shouldn't the murderer find a hiding place?"

"That's right, the murderer took off Zhengnan's clothes here, more like he suddenly wanted to forge some traces to mislead the police investigation before throwing the body, but if it's just to mislead the police investigation, don't go too far..."

Conan frowned, and quickly cheered up again.

He would also feel that there was something weird and wrong about the events he encountered in his life before. It was because the lack of clues caused the reasoning to get stuck. He did not expect to encounter such a situation in the game.

As expected, Hattori, a famous high school detective in Kansai, is also interested in the game.

"I got a new item in the police station," Chi Feichi said, "It's an obscene police record in recent years. Our previous thinking should be correct. The murderer has a criminal record of this kind, or the murderer is an indecent incident." victims of the incident."

Conan probed to look at the TV screen in front of Chi Feichi, and found that the records were densely packed, and there was a small note in the bottom corner, "Extracted from a real police record in a certain town in Tokyo, and the names of the characters have been modified." He couldn't help but sigh, "There are so many, there are police records almost every day, and this is just the record of a town in Tokyo..."

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