Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2127 The Cruel Truth

Kudo Yukiko found it hard to accept, "No, that's really..."

Over there, the gamers communicated clues.

"I defeated the ghost of the kendo gym. The ghost said that Xun had been out of school for two years before, and he didn't go to school, and he didn't come to the kendo gym." Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned to Conan and Mori Ran and said, "Where are you? Any clues?"

"There is a convenience store near the second murdered boy's house. The proprietress of the convenience store mentioned that Xun would take his younger sister to her to buy things, and would occasionally talk to the second murdered child. Both Xun and Xun were capable of abducting that boy. Son," Conan thought, "on the way Zhengnan goes home, acquaintances like them are very convenient for Zhengnan to go somewhere with them, and they are also suspicious..."

"Impossible..." Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "They are not very old, how could they be murderers?"

Kudo Yukiko withdrew her gaze and looked at Chi Feichi.

Even if she doesn't want to believe it anymore, the development will follow Chi Feichi's speculation. After thinking about it repeatedly, Chi Feichi's speculation can also connect those characters and the current clues.

Yusaku Kudo looked at Chi Feichi and confirmed the answer he thought of, "The motive for the murder was because Masao bit Kaoru, right?"

"Xun's facial features were delicate and handsome when she was dressed in a masculine way. It is conceivable that she was a beautiful girl when she was dressed in a feminine way. The reason why she became masculine is probably because of the psychological shadow left by her back then. This kind of dress is her protective color. , can make her come out of fear," Chi Feichi paused, "Zhengnan bit Xun, whether it was on the arm or elsewhere, this kind of behavior will remind her of the terrible experience back then, especially when watching When Kaoru is crying, as Kaoru's real mother, she will also feel distressed and angry."

"And Masao's attitude of refusing to admit his mistakes also reminded her of Naoki who was not punished as he should have been." Yusaku Kudo sighed and said solemnly, "So, on the way Masao came home, she abducted Masao and arrived In a certain place, Zhengnan was killed and his masculine parts were cut off, which is also the characteristic of the murderer who hates the invader..."

"As for the motive of killing the second boy, it may also be related to Kaoru, because what the boy did to Kaoru made the nervous Xun go crazy, or it may be that the second boy witnessed her abducting Masao, she Choose to kill people to silence them," Chi Feichi continued to analyze, "but the traces of assault on the two boys don't seem like something she would do."

"Could it be because of hatred?" Yukiko Kudo guessed, "She hates the men who did that to her, so she also wants men to experience similar pain..."

"No, she should be more afraid of this, more repulsive than hatred," Chi Feichi denied, "Zhishu has already been released from prison, if her hatred has overwhelmed her fear, she should have killed Zhishu, But she chose to attack a child who was biting and crying for her daughter. Her mental state was not normal. In her misunderstanding, Zhengnan would do the same thing to her daughter as she suffered that year. Frightened and disturbed by this, she killed Masao to protect her daughter, which fits with the theme of the game, Kizimogami. After she killed Masao, I'm not sure if Masao's pants are there, but his clothes should still be there , she would avoid the act of undressing the male, and dump the body in the bushes on the bank of the river. Later, someone discovered what she had done, followed to the bank of the river, took off the clothes of the male, and forged the rape of the male. Traces, this is another Ghost Mother God.”…

"It's Mrs. Honami," Kudo Yukiko understood, "She said that she could do anything for her daughter. After discovering that Xun had killed someone, she chose to help him cover it up and forged traces of the boys being violated. The second victim boy The ten fingers were amputated, and she did it too. The former was to mislead the direction of the police investigation, making the police think that the murderer was an obscene pervert, and the latter was because the second boy left Xun's skin fragments and blood in his fingernails , she cut off the boy's finger in order to help Xun eliminate the evidence."

"There is another purpose..."

Before Chi Feichi finished speaking, Mao Lilan let out a scream.


On the TV screen in front of Mao Lilan, in a dark room, a young man with an unshaven beard tilted his head to one side at an unnatural angle, with a weird smile on his face, and his tongue sticking out long.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly took the controller from Mao Lilan's hand, operated the character to go out quickly, and muttered depressedly, "Is Naoki actually a ghost..."

Mao Lilan's face was pale.

Don't ghosts only appear at night?

Brother Feichi stayed in front of Zhishu's house for so long before, and Zhishu's ghost didn't attack Brother Feichi. Why did she encounter ghosts when she took Brother Feichi's game controller and just drove to Zhishu's house?

The game is also too unkind to her.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, and said to the Kudo couple in a very soft voice, "Naoki is dead. This is the last step in Honami's plan. All crimes will be blamed on Naoki who has a record of obscenity."

"That's why Mrs. Honami chose to use obscene traces to mislead the police," Yusaku Kudo thought for a while, and found that if this inference was made, all the clues could be connected, and nothing seemed obtrusive. sin, but also to avenge my daughter."

Over there, Koshimizu Nanatsuki took over the game controller, fought with Naoki's ghost, and got new fragments.

[Ghost Mother God Fragment: Ghosts who have committed mistakes, can they be forgiven by everyone only with the understanding of Sakyamuni? 】

Moreover, a fresh Naoki corpse was also found.

Naoki was hanging under the beams of the house. During the search by the police and the three players, a stack of photos was found in the cabinet, which seemed to be photos taken after following the two murdered boys.

The police NPC immediately defined the case as a "suicide in fear of crime" - after Naoki was released from prison, he began to focus on boys. After brutally killing two boys and molesting the corpses, because the police came to the door, Naoki was very afraid, so he feared crime committed suicide.

Conan couldn't care less about the plot, he frowned and thought, and said in a soft but firm voice, "I'm going to the police station again, Naoki is not the real murderer..."

"Yeah, it won't be that simple. Naoki died too suddenly," Koshimizu Nanatsuki agreed, "I believe he is a scapegoat. The murderer knows his situation, and with some traces on the body, it is very Possibly the same victim he hurt."

Kudo Yukiko took a look at the situation over there, and sighed with emotion in a low voice, "It seems that they also found out. After going to the police station to investigate the records again, they should be able to suspect Shangxun..."

"If I were the mastermind, I wouldn't leave clues in the police station." Chi Feichi said. …

"Huh?" Yukiko Kudo looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously.

"Because there are already enough clues," Yusaku Kudo explained with a smile, "Didn't Feichi discover the truth a long time ago? In fact, the clues revealed are already enough, and as long as players think about it, they will know that the murderer is not Naoki , the planner ruled out one person for the player, leaving three suspects, Honami, Masao's father, and Xun, plus Naoki is a young man, who would have been violated by him many years ago, in fact, just turn the corner and think about it Thinking about targeting people of similar age, even if the police station has no other information, players will suspect Shangxun. The name Xun can be used by both men and women, implying that she may be a woman. She also dropped out of school for two years for unknown reasons a few years ago. , it means that something big happened to her at that time..."

Kudo Yukiko followed her thinking, "In this way, Xun's suspicion is the biggest, and she has been in and out of Kaoru's school, so she can understand the situation of the two murdered boys, and can also make the two boys relax their vigilance towards her and follow her to the Go somewhere, as long as she is locked, there are too many doubts about her."

"Actually, I think that after Naoki's death, it is the moment when detectives start to integrate clues and find out the truth. From the perspective of mystery novels, now is the wonderful moment to explain the truth and amaze readers. The progress is not too late. Hurry up..." Kudo Yusaku pondered for a moment, then looked at Chi Feichi, "Feichi, is it because you know the truth that you lost interest in the game?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "The most exciting part of this game is to solve the case. The horror element is not outstanding. After knowing the truth, the game will not be so attractive."

Yusaku Kudo looked at his own son who was still in the game, and suddenly understood Chi Feichi's "sage mentality" for a moment.

Now he is willing to look at the new running map because he wants to see how soon his son can solve the murder mystery, which makes him feel a little bit of anticipation.

If he didn't even have this sense of expectation, he wouldn't be able to make progress in that game.

"But Xiao Chi is really amazing," Kudo Yukiko said with a smile, "This is the first time I met someone who found the truth faster than Yusaku!"

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

If I really want to say, it seems that Chi Feichi unlocked the code of the sun, moon and stars before, faster than him?

This is what Dr. Ali said.

After that, Hades' crime notice...

He witnessed this with his own eyes. Even if Chi Feichi said that it was because he happened to have grasped the key clue, he felt that he was comforting him.

In addition to this time, it has been three times.

Chi Feichi looked at Kudo Yusaku who frowned slightly.

Should he say something?

Frankly speaking, he was able to integrate the clues so quickly because he had read this story in his previous life, and he couldn't tell the story directly, and no one would believe it, so...

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

What was Feichi looking at him for?

This kind of gaze thinking about how to speak, could it be...

"Because I was in the game before, it was easy to think about the situation of the character, and I remembered some clues and details more clearly..." Chi Feichi said.

Yusaku Kudo raised his hand to rest his forehead, and it was true, "Feichi, this time's rhetoric seems a little too far-fetched."…

Chi Feichi felt a little far-fetched after thinking about it, and added, "And I seem to have heard similar stories before, so I thought of it all at once."

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

Don't bring such a supplement!

Kudo Yukiko looked at the powerless Kudo Yusaku, and smiled helplessly at Chi Feichi, "Okay, Xiaochi, Yusaku is very generous."

"It doesn't matter when you praise others or not." Chi Feichi finished speaking frankly, and picked up the glass to drink the juice.

Kudo Yukiko was startled by this honesty, and turned her head to look at Kudo Yusaku, "Yusaku, were you jealous just now?"

"No..." Yusaku Kudo paused, and decided to tell the truth, "It's not too late yet."

This time Chi Feichi discovered the truth faster than him. This is a fact. Hearing his wife's emotion, he only cared about recalling Chi Feichi's previous "records" and didn't think about it for a while.

When he thought about it afterwards, he felt a little bit reconciled, he was not Shinichi, he was past the age of being competitive and suddenly competing with others, but in front of his wife he was an exception.

I really haven't had time to think about that just now...

Kudo Yukiko thought about it, but still couldn't help but said, "Then you are a little slow again."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Can't help but do things, it should be the tradition of teacher Kuroba Doichi's lineage.

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

It's all been said, is he still ashamed to be jealous?

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