Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2131 Shinnosuke Ike: Childish!

"Feel sorry."

Chi Feichi tried his best to relax his body and nerves, "I'm not targeting you, I've been a little nervous these two days."

His reaction was like a son thinking that his father would kill him. It hurts a bit to think about it, but he really didn't have that kind of worry in his mind. Before any thoughts had time to arise, his body had already reacted.

"I was just a little surprised. I didn't expect you to have such a reaction." Chi Shinosuke continued to concentrate on helping Chi Feichi wipe his body, "I suddenly remembered the lions on the grassland. The other adult lions in the house have a strong sense of defense, and their tempers will also become violent. Once other lions try to get close to them, they will make a sound to frighten them. Get into a fight and you're just as insecure as the young male lion."

Chi Feichi didn't deny it, and let out a casual 'hmm'.

This time was different from the past. Even if he had a high fever, he could still easily dodge most of the attacks from others, but this time it was much more difficult. It was difficult to move his trunk, and there would be more loopholes in his defense.

Such nervousness was indeed due to the loss of the sense of security brought by a strong body.

"So I can understand that when people encounter an injured lion, they must stay far away, at least not to touch its wounds or vital parts." Ike Shinosuke put the towel into the basin, pondered, and added, "It's also like a lion. Like cats, they are easily frightened when they feel unsafe, and they are also prone to blow their hair or give someone a paw."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Well, in the blink of an eye, he changed from a lion to a kitten again in the mouth of cheap dad.

Feichi, who was squatting on the bedside table, fell into deep thought.


It can't imagine Wuming being frightened. The cat stretches its paws even if it's not frightened.

Ike Shinosuke twisted the towel again, "According to the calculation of the ark, when you breathe, the broken bone may be slightly misaligned, pulling the nerves and soft tissues next to it. It would not be so serious, but your lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and cervical spine There are too many disconnected places. Since about three days ago, your breathing will be accompanied by mild or severe pain, including when you are sleeping. It is considered very good that you can still have such a mental state. , I got up last night to check on your condition, and your sleeping condition seems to be fine?"

"My left eye is connected to the Ark, which consumes my own energy. Every night, I consume my energy to a negative value. I can sleep very deeply every time. I guarantee that it will not affect my sleep," Chi Feichi felt accompanied by The stabbing pain from breathing, "Actually, the pain near the broken bone is not very severe, just get used to it. Instead, I have been lying on the hard bed with my back for too long. No matter how I move, I feel like my bones are about to rust."

"Your condition is pretty good. According to the results of yesterday's physical examination, your leg muscles show no signs of atrophy," said Chi Shinosuke, still helping Chi Feichi wipe his body. "Your cervical spine is likely to continue. Broken, I couldn’t get up for the past two or three days, I’ll help you scrub your body today, you don’t move around tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, bear with it for a few days before talking.”…

Chi Feichi gave an 'um', closed his eyes, and listened to the hiss of the wind passing through the gap in the window.

"Is your mental condition okay?" Ike Shinosuke asked again.

"I'm mentally prepared, I'm adjusting my mood, and I won't be affected," Chi Feichi suddenly remembered something, "I can't move around for two or three days, so I can try Umbrella's new game device. "

"Alright, you go to the game to relax," Chi Shinosuke agreed, "If your mother comes to the hospital, I will tell you that you are playing a game to relax, then even if you lie on the bed and stay still, she will not doubt it. Then I will let her go to the game to find you, and let her also enter the game in these two or three days."

"What about you?" Chi Feichi asked.

"There are too many things in the company, and I may not be able to do anything..." Ike Shinosuke paused and changed his mind, "If you insist, I will also accompany you in the game, and the work can be handled online."

The father and son discussed the arrangements for the next three days.

After Chi Zhenzhisuke helped Chi Feichi clean his body, he arranged for Darcy to loosen the game helmet and hand over the task of guarding Chi Feichi to Darcy, who asked him to inject nutrient solution to Chi Feichi every day, and arranged for the servants to come over at regular intervals. Massage Chi Feichi's hands and feet.

Fei-mo's own bones are almost broken, and he can't move while lying in the box. Since no game helmet suitable for animals has been developed, at Fei-mo's request, Ike Shinosuke specially arranged two servants for Fei-mo. Stories and anecdotes in non-ink storytelling books.

Feichi and Tuanzi were also taken care of by servants, so there was no need for Chi Feichi to worry about it.

After arranging everything, Ike Shinosuke left the hospital, ready to go home and ask Kamiike Kana to go to the company to use the cocoon equipment.

Chi Feichi used Umbrella's yet-to-be-disclosed game helmet, and the two entered the cocoon game platform first.

After the helmet was powered on and the debugging was completed, Chi Feichi's eyes went dark.

I don't know how long it took, but the surroundings seemed to slowly take shape.

When he saw the things in front of him clearly again, he was on the deck of a big ship,

Outside the ship is a vast and boundless dark space, streaks of silver light are like crazy meteor showers, flying out from different places, and sinking into the darkness in the distance.

And he is like a weightless spirit body, he can freely control himself to float in every direction, and he can also transmit his consciousness to nearby.

"Godfather!" The figure of Sawada Hiroki appeared on the deck, with a blue and white metallic umbrella floating on his head, floating in front of Chi Feichi, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "When you use the game helmet At that time, the Ark detected your left eye, and by default you entered with the highest authority, and it is really amazing that you can directly reach the Ark! The level of intelligence of your left eye after matching with the Ark is somewhat beyond my expectation, by the way , how do you feel now?"

Chi Feichi stretched out his hands and looked down at his own palms that were no different from the outside world, "It feels very strange, very free."

He suddenly understood why Hiroki Sawada was obsessed with becoming an Internet ghost, and he didn't regret it at all.

It was an indescribable comfort.

Here, his soul is completely free. The body that appears to him and others is just an illusion. Everything can be changed according to his will. He can freely control the changes in the palm lines, and can also change the size and color of the palm , and even make yourself into any appearance. …

In contrast, the outside self seems to have been subject to the body.

"Is it comfortable here?"

Sawada Hiroki smiled in a good mood, and with a thought, the surroundings quickly turned into mountains and forests.

The sunlight passed through the gaps in the green leaves and sprinkled on the two of them.

The breeze was blowing, and the fragrance of soil seemed to be floating in the air, bringing the cicadas and birds in the distance to their ears.

Chi Feichi also joined the idea creation game, adding a group of climbing humans around, using the data template of the ark, endowing this group of humans with bodies, personalities, and languages, and designing them so that they are not much different from real humans.

The group of people walked on the mountain path step by step. After seeing Chi Feichi and Sawada Hiroki, one of the girls smiled and waved hello, "Hey! Are you coming to climb the mountain too?"

Hiroki Sawada held the Ark umbrella in his hand, turned his head and smiled back, "Yes, big sister."

"Let's rest here for a while too!"

A group of climbers were very humane. They rested on the spot and chatted with Hiroki Sawada.

"Are you two brothers coming to climb the mountain?"

"No, this is my godfather."

"Really? We are classmates in the same university, and we are also in the outdoor camping club. This time, we made an appointment to climb mountains together during the summer vacation..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Will his godson be lonely on the Internet? If it doesn't exist, Sawada Hiroki and npc can play back and forth.

When Chi Feichi was silent, the virtual person did not forget him.

"Why doesn't your godfather speak?"

"He doesn't like talking to strangers very much, always has."

"So that's the case, I thought he couldn't speak..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It feels really strange to be complained about by my virtual character.

When Hiroki Sawada chatted with a group of climbers, he still didn't forget to turn his head and whisper to Chi Feichi, "Godfather, grandpa and grandma are here. I sent them the location and asked them to come here first."

As soon as the words fell, the figures of Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana appeared at the end of the mountain road.


Ike Kana turned into an image of a 19-year-old little loli, hugged in the arms of the indifferent and speechless Ike Shinosuke, and arrogantly pointing to the road.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Shinosuke! Hold me over!"

Ike Shinosuke had black lines all over his head, "At least you should pay attention to your image in front of your children."

"A man without a sense of humor," Chi Kanai puffed his face, "I'm going to let the dragon take your little princess away!"

In the next second, a red magic dragon with wings appeared behind the two of them, spraying hot breath on the ground, rolling up dust.

Chi Feichi: "..."


Ike Shinosuke: "..."


A group of people climbing a mountain is not a magic template, they stare blankly in place.

Chi Feichi was speechless, and silently added the mountaineering crowd setting to the magic story template, and raised the flame dragon to a higher level.

Chi Jianai, who was one level below Chi Feichi's level of authority, was surprised to find that the magic dragon was out of his control. He was caught by the magic dragon's claws and flew into the sky with him.

"Hey? Hey?!"

Chi Feichi watches as the loli version of Chi Kana is taken away.

Ike Shinosuke was even more speechless, and whispered, "Hurry up and let your mother come here."

"Wait a minute..." Chi Feichi controlled the settings with his thoughts, looked at Chi Zhenzhisuke and said, "I added a little wisdom and strength to the magic dragon, so that my mother can play for a while, you guys work hard."

"You guys are so naive," Ike Shinanosuke said, and began to add a map for locating the magic dragon in his hand, and then added a set of golden 'Holy Clothes' to himself, and flew in the direction where Ike Kana was taken away , and did not forget to warn Chi Feichi, "I will bring your mother back, if you make trouble again, be careful and I will beat you after you go out!"

Lao Chi said it as if he could beat him outside...

Chi Feichi slandered, but didn't make trouble anymore, recalling the suit of 'Fire Defense 9999' that Chi Shinosuke added to himself, "He also said that others are naive, isn't he very skilled at playing..."

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