Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2138 Battle in Moonlit Snow Forest

Hot weapon actual combat training stage.

Face masking, four-player matching, random maps.

During the preparation, Chi Feichi took a look at the weapons chosen by the others.

Ike Kana chose a small pistol with little recoil, strong stability, and a size suitable for women.

Ike Shinosuke chose the Kasumi bullet gun with strong firepower, probably because he planned to do the main firepower output.

Sawada Hiroki has an adult shell on his body, and his body data are similar to those of ordinary adults. Probably considering that he is not very suitable for the perspective and activities of adults, he chose to run without long distances, but destroy the body. Powerful rocket launcher.

In addition, there are auxiliary equipment such as flares and grenades.

Seeing that the three of them chose their weapons according to their own characteristics, Chi Feichi chose a sniper rifle and two grenades.

When the map is unknown, it is necessary for the team to have weapons with different combat styles.

It doesn't matter what other people choose, he fills in.

Sawada Hiroki watched the progress of both parties and reminded, "The other side is also ready."

Just entering the official battlefield, the four of them felt a chill.

Winter, moonlit night, jungle.

The surroundings were covered in white, and the pale moonlight passed through the gaps in the leaves and shone on the snow all over the ground.

The field of vision is not too dim, but it is easy for people to overlook the figures in the dark of the woods.

"The most troublesome map," Sawada Hiroki analyzed in a low voice. "There are too many obstacles in the woods. The enemy can squat behind the trees to avoid the fire of the Xia bullet gun. The vision is not clear enough, which affects the performance of the sniper. My rocket launcher It takes time to fill the shells and aim. It is not as flexible and fast as a pistol. It is very disadvantageous in short combat, and the enemy's location is unknown. Map suppression, compared to urban warfare in urban lanes and open places, this map is very disadvantageous to us."

"My advantage is a little bigger than you think," Chi Kanai whispered, "I received blindfold training when I was a child, and since then, my hearing has been stronger than ordinary people, and I am also more sensitive to changes in wind direction caused by human walking , It is very quiet here, there will not be too strong wind in the forest to interfere with my judgment, and I can explore the road alone."

"It's also very important to pay attention to the snow." Ike Shinosuke looked at the snow under his feet, "The snow on the ground will leave footprints, and the snow on the trees may fall with people's actions. If the opponent has someone who is good at tracking, it is easy to lock our position based on the traces, and even judge our combat plan in advance based on our personnel movements. When it was snowing, someone was successfully raided for being distracted."

Seeing that the three of them had almost analyzed the situation, Chi Feichi said, "Don't consider the disadvantage of the terrain, our disadvantage will also be the opponent's disadvantage. We have sniper rifles and rocket launchers, and we have enough long-term combat power. My mother is here It has an advantage in exploring the road and is suitable for using a 112 formation."

"Do you want to find a way to find out the enemy's equipment configuration?" Sawada Hiroki thought about it, "In the mode of shielding the appearance, the physical characteristics will also be shielded. I don’t know, the other party is the same, at this time, most people will choose to test the enemy’s details first.”…

"We must explore, but we must also move." Chi Feichi looked at the distribution of trees around him, and pointed to the direction where the trees are slightly denser. You can move freely behind you, and when you encounter enemy scouts, he will be responsible for fire support, you don’t need to worry about footprints for the time being, just try to avoid contact warfare as much as possible, and find out the situation as soon as possible.”

Hearing Chi Feichi's calm and confident voice, Chi Kane nodded without thinking too much.

Chi Feichi looked at Chi Shinosuke again, "When you meet an enemy on the road, if there is only one person on the other side, join hands to kill the other party. If there are more than one person on the other side and my mother is about to die, I hope you will not act rashly and take cover immediately. Of course, it’s okay if you don’t want to, we’re just here to experience combat, even if we lose, it doesn’t matter.”

"Since it's just to experience combat, I have no choice but to make Kana feel wronged."

Chi Shinosuke hinted that he would put the overall situation first.

Chi Feichi nodded, and then urged, "Take your walkie-talkie and turn it on every minute or so, so that I can hear what's going on on your side. Don't use the walkie-talkie to communicate on the way, it will easily reveal your location, wait until we find out After confirming the situation and safety, I will use the walkie-talkie to report. I will look for a high place here and try to help you keep an eye on the surrounding situation. However, the trees in that area are relatively dense, so I may not be able to keep an eye on it. If you encounter enemies, you can use Flash bombs or signal flares, help me lock the enemy's position, if there is no problem, you start to act now, Noah needs to stay and make some preparations to test the opponent's situation."

Ike Kana and Ike Shinosuke walked into the dense forest without much hesitation.

"Godfather, what do you want me to do?" Sawada Hiroki asked curiously.

"In this relatively open space near us, run around a few times randomly, making your footsteps seem chaotic and irregular," Chi Feichi took out two grenades on his body, handed them to Hiroki Sawada, and pointed to the trees on the other side The distribution is also relatively dense in the direction, "Then use the grenade to pull a grenade trap triggered by a rope, and then come back here to load the rocket launcher, and fire a shot in that direction, trying to hit the canopy as far away as possible."

In this area, in some areas the trees are too sparse to hide, and in some areas the trees are too dense, which will limit the performance of the sniper. If the opponent has a sniper, either choose him to let Chikana explore the way to hide, or choose him Make the base for the side pointed by Hiroki Sawada.

He asked Chi Kanai to confirm the safety over there, just to find a base for his side.

If you are unlucky, Ike Kana and Ike Shinosuke will have an encounter, it must be a hard battle, and people on both sides will be injured or killed.

If they are lucky, they can get a base area suitable for snipers without loss.

And let Hiroki Sawada make a trap in that direction and shoot that way. If you are lucky, you may be able to directly kill and severely injure the opponent's snipers. They have bazookas with strong destructive power and large coverage. What a pity.

Even if the opponent's sniper is not hit, the opponent has locked the position of the rocket launcher because of this. As long as the opponent's commander is not vigilant enough and sends people around, the person who comes over may touch the rope grenade and cause casualties to the opponent. …

In this actual combat training, there is only one life, and every member is a precious combat power.

As for letting Hiroki Sawada run on the ground, it is because they will retreat after firing a shot. This is to prevent the opponent's snipers from seeing the footprints on the ground remotely and knowing where they are retreating.

At the same time, this method of launching a shot soon after the opening can also involve the thoughts of the opponent's commander: what is their purpose for doing this? Blindly betting on a sniper? Or do you want to deliberately expose a false location and create a trap?

As long as the opponent's combat commander thinks about these issues, he can consume part of the opponent's energy.

"I see," Sawada Hiroki vaguely understood Chi Feichi's plan, and said in a low voice, "I will try my best to choose a high place suitable for the opponent's sniper to hide."

Chi Feichi nodded. Seeing Hiroki Zetian running in circles, he also chose a tree that was convenient for hiding, and climbed up to a high place with a sniper rifle on his back, to let the Chi family and his wife enter the dense forest. It simulates various possibilities in the future.

The best situation is that the opponent is actually a very good team, or there is no commander who controls the field at the beginning and formulates an action plan as soon as possible, so that he can slowly wipe out all four opponents by himself.

But he won't count on 'victory depends entirely on the opponent's food'.

It is best to treat the enemy as a troublesome opponent from the beginning and fight it with the most serious attitude.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

Hiroki Sawada left a lot of messy footprints on the nearby snow, then pulled a rope at the foot of the two trees, made a grenade trap, returned to the middle of the open space, aimed the rocket at the dense forest, and asked softly through the walkie-talkie, " Godfather, do you fire now?"

"Wait a little longer," Chi Feichi lay on the tree, observing the situation around the Chi family couple through the scope of the sniper rifle, "wait for news from my mother."

In less than a minute, Chikanai's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "I have gone deeper than 300 meters, and I have not encountered any enemies. The woods are safe."

"Got it, you continue to confirm the safety of your location," Chi Feichi said on the walkie-talkie, "Noah, fire."


Sawada Hiroki fired a cannon into the dense forest, and the loud sound shook off the snow on the canopy.

Chi Feichi didn't look at the fireball burning in the canopy over there, put away the sniper rifle and went down the tree, "Noah, let's retreat and go to the forest to meet our mother and the others."

Ariike Kana advanced into the woods to confirm safety, and the two retreated into the woods smoothly.

But while walking on the road, Chi Feichi heard a muffled sound echoing above the forest.

Sawada Hiroki also heard that voice, and said in a low voice, "It's a sniper rifle, and the position is in the direction where I aim to fire."

"It's troublesome," Chi Feichi turned on the walkie-talkie, and at the same time increased his speed, "the other party probably has two snipers."

"Why?" Chi Kane asked puzzled.

"There are four people in each team, and each person is a precious combat power, so the commander will also bring weapons to prevent his own firepower from being insufficient," Chi Feichi explained softly, "And the commander needs to be in a convenient place to observe the battlefield, The position should not be too close to the front. At this time, it is best to choose a sniper rifle. Even if you are not good at using sniper rifles for fire support, you can still observe the movement of the battlefield and make tactical adjustments for yourself. Generally speaking, the action commander You must ensure that you are safe enough, and in order to observe and command without being disturbed by the enemy, you will try not to reveal your location."

"The opponent's sniper exposed his position, indicating that they probably have two snipers, one is the commander, and the other is the person who uses the sniper rifle as fire support," Sawada Hiroki quickly reacted, thinking, "The two of them are probably not in the same position, and they are distributed in two directions of the forest over there in the form of horns. In this way, the other party can let the two snipers observe different directions, and find a safe area faster than us. It may be ready by now..."

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