Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2143 I hope the young master can withstand it

Taking advantage of the free time just now, Chi Feichi used his left eye to link to Fangzhou, and read the inspection reports uploaded in recent days.

After his consciousness entered the online world, the bones of his spine continued to be disconnected from the middle. As of yesterday morning, from the last segment of the lumbar spine up to the first cervical vertebra down, none of the upper and lower bones were connected together. of.

Feimo's side was similar, except for the bones on the wings and legs, the ribs on his body were broken in pieces. The medical experts who checked them were worried that Feimo would be in great pain, so they kindly injected Feimo with anesthesia. Let's see if Feimo can sleep through it.

As for Fei Mo's opinion...

His consciousness is absent and his body is dormant. Even if Fei Mo has an opinion, the medical experts will not understand it. At this time, Fei Mo's opinion is not important.

In short, according to his current feeling, with each breath, the pain he can feel is more obvious than the previous few days, which is like evidence that he is still alive, and apart from the movement of his head and hands, It was difficult for his torso to move, and even his legs had no strength, and he looked like a dead body that had entered a rigor state. Combined with the pain, he felt like he was crazily wandering between life and death.

It also made him a little curious, did Dalsey let him eat something, was he going to take a tube and pour it into his stomach?

"Master..." Jane called softly, and put the food box on the table beside the hospital bed.

Chi Feichi turned his head slightly, and greeted Jane, "Are you here?"

Jane slightly lowered her head to look at Chi Feichi, and nodded heavily with reddish eyes, "I'm here!"

Chi Feichi felt that the scene was a bit strange, "Can you stop acting like I'm dead and you are standing in front of the coffin mourning my life story?"

Darcy: "..."

Young master really dare to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jane raised her hands and pressed the corners of her eyes with her index fingers, her face instantly calmed down, "I just didn't expect you to be injured so badly, lying here without even a pillow, I have taken care of you for so many years , but you have never been wronged like this."

"Lying flat on a hard board bed is good for the recovery of the young master's waist. The pillow will lift the neck bone, which may strain the soft tissue, which is not good for future recovery," Darcy explained, not even bothering to give Jane a speechless expression. One, went to the bedside and raised half of the hospital bed, leaned over and said to Chi Feichi, "Jane brought you breakfast, I've seen it, you can eat it."

Jane picked up the food box, opened the lid, sat on the high stool next to the hospital bed, picked up a spoon and stirred the porridge in the food box, "I know the heat preservation of the food box, I calculated the time to put the porridge in, Now it should be lukewarm, and it tastes just right. I only put a little salt and no extra seasoning. The taste may be very weak. You can taste it first. If you don’t like it, just let me know in time and I will ask someone to help you. You change to another flavor."

Dalsey looked at Jane, suspecting that Jane came here to compete with him for a job.

Chi Feichi looked at the spoonful of porridge that Jane handed to him, hesitated for a moment, and ate it with Jane's hands.

He also wanted to do it himself, but he was worried that Jane would see that he couldn't sit up, so it would be better to use more strength to stabilize his head.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a soft voice, "How is it? Is it still to your taste?"

"Recently, I just want to eat something light." Chi Feichi replied with dignity.

Darcy sat on the other side of the bed, and quietly helped Chi Feichi stabilize the lumbar support in the back with his right hand, so that Chi Feichi would not have to sit so hard.

"It's fine if you like it," Jane thought Dalsey was just worried that she would choke on Chi Feichi's food, so she would sit on the other side of the bed and watch, but she didn't take it to heart, and didn't notice Dalsey's little trick, giving Chi Fei Chi fed the porridge, frowned slightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to be injured so badly..."

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and ate the porridge in the spoon, "If you came a few days ago, my situation might be better."

Darcy said with a serious face what Ike Shinosuke explained, "After the young master was injured, he got up and got up and down the wheelchair by himself, and ran around in the wheelchair all day, which caused his waist injury to become more serious, and he had to stay in bed for a period of time."

"You don't pay attention to your body too much," Jane looked at Chi Feichi disapprovingly. When she mentioned this, she thought of Chi Feichi's plan to expose herself to an explosion on London's Tower Bridge. Feeling more and more that Chi Feichi just didn't pay attention to his physical condition, sighed, and slowed down his voice to persuade, "No matter what you do, your body is the most important actuator, and only by taking good care of your body can you do what you want to do... "

A spoonful of porridge.

"It's like you can't do anything in bed now, if you take a good rest from the beginning, the situation will be much better now..."

A spoonful of porridge.

"When I was still in Japan, I also told you that people who don't care about their bodies are like children. You can do everything well, but this aspect is really worrying..."

A spoonful of porridge.

"Let's talk about the male owner of our neighbor's house at that time. He was so busy with work every day and often drank too much. Before we left the house, he fell ill several times, which worried the family and delayed his work. , I heard that he was often hospitalized two years ago..."

A spoonful of porridge.

"You should pay more attention at ordinary times, and don't always do things that hurt your body. Some small physical conditions are easy to be ignored by others, but the accumulation of small things adds up..."

Listening to Jane's non-stop chanting, Darcy couldn't help thinking of the years when he worked together in the Japanese Ike family, and also remembered that he was dragged by Jane because of his inappropriate attire at the beginning. Let’s talk about the painful experience of correct dress etiquette. My head started to hurt, and I secretly observed Chi Feichi’s reaction.

Once Jane gets angry, it will be a headache to read. I hope the young master can withstand it.

Chi Feichi has gotten used to Jane's 'occasionally broken thoughts', eating the porridge in the spoon without changing his face, his brain automatically captures the key point of 'please take care of your body', and filters out everything else by his ears.

Jane made up her mind to let Chi Feichi understand the importance of good health, so she handed over another spoonful of porridge and was about to say, "And..."

"It's enough," Chi Feichi didn't drink any more porridge, and turned his head slightly, "I don't want to eat."

"Don't you think I'm too wordy, and you're angry with me?" Jane put the spoon down temporarily, "You still think the porridge doesn't suit your taste?"

Darcy complained in his heart: Jane still knows that she is long-winded? He, who didn't eat breakfast, was almost full.

"No," Chi Feichi closed his eyes, "It's too early, I don't have much appetite."

There was no food in his stomach for several days, and suddenly there was more food in his stomach, which made him feel uncomfortable in his stomach. If he continued to eat, he was worried that he would spit it out.

The experience in the online world is good, but staying in it for a few days will cause too much damage to the body.

Dalsey reacted immediately, lowered the raised bed board, leaned over to talk to Chi Feichi, and helped to cover, "The doctor is sure, recently you should pay attention to the indigestion caused by lack of activity. It is best to eat less and more meals , as long as you remember."

Jane thought it would be better to eat less and eat more, so she put away the spoon and the food box, "The porridge should be cold in a while, if the young master wants to eat later, let the servants prepare other porridge...Darcy, can the young master and I Talk alone?"

Seeing that Chi Feichi nodded, Darcy got up and went to the door of the ward to guard.

Jane turned her head and looked at it until she saw Darcy closing the door, then she looked back and said in a low voice, "I still have unfinished investigation tasks in France, after the things here are over, I will go to France Continue to investigate, just finished the matter the day before yesterday, when reporting, that person mentioned in the email reply that you were injured when you fell from the horse, so I took a temporary leave and came back to London to see you."

"When are you going to leave?" Chi Feichi asked directly.

"Before I came back, I planned to see your situation before making a decision." Jane leaned forward and stretched out her hand to help Chi Feichi pull the quilt. "If you don't need to take care of me, I'll see you and leave. If your condition is not good, I will stay." Come down to take care of you, that one also agreed."

Chi Feichi looked at the white ceiling of the ward, "That one...does he know my grandmother?"

Jane's hand that was still hanging above the quilt stopped for a second before slowly withdrawing it, and she sat back on the stool, "In the organization, it is taboo to leak information about other members of the organization, and it is especially taboo to leak that person's information." Unforgivable mistake."

Chi Feichi didn't force it, "Then just pretend I didn't ask."

"However, since you want to know, it's okay for me to tell you briefly." Jane looked at Chi Feichi's paler face than before, and sighed helplessly. When I come back to take care of you, I should also think that it is always difficult for me to refuse your request when I see your sickly appearance..."

Chi Feichi: "..."


Forget it, as long as you can get some information from Jane.

"Not only the old lady knows that one, but also the old man." Jane opened her mouth like a bomb.

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Jane, "My grandfather also knew him?"

"That's right, when they were alive, they all had a connection with that person, a closer connection than I have with that person," Jane paused, organizing her words, "Let me start from the beginning, when my father After the death, my mother and I often quarreled, and as a result, we were seduced by a bad boy in the neighborhood. One night, we went to the bar with two of his friends. When we got there, he suddenly touched me, and I I feel angry, but I also think that my strength is hard to match them. If I resist rashly, I might anger them, so I quietly threw a piece of fruit peel at his feet while one of them got up with a cup. , he slipped when he stood up, and the wine in the glass was spilled out... After all, at that time, there were two men in black sitting next to him with an indescribably stern look, which looked very strange. So annoying..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

The man in black...

That's really not easy to mess with.

"I just let them quarrel with other guests, and I took the opportunity to slip away," Jane spread her hands, "I did, but when I slipped away, the two men in black didn't get angry. To be precise, the two people who were poured with wine were indeed very angry, but they didn't argue with them, they just gave them a vicious look..."

The story that follows is more clichéd.

Three young guys who were drunk and unrestrained in their actions met two mysterious men in black who were sitting and drinking.

Here I accidentally spilled wine all over my body and I am very arrogant: What are you looking at?

Then there was no more, the two men in black didn't reply 'What are you doing', they stood up and put them down neatly, and the process of putting them down was extremely violent.

"I've arrived at the door and heard a muffled sound. When I looked back, the bad boy was lying on the bar with his head bleeding, and the other two fell to the ground, without any movement," Jane said with emotion. "It's only a blink of an eye. When I thought of this, I was worried that I would be angered by those two men in black, so I quickly opened the door and rushed out of the bar..."

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