Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2160 She understands too well

Chi Feichi temporarily put the phone on the side of the wheelchair, put away the card, and looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimi who walked nearby but hesitated.

Nanatsuki Yueshui was hesitant to step forward to disturb the two of them, but when he saw Chi Feichi's questioning gaze, he turned his head and looked at Dr. Ali, who had figured out the puzzle, "Sorry to bother you, everyone was worried before. Your body, the doctor is always telling cold joke puzzles to lighten the atmosphere, I have heard a lot, so..."

"Sure enough, it was to avoid the doctor's cold joke. I thought you were really looking for Brother Feichi for something." Hui Yuanai also swayed aside, leaning back against the barbed wire outside the football field, and said coldly, "Since It's a cold joke, so just count me in, don't worry, I won't bother you."

Seeing Kazuya Nakaoka looking at Hui Yuan Ai, Chi Feichi introduced, "This is my sister, Hui Yuan Ai."

Hui Yuanai froze for a moment, straightened up, and said to Nakaoka Kazuya, "Hello, I am Hui Yuanai, please give me your advice."

After living in the upper class of England for a while, she has been abused, and now she greets people less formally, and she feels uncomfortable as if she forgot to do something.

"Hello," Kazuya Nakaoka smiled, and then asked doubtfully, "Don't you two have the same surname?"

"She is my mother's goddaughter." Chi Feichi explained.

"I see," Nakaoka Kazuya still couldn't help but look at Hui Yuanai, "However, her expression is really similar to yours back then, and she has no vitality like an old man~"

Haibara Ai:"……"

old man?

Kazuya Nakaoka stopped teasing, looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Then, this is..."

"This is Nanatsuki Koshimizu," Chi Feichi introduced, "A female detective from the south is now developing in Tokyo."

"Hi, I'm Yueshui," Nanatsuki said to Nakaoka Kazuma, "Please give me your advice in the future."

"I've heard that it's a female detective who has been active in Mihua Town recently, right?" Nakaoka Kazuya recalled, "It's in the same area as Mr. Mori's detective agency."

"Yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki glanced at Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi is Mr. Mori's apprentice, I rented Mr. Chi's house in Mihua Town to open an office, which is very close to the Mori Detective Agency, so I have been Take care of them."

"Mr. Mori's apprentice? No wonder you have been staying together, so you came here together..." Nakaoka Kazuya turned to Chi Feichi, "I remember you went to Dongdu University, right? Are the detectives interested?"

Hui Yuanai leaned back against the barbed wire again and yawned.

Haven't these two chatted for a long time before? Why didn't you even talk about the current situation?

However, Brother Feichi has always lacked the desire to share, probably never thought about talking about her recent life, she is used to it.

"At the beginning of the year, I had some mental problems. I was treated in the hospital for a period of time, so I decided to graduate early." Chi Feichi did not hide the fact that he had been in a mental hospital. It is also interesting to witness some bizarre cases occasionally."

"Mental problems, you are always alone, no wonder..." Nakaoka Kazuya sighed in a low voice, and soon smiled at Chi Feichi, "But you seem to have many friends around you now, and you are also affected by the little ones." The child likes it, and the condition looks good, and it will definitely get better and better in the future!"

When Chi Feichi heard Kazuya Nakaoka say 'in the future', he understood that Kazuya Nakaoka probably didn't intend to involve him.

He now needs to rely on a wheelchair to move, and his activities are inconvenient. If he encounters an explosion, it will be really troublesome.

Death is unlikely, his bones should still be able to carry him, but if the injury is compounded, or if he accidentally injures a spinal nerve, then he will probably have to live in a wheelchair for a long time.

What is more difficult for him to accept than death is that he has lost the ability to live but is still alive. This may also be an indelible arrogance in his bones.

"It's the second one!" A voice came from Dr. Ali's side, and a group of players in blue uniforms came over. One of them smiled kindly and said to Dr. Ali and others, "It should be the same as the 'handball foul'." Hands' about..."

Kazuya Nakaoka turned his head to pay attention, and spoke to Chi Feichi in a low voice, "It's Endo Yasuhito, a well-known midfield commander in professional football, and has been selected for the national team."

Chi Feichi nodded casually in response.

He is really not interested in football. Even if he was interested in football when he was a teenager, he was beaten to lose interest in his previous life.

The kind of mental training from "why lost again" to "oh, lost again" made him get used to "if you are not interested or pay attention, you won't care".

Kazuya Nakaoka smiled and looked at the small football in the box on Chi Feichi's lap, "You are still the same, you have no interest in football, so how did you start to like Higo of the BIG Osaka team?"

"It's a misunderstanding..." Chi Feichi looked down at the football ornament, "But that guy is not bad, when he first joined the BIG Osaka team, he was targeted by the fans every game, regardless of his performance. Whether he performed well or not, the fans on both sides were booing him, but he was able to finish the game with a steady mind and a good mentality."

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, but said nothing.

She also watched that game.

The Tokyo Novaru team and the BIG Osaka team have always been deadly rivals. Ryusuke Higo actually switched from the Tokyo Novaru team to the BIG Osaka team, and then represented the BIG Osaka team when the two teams played.

The fans of the Tokyo Novaru team think that Ryusuke Higo is a traitor. Not only did he switch to the team's arch-rival, but he also stood up to be an enemy of his original teammates. When watching the game, he felt resentful.

Higo Ryusuke once represented the Tokyo Novaru team and defeated the Osaka BIG team several times. The fans of the Osaka BIG team also had resentment against Higo Ryusuke. They didn’t realize that Higo Ryusuke played for their favorite team and expressed Out of hostility.

At the same time, some people used to like Bihu Longyou very much, and felt that Bihu Longyou's job-hopping was too powerful and ungrateful. Likes turned into dissatisfaction, and many people started to oppose Bihu Longyou.

In that case, Bihu Longyou was able to stabilize his mentality to participate in the game, and he used sweat, strength and success to let others understand that he is still him, the person who loves football, thus regaining the love of a large number of fans. She also feels that Bihu Hu Longyou was brave and determined, and it was a miracle.

Being trapped in an organization, but meeting a group of guys with a strong sense of justice, Brother Feichi must be suffering too, she understands the feeling that she is not a human being inside and out.

The success of Bihu Longyou can let them see a hope - maybe it's not that bad, as long as they keep their minds and try hard, maybe they can see a miracle.

Even if it is impossible for miracles to happen to them, as long as Higo Longyou is always loved by others, it can at least show that miracles still exist.

Thinking about it, Hui Yuanai smiled helplessly.

She suddenly felt that she should be able to understand Brother Feichi. Others said that the two of them looked like brothers and sisters, so she should have thought of it. Keep a safe distance, so their attitude towards strangers becomes similar.

The reason why she became like this is probably because she has seen a lot of ugly people in the organization. She has seen or heard of many people betraying friends, lovers and family members for profit, and some are because of timidity and cowardice. Before people like Lan, it was difficult for her to trust people's hearts, and she went abroad to study very early. Faced with troubles and difficulties, she didn't want her sister to worry, so she could only bite the bullet and solve them by herself. She always had to find a suitable way of survival, such as enough The vigilance and the mask of 'I'm not easy to mess with'.

In fact, thinking about it the other way around, Brother Feichi must have seen a lot of the dark side of human nature. With the organization's aggressive style of doing things, even the outsiders can know that some people are just and selfless on the outside, but they are acting like dogs behind their backs. However, her godmother and Uncle Shinnosuke had over-raised her in the early years, and Brother Feichi had to face and solve many things by himself. Thinking about it this way, it seems that Brother Feichi is not so difficult to understand.

Of course, even if she always calls her sister to report good news but not bad news, but if she couldn't bear it before, just listening to her sister's voice on the phone would relieve her a lot. Isn't there such a person? she does not know.

Perhaps it is precisely because of those differences in experience and personality that Brother Feichi is more defensive than her, and it is also more difficult for people to guess his thoughts, including her.

Well, maybe Brother Feichi is still a 'mystic'...

"I've watched that game, Hiho is really amazing," Kazuya Nakaoka smiled a little emotionally, "But I still don't understand why Hiho left the Tokyo Novaru team, Tokyo Novaru The team attaches great importance to him and has been cultivating him.”

"It's related to a secret that has nothing to do with money or future." Chi Feichi said.

The reason for Bihu Longyou's job-hopping has not yet been discovered by the major media, but he has seen it in his previous life and knows the reason.

Higo Takasuke has a half-brother, Endo Luyang, who is the child of his mistress and has a different surname from Higo Takasuke, but the two brothers get along very well, and they both like football.

At the beginning, the Tokyo Novaru team signed Endo Luyang, who did not perform very well, in order to sign Higo Ryusuke, but this year, the Tokyo Novaru team removed Endo Luyang, and Endo Luyang left Tokyo After the Novaru team, he went to the BIG Osaka team as a trainer, and Ryusuke Higo also followed suit.

This experience is very similar to the Miyano sisters. Because the organization valued Miyano Shiho's pharmaceutical talent, Miyano Akemi was also tied to the organization. After Miyano Akemi was abandoned and executed by the organization, Miyano Shiho also ran away...

He is still able to understand the organization, or Gin including that one.

Miyano Akemi brought the opposing enemy into the organization to lurk, and almost let the general Gin Jiu be ambushed and arrested by the FBI. Her own loyalty will already be doubted—would this woman have known the identity of Akai Shuichi long ago and helped hide? Could he have surrendered to the FBI? If you stay in the organization, will you one day help the FBI to be an undercover agent or have colluded with the FBI to become an undercover agent?

This is like a barbed thorn nailed into the flesh. If you want to pull it out, you have to consider the existence of Miyano Shiho. Pulling out the nail will bring out the flesh, and it will be uncomfortable if you don’t pull out the nail. The organization has endured it for two years, and the value of his little sister is high enough.

Afterwards, Miyano Akemi actually planned to take her younger sister away from the organization and go to find the organization's deadly enemy, Shuangsu Shuangfei...

If such a person appeared in his team, he would only have one thought - to kill her! Must kill her!

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