Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2165 what is the attitude towards the wounded

After dinner, after eating a meal of moderately salty food with outstanding taste, Gin cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks contentedly, and went out to prepare to stay up late for work.

Chi Feichi made some coconut milk tofu, and while waiting for it to freeze, he went to the basement to check, and found that the person really didn't plan to talk to him, so he took the frozen coconut milk tofu and his pet and left, letting the wheelchair After running for an hour, I sent the coconut milk tofu to the Maori Detective Agency.

It was getting late, and the reporters and passers-by on the street had already left. The lights on the second floor of the Maori Detective Agency were still on, and several figures inside were projected on the glass windows.

Hearing the knock on the door, Mao Lilan stepped forward to open the door, stepped back to make way in surprise, "Brother Feichi? Why are you here?"

In the room, a group of people who were discussing the case stopped.

There is a whiteboard in front of the wall, with a few photos pasted on it, and there are many traces of writing in circles.

Meguro Shisan, Chiba Kazunobu, Shiratori Rensaburo stood in front of the whiteboard, Mori Kogoro, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Conan sat on the sofa, there was not much tea left in the cup, and Mori Ran holding the kettle All the same, everyone was surprised to see the wheelchair enter the door.

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he looked around the room, and then operated the wheelchair to go to the coffee table, "I saw the news report on the explosion, so I came here to take a look."

The lights in the small building across the street were not on, but Yue Shui was still here.

"Brother Chi..."

Mu Mu Thirteen stared blankly at Chi Feichi. Although Kogoro Moori said that Chi Feichi was injured when he fell from a horse, seeing Chi Feichi sitting in a wheelchair with his own eyes still gave him an unacceptable shock.

Mori Kogoro came back to his senses, glanced at Chi Feichi with half-moon eyes, and said in a casual tone, "We are discussing the relevant suspects, and we have already got a clue, and Police Officer Mu Mu has also sent someone to monitor suspicious people, you are here I can't help you, didn't I tell you to rest at home?"

"Appropriate sugar supplementation is good for thinking," Chi Feichi's reaction was still lukewarm, and he knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair. After the storage compartment was opened, he took out a box of coconut milk tofu and put it on the coffee table "I brought you desserts for ten people. It's enough, Xiaolan. Can I trouble you to go upstairs and get a spoon."

"Ah... I'll go now," Mao Lilan hurriedly turned and went out, "Wait a minute!"

Kogoro Maoli looked at Chi Feichi's cold and lifeless expression, silently reflected on whether what he said just now was too much, actively helped distribute the boxes, and explained in a whisper, "I'm not saying you can't help, It's just that you are late, we have basically finished talking about what should be said..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also got up to help, handed three boxes to the table in front of the three policemen, and said with a smile, "Officer Megure, Officer Shiratori, and Officer Chiba, this is yours."

Mu Mushisan did not expect to have this benefit when meeting at the Maori Detective Agency, "Ah, thank you..."

"Uh, thank you very much." Chiba and stretched out the box, looking at the wheelchair's eyes shining, "But Mr. Chi, your wheelchair is very cool, you can't tell it from the outside, and it can hold so many things inside !"

Mu Mushisan glanced at Chiba and Shinobu with black lines on his head. …

That's right...

Wheelchairs are cool, but it doesn't mean sitting in a wheelchair is also cool. It's better for them not to mention this in front of Brother Chi, right?

"Since Mr. Chi specially sent food here, let's take a break for a while. I heard that the food made by Mr. Chi is delicious, and I can finally try it today," Shiratori Ren Sanlang smiled kindly, and picked up a box Coconut milk tofu, sitting on the sofa, turned to Chi Feichi and asked, "I heard Mr. Mao Li say that you were injured after falling off a horse, but I didn't expect you to come back and I haven't visited you all this time. Is your injury better? "

Mu Mu Shisan sat down beside him.

Finally, their police force has someone who can speak.

"I just came back the night before yesterday." Chi Feichi took care of Conan's little short hand, and helped pass a box of coconut milk tofu to Conan's hand. "The injury is much better."

"Thank you, brother Chi," Conan said with a smile on his face, "but it's troublesome to hurt a bone, so you should pay attention to rest!"

"Hot springs are very effective for fractures. Conan kid broke his leg last time. We took him to soak in it, and the effect seems to be really good." Mouri Kogoro lifted the lid of the box and said without raising his head, "wait After you have been busy for a while, and it is convenient for you to take a hot spring, let's go and try it together."

Chi Feichi really wanted Qin Jiu to see his attitude towards the wounded.

"Okay, okay," Mao Lilan directly put a bunch of spoons in a basket and entered the door, put the basket on the coffee table, and said with a smile, "The spoons have been brought, and the hot tea will be ready in a while, everyone can enjoy the refreshments!"

The case discussion meeting, inexplicably, turned into a food tasting meeting.

Feichi and Feimo also shared a box together, put them in the small plates that Mao Lilan found out, and tasted them with their probes.

Conan tasted a piece, his eyes lit up, "It's really delicious!"

Mao Lilan smiled and nodded, "Yeah!"

Chi Feichi also took a box with his hands, opened the box, dug a piece with a spoon and tasted it.

Coconut milk tofu is not tofu made of soybeans. It is purely made of coconut milk, milk, agar, and sugar after freezing to make milk cubes. After cutting, soak in the soup soaked in osmanthus petals. It is smooth and sweet, and it melts in the mouth. The aroma of coconut milk and light floral notes linger in the mouth for a long time.

He thinks this is a dessert that is very suitable for girls. After controlling the sweetness, it tastes good to him.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki finished a piece slowly, smiled and rolled his eyes, "It seems to have a faint floral fragrance, and it feels like it's revived all of a sudden. How did you do it?"

"It's not complicated to make," Chi Feichi explained, "Osmanthus flowers are indeed soaked in the soup. If you want to make it later, I can tell you how to make it."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang quickly swallowed the milk in his mouth, "Can you tell me too?"

"Hey?" Mao Lilan asked curiously, "Officer Shiratori, are you also interested in making desserts?"

"No, no," Shiratori Ren Saburo smiled a little embarrassedly, "I think Mr. Xiaolin will like it."

Chiba and Shino immediately stopped eating and eating when they heard the words, "I also... want to learn too."

Chi Feichi temporarily put down the box in his hand, took out a notepad and a pen, wrote down the raw materials and production methods, and tore off the pages and put them on the table. …

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mao Liran probed to look.

"It doesn't seem complicated to do..."

"Yeah, let's try another day..."

While other people were watching the production method, Mori Kogoro was unmoved, and ate the milk cubes leisurely. He was just about to pull Mu Mushisan and say "you are so good", when he raised his eyes, he saw Mu Mu Shisan's His eyes were also frequently glancing at the piece of paper.

Mu Mushisan secretly glanced at the dessert making method on the paper.

He is also a man with a wife.

I am usually busy with work, so I will take a break someday in the future and make a delicious dessert for my wife. It will also make my wife happy, right?

Maori Kogoro:"……"

How could Officer Megure...

Wait, Eri should also like this kind of dessert, but he is not sure that he can make it, and everyone is making it and eating it, it seems not unusual, but...

How about he take a look too? Let's have a look first.

While others were looking at how to make desserts, Chi Feichi looked up at the whiteboard by the wall.

Photos of five people were pasted on the whiteboard: Shinzo Yamamori, director of the sports news department of Nikkei TV, Kaoru Kaoru, a photographer of Nikkei TV, Ryosuke Sakaki, the junior student of Kogoro Mouri, Keiichiro Motoura, the president of the Kabado factory, and Keiichiro Moto Keiichiro Ura's son Tomoshi Motoura, and his old classmate Kazuya Nakaoka.

The photo of Tomoshi Motoura was pasted under the photo of Keiichiro Motoura, it was circled, and the arrow was drawn pointing to Keiichiro Motoura, it should appear as the information of relevant personnel, and the four people except Tomoshi Motoura were all from the explosion suspect in the case.

Nanatsuki Koshimi found that Chi Feichi was looking at the whiteboard, and said in a low voice, "The bomber called the Maori Detective Agency with a voice changer, and when he reminded Mr. Maori that the word 'hand' was in the password, he mentioned 'yes handball foul', so we suspected that when Endo-san mentioned 'handball foul' that day, the murderer was near us."

Chi Feichi nodded, expressing his understanding, "The murderer will mention 'handball foul', which can also show that he is a football fan or someone who is very familiar with football games."

"Yeah," Mori Kogoro wrote down the dessert making method in three or two lines before looking at the whiteboard, "If it were me, I would probably say 'hands and feet'..."

Mumu Shisan and Shiratori Rensanlang looked at each other, and asked Chi Feichi to understand the situation, "Brother Chi, this time the gymnasium exploded, the place the prisoner chose to place the bomb was the electronic meter above the auditorium where the fans of the Tokyo Spirits team are located. We speculate that the prisoner may have resentment towards the Tokyo Spirits team. Kazuya Nakaoka had a car accident three years ago and seriously injured her left foot. Afterwards, she was canceled by the Tokyo Spirits team. I heard that you and Nakaoka are high school classmates. Do you think it's possible for him to resent Tokyo Spirits for that?"

"Nakaoka told me that after he was injured in a car accident, the Tokyo Spirits team did not give up on him immediately, and was still willing to let him join," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "It was he who refused."

"I also told Officer Megure about this," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said hesitantly, "but Mr. Mori thinks that he met you, a high school classmate whom he hadn't seen for a long time. It's very depressing, that's why I said that..."

"Young people always save face!" Mori Kogoro said carelessly, "It's too embarrassing to say that I was disqualified by the Tokyo Spirits team. It would be better to say that I rejected the Tokyo Spirits team!"…

Mu Mushisan looked at Chi Feichi seriously, "Brother Chi, what do you think? Is it possible for him to lie for the sake of face?"

Chi Feichi put aside the case that he already knew the murderer in advance, and only thought about Kazuya Nakaoka's personality. After thinking about it, he said, "In high school, Nakaoka was a very proud person. At that time, he might have said Some big words, but now...he didn’t hide his confusion for the past two or three years that day, and talked about his decadent life in his hometown of Qunma, I think he shouldn’t lie to me for the sake of face.”

Conan sighed inwardly.

The appearance of the word "I think" means that the testimony carries the witness's own subjective thoughts, and loses the fairness that should be imparted from a neutral position.

Just mentioning that Nakaoka did not hide his confusion in the past few years is still not enough to prove that Nakaoka will not lie.

Just like before, there was a guy who had plastic surgery as "Kudo Shinichi" and ran to them to kill people. Hattori insisted that "Kudo will not kill people", but he couldn't come up with a rational and fair basis. The only function of testimony is to judge the witness and The relationship between the parties and the wishes of the witnesses themselves.

Hattori believed in his character, so he firmly believed that he would not kill people. Chi Feichi did not believe that Kazuya Nakaoka would lie to him, so he said 'he will not lie to me' without sufficient evidence.

However, Chi Feichi was much more sensible than that guy Hattori, he did not insist on 'no' or 'impossible' like Hattori, and used the words 'I think' to show that he has no evidence, just his own thoughts , do not want to interfere with their judgment.

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