Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2186 Burning pockets with too much money

That day, Takato Yannan followed Chi Feichi to eat, drink and go shopping in the park.

In the evening, Detective Ryu from Kawado Detective Agency invites Chi Feichi, Mori Kogoro, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and other well-connected detectives to an izakaya for a party.

Takatori Yano was also sitting in the car waiting, not drinking at all, staying sober at all times, like a fighter ready to go to battle at any time.

Conan ran with Chi Feichi for a day without giving up, and after confirming that there were no suspicious people around Chi Feichi, he realized that Yan Nan Takatori was just "he has a job to be taken seriously", and he was completely relieved when he was speechless. , The next day I obediently carried my schoolbag to school.

During the days when the student party was in school, Chi Feichi asked Yan Nan Takatori to take him to the vicinity of the laboratory in the port area. He stayed in the laboratory for two hours before reaching the side of the road and called Yan Nan Takatori to bring someone. pick yourself up.

Takato Yannan didn't care about Chi Feichi's disappearance or what to do. According to Chi Feichi's request, he only brought two people who were skilled in moving wheelchairs. After picking up Chi Feichi, they drove to accompany Chi Feichi. Fei Late ran a trip to Yokohama Chinatown.

Before picking up Chi Feichi, the bodyguards would take the time to finish their lunch, and Takatori Yannan was no exception, so Chi Feichi was the only one eating lunch in Chinatown.

Fortunately, Chi Feichi reserved a private room in advance, so he was not surrounded by other diners when he ate alone with three bodyguards standing behind him.

After lunch, Chi Feichi sent the other two bodyguards to move around freely, and asked Yan Nan Takatori to accompany him to have a look around Chinatown.

Takatori Yannan looked at the people all over the street, and holding the box containing Feimo, he moved a little closer to Chi Feichi's wheelchair, so as not to be unable to take care of him if someone hit the wheelchair, "Even if it's not a holiday, the people here are still Less."

"Whether it's a holiday or not, there are many people who come to Chinatown to eat. After all, Chinese food is very famous." Chi Feichi let the wheelchair drive along the corner outside the shop, looked at the goods in the shops along the road, and tried to find something he could be interested in. Objects, "You don't have to be too nervous, just come with me to relax, and you can buy two back when you meet something you are interested in."

"Then I'll have to take a closer look..."

Takatori Yannan smiled and spoke casually, and was soon fascinated by all kinds of weird things.

An hour later, Chi Feichi bought some herbal medicines for bruise ointment and some medicinal materials for food supplements at a herbal medicine store. Takatori Yannan heard Chi Feichi say, "The quality of the medicinal materials here is good." , Immediately bought a bunch of tonics such as ginseng and wolfberry.

Two hours later, Yan Nan Takatori walked out of a jewelry store with a bag, and bought a bunch of small items such as Chinese knots, opera masks, dragon and lion dolls, etc.

Three hours later, Takatori Yannan was carrying large and small shopping bags with both hands, and the items in them were mandarin ducks, daggers, old porcelain vases of unknown age, folding fans, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, etc.

Chi Feichi tidied up the storage space vacated by the wheelchair, stuffed the herbs he bought into a storage compartment, and took over the work of taking care of Feimo. He looked up and saw Takatori Yannan looking down at the porcelain bottle in the bag , Speechless, "Takatori, I said earlier that the vase wasn't really an antique, why did you still buy it?"

"Because the uniform cracks on it look good," Takatori Yannan said disapprovingly, "and after you said it was a fake, boss, the owner immediately lowered the price by more than ten times, so it's like buying a vintage ornament. "

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "What about the ink, paper and inkstone?"

Takatori Yannan is right about the porcelain vase, but how can a person who doesn't even know how to use ink sticks buy a set of pens, ink, paper and inkstones?

Takatori Yannan looked serious, "I think I can study it. When I get old, I might be able to practice calligraphy."

Chi Feichi nodded in understanding.

He understands that Takatori means that money burns his pockets, and he wants to buy new things when he encounters them. In other words, it is because Takatori is with him, in a criminal organization, it is easy to get money, and it is not easy to spend money to buy fun. Distressed.

Takatori Yannan said, and took another aim at a shop with the slogan "Chinese divination", "Chinese divination? I haven't tried it yet...Boss, do you want to go and have a look?"

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and checked the time, "The last one, we will return to Tokyo in an hour."

"Okay!" Yan Nan Takatori nodded happily, waited for Chi Feichi to drive the wheelchair, and immediately followed into the store with a bunch of his own things.

The store door is narrow, barely enough for a wheelchair to pass through, and a white cloth with slogans written on it is half-curtained at the door to block the sunlight outside.

The shop is not too big, it is illuminated by a dim electric lamp, a counter is placed against the wall, and wooden tables and chairs are placed in the corner, making the overall space look dim and cramped.

However, because there are many props such as bells and long ropes hanging on the ceiling, and some totems are painted on the walls, it has a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

A round middle-aged man was guarding behind the counter, dressed in a brown jacket and gray trousers. When he saw someone entering the door, he immediately had a happy smile on his face. He stepped out of the counter to meet him, "The two Guests, welcome."

"He wants to divination."

Chi Feichi raised his chin to Yan Takatori beside him, expressing that he had nothing to do.

As a person with mysterious power, it's not that he doesn't believe in metaphysics, it's just that he doesn't believe that there are so many people in the world who have mastered metaphysical power.

However, instead of throwing a lot of money at a place of debauchery, he also thinks that Takatori spends money to buy some novelty objects and have some new experiences.

Takatori Yannan immediately stepped forward and temporarily put the shopping bag on the counter, negotiating with the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man introduced the items in the store to Takatori Yano, made hot tea, and invited the two to sit at the table.

After listening for a while, Chi Feichi roughly understood that the shop owner and the fortune-teller were all middle-aged men in front of him. He said that the fortune-telling was not very accurate, and it should be regarded as the traditional Chinese "horoscope" theory.

Takatori Yannan originally entered the store with the mentality of "experience fun". After hearing the middle-aged man say that he was in charge of divination, although he felt that the middle-aged man in front of him did not look like a wizard at all, he didn't care, he was happy He reported his birthday cooperatively, watched the middle-aged man write and draw on a piece of paper, and asked curiously, "Is there any ceremony to be held next?"

"No, it's fine like this," the middle-aged man still had a smile on his face, and he looked like a businessman with the idea of ​​"harmony makes money". "Mr. Takatori, I don't know how to exorcise demons and pray for blessings. Doubts, and I don’t promise to answer any questions.”

Such a sentence made Chi Feichi raise his eyes and take a serious look at the middle-aged man.

If the man said that Takatori Yan Nan will soon be bloody, that he needs to spend money to pray for blessings or buy things, he will supervise Takatori not to spend a lot of money stupidly.

Many fortune tellers will make themselves appear omnipotent, and perform some mysterious rituals to increase their sense of mystery, but this man does not want rituals, and second, he directly says that he does not know how to exorcise demons and pray for blessings. up.

"It doesn't matter, it saves time without the ceremony, and I don't like that kind of slow-moving ceremony, so do whatever you can," Takatori Yano didn't care about the authenticity at all, and was only interested in the experience of the service project , "Not sure what questions I could ask? Lifespan? Or... luck?"

The middle-aged man looked up at Yan Nan Takatori, and the smile on his face restrained a little, "Let me tell you something about your past first, if you are right, you can ask me again, if you think it is wrong, the divination fee that was agreed before , you don’t have to give it.”

Takatori Yannan didn't expect the middle-aged man to suddenly become serious, startled for a moment, nodded, and quickly added, "The divination fee is not too much, since you have spent time, no matter what you say is right or not, I will give it to you." of."

"You are so bold!" The middle-aged man returned to his smiling face, looking at the paper in front of him with many marks written on it, "Then let me talk about what happened before you were twenty..."

As Takatori Yannan listened, his face gradually changed.

At what age did he have an accident, his general relationship with his parents, at what age did his parents die...

All of these can be said, and they are all right. Isn't this a bit too bizarre?

After seeing ghosts in the boss's house, if he finds out that divination really exists and can be very effective, his worldview will be completely destroyed.

"I left my homeland in the next few years. Although there was no shortage of food and drink, my life was full of turmoil, wandering around, and living in no fixed place..." The middle-aged man said, adding a few words on the paper from time to time, and suddenly saw the wrinkled words under the pen. After frowning, he continued to raise his head and smiled at Yan Nan Takatori, "Be calm and prudent this year, don't be impulsive and take risks, and it will get better and better in the future."

Chi Feichi was sitting in a wheelchair drinking tea slowly, when he heard the middle-aged man say this, he raised his eyes to look at the paper in front of the man, and recognized the Chinese characters on it, "Punishment, physical strength...prison disaster."

He doesn't know how these are calculated, but he has heard of some theories.

The smile on the middle-aged man's face stagnated, and he looked up at Chi Feichi in surprise.

From the time the two of them entered the door, he could tell that this young man in a wheelchair was above Mr. Takatori. They were dressed like bodyguards and bosses, but they were relatively close, like friends, and this young man was too quiet. , seems to be very introverted, so he can safely let the young man stay aside, not worrying that the guests will feel that he is negligent in entertaining.

This is the second sentence the young man has said since he entered the door. He wrote the first four words on the paper, but he did not write the four words "prison disaster" on the paper, but was written by the young man. Speak up.

Takato Yan Nan turned his head to look at Chi Feichi in surprise and doubt, "Prison disaster?"

The middle-aged man came back to his senses, saw Takatori Yannan cast an unclear look at him again, raised his hand and scratched his hair in annoyance, looked at Takatori Yannan seriously, and said, "Okay, since Mr. Takatori trusts me , and so easy to talk, then I will say it straight, you are likely to be imprisoned this year, I hope you will not do anything that violates the criminal law, avoid people and things that violate the criminal law, restrain greed, and do not have What an adventurous idea, find a place to spend this year safely and securely."

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