Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2188 deeper rules

"It is."

Chi Feichi nodded and put the topic aside, he and the original consciousness can be regarded as brothers, "Next, I just need you to see her fortune in the past two years."

"Is she... a girl?" The middle-aged man nodded, took another blank sheet of paper, and prepared to record it, "You said birthday, it's still the same, it's best to be specific about the time of birth."

Chi Feichi recalled the materials he had read, and declared his birthday neatly.

Takatori Yannan was curious about whose fate Chi Feichi wanted to ask, and hearing the birthday sounds familiar, he recalled who it was.

Like the boss, he knows women with birthdays... Doesn't there seem to be such a person?

Wait, if it is a target of action, then it is possible. Calculated by the year of birth, it should be a young girl in her twenties...

The middle-aged man wrote and drew on the paper, and quickly said, "This girl...should be very beautiful, right? The relationship with the opposite sex is amazing, even if she is not very beautiful, she will be above average, and her body There are other attractive charms, and at the same time, she is also a smart person, but this girl has a high spirit, has a peach blossom and blood evil in her hits, and has the possibility of manipulating other people's feelings..."

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Takatori Yannan immediately had a personal information form in his mind.

Reiko Shimizu!

He remembered that during the previous Yokohama operation, he had read Reiko Shimizu's information in advance, which contained information such as birth certificates, school enrollment certificates from childhood to adulthood, etc.

"If I'm right, then let me tell you about her fortune for the past two years." The middle-aged man looked up at Chi Feichi, and seeing that Chi Feichi didn't deny it, he continued to look at the paper and said with a frown, "It's the same this year. Signs of violating the criminal law, there is... the calamity of prison."

"Are you sure?" Chi Feichi asked.

In the original plot, Reiko Shimizu will indeed be imprisoned this year, but because he crossed over, Reiko Shimizu is already dead.

This is a death that the organization has repeatedly confirmed, so there shouldn't be any problems.

The middle-aged man looked down at the paper for a moment, then nodded, "I'm in prison like Mr. Takatori. If I restrain my greed, keep my duty, and stay away from all things and people that violate the criminal law, I may be fine through this year. But if there is a slight mistake, this prison disaster will not escape."

"What about next year?" Even though Chi Feichi knew that Reiko Shimizu was dead, he still asked about Reiko Shimizu's future, "Will there be any problems with her body and other aspects?"

"Next year..." The middle-aged man looked at the paper seriously, "There will be no problem with her health. She has been in good physical condition since she was born, and she won't have any serious illness for forty or fifty years."

"Thank you for your answer, I don't have any questions," Chi Feichi said, maneuvering the wheelchair to turn around, and greeted Yan Nan Takatori, who was frowning and thinking, "Takatori, we should go."

"Hey!" The middle-aged man stood up behind the table and looked at the stack of 10,000 yuan banknotes on the table, "Is that all you ask?"

Chi Feichi didn't look back, and operated the wheelchair to go to the store door, "This is enough."

After asking these questions, he was able to confirm what he wanted to confirm - he could change the fate of these people, and after he had an intersection with someone, the fate of these people had the possibility of changing.

Takatori Yannan looked at the stunned middle-aged man, got up and went to the counter to pick up a bunch of things he bought today, frowning and thinking, "Boss, what he said is not wrong, right? But there are some things It can be changed..."

"Some people have seen through some fixed laws of fate and recorded them, and some people have speculated or corrected some fixed laws through years of observation and statistics. The so-called fate determined by the time of birth is only inferred from this law. However, life is full of variables, and some people will be the biggest variables, and any interference will affect the final calculation results of others," Chi Feichi walked out of the shop in a wheelchair, stopped temporarily, and turned to look The middle-aged man who saw them off, "Am I right?"

The middle-aged man nodded sternly, "That's the truth. The stereotyped result is not unchangeable, so I want Mr. Takatori to be more careful this year, hoping that he can avoid disasters. However, I can't guarantee that I can really avoid it." , There are too many variables in life, I know it’s contradictory to say this, but even I am sometimes confused, not knowing what I see.”

"Sometimes I think that the change of other people's fate is due to my own influence, but when I look deeper, I suspect that everything is predestined, but I didn't see the deeper rules before," Chi Feichi looked at the lights after the sky darkened The well-lit Chinese-style street said in a soft and calm voice, "Those rules are like attractive black holes, attracting people to think, explore, and then repeat the process of 'doubt, exploration, verification', but think too much It’s easy to lose your mind.”

The middle-aged man thought about it for a while, and then showed a rich and festive smile on his face, "I want to live on this, and I can't stop thinking about it. If you are free some other day, you can come and sit in my shop for a while. We can do whatever we want. Chat and drink tea, and exchange ideas by the way."

"If you are so reluctant to let me go, why don't I answer another question," Chi Feichi raised his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man, "Why do you guess that I am the brother of the horrific fate, not a friend? Or, I The question is, does the person who kills the fate have brothers and sisters?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment unconsciously.

On the street illuminated by shop lights and decorative red lanterns, passers-by behind a wheelchair of a young man in black came and went, looking up at him calmly, the tranquility of his body seemed not to be disturbed by the smell of fireworks around him.

A second ago, he still heard the cheerful chatting and laughing of the girls on the side of the road like birds, and the flattering laughter of the group of company employees who entered and exited the hotel obliquely ahead, but with the palpitations in his heart and the chill on his back, those The sound seemed to disappear in the ears.

His intuition told him that he couldn't say any more about that fateful situation, and he always followed his intuition.

With a decision in his mind, the middle-aged man quickly put on a smile again, and said with a smile, "His fate is too special, and I can't know if he has other brothers and sisters. I just guessed casually. I am withdrawn, I think relatives are more likely to understand and care about him than friends.”

Chi Feichi nodded, without further questioning, and went to the intersection in a wheelchair.

Yan Nan Takatori followed Chi Feichi with big bags and small bags, turned around and saw that the shop owner had already returned to the shop, and said in a low voice, "Boss, that fatal your birthday, right? The shop owner hesitated for a moment after you left the shop, he may not have told the truth..."

"I don't want to embarrass him, and I shouldn't expect others to give me answers."

Chi Feichi didn't say much, watching the crowd coming and going, let the wheelchair drive forward slowly.

He would not embarrass such people, just like he would not embarrass Koizumi Hongzi.

It's useless to be embarrassed. Others can't intervene in some things. If he intervenes, it will cause a chain reaction just like he tried to change the ending of some people's murder and arrest, making the development more unpredictable.

And like what the shop owner said, they take it as a special experience, listen to it, and pick out useful content to encourage themselves. If they become dependent, they will lose their way.


It's late, half past seven.

The black commercial vehicle drove across the Kubato Central Bridge, slowed down, and stopped with the convoy waiting for the traffic lights ahead.

Takatori Yannan had put aside the previous 'mysterious divination', sat on the seat next to Chi Feichi, lowered his head and teased Feimo in the box on his lap, "Feimo, it's been a long time since I brought those crows with me Is there a mess in the sky?"

Fei Mo stared at Yan Nan Takatori, "Huh?"

This guy doesn't open any pot and lifts which pot, he is provocative!

"Don't be angry, there's nothing you can do about this kind of thing," Takatori Yannan looked at Feichi, who had only poked his head out of Chi Feichi's collar, "Look, Feichi stays with the boss all day , it turned out that it was not crushed, but you were crushed..."

Feimo turned his head and yelled at Chi Feichi, "Master, can you tell Takatori to shut up?"

Just as Chi Feichi was about to speak, he noticed that his phone was vibrating, so he took it out and looked at it, "Takatori, stop teasing it, I'll answer the call."

Takatori Yan Nan nodded seriously, leaned over to Feimo, and muttered in a low voice, "You're pretty good at suing."

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Takatori Yannan approached, Feimo stretched his neck quickly, and kept pecking at the hair on Takatori Yannan's head.

it sucks...

Enduring the pain, it also pulled Takatori's hair off!

On the side, Chi Feichi looked at Yan Nan Takatori who was covering his forehead and retracting his head, and connected the phone, "Teacher?"

"Feichi, where are you?" Mori Kogoro said briskly, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I went to Chinatown in Yokohama, and I just returned to Kabado-cho," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I was about to find a place to eat."

"Huh? That's just right, Xiaolan is going to participate in the karate competition tomorrow. Today, she will be training at school and will stay at school for the night. Conan and I are also going out for dinner. Mihua Town has a neighborhood committee event recently, and many shopkeepers I have been invited to go on a hot spring trip, not only the Polo Cafe downstairs, but also the whole street, there are no shops open," Mori Kogoro said with a smile, "so Conan and I chose a shop in Kabado-cho , since you haven’t eaten yet in Kubato-cho, would you like to come and eat with us? I treat you!”

"Did you win the lottery today?" Chi Feichi asked.

Mori Kogoro choked, and complained speechlessly, "Even if I didn't win the lottery, I would treat you to dinner, really... I just called you because it's not convenient for you to cook recently!"

"Sorry," Chi Feichi glanced at Takatori Yannan next to him, "But Takatori accompanied me to Chinatown in the afternoon, and he didn't have dinner, so I still want to find a place to treat him to a meal..."

"Is that bodyguard of yours? Since he hasn't had dinner yet, let's invite him to come with you! And your bodyguards..." Kogoro Moori said, and quickly added, "But let me talk first, tonight There is no big meal, only ramen can be eaten, so don't be too picky!"

"No problem, then let's go there," Chi Feichi asked, "The address of the store you mentioned is..."

"In the middle of the commercial street at Kubado-cho 3-chome, the shop is called Ogura Ramen Shop. Conan and I have already arrived at the commercial street..." Mori Kogoro looked forward to inquiring, "Speaking of which, this commercial street is not far from your residence. Yuan, have you ever eaten here? Do you know how the ramen tastes in this store?"

"Xiaogura Ramen Shop..." Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "I've been there, and the taste is good."

The Shinigami elementary school student is finally ready to attack his favorite ramen shop.

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