Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2194 Look at the famous detective cold

"So that's how it is," Mu Mu Shisan could guess that the friend Chi Feichi was talking about was a step late, and felt sorry for the tragedy in front of him, "Your friend sent a registered letter in the morning, and even if you are in Tokyo, the registered letter will be delivered in the evening." It can only be delivered to Mr. Xijin’s home, and Mr. Xijin probably came directly from the company tonight, and he is going to go back after eating ramen. If he didn’t choose to come to the commercial street tonight, but went home directly, he should be able to see The anonymous letter that wrote the solution proposal, then the tragedy of his death might not have happened..."

Chi Feichi let out a 'hmm'.

That's right, as long as tonight is over, Xijin may not die, but tonight, Xijin came to the commercial street and bumped into the plague god.

Toru Amuro or the plan of the Japanese government was severely sanctioned by the pupil of the god of death, and he suddenly wanted to gloat...

However, this probably also reminded him that it is indeed difficult to prevent the death of someone, and it is impossible to intervene in place.

Mu Mushisan sighed, and waited for the other people to leave the ramen shop after the search, before saying sternly, "Brother Chi, I have another question for you to confirm, since Mr. Xijin's situation is difficult, then he may commit suicide ,Right?"

Chi Feichi thought about it carefully, then nodded.

Actually facing Xijin tonight, he found that Xijin's state was not right, and when he repeatedly mentioned the topic of death, he really felt ashamed.

Even if he hadn't been killed tonight, Xi Jin might not last long before he would kill himself when he was desperate.

"I see," Mu Mushisan nodded, "Brother Chi, you should wait outside the store too. If possible, please try to contact your friend. He is the person who investigates Xijin. Maybe know some details that may be key!"

Chi Feichi was in no hurry to leave, "Do Takatori and I need to cooperate in the search?"

He is a good citizen and will actively cooperate with the police in investigating the case.

Takato Yannan came to the store without any dangerous items on him, and also looked at Mumu Shisan.

"If you haven't touched the dead person, you don't need it for now," Mu Mushisan didn't think Moori Kogoro or Chi Feichi would kill people, and searched Mouri Kogoro's body because Mouri Kogoro was the last person who touched the dead person , but Chi Feichi, who has a spinal injury and is in a wheelchair, can't reach far. It's good to take care of himself, and considering that Takatori Yannan can't poison the dead without touching the dead, he sent the two of them out, "But you don't Leave or just throw away your belongings, if the investigation does not progress, the possibility of the murderer putting something on you may not be ruled out, then maybe you will need to cooperate to check your belongings!"

After Chi Feichi and Takatori Yannan went out, Conan was also thrown out by Mu Mushisan.

"And you, Conan, you go out and wait too!"


Conan looked at the closed door, a little speechless.

It would be troublesome if the scene was cleared too cleanly, and he couldn't find clues inside.

Chi Feichi went to the side in a wheelchair, took out his mobile phone and replaced it with a casually bought mailbox to log in, and sent an email to Anshitou with only the content of [Xijin is dead]. Street thinks about Xijin.

In his previous life, he didn't know about Xijin's situation, nor did he pay attention to Xijin's mentality.

A person who has been suppressed by the society for a long time, betrayed by his relatives, and the company is about to go bankrupt, a person who seems to have no hope of living...

Just now when Mu Mu Shisan asked him if Xi Jin had the possibility of committing suicide, he was thinking that something Xi Jin said before eating ramen was worth pondering.

"It seems that this store won't be closed for a while... That's really great, but our company is like a car on fire. It really makes me want to die..."

"If you can die if you eat it, this store will probably close down... Maybe just inject some poison..."

Xijin wants this ramen shop to close down, there is no doubt about it, but the reason why Xijin wants the ramen shop to close down tonight is not because he wants his own acquisition to go smoothly, but because he hopes that the ramen shop that hinders his survival after his death will not be good What's next?

Nishijin realizes that Atsushi Yanaka wants to kill himself, and accidentally discovers that the temples of his glasses have been touched by Atsushi Yanaka. He guesses that Atsushi Yanaka has put poison on the temples of his glasses. On behalf of showing hostility, and ordering a bowl of ramen, when the time of death is approaching, looking at the ramen, reminiscing about his life, murmuring his feelings, and then using the chopsticks stained with poison to put the ramen into his mouth, dragging an annoying barber shop owner into the water, let A nasty ramen shop fell into the mentality of 'dead man' public opinion, and ate the poison along with the ramen...

If it is an ordinary person, the possibility of doing so may not be great, but Xi Jin, who has spent most of his life in a violent society, no matter how he looks like a businessman on the surface, there is still a kind of "I want you to peel off your skin" in his bones Ruthlessly, it is likely to do so.

And once it is assumed that 'Xijin knows', many details are more reasonable.

For example, after Nishijin entered the door, he was still arguing with Kokura Koya, pretending to want Kokura Koma to sell the store quickly, but then Yan Zhong came in and talked and laughed with Kokura Koya, saying that he is a bad builder At that time, Xijin did not respond. It may be that Xijin fell into a depressed mood and did not want to argue again, or it may be that Xijin has achieved the purpose of letting Ogura Katsuya and Ohashi Aya show malice, and felt that there was no need to talk to them at the last moment. what……

For another example, when Conan asked Xijin to help with the chopsticks, Xijin did not help in time, nor did he directly refuse, but was distracted thinking about something. It may be that Xijin was distracted before and did not react, but it may also be Xijin’s only conscience suddenly He came out, hesitating whether to let an innocent child risk his life to entrap this ramen shop...

In those violent clubs in Japan, the punks may have no scruples, but people with a little status, facing a weak existence that cannot threaten them, sometimes have the idea of ​​​​"take care of them", which is a strange thing." chivalrous'.

Well, it's different from the demented organization members.

In short, judging from Amuro Toru's investigation data, according to Nishijin Tokusheng's temperament, ability, situation and mentality, it is very likely that Nishijin Tokusheng "sent himself to die".

On the side, Conan guided Mori Kogoro to explain the order of making ramen. Through Mori Kogoro’s questioning of other people, he learned that Ogura Kogoro was in charge of the noodles and soup base, and Ohashi Saiyo was in charge of sprinkling the side dishes. It was confirmed that both of them committed crimes. On the contrary, he was even more uncertain about who the murderer was. Seeing that Chi Feichi was distracted while looking at the street, he hesitated for a moment, and swayed to the wheelchair.

"Brother Chi, do you have any clue about this incident?"

He wasn't too happy to come over to ask Chi Feichi this question, but he was worried that Chi Feichi would give him the answer, spoil his reasoning fun, and hurt his confidence.

But at present, he has no clue about the murderer's identity and modus operandi, and he can't resist asking Chi Feichi, so he can only comfort himself: It is also necessary to pay attention to communicating with his friends and actively communicate clues, and leave Chi Feichi alone. No matter how much you think about it, it is a good thing to help solve the case...

Chi Feichi looked back at the street, "Wait for the police to confirm where the toxin is stained."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. Seeing that he and Chi Feichi were on similar progress, he smiled and prepared to answer with Chi Feichi, "That's right, the three of them have a chance to poison..."

Chi Feichi looked at the street again, thinking about how to overturn the table and end tonight's incident.

At present, there are not enough clues, and he can't lift the table even if he wants to.

When Mu Mushisan confirms where the toxin is stained, he should be able to turn the table...

Conan: "..."

Hey, isn't Chi Feichi going to check the answers with him and have a back and forth reasoning? What's so cool about the street?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why is Conan standing motionless next to him?

According to the personality of a famous detective, shouldn't he go over there and chase the three suspects to ask questions?

In the silence, Takatori Yannan said, "Boss, since Conan is with you, I'll go to the side to smoke a cigarette, and I'll be fine soon."

Chi Feichi nodded at Takatori Yannan with his head sideways, then looked at Conan who had been looking up at him, and was silent for a while, "Do you feel cold?"

So stand next to his wheelchair and take shelter from the wind?

"Huh?" Conan was taken aback.

Does his coldness have anything to do with the case? Or is 'cold weather' the crux of the case?

"Wait a minute..." Chi Feichi pressed the touch button on the armrest with his left finger, and after the armrest cover slid open, he took out the folded thin blanket from the storage compartment, spread it out, and stretched out his hand to cover Conan , "Only this, just be patient."

Tonight's weather is very cold. When the cold wind blows, I feel my whole face is stiff.

The famous detective is now in the body of a child, and he may not be able to tolerate the cold. Looking at the cold, he didn't even investigate the case, and hid beside his wheelchair to avoid the wind...

Conan stretched out his hands to pull the blanket, exposing his head, and stretched out his hands to wrap the sides of the blanket tightly. Facing Chi Feichi's sudden "warmth in winter", he was still a little overwhelmed, "Thank you, Brother Chi..."

Outside the ramen shop, Kogoro Mori was communicating with the three suspects.

Next to him, Chi Feichi was sitting in a wheelchair, and Conan was wrapped in a blanket and standing beside the wheelchair. The two silently looked at the street and lost their minds.

Further outside, Yan Nan Takatori was leaning against the wall with a lighted cigarette in his mouth, glancing at Chi Feichi and Conan from time to time, and then at the passers-by in front of the distant warning belt.

His boss is so kind to that kid named Conan, that kid named Conan also has a kind of child's attachment to his relatives to his boss...

He would have thought so if he hadn't known that Gin had targeted Conan with Chianti and that his boss hadn't even tried to intercede.

He really didn't understand what his boss was like.

Wrapped in a blanket, Conan felt that the cold wind was blocked, and his body was much warmer than before. He stared blankly at the street in a daze.


He felt that something was weird, but he couldn't tell what it was.


Mu Mu Shisan opened the door and left the store, attracting the attention of other people.

"Officer!" Mori Kogoro hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "How is the investigation going?"

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