Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2201 The wish in the depths of the subconscious

"The last three changes?" Koizumi Hongzi recalled curiously, "You mean, you and Feimo grew wings, you and Wuming had fire in their bodies, and Joshua became younger three times?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi tore a hole in the oral nutrient solution bag without raising his head, "In Joshua, the change only happened to me. When that change happened, I pulled you to that place. In space, we considered a possibility at that time——a cycle of change ended, and then a new cycle really entered, the change no longer happened to me alone, but to me and a certain creature on a certain platform Change together... Do you still remember the location of the creature statue on the platform? If you start from Joshua and count in the counterclockwise direction..."

"I remember the statue of Wuming is next to Joshua!" Koizumi Hongzi's eyes lit up, trying to recall, "Joshua, after Wuming, is Feimo, Feichi, Tuanzi, Feili, Feichi, a total of seven phases In the subsequent fan-shaped partition, Feichi appeared twice... That is to say, to decide which creature you will change with next time, start with Joshua at the beginning, rotate counterclockwise, and then go with you Changing right and wrong, right?"

Chi Feichi took a sip of the nutrient solution and continued, "At present, it is indeed in this order, and before each change, I call it the stage of energy accumulation, the sky and the ground of that space will slowly occur. Change, when Joshua’s change began, that space was just formed, and two space scenes appeared, one was the blue-purple nebula above the head, and the white platform under the feet, corresponding to the attributes of the seven elements, and the other space scene was the black sky above the head The silver star and the black platform under the feet correspond to the seven original sins. After Joshua’s transformation, the entire space becomes a state of night, and gradually turns into day in the process of accumulating energy, which is the state of elemental attributes..."

Koizumi Hongzi reacted, "Next, the changes between you and Wuming are related to the element attributes, that is, the fire element represented by Wuming."

"After the change between me and Wuming ended, the space gradually transformed into the state of the Seven Original Sins in the process of accumulating energy, with the silver stars in the black sky above the head and the black platform under the feet," Chi Feichi looked at Feimo who was drinking the nutrient solution, " So this time there is no element attribute, if we speculate according to this law, the next change will be done by me and Feichi, and the earth element of the fan-shaped plate where Feichi is located will appear."

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't care less about eating cake rolls, she frowned and thought, "These two changes between you and Feimo, and you and Joshua, if they don't correspond to elemental attributes, they should correspond to the seven original sins. Your changes have something to do with the seven original sins." Does it matter? I remember that Feimo is greed, right? When it comes to the representative creatures of greed in legends, there are crows, goblins, foxes, and echidnas. There are crows in them, and you and Feimo's black wings, It's more like the wings of a crow, and it can also switch between human and crow forms..."

"Joshua is unfaithful, and the representative creatures are succubus, goat, scorpion, and rabbit," Chi Feichi reminded, "After Joshua became young, he has a very strange aura."

"It's very holy, making people more willing to look at him, listen to him, and believe his words," Koizumi Hongzi paused every word with a serious expression, "It's a succubus!"

"I think so too. Joshua's change probably represents the succubus, and Feimo is its main body, the crow." Chi Feichi paused, "Although it is not yet sure which creature the change represents. Laws, but our changes seem to be related to their subconscious desires, Joshua seems to have been troubled by his aging, but he has nothing to do with human aging, so he has become younger."

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Feimo, "Then Feimo's wish is..."

"I think it should be to become a human being," Fei Mo Zhengtai's mouth curled into a smirk, which made his immature face reveal an evil intention, "It's not wrong for me to correspond to greed in the Seven Deadly Sins. I am very greedy, and I don't want to. Give up the crow group with the same root as yourself, and at the same time envy the dominance of human beings in creatures, and envy the colorful life constructed by human beings with wisdom."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

That's really greedy.

As a witch, she has to choose between "the mission inherited by the family" and "the ordinary but happy life of ordinary people". Feimo actually doesn't want to give up anything...

And what makes her sour is that now Feimo has succeeded!

I don't know if the Child of Nature still lacks pets, but she is also called the master just like Joshua, really.

Feimo restrained the smile on his face, lowered his eyes and said seriously, "I knew before that this was impossible, I would never be able to become a human being, and I would never be able to experience those products of wisdom like a human being, even if I can use computers and Playing games like humans, using claws to operate is much harder than humans using fingers to operate, but even so, I feel that being able to play games is already very satisfying, because becoming a human is a wish that I can't even think about, so …Actually, before this, I didn’t realize that I was so envious of human life.”

"Their wishes are hidden very deeply," Chi Feichi concluded. "They dare not think about it, so it is difficult for them to realize what that wish is before it is realized. They feel ecstatic when it comes true. You’ll be amazed how deep down you want that.”

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, then smiled helplessly, "Of course, I also thought about it when I was a child. I wanted to become a witch who was like a god and let everyone in the world worship me. Maybe, and earlier, I may have other wishes, maybe just when I saw a shooting star one day, I suddenly wanted the most beautiful shooting star. Just give up, and even forget about it.”

Feimo smiled again, with a deep look in his eyes that didn't match the child's appearance. Although his voice was immature, his tone also revealed an unspeakable sense of vicissitudes, "I also suddenly remembered my first time after the change was over. When they left the group for the first time and saw humans for the first time, they could change all kinds of costumes, the colors on those costumes were richer than the feathers of any bird I have ever seen, and they made so many high and low noises from their mouths. Sounds, much more than the most dexterous birds I have ever heard, and they resembled the monkeys I had seen in the mountains, but looking at them, I felt that the most dexterous monkeys I once thought were also clumsy , I began to be curious about this kind of creature, following the trajectory of individual human beings, watching their lives, one day, I suddenly envied them, their lives, whether they are suffering or joy, seem to be so wonderful that they will never forget for many years , and their lifespan is long enough for them to accompany each other for many years, but I also know that I am just a crow. That jealousy will also be worn down into regret, and finally disappear completely in my heart..."

"I used to envy you crows too," Koizumi Hongzi sighed with a smile, "I envy you that you don't have to worry about responsibilities, you don't have to worry about learning magic, I envy you flying freely in the blue sky, I envy you Free and easy to go wherever you want.”

Chi Feichi silently listened to the two talking and resonating with each other, took the opportunity to quickly drink two bags of oral nutrition solution, and put the empty bags aside after feeling that the hunger was completely relieved.

Feimo felt that this topic was a bit heavy, and it was enough to feel a little emotional. After taking two mouthfuls of oral nutrient solution, he raised his head to look at Chi Feichi, "Master, could the nameless change also be related to the wish in its heart?"

"I don't know either. Nameless has always had a repulsive mentality towards humans. It doesn't want to become a human. At the same time, it has just entered the prime of life, and its body is at its best, and it won't be troubled or painful due to aging," Chi Feichi pondered, "If its previous wish was to be with its former owner forever, after being abandoned, it might be that its former owner regretted or suffered retribution, but it seems to have let go, and it It is completely a cat character, even if it is the leader of the cat group, there are times when it does not care about anything and does not want to be lazy. Sometimes it is full of fighting spirit and wants to rule the Tokyo cat group, and sometimes it just wants to have the sun every day. However, it hates the cold It is true, and if its change corresponds to its wish, then its wish may be... to become the legendary great demon."

"A cat with two tails that isn't afraid of the cold..." Feimo thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's possible, and becoming a big monster may be its long-cherished wish. A wish that comes only after the master."

"However, the nameless change is an elemental attribute, and its personality is different from that of you and Joshua, so it won't be too obsessed with certain things," Chi Feichi said, "Is the change in the elemental attribute the fulfillment of your wishes? , is still uncertain.”

"In this case, we can look at the next change of Feichi, which is its earth element, right?" Koizumi Hongzi looked at the two of them, "What is Feichi's most likely wish?"

"Feichi's wish is as difficult to guess as Wuming's. If Wuming's wish is easy to change, then Feichi should be too easy to be satisfied and happy, so it will not be too attached to a certain wish, and this wish may even be conscious of us. No, even if you ask it, it may not be clear, and it is even more difficult for others to guess, if you have to say..." Feimo looked at Chi Feichi in a speechless voice, "Taste all the edible things in the world ?"

"Although it likes to eat some inedible things, I think it's just a hobby," Chi Feichi pondered, "Your wish to be realized by the change is related to your own development and pursuit, and its development of yourself It’s not that there’s no pursuit at all.”

Feimo propped his chin with one hand, biting the oral nutrient solution bag in his mouth, and looked even more speechless, "Its thinking about its future is probably to make itself more capable and do its best to take care of our master who is struggling to take care of ourselves... "

Chi Feichi cast a questioning look at Feimo.

Is he struggling to take care of himself?

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