Xiong Mizuno felt a strange sense of relief that "the son avenges his father". Looking at Feimo, he still didn't dare to reach out and touch the little Masahiro's head. He patted the old butler's knee, and because there were bodyguards in the car, he didn't say it too clearly, "Ashin... escaped a catastrophe back then."

The old housekeeper turned his head to look at Mizuno Yuki in surprise, "But, but..."

"What we saw... that person's body and face were swollen with blisters, and was mutilated by fish and some creatures. It's too sloppy to identify only by clothes and rough outline," Mizuno Yugoshi said, feeling more and more It's not impossible for his son to be alive, he said with a serious expression, "You can think that I don't want to accept it, so I checked it again. The deception and murder are true, but the murderer may not really succeed."

Logically speaking, he should let at least one person know the true identities of Xiaomo and Xiaoshu. Even if he dies in the future, some people will know that these two people are not from the blood of the Mizuno family and do not need to inherit any family property.

But he didn't think these two demon gods could value their Mizuno family's property, and if they wanted to harm their Mizuno family, they didn't have to make so many detours.

Since he was going to give a gift with the life of his enemy, he would also give something back, show his trust, reassure him, and save him a lot of effort.

The old housekeeper sorted out the clues, probably because his master was unwilling to accept the death of his son back then, and after further investigation, he really found out the problem, "Could it be that they are really..."

"I've done two paternity tests before and after, and there are a lot of photos," Mizuno Yuki took the box in Feimo Zhengtai's hand, opened it, took out the photo album, and handed it to the old housekeeper, "You can see for yourself."

The old housekeeper opened the photo album, and after seeing the photo of a couple on the first page, he was stunned for a moment, carefully looking at the smiling face of Mizuno Shinma in the photo, his eyes softened, and he slowly flipped through the pages.

The face of the man in the photo overlapped with the person in his memory, and his smile gave him a familiar feeling. Looking at those smiling eyes, he had an answer in his heart that made him almost unable to restrain his joy—this is indeed Third young master!

This is also the child he watched grow up.

Mizuno Xiong sat aside and watched it again, his eyes were red, but he didn't shed any more tears.

Perhaps he is more willing to believe in the "truth" weaved, and his feelings are actually biased towards this side. Looking at it again now, he doesn't have so much grief for his son's early death in his heart. Regrettably, it was slowly diluted by the comfort of "the child is happy anyway".

The old butler turned to the end, looked at the group photo of the family of four above, couldn't help but smiled with relief, and then frowned and blamed, "It's true, the third young master, for so many years, he hasn't sent a letter to the family to let the master I've been worrying and sad with everyone for so long, and I won't come back this time to take a look..."

"He can't come even if he wants to," Mizuno Yuki sighed softly under the puzzled eyes of the old housekeeper, "A year ago, when I found out about him, the couple passed away due to a traffic accident."

The smile that was about to show on the old butler's face retreated back, and the idea of ​​saying something nice for the third young master was stuck in his mind.

Don't bring a knife to his heart like this!

He was just happy that the third young master escaped, got married and had children, and seemed to be living a happy life, but the master suddenly told him that the third young master was still dead...

Now looking at the third young master's mature face in the photo, full of family members and happy smiling faces, I feel a pang in my heart! It hurts!

Slowing down, the old housekeeper tried hard to let himself accept the reality. Looking at Fei Mo who was sitting there quietly and the cute little boy who was hugged by Mizuno Yuo, he felt that it was a bit difficult to speak, "Leave only these two children..."

"So I asked them to come back to Japan." Mizuno Yuki, who had completely assumed the identity of his grandfather, said in a deep voice, "Stay away from that sad place for a while, and have their families here, so they will feel better psychologically."

"There are still two children, and no one can take care of them." The old housekeeper smiled bitterly, and he was pleased that his master could accept the two cubs left by the third young master regardless of the past, "However, when they return to Mizuno's house, they don't have to go to the Mizuno house again." Worry."

"I can take care of myself..." Feimo said, looking at the little Hiroki Sawada who was dozing off like a salted fish, "And my brother, my parents also left me an inheritance, life will not be stressful."

The old butler sighed inwardly.

There is no warmth or attachment in the child's tone of voice...

However, he can also understand that the child who has just been hit by the death of his parents must be very insecure. A strong child will push himself to mature, and it is inevitable for the child to behave alienated because he is not familiar with them. .

He has to think carefully about how to get along with each other so that the two children, especially the older one who is already sensible, can feel their kindness and integrate into the family as soon as possible...

"Moreover, they will follow the Koizumi family, not the Mizuno family." Koizumi Hongzi once again took this matter seriously to spread hatred.

The old housekeeper looked at Koizumi Hongzi with wide eyes, looked at Koizumi Hongzi's eyes, thought of the scarlet pupils of a ten-year-old boy, and then thought of the reddish hair color and eyes of the husband and wife in the photo, he knew it clearly, " You belong to the third young master's wife..."

"Niece," Koizumi Hongzi was enjoying the pleasure of snatching babies from the old men and blowing their beards so angry, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Koizumi's family also has some businesses in Tokyo, so it's not like they can't afford to support two children." ,and……"

As he said that, Koizumi Hongzi took out the folded paper from his pocket, opened it, folded the two papers most of them, put them on the car seat, and pointed to the name on it.

"Household registration certificate, Koizumi Mo, Koizumi Shu, have you seen it?"

The old butler: "!"

[ヘ! 】

The third young master of his family actually didn't let his child have the last name of 'Mizuno'? Excessive!

Moreover, this girl brought her household registration certificate with her. It seemed that she was going to take away the two cubs of the third young master this time, which was too much!


Oike Hotel, lobby on the first floor.

Chi Feichi was sitting in the lobby living room on the first floor, with a familiar wheelchair under him. After Mizuno Yuki and his party left, they watched the people at the front desk participate in the lottery draw. Chi was distracted.

Although it is no problem for him to climb up a few floors now, among others, he is a person with a broken lumbar spine, and it is impossible for him to walk like flying immediately after he recovers. It will take a while for his waist to heal completely, and he has to slowly Let the rapidly shrinking muscles of the legs adapt to walking again.

If he stands up now and walks by himself, if Hui Yuanai or Koshimizu Nanatsuki or other people find out, they will probably push him back into the wheelchair, and then talk about 'Why don't you take care of your body',' I'm happy to know that your waist is healed, but you can't over-exert all of a sudden', 'Aren't you afraid of the sequelae of back pain in the future, really' and a series of criticism and education.

Moreover, it may be a turn-based education of 'finish this one, and go up that one', even that one has to say something about him, and Gin and Wine will probably sneer at him, 'You don't want your waist? If you don’t want it, come to me, and I’ll interrupt it for you again’.

Just thinking about it gives him a headache.

Therefore, he decided to rely on the wheelchair to move around for a period of time. During this period, he increased the time of getting up and walking every day, so that the process of getting out of the wheelchair would be more natural.

Anyway, he knew that he could stand up and beat people easily now.

Having said that, tonight's action may require him to secretly press the battle.

Feimo's human form is no different from his crow form. The body of a ten-year-old child is too weak. Feimo's body is the same as that of an ordinary ten-year-old boy. In addition, he has not fully adapted to the human body. A ten-year-old boy might not win a fight.

That woman now looks like an intellectual and gentle woman, but she is actually an old treasure hunter who can explode like a beast.

And according to the information they collected, the woman's codename was 'Langhua'. He didn't know if the code name came from 'Langbaumhua', but the woman did have 'very poisonous'.

Wolf flower bounty career has been more than 20 years, mainly 'hunting treasure', and occasionally some assassination bounty, but there is a rumor in the bounty hall, wolf flower accepts assassination bounty, either because of the employer Rare treasures can be provided, either because the treasures can be obtained by the way in the assassination operation. In order to get the treasures, the wolf flower will even kill the employer in turn.

The black market auction house welcomes the wolf flower very much. The wolf flower seems to be used to selling those treasures after playing with them for a period of time. On the contrary, among bounty employers and partners, Wolf Flower does not have any good reputation.

Kill the target, kill the employer, kill the partner, kill the innocent...

That woman has killed almost all of them, so that no one is willing to partner with Langhua temporarily. At the same time, she can still survive after killing so many people. The strength of Langhua should not be underestimated.

Vicious and vicious like a wolf, harmless and charming like a flower, but highly poisonous—this is the comment of the wolf flower in the bounty hunter.

From the true and false news of the Bounty Hall, it can be preliminarily judged that the wolf flower itself should have a certain aspect that is beyond ordinary people. It is good at camouflage and sneak attacks. The weapons are generally daggers and small pistols that are convenient for hiding.

Feimo and Langhua face each other head-on, and the chance of winning is basically zero. An experienced bounty hunter will not be easily fooled by the fact that "people have wings".

As for Koizumi Hongzi's move...

Koizumi Hongzi's magic ability is very powerful, but she doesn't have much battle experience, let alone magic battle experience.

If the magic descendants of Phoebe's era were allowed to control Koizumi Hongzi's body, Langhua would undoubtedly die.

If Hongzi Koizumi went up by himself, the odds were about 50-50.

If luck is better, Koizumi Hongzi uses the magical method of restraining and injuring the wolf flower at the right time, and the wolf flower will not be able to escape. A serious injury or death outcome.

"Mr. Chi..."

A male staff member walked up to Chi Feichi and interrupted Chi Feichi's thoughts. When Chi Feichi turned his head to look, he bent down to the height of Chi Feichi's wheelchair and asked with a kind smile, "The restaurant Your dinner is ready, do you want to eat in a restaurant, or have your dinner delivered to your room?"

Chi Feichi noticed that there were several eyes from the crowd at the front desk looking at him, and he didn't look at those people. He just said to the staff, "Send it to the room", drove the wheelchair to the elevator, and silently sorted out the information related to Langhua.

The life of a wolf flower is very valuable, and the wolf flower captured alive is even more valuable, but in order for Fei Mo to have a 'gift' to give...

Langhua must die tonight!

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