Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2219 There is something wrong with his eyes

the next day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, three cars drove from the Mizuno family's main house to Kiyomizu Temple.

Mizuno Yoshikazu sat in the middle car with Mizuno Xiong, looked at Mizuno Xiong's tired expression, and asked in a concerned voice, "Father, did you not rest well last night?"

Mizuno Yuki nodded, looked down at the little one who was dozing off in his arms, and said softly, "Xiao Mo and Xiao Shu came home, I'm so happy, I really didn't sleep well last night."

Not only did he not sleep well, he didn't fall asleep at all.

Last night he went out in the middle of the night and tossed about for more than two hours. After returning home, he still couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't know how to go back to his room and lie down. He didn't know what happened behind him or if he said anything.

Lying on the bed, eyes open and unable to fall asleep, thinking about the son who died thirteen years ago, thinking about the dead wolf flower and the revenge that has ended, thinking about it, and finally thinking about "the big devil in Japan" Fate really exists', but I can't think about what it will bring.

After finally thinking about it, he was tired and a little sleepy, and the sky was bright outside the window, so he had to get up, get dressed, and make arrangements for today's travel.

"I understand how you feel, and I was so happy that I didn't sleep very well. Although I know it's useless to say this, happiness is uncontrollable, but I hope you can still take care of your body," Mizuno Yoshikazu smiled helplessly, seeing Mizuno The little boy in Xiong's arms was also dozing off, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to persuade him, "You take a break, and let me hug the little tree."

Seeing the sleepy look of the little boy, Mizuno Yuki hesitated for a moment before handing Sawada Hiroki to Mizuno Yoshikazu.

Everything that happened in the past two days shocked him. He still remembered Xiaoshu's gloomy and scary face last night, and the action of Xiaoshu stuffing a needle into Langhua's mouth. He still couldn't help but want to hug him, especially seeing Xiaoshu's dazed and harmless appearance because of sleepiness, he couldn't bear to let go of him even holding him.

Mizuno Yoshikazu saw Mizuno Yuki reluctantly hesitated, and felt amused in his heart, but felt that the little one who took it was holding his sleeve tightly with his little hands, and felt the warmth of being relied on in his heart, so he softly coaxed, "Xiaoshu, be good!" , Uncle hugs you."

Hiroki Sawada was sleepy after dinner last night. The trip to Oike Hotel was a great way to play, but children’s bodies need sleep. After exhausting their energy, they can’t make up for it after only four or five hours of sleep. Lazy Responding lazily and vaguely, "Hmm..."

Feimo didn't have a good time going there. Although the boy was ten years old, he was jumping up and down all day and full of energy, but having fun and sleeping deeply didn't mean he didn't need enough sleep. Four or five hours was not enough. Watching Sawada Hiroki looked confused, and raised his hand and yawned.

"Xiaomo, did you and Xiaoshu not sleep well?" Mizuno Yoshikazu lowered his voice and cared, "Are you not used to the environment at home?"

"No." Feimo lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake and calm. "I didn't expect that the uncles and aunts at home are so nice. Xiaoshu and I are also very happy. We talked too late last night."

Mizuno Yoshikazu grinned when he heard that, and noticed Koizumi Hongko sitting in the front seat was also yawning, "Where's Miss Koizumi? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Koizumi Hongzi jokingly found a reason, "I think that your Mizuno family changed our children's surnames and tried to trick them back, so I can't sleep well."

The Mizuno family took back the right to the child's surname. Yoshikazu Mizuno thought that it would be a matter of time before he tricked the child into returning to the Mizuno family, and he no longer minded Hongzi Koizumi's words of trying to snatch the child away. , or Koizumi's family, they just want the child to be well, we are not enemies."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

Damn, she actually felt the 'magnanimity from the winner'.

Mizuno Yoshikazu thought for a while, and then said, "Aunt Ni is Ashin's wife, we are relatives, and your parents are not around, I also said last night, if Miss Koizumi doesn't mind, you can take the Mizuno family Treat it like half a home."

Koizumi Hongzi realized that Mizuno Yoshikazu was speaking sincerely, and did not provoke any more maliciously, "Thank you for your kindness, but I am used to being free and undisciplined by myself, and I am used to making decisions at home, and I am not used to having elders chatting by my side. nagging."

"Is that so..." Mizuno Yoshikazu smiled, facing the phrase 'I have the final say at home', he really couldn't insist any longer. In Mizuno's house, he must listen to the head of the family and the elders. At that time, they really He will point fingers at Hongzi Koizumi's life, and the Mizuno family will not allow a rebellious child in the family to make jokes of other families, so they simply talk about other things, "Today at twelve o'clock at noon, we will have dinner at Kiyomizu Temple. During free time, if Ms. Koizumi gets sleepy, she can go to a nearby hotel to rest for a while. Father wants to catch up with old friends and watch games organized by young people. He probably can't be absent to rest, but you don't have to worry about Xiaomo and Xiaoshu. They're kids, and they can go to sleep for a while."

Mizuno thought he had something serious to say, so he didn't close his eyes to rest again, "The nearby hotel was rented by Ampere's family for two days, just let the housekeeper take you there when the time comes, there are bodyguards arranged by various companies in the hotel, so there is no need for safety issues Don't worry, you can rest well when the time comes."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes," Koizumi Hongzi cheered up when he saw that the car was approaching Kiyomizu Temple, "I heard that two friends will also come to this party, if it is not very sleepy, I think I should be with them Let’s take a look around in Kiyomizu Temple.”

"Will Miss Koizumi have any friends who will come?" Mizuno Yoshikazu was a little surprised, and couldn't help guessing which family Koizumi Hongko's friends would be from, whether they were from a family in Kyoto or an upstart from Tokyo. After much deliberation, there was no answer. Thinking of who mentioned Koizumi’s family before, and thinking of Koizumi’s family in Tokyo, he guessed it should be someone from Tokyo, and said with a smile, “Then please feel free, Miss Koizumi, if you need it, you can come to us at any time, even if we don’t Empty, there will be someone at home around there."

Seeing that the car was about to arrive, Feimo reached out and shook Sawada Hiroki's little arm, and when Sawada Hiroki opened his eyes to look, he stuffed the things he took out into Sawada Hiroki's hand, "Little tree, hurry to the place Now, put your contact lenses on."

"Contact lenses?" Mizuno Yoshikazu saw that what was grasped in Sawada Hiroki's small palm was indeed a contact lens case, and couldn't help but frowned, "Why does Xiaoshu wear contact lenses? It's not good for the eyes."

"His eyes cannot be exposed to strong light for a long time. Yesterday was enough. If he didn't wear black contact lenses to avoid light, the damage to his eyes would be even greater."

Feimo said the excuse that he had negotiated before. A certain little guy had appeared in front of other people before. He was wearing contact lenses at that time. His eyes were black and suddenly turned purple. He couldn't find a plausible excuse.

Sawada Hiroki sat up straight, opened the contact lens box, and put the contact lens on skillfully and quickly with the help of the small mirror in the box, "It doesn't matter, this pair of contact lenses is specially made, suitable for children. I didn't feel sick the previous day."

"I can't go on like this," Mizuno Yoshikazu watched Sawada Hiroki's small hands and arms put on the contact lenses so skillfully, and his heart ached. The pupils of Ashin's wife and Ms. Koizumi are all red. Although the shades are different, they are more or less the same. Only Xiaoshu is purple. I thought it was strange before. Could it be that there is something wrong with genetic inheritance? "

"The doctor doesn't know why his eyes turned purple." Feimo looked at the troublesome little Sawada Hiroki, "His body has no other problems, but it is true that his eyes cannot be exposed to strong light for a long time. Over time, eyesight will deteriorate."

Koizumi Hongzi saw Mizuno Yoshikazu frowning from the rearview mirror, and uttered a voice to help cover it up, "My aunt and uncle took him to many hospitals in the United States, including many special hospitals that specialize in genetic diseases. , After taking him back to Japan, I also took him to the hospital for an examination. At present, I can only reduce the time that the eyes face the strong light. There is no other way. The doctor believes that when he grows up and his eyes mature, the situation should be can be improved."

If the Mizuno family wants to check the reports, they can provide a bunch of them. Anyway, many hospitals in the United States and the United Kingdom that study genetic diseases and ophthalmology basically have Umbrella's intervention, and the system is also under the control of Ark.

She didn't want Mizuno's family to go to the trouble of taking a certain little one for examination, and she might have to go along with her to provide some mother's genes to assist in the research.

"Then there's no other way. Let's stick to it until you become an adult. Maybe the medical technology will get better and the problem will be solved by then." Mizuno Yoshikazu heard that he had been to so many hospitals for checkups, and he didn't doubt Koizumi Hong. For my son, I understand that it is very difficult to check out the problem and then treat it in recent years. I sighed and could only comfort myself, and then turned to Mizuno Yuo to confirm, "Speaking of which, Xiaoshu's purple pupils are indeed very rare. I remember that the young master of the Chi family also has such eyes? But I don't seem to have heard that the young master's eyes have any disease..."

When Koizumi Hongzi heard Mizuno Yoshikazu mentioning an old acquaintance, she suddenly became more energetic, and listened with pricked ears.

Mizuno Yuki didn't quite believe that a certain little boy had a disease in his eyes, but he wasn't sure if it was something that was tabooed by monsters when they were young, so he could only follow Mizuno Yoshikazu's topic and said vaguely, "The Chi family doesn't like socializing with people. I don't know if the young master's eyes have any disease, but I heard from an old friend in England that Mrs. Kanai had an older brother with the same purple pupils before, but that older brother was blind and seemed to have passed away very early. Yes, there are also rumors that Mrs. Kanai's eyes have some kind of ominous symbol... In short, we should be careful and let Xiaoshu protect the eyes."

"I understand," Mizuno Yoshikazu looked at the sunlight outside the window, and sighed, "I saw Mrs. Kanai's eyes in the report before, and I thought the pupil color was as beautiful as a jewel, but I didn't expect..."

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