Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2236 You are embarrassing me

"Yes, it has been confirmed. After pressing the button on Mr. Chi's wheelchair, it seems that a certain software on the mobile phone will be activated at the same time. The software will automatically use the mobile phone to record, and send the recording to the email every five minutes. form, and send it to Officer Megure’s mobile phone,” Takagi laughed, and it was the first time he encountered such a situation. The hostages who were taken hostage conveyed the scene so clearly, and it was directly transmitted to the person in charge of the criminal department. Thinking about it, I feel that the mood is delicate, "Five minutes ago, we have received the first email. The first part of the recording in it is the process of Mr. Sawaguri holding the Mori Detective Agency hostage. Of course, there is also a recording of Mr. Chi calling you. , Xiaolan and a certain female high school student seemed to be trying to restrain Mr. Ze Li who was holding a gun, but then they should have found that Mr. Ze Li had a bomb detonator in his hand, so they gave up. Just now we received a second email, the recording In the video, Mr. Sawaguri said his purpose of kidnapping those people from the Mori Detective Agency, and provided Mr. Mori with some information he had investigated. However, at the end of the recording, someone called the Mori Detective Agency, which seemed to be a neighbor nearby. Hearing the gunshots, Mr. Sawaguri asked Mr. Mori to answer the phone, and Miss Yueshui also said that Mr. Mori was on the phone..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Very good, Nanatsuki-san delivered the video on one side, and the live recording was delivered by email on the other. The situation at the scene was monitored clearly.

"The specific situation depends on the recording that will be sent four minutes later, but we have already contacted the special search team and the special assault force to rush there. Like us, we will arrive at the Mori Detective Agency in about ten minutes," said Takagi Said, "If necessary at that time, our police will make a forcible assault, or let the snipers of the special assault force find a position to kill the criminals, you don't have to worry."

"Officer Takagi, can you send me a copy of those two recordings?" Conan hurriedly found a reason before Takagi She spoke, "The doctor's reasoning ability is also good, and he also wants to see if he can help. "

"This..." Gao Mushe discussed with Mu Mu Shisan in a low voice before replying, "Okay, the recording can be sent to you, and I will send you an email later, but before the hostages are rescued, please do not Spread the recording to prevent the gangsters from being aware of it. Also, Conan, remember not to go to the Maori Detective Agency, just stay at the doctor's house with peace of mind. When we arrive, we will also organize people near the Maori Detective Agency Make an emergency evacuation."


Conan responded obediently, and hung up the phone speechlessly.

Dr. A Li lowered his voice, "Xinyi, Feichi and the police should be able to resolve this issue."

"Yeah," Conan looked down at his phone and waited for the email, and said with half-moon eyes, "But Brother Chi called us and secretly told us something, there must be a reason, for example, he wanted me to see what happened to Miss Ze Liweihong Whether he committed suicide or was killed, there should be clues that Mr. Sawaguri investigated in the recording..."

He doesn't need his help in the rescue, so it's okay for him to think about the truth of Ze Li Weihong's death, right?

'I don't need myself' is more uncomfortable than 'I can't help', he doesn't care, anyway Chi Feichi called, he must be needed!

Hui Yuan Ai saw that a certain famous detective was depressed, she was silent for a moment, but decided to speak frankly, "Have you ever thought that Brother Feichi called because he was worried that we wouldn't be able to wait for them to come over for dinner, so he ran over rashly or kept waiting Call? If you hadn't answered the receiver in the doctor's hand, he might not have told us that information, and since you have noticed something abnormal, then secretly revealing the situation to you can be regarded as a fallback..."

Conan continued to stare at the phone and wait for the email, and said with half-moon eyes, "The second hand is usually the killer!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

It seems that the awkward detective doesn't want to reason.


Maori Detective Agency.

Coerced by Ze Ligong, Mori Kogoro answered the incoming landline calls and dealt with the neighbors who called to inquire after hearing the gunshots.

"Ah, it's's all right! The loud noise just now was the police movie on the TV. The volume of the TV is broken, but I have already fixed it...Yes, yes, I am sorry to cause you trouble."

Ze Ligong stood by the sofa, waiting for Kogoro Mori to hang up the phone, pointed his pistol at Kogoro Mori and said, "Okay, that's all right, Detective Mori, as I said before, put your hands On the table, read the materials in front of you, and then tell me the murderer! I promise that only the life of the person who killed my sister is needed, and I will use my life to make amends, but my patience is limited As far as I can, I'll just wait until tomorrow morning, if you can't find the murderer, then I can't guarantee that other people here will be fine!"

"I, I see." Mori Kogoro replied seriously, lowering his head and continuing to look at the information on the table.

"Can you let me take a look too?" Chi Feichi was determined to speed up the development of the incident, resolve it early and rest early, and when Ze Ligong saw it, he explained, "I am a disciple of Teacher Mao Li, and I usually help him sort out materials, Organize the clues, with my help, the speed may be faster."

"Is that so?" Isao Sawakuri looked at Mori Kogoro again, "If there is an apprentice to help, can Mr. Mori promise to solve the doubts in my heart faster?"

"Uh, yes," Mori Kogoro nodded bravely, thinking that Chi Feichi had indeed sorted out the materials for himself before, and he felt a little more relaxed, "He sorted out the materials very quickly and was careful enough, with his help If so, it should be faster."

Ze Ligong didn't rush to agree, and moved his gun to Chi Feichi, and looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously, "But I'm curious, why did you offer to help? Did you not want to be implicated by the murderer, or... ..."

He still felt that the young man's calm attitude was weird, and it was better to be careful.

"Because I'm also an older brother." Chi Feichi drove the wheelchair to the desk without waiting for Ze Ligong's consent. Of course, he didn't deliberately approach Ze Ligong. What others think of my sister, no matter how old she is, in my brother's heart, my sister is always the cute little guy who needs to be taken care of by himself, and is sometimes troublesome. Understandable."

Seeing Chi Feichi approaching, Ze Ligong took a step back in silence, acquiescing to Chi Feichi's behavior of helping to sort out the materials.

"Then let me see it too," Sera Masumi said, "I'm a female high school student detective. If I have one more person to think about, wouldn't I be able to have more strength?"

"No!" Ze Ligong resolutely rejected Shiliang Zhenchun's proposal, and said vigilantly, "There are already too many people coming, so just stay there honestly and don't move around!"

Sera Masumi: "..."

Really, she was still thinking about whether she should use the reason of "I am a younger sister" to persuade Ze Ligong, but in the end, she didn't even give him a chance and refused directly.

Is this guy Zawa Li very defensive towards her because he was knocked down by her before...

Chi Feichi parked the wheelchair behind the desk, reached for the stack of newspapers, put it close to him, and said without raising his head, "Then, teacher, let's sort out the basic situation of the case first. Once the main information is sorted out, you just need to record it.”

"Ah, okay." Mori Kogoro looked at the desktop and asked for the consent of Isao Sawa. Under the supervision of Isao Sawa, he found a notebook and a pen from the desk drawer.

Chi Feichi flipped through the newspaper, "The time, the 14th of last month, the location, at Fuzukaya, a hot spring hotel in Gunma Prefecture..."

Mori Kogoro was recording in his notebook, and suddenly let out a light sigh, "On the 14th of last month, Fuzukaya... I remember the last time a resident of Mihua Town went on a hot spring trip, the place was Fuzukaya, and the time was also last month On the 14th, do you remember? It was the day I took Conan to eat ramen in Kabadocho, because Xiaolan stayed in the school for training that night, and the shops on the street were closed, so we went to Kabadocho to eat .”

"Don't ask me the date of that day, and don't ask me how many months have passed," Chi Feichi said blankly, "You are embarrassing me."

He still remembered that there was a murder case at the Xiaokura ramen shop that night. He and Mori Kogoro exchanged the location of the Xiao Gong ramen shop for a record reduction. He grew wings that night and went to Kyoto the next day. The karate competition, and he stayed in Kyoto for three days, no matter how you count, at most five days have passed...

This is what happened last month?

"Uh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot, you always can't remember these clearly," Mori Kogoro looked at the notes in embarrassment, and affirmed, "The day before Xiaolan participated in the karate competition should be the 14th of last month. wrong."

"There seemed to be a lot of people in the hotel that day. They seemed to be traveling in a group, and there were some children," Ze Ligong recalled, and said with a grim expression, "But what does this have to do with my sister's case?"

"Idiot!" Mori Kogoro recorded the "Mihua Town residents' hot spring trip" in the store, and after scolding, he realized that he had scolded a villain with a gun pointed at him. He coughed dryly and kept a serious face. I know almost everyone who lives in Mihua Town who participated in the hot spring trip. If it is necessary later, I can pretend to be curious about Ms. Weihong's case and call to ask them if they have found anything there. Did you find something suspicious that you didn't notice? Of course, that requires your consent."

Ze Ligong thought for a while, but did not refuse, "Then let's talk about it when we need it!"

"Then let's continue. If there are any mistakes in the report, Mr. Ze Li can correct them at any time." Chi Feichi stopped flipping through the newspaper and looked at the report above, "The deceased is the mystery novelist Ze Li who just won the Naomoto Award Ms. Weihong, a well-known rising star in the mystery fiction world, seems not to be involved in any scandals according to various reports. On the day of the incident, Mr. Sawaguri also checked into the same hot spring hotel with his sister. In the room next to the deceased, that afternoon, Mr. Ze Li suddenly received an email from his sister saying "goodbye". The window of the balcony, after turning into the house, I saw that the room was filled with hot steam. Finally, in the bathroom of my sister’s room, I found that my sister had cut off her left wrist and put it in hot water. She was still holding the room key and mobile phone in her right hand. no breath..."

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