Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2249 Cameron: Hard to understand!

Isogai leaned forward and picked up the bag he had put on the couch, and pushed Andre Cameron to sit down, "Dad has an injury on his waist, it is not convenient to get up, Mr. Cameron, you sit here Bar!"


When Andre Cameron sat down, he quietly glanced at Chi Feichi's waist across the table.

Zhu Di said that the young master of the Chi family's observation and reasoning abilities are comparable to Sherlock Holmes, and he also said, "I don't think it's worse than Xiuyi." He is still very guarded against Chi Feichi.

When Chi Feichi, Yueshui Nanatsuki, and Isogai Nagisa entered this restaurant, he had already noticed these three people. Before that, Chi Feichi's pace was really slow. When he sat down, he first supported the table with his right hand, Let the arms share the weight...

From this point of view, Chi Feichi fell off a horse in England before, and it seems that he was really seriously injured, and he has not fully recovered yet.

Uh, although he doesn't know what is the use of collecting this information, as an intelligence agent, this is probably a habit.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki sat next to Chi Feichi and brought the topic back to the incident, "Mr. Cameron, the person who died in the bathroom, did he kill him or..."

"I think it was suicide," Andre Cameron recalled. "Not long after I entered the toilet cubicle, I heard someone talking in the toilet, and the other party's voice was still very loud. He said, 'Even if it is The partner who grew up together, I can't agree to this kind of request, I was the one who poisoned Abe, so I must be responsible', probably like this, then I heard the screams, and immediately ran out of the cubicle, I saw a man sitting on the toilet in the compartment two compartments apart, already dead..."

"After that, you ran out of the toilet and asked the waiter to call the police and seal the toilet," Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought, "You will think it was suicide, which means that you only heard the man's voice at that time and did not hear anyone else. voice, right?"

Andre Cameron looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu in surprise, nodded and said, "Yes, I only heard his voice, so I was wondering if he was on the phone with someone before he died .”

"Then where's his cell phone?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked quickly, "Have you seen his cell phone?"

"I saw his mobile phone dropped in the toilet and soaked in water. I don't know if it's broken," Andre Cameron said. I was about to be discovered by the police about someone who died in the bathroom. Someone talked to him in the bathroom, killed him in order to silence him, and then sneaked out of the bathroom. Since it was an unnatural death, it would be better to notify the police, so I let people Call the police immediately."

"Are you sure that the voice you heard in the toilet is the voice of the deceased?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked again, "Could it be that there were two people there and what you heard was actually another person What about the voice?"

"I don't think so," Andre Cameron said honestly. "The man who died was sitting in front of me. He came alone, and he was very loud when he ordered, and he was a little weird. The accent, I think it may be some kind of Japanese dialect, but I heard it clearly, and the voice I heard in the toilet afterwards was his."

"Dialect..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "What kind of dialect is it? The incident of poisoning Abe he mentioned may have happened in his hometown. As long as you know what he said What dialect is it, maybe you can determine the place where the case happened, so as to determine his identity and know whether the case was committed by multiple people. If other people are suspected of being involved in the poisoning incident, then he may indeed It was silenced."

Andre Cameron's eyes lit up, and he quickly said in embarrassment, "Actually, I don't know much about the Japanese dialect, and I'm not sure if it's a dialect, or it may be some kind of speaking habit, but I always feel that recently I heard a similar tone of voice..."

"Can you imitate it?" Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help but suggest, "Imitate it, maybe we can figure it out!"

Andre Cameron looked up at Yuan Shan and Ye standing by the table, was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I remembered... His tone of voice is very similar to Yuan Shan and Miss Ye!"

"Huh?" Yuan Shan and Ye raised their fingers to themselves in bewilderment, "Like, like me?"

"Yeah," Andre Cameron affirmed, "There are a lot of interjections, such as '哩', '呀', etc. I used to listen to the Japanese, and I didn't find anyone adding that at the end of the sentence." There are many interjections, so I think his accent is very strange."

Toyama and Ye glanced at Andre Cameron unhappily, "Please! The Kansai accent is also very authentic Japanese, okay? You haven't heard it before, because you have been in Tokyo, and you speak Kansai There are a—a—a—a—a—a——a——a——a—— of Japanese people with that accent!”

"Uh..." Andre Cameron sweated, "I really haven't had much contact with Kansai people."

Yuan Shan and Ye did not entangle any more, closed their eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over to block between the table and the guests beside them, and said in a low voice, "That means, the deceased was from Kansai, and the poisoning incident may also have happened. In Kansai, right?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, "And the partner he mentioned who grew up with him is probably also from Kansai."

"Could it be that what the deceased said was..." Seeing that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was interested in the case, Chi Feichi repeated a paragraph in Kansai accent, and gave a hint, "Even if it is a partner who grew up together, this kind of request I can't agree either, it's me who poisoned Abe, so... I must be responsible?"

"That's right, that's what the deceased said! But, Mr. Chi, you can also speak Kansai dialect?" Andre Cameron asked curiously, and found that Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Isogai Nagisa were staring at Yuanshan in a daze. He Ye, even Yuan Shan and Ye looked as if they had discovered something unbelievable, and asked in doubt, "What's wrong? This sentence..."

"That..." Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Andre Cameron, still surprised, "You, are you sure that's what the deceased said?"

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Isogai Nagisa also looking over, Andre Cameron nodded in bewilderment, "Yes, what Mr. Chi said is almost exactly the same as what I heard!"

"It's no wonder you didn't notice, you are a foreigner..." Isobe Nagisa murmured softly, looked at the guests around, leaned over to Andre Cameron's ear, and explained in a low voice, "In the customs In Western dialect, "self" in this context actually means "you"..."

"Wait, why is that?" Andre Cameron looked shocked, unable to understand, "Doesn't 'self' mean 'me' in Japanese? Why does it mean 'you'?"

Did he learn holiday language before?

Yuan Shan and Ye lay at the table, smiled helplessly, and said in a low voice, "We need to combine the context, for example, 'this is our responsibility' here, of course, includes ourselves, but if it is When quarreling, use the same words, but you are talking about the other party, that is, 'this is your responsibility'..."

Andre Cameron had a question mark on his face.


'Me' is 'Me', 'You' is 'You', 'We' is 'We', why sometimes 'Me' is understood as 'You'? And why even "We" sometimes means "You"?

Makes you bald.

"Also," Toyama and Ye took the Japanese teacher seriously, "If you heard the deceased's words, like what Feichi said, they used the word '木', then the 'Abe' said by the deceased should be Not referring to people..."

Andre Cameron was even more confused, "Isn't it human? But this name..."

"It's probably because you heard 'AME' as 'ABE'," Yuan Shan and Ye said with a smile, "AME is a sugar ball, and the deceased said 'you who poisoned the sugar ball'."

Andre Cameron had a bit of a breakdown, "Why do you say Sugar Ball as if you were addressing someone?"

Seeing Andre Cameron's incomprehensible appearance, Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "We usually hear Kansai dialect in our daily life and on TV. We are used to it and we can understand it when we hear it. When you study Japanese abroad, you should have only been exposed to Kanto dialect, so it’s normal if you can’t understand it.”

Andre Cameron nodded.

Kansai dialect? It's really... makes no sense! Don't speak the basic truth!

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi again, "Then, what Mr. Cameron heard was actually 'You are the one who put poison on the sugar ball, you must be responsible', right? In other words, the deceased was not When you admit your crime to someone, but accuse the other person and let the other person bear the crime of murder, maybe you want to persuade the other person to surrender..."

"In this way, the possibility of homicide is very high." Isobe Nagisa touched his chin and said, "Since the person was not killed by the deceased, then he has no reason to commit suicide and apologize. On the contrary, he may know someone He committed the crime of murder, and was silenced by the other party."

Outside the door of the glass store, two police cars that were rushing to stop screeched to a halt.

Mu Mu Shisan led the team to get out of the car. When entering the door, he raised his hand and pressed the hat on his head. He looked around sharply, "Someone called the police saying that someone died here. Who called the police? What is the specific situation?"

"I'll go talk to Police Officer Megure," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, getting up and looking at Chi Feichi, who was sitting on the outside and blocking his way due to his limited mobility. Before Chi Feichi got up to make way, he reached out to help On the back of the sofa on the left and right sides of Chi Feichi, he directly stepped over Chi Feichi's lap, pulled Yuan Shan and Ye and ran, "Mr. Chi, if it's not convenient for you to get up, just sit, I'll go with He Ye! "

"Then I'll go and explain the situation to the police!" Andre Cameron also got up and walked over.

Isobe Nagisa looked at the waiter who brought over the black tea, and helplessly spread his hands at Chi Feichi, "It seems that only the two of us can drink tea at leisure."

Chi Feichi watched the waiter bend down and put two pots of black tea and cups on the table one after another, "It's okay, there will always be people who talk dry and want to drink tea later."

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