Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2266 All are 'own cats'

Nanatsuki Koshimi could vaguely hear other people's 'spectator speech', wondering which story Chi Feichi was telling and whether he had heard it before, and shouted to the people outside the door, "Ah, then wait a moment , This is my friend's house, his house has just replaced a new security door, I don't know how to open this kind of security lock..."

"Okay, okay!" The sharp female voice outside the door said, "Please hurry up, it seems that dust and dirt have run into the wound on this kid's leg, I want to clean him as soon as possible!"

"Hmm! I'll get it done as soon as possible!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded loudly, retreated to the cooking table, looked at the phone screen, and said softly, "Actually, I want to see if I can solve it..."

"Natsuki, be careful that the other party has guns and other dangerous items in his hand," Dr. A Li hurriedly persuaded, "Feichi and I will arrive in three minutes at most."

"Our side will take about five more minutes," Hui Yuanai said solemnly, "We'll wait for everyone to arrive. The same goes for Brother Feichi and the doctor. Don't rush over and wait for us on the street!"

Chi Feichi saw Koshimi Nanatsuki's eager eyes, and knew that Koshimi Nanatsuki was still thinking about how to deal with the people outside the door, so he just asked a question, "Is Ayumi still taking a bath?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki instantly dispelled the idea of ​​opening the door and thumping people, why should she think about that cute little girl, "Yeah, she's still taking a bath, it's almost time for her to be done... I'll try my best to hold back the people outside the door." , don’t worry too much, you must pay attention to safety when you get nearby, the other party may have someone outside the door to let the wind go.”

"Boom boom boom!"

The people outside couldn't help but knock on the door.

The female voice was as sharp as an evil witch: "Excuse me, can the door be opened? Can I trouble you to hurry up?"

"Ah, wait a minute!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded loudly, and walked towards the door, "I found a spare key from the drawer, it will be ready soon!"

A group of people who came to Dr. Ali's house were still chatting.

Okiya Subaru: "It's not easy to delay for five minutes. After a long time, the other party will definitely become suspicious."

Conan: "I'll use the skateboard to rush over to see!"

Dr. Ali: "Hey... Conan, be careful!"

Hui Yuanai: "I'll go too!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko: "We also..."

Conan: "You follow Mr. Subaru slowly!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Does Conan want to use props to grab the head in advance?

Fortunately, he had already arranged reinforcements when he went out, and he should be able to arrive before Conan arrived.


A minute later, the skateboard floated to the street near Dr. Ali's house like a motor.

Hui Yuanai jumped off the skateboard, leaned his back against the fence, and quietly looked around the street outside Dr. Ali's house. After watching, he was suddenly taken aback, and looked up.

When Conan jumped off the skateboard, he stepped on the skateboard so that it bounced, and reached out to catch the skateboard. Seeing Hui Yuanai looking up at the courtyard wall, he followed the probe to look out in doubt.

A white van was parked outside the courtyard of Dr. Ali's house. There was no one in the car. On the sunny courtyard wall, cats of various colors squatted neatly along the wall in a row.

Those cats squatted from the courtyard wall of Kudo's house to the courtyard wall of the neighbor's house on the other side of Dr. Ali's house. There were no less than 30 cats in total. White, yellow, black, and striped tails hung down from the top of the wall, as if A string of fluffy ornaments hung on the outer wall.

Hearing the movement, a row of cats turned their heads neatly and lowered their eyes, staring at Conan and Haibara who were peeking behind the fence at the street entrance.

Haibara Ai:"……"

She saw Wuming, proving that these cats are all 'her own cats'.

Conan took out his mobile phone, looked down at the live video with the volume lowered, and frowned.

The gangster seems to be still in the courtyard of the doctor's house. If these cats suddenly bark, the gangster will definitely be alarmed...

A three-coloured cat opened its mouth wide and yawned, bringing back a group of cats on the wall who turned their heads to stare at Conan and Hui Yuanai. They looked away one after another, some continued to look into the yard, and some lowered their heads and licked their paws.

Conan didn't hear the cat meowing, he was relieved, and smiled helplessly.

These cats definitely didn't know what happened. Most of them heard the movement of other people here when they were walking around with Wuming, so they ran to the courtyard wall out of curiosity to watch the excitement.

Since the cat was not disturbed or barked, he would sneak over there first to check how many people the gangsters had, and then...


The three-flowered cat drew a long tune, turned its head to look at Wuming and meowed, "Meow woo woo~~~ Meow woo..."

Cat language: "The master didn't come, Conan came, boss, why don't we go, or the prey will be caught by Conan..."

At the intersection, Conan, who had just taken two steps, froze in place, looking up at the courtyard wall.

Are you not going to call? How... Huh? What's happening here?

As soon as they heard "the prey was robbed", all the cats on the wall cheered up, stopped flicking their tails, stopped licking their paws, straightened their trunks, and stared at the yard of Dr. Ali's house with serious expressions.

In the yard, two people wearing black woolen hoods urged Yueshui Nanatsuki to open the door. They were irritated when they heard a cat meowing on the courtyard wall behind them. .

That is……

A lineup of cats that look even more vicious than they do!

One of the cats had a long scar on its face, and the scar ran through one eye. It was staring at them with one eye. The cat next to it was not injured, and its orange coat was smooth and soft, but its eyes were frighteningly bright. Having raised cats, they can also understand that kind of look is 'excitement', next to it is a black and white cat looking at them with a high attitude, and next to it...

Uh, in short, it was the horrible feeling that they accidentally provoked a violent society and were about to be beaten to death,

Wuming stared at the two of them condescendingly, squinted his eyes slightly, and let out a sharp cry, "Meow!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The group of cats squatting on the wall bent down and jumped down. Some of them fell to the ground and jumped forward with their strength, while the other part flew directly from the side of the wall to encircle them.

The short gangster looked at the cats rushing towards him in all directions, took a quick step back, swallowed his saliva, and let out a terrified scream, "Ahhh!"


The tall man next to him called out a duet of male and female voices.

At Dr. Ali's house, Ayumi who had just changed her clothes hurried out of the bathroom and saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki standing at the door, confused and nervously asked, "Sister Nanatsuki, sister Nanatsuki, I seem to hear someone..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Outside the door, the screaming sounded again, like a broken repeater screaming endlessly, but the fear and pain that penetrated the bone marrow seemed to be hidden in the screaming, and during the period, heavy objects hit the door panel from time to time The sound of sharp objects scratching the door panel, the sharp meowing of cats.

"I, I don't know either," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood at the door, wondering if he should open the door to take a peek outside, but thinking that Ayumi had no fighting power, she gave up opening the door, turned around and returned to Ayumi, staring at Ayumi. Looking at the door that was bumped from time to time, try to comfort Ayumi with a gentle voice, "Let's not go out yet..."

"Ah...! Help! Help!"

In addition to the screams outside the door, human shouts finally came.

Ayumi shrank behind Nanatsuki Koshimizu, tightly holding Nanatsuki Koshimizu's hand with both hands, her face pale, "Okay, so scary..."

Outside, Conan hurried to the gate of the courtyard, saw the two black shadows surrounded by cats, paled in fright, and quickly shouted, "Wait, wait a minute!"

In the yard, two figures squatted on the ground with their backs leaning against the entrance door, with their hands in front of their faces, but other parts of their bodies could not escape the claws of the group of cats. They screamed in horror, completely blocking Conan's shouts.

Haibara Ai ran to Conan's side, only had time to take a deep breath, and immediately turned the volume of the phone to the maximum, holding the phone in front of him.

Chi Feichi's voice came from the phone, "Stop, don't really scratch me to death."

Mao Lu, who was besieging the two gangsters, stopped running and stretching his claws one after another, and retreated to the side following Wuming.


The two people squatting at the door held their heads and were still screaming in terror. The heavy windbreakers on their bodies had been scratched and torn, and the cotton wadding fell on their heads, their bodies, and the ground along with bloodstains.

Conan hurried forward and observed the two people who were screaming, and found that the two people were wearing thick clothes and tightly wrapped, but the clothes, gloves and gloves were torn, and there were two bloodstains on their bodies. He took two steps back vigilantly, pulled At a distance, he shouted speechlessly, "Okay, they haven't attacked you anymore, stop screaming!"

"Ahh..." The short gangster howled dryly twice, his mind gradually came to his senses, he raised his head quietly between the arms covering his face, and glanced around furtively with his eyes.

Hui Yuanai stepped forward and found one of the black-and-white cats trotting in front of him to rub his shoes, and recognized that it was the kitten sent to the shelter by the Detective Boys. "It turned out to be a small one, but it has grown up a lot."

"Meow~" Another orange cat ran to Hui Yuanai with brisk steps.

Hui Yuanai stretched out his other hand to touch the cat, "Genta, you're here too..."

This one is also known, she fed it on the way from school.



The cats gathered around and came forward, regardless of whether they were familiar with Hui Yuanai or not, they all wanted to rub and pet him.

Hui Yuan Ai Shou was almost overwhelmed, but the more he masturbated, the happier he became.

"Little Tiger, you slipped out of the shelter again..."

"Are you a new face? With such white hair, you can't be an unknown relative..."

"It's really hard for you today, I'll make you dried fish and millet porridge later..."

Happy cats, crazy cats, selfless cats.

"I said, they were..." Speechlessly, Conan looked back at Hui Yuanai, who raised me, and found a cat rubbing against his shoes. He lowered his head and looked at those big round eyes for a second, and swallowed in compromise. After complaining, he looked up at the two trembling gangsters, prepared to settle the matter of these two people first, and started to bluff people, "We have already called the police, you two, don't say that you are here to visit, how can anyone wear a suit?" You came to visit others wearing a hood? Also, you should have brought dangerous items on your body, that is also proof of your evil intentions!"

The gangsters were a middle-aged man and woman, both of whom appeared to be in their forties.

The woman had short curly blonde hair in a fashionable fashion, but now she was wearing a cloth strip made from a hood, which was covered with cat fur, making her very embarrassed.

The other taller man was not much better. He was dressed in ragged fabrics and had a claw on his face. Blood oozes from the long and thin wound.

Seeing that the two looked at each other silently, Conan took another step back vigilantly, ready to pop out the football in his belt at any time, and shouted to the two with a serious expression, "You can't run away! Should you wait for the police to come and surrender, or... ..."

"Let the little ones help you recall the purpose of coming here?"

Hui Yuanai said in a cold tone, and stood up, with a cat in his arms, a cat on his back, a cat on his head, and a group of cats around him.

The group of cats protecting the body is so arrogant!

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