Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2272 There is no hindrance to imagination

Chi Feichi continued: "Mayumi Hashimoto turned around and found that Kuroda was gone, so she hurriedly pushed the middle-aged uncle away..."

Dr. Ali breathed a sigh of relief.

That's about the same.

Chi Feichi: "She hid in the dark alley and wept, sobbing and asking herself why she became like this. At this time, the three of Kuroda approached her again and asked her why she ran away..."

Zhengzhi Yuantai: "Damn it! Even if it's a girl, I want to teach them a lesson!"

Chi Feichi: "Kuroda also asked Mayumi Hashimoto to look at her mobile phone. On the mobile phone was a photo of the middle-aged uncle hugging Mayumi Hashimoto intimately. Kuroda warned her that if she forgot to bring money next time, she would take the money. A photo is released..."

Zhengzhi Yuantai: "Damn it! Who would believe that kind of photo?"

Conan: "..."

Hey, Mrs. Yuan, is she serious? Besides, Chi Feichi is powerful enough to continue speaking on his own, completely ignoring the interference of roaring.

Chi Feichi: "Amidst the malicious laughter, the three of them left. After crying, Mayumi went to the roof of a nearby building, climbed up the concrete guardrail, and jumped from the top..."

"Ah!" Ayumi whispered, making Yuanta startled.

Conan didn't expect things to develop like this, and his mind was buzzing.

There are no warm-hearted friends to lend a helping hand, and no righteous detectives to help... Is it really okay to let children listen to such cruel stories?

Chi Feichi didn't have time for others to ask questions, and continued the story on his own, "When she fell down, she saw the girl with long black hair and red eyes, who was still wearing a black junior high school uniform. , seemed to appear beside her out of thin air, falling down with her, she looked into the other's eyes, those eyes had no fear, and were so calm that there was no wave..."

other people:"……"

Chi Feichi's eyes were made up in his brain, very good, there was no hindrance to his imagination at all, and he could already feel the strangeness of that girl.

"The pain I imagined did not come, Hashimoto Mayumi found herself falling into a red world, the setting sun dyed the sky like blood, and the Kusano where she was kneeling was also dyed red, the strange girl standing in front of her Under the tree," Chi Feichi said, "Looking at that girl, she seems to understand her identity, whispering what everyone calls the girl, hell girl..."

"The hell girl answered her, 'I am Yan Moai, you called me', seeing the other party reaching out to her, she no longer hesitated or feared by the other party's indifferent and ethereal voice, stood up and walked forward, asking The hell girl helped her eliminate her resentment..."

other people:"……"

I imagined Huiyuan's attitude when he spoke, and felt that there was no hindrance in imagining the picture.

Chi Feichi continued, "Yan Moai handed her a scarecrow the size of a palm, and asked her to accept the scarecrow with a red thread tied around its neck, and told Mayumi Hashimoto that if she really wanted to get rid of her resentment, she would get rid of it." Open the red line, as long as the red line is untied, she will formally sign a contract with herself, and the person she resents will be dragged into hell, but if the resentment is eliminated, she herself will pay the price."

"Generation, price?" Ayumi was nervous.

"Hearing what Yan Moai said, Hashimoto Mayumi also stopped trying to untie the red rope. She didn't understand what Yan Moai said was the price," Chi Feichi said, "Yan Moai told her that harming people will eventually be Harm yourself, if you use this method to eliminate resentment, after Mayumi Hashimoto's death, your soul will also fall into hell, unable to go to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and your soul will be full of pain and suffering, wandering forever."

Mitsuhiko whispered, "It's scary..."

"At that moment, Hashimoto Mayumi seemed to see the hell that Yan Moai said, it was a bright red world with all kinds of tortures, and she couldn't escape, and it was full of aura that frightened her," Chi Feichi said, "Amidst the shock , she returned to that street again, kneeling safely at the entrance of the alley, the scarecrow in her hand reminded her that everything was true just now, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the voice of Yan Moai sounded in her ears, Yan Moai Tell her, the next thing is up to her to decide..."

Hashimoto Mayumi was still hesitating, because she had something on her mind, and faced Kuroda who came up to her at school, she also ran to the bathroom in despair, which caused Kuroda's displeasure. Just after Hashimoto Mayumi came out of the bathroom, the teacher stopped her She, took her to the faculty office.

"Just now, the school received an email. The content of the email was the photo of Mayumi Hashimoto being hugged intimately by the uncle. Mayumi Hashimoto wanted to explain in a panic, but was interrupted by the teacher sharply, telling her to stop making excuses. Don't you feel ashamed to question her for doing such a thing as a junior high school student, and accuse her of betraying her trust by asking her to call her parents to school tomorrow..."

"Hashimoto Mayumi left the faculty office, and Kuroda and two accomplices were watching her jokingly outside, making harsh laughter..."

"The collapsed Mayumi Hashimoto took the scarecrow to the rooftop and untied the red thread around the scarecrow's neck. The scarecrow was swept away by the strong wind and disappeared into the air. At the same time, Mayumi Hashimoto seemed to hear a dull male voice. , responding to her 'the resentment is known'..."

"Okay!" Yuan Tai was still very engaged in listening, and clenched his fists, "Let the hell girls teach them a lesson!"

"The hell girl in hell bathed and changed her clothes, put on a black kimono, and got into a carriage without horses and drivers. The head of the old man in the carriage was in flames, leading Yan Moai from hell to the world," Chi Feichi said "That night, Kuroda asked Hashimoto Mayumi to meet at the school at 8:00 p.m. Go up..."

The following story is completely the supernatural trend of the school ghost talk.

It was like Kuroda chasing Hashimoto Mayumi into the teaching building, and found that there were teachers and classmates in the classroom, but when the teachers and classmates turned to look at her, those people had no face...

It's like the corridor that keeps getting longer and longer after escaping from the classroom, like a classmate playing volleyball on the playground asks Kuroda to help throw the ball back, but when Kuroda picks up the ball, he finds that he is holding a skull in his hands...

It seemed as if he had managed to escape back to the corridor, but the teacher waved again friendly, saying that he would take Kuroda to find his friend, but what Kuroda saw was the terrifying scene of his friend being swallowed by the wall...

In the end, he returned to the classroom, where an incident of "theft" in the evening was replayed. That day when Mayumi Hashimoto put the donated money in his desk, Kuroda saw himself go up quietly and take the money. endowment.

Faced with Mayumi Hashimoto's questioning, Kuroda still did not admit his mistake, and asked Mayumi Hashimoto who saw it, and a response of "I saw it" came from above the classroom, and a giant eye stared at Kuroda on the ceiling. ...

The three children were nervous, Genta and Mitsuhiko were like octopuses holding Conan tightly, Ayumi huddled in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's arms, her hands were still holding Huihara Ai's arm, and thoughtfully wanted to give Hui Yuan Ai also conveys a little courage of "with companions, don't be afraid".

Hui Yuanai didn't feel scared. Although Chi Feichi's voice made her feel eerie when talking about the scary scenes at night, it didn't make her afraid.

In the story, a beautiful woman with half of her face turned into bones, a smiling old man in a straw hat, and a young man with long bangs covering one eye appear one after another and ask Kuroda if he has learned a lesson, but Kuroda still does not admit his mistake. He casually said that he was just a prank.

Seeing that Kuroda did not repent, Yan Moai appeared behind Kuroda, stared at the panicked Kuroda, and said to himself...

"The sad shadow lost in the darkness, the evil soul who hurts others, traps others in injustice, and indulges in sin, do you want to die once and see?"

Chi Feichi's voice was peaceful like a speech machine with no emotions, but it made other people feel chills down their backs when they heard it.

"Kuroda woke up again, and found herself lying on a small wooden boat, sailing in a dark river, misty white mist drifted on the river, and dim river lights floated on the river surface, and the surroundings were silent. She panicked and asked Yan who was rowing the boat. Where is Moai, Yan Moai answered her, this resentment will be exiled to hell..."

Infected by the atmosphere, Mitsuhiko nervously confirmed, "Have you been dragged into hell?"

"That's right, Kuroda disappeared into the world, and Mayumi Hashimoto returned to school, with a smile on her face again, and she would joke with her classmates as usual," Chi Feichi said, "It's just that when no one is around, She will secretly look at the mark of the Eye of Hell on her chest, and remember what Yan Moai said, after she dies, her soul will also fall into hell."

Ayumi felt cold all over, shivered, and wrapped the quilt tightly, "Then... what happened after that? Did she fall into hell after death?"

"The story ends here," Chi Feichi announced the end of the story, "Mayumi Hashimoto is still alive, but the contract from hell will not disappear, so after she dies, she will definitely fall into hell."

Ayumi was a little lost, "Is that so..."

Mitsuhiko felt relieved, "It's better for us as a young detective team. If a classmate encounters this kind of trouble, even if there is no commission fee, we will be happy to help her for free."

"So you are all good boys." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

Genta couldn't figure it out, "It's fine for Kuroda to bully his classmates and be dragged into hell, but Mayumi has been bullied all the time, why can't Hell Girl help her for free?"

Conan suddenly figured it out, and said in a serious tone, "Because she let Yan Moai take Kuroda's life, it was her fault, and she has to pay the corresponding price."

"So that's how it is," Haibara said plainly, "If there is no supernatural element in the story, then Mayumi Hashimoto killed Kuroda after being bullied..."

"That's right," Conan agreed, "Just like in reality, murderers would be arrested. When she decides to take someone's life, she also becomes a demon who will fall into hell in the future."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Chi's story is really true," Okiya Subaru joined the night talk, "It feels like I have witnessed it with my own eyes, and I can't help but wonder if such a girl really exists."

"Brother Chi has always told stories like this, so talking about horror stories is even scarier." Conan dispelled Okiya Subaru's doubts, but he was not sure, "However, this kind of thing may happen in schools everywhere, Brother Chi The story should also have real elements, so it can be told in such detail."

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