Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2299 I only guarantee that I will not die [1119 plus more]

"If you have any worries in the future, you can also tell me, maybe I can reassure you..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, and suddenly thought of another thing.

Ayumi's situation just now, in one sentence, is probably "brother has someone he likes, and he is worried that he will be thrown aside in the future", will Xiao Ai also have such worries?

After thinking about it, she felt that Xiao Ai didn't seem to have such worries at all.

Why don't you still find a chance to ask?

Ayumi looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki from the side, and asked curiously, "Actually, Sister Nanatsuki likes Brother Chi, right?"

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki came back to his senses in surprise, and reflected on where he had shown it, "Why do you think so?"

"Obviously, you often secretly look at Brother Chi, and when Brother Chi is doing other things, you will stare at him for a long time," Ayumi thought for a while, "It's also a woman's intuition..."

"It's... a woman's intuition again?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled dryly, wanting to correct Ayumi - you could say 'little girl's intuition'.

Ayumi nodded seriously, and thought about it, "But Brother Chi has never had a girlfriend. I heard that he has never had a girlfriend. Maybe he is the kind of person who is emotionally slow, and it will be very troublesome... "

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

She wanted to nod and nod.

"Sister Nanatsuki, do you want to tell Brother Chi first?" Ayumi looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki and asked, "It's because you like him."

"Cough..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki smiled dryly, "I don't think you should be anxious, wait for us to get in touch again and make sure he doesn't hate me because of it, I'll tell him..."

"Be careful of being preempted by others," Ayumi sighed with some regret, "Xiao Ai is right, there are really many adults around us who are insensitive, late-blooming and worrying."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

( ̄. ̄)

It should be that they turned around and complained about why a group of children are so precocious.

"Jingle Bell……"

The incoming call rang, Koshimizu Nanatsuki woke up from speechlessness, took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, and answered the call, "Mr. , we'll go there."


Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ayumi found the commercial vehicle they were in when they came, and found that Chi Feichi was already waiting beside the car with other children, while Miyamoto Yumi was driving a patrol car with Miike Naeko, Chiba and Shinobu waiting .

"How's the situation?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped forward and asked.

Mitsuhiko replied positively, "Officer Yumi has asked his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate. A car accident that happened last month may be related to this incident."

"I heard that a rubber boat and a life buoy were placed in the back seat of the car involved in the accident, which completely blocked the rear window, so when the driver was reversing, he didn't see a lady pushing a baby carriage behind the car, and the rear of the car directly hit her. Fuck them," Conan said with a serious expression, "The lady was only slightly injured and was discharged from the hospital within a few days, but her child died because of it..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little surprised, "Is it a baby who died because of this?"

"Yeah, it was a sad accident caused by the blocked rear window," Hui Yuanai couldn't help but sighed as he thought about the accident, "No wonder Brother Feichi cares so much about the blocked rear window of the car. The driver cannot see the situation behind the car, which is too dangerous, and it will lead to tragedy if he is not careful."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It's not that he cares about these issues, it should be said that Japan does not pay much attention to driving safety issues, right?

Take that ita car as an example, even if the pattern didn’t block the rear window, a car with fancy stickers on the road may distract other drivers on the road and cause a car accident. Such a car was not stopped by the traffic police on the road Down?

Besides, the modified sports car, not all modified cars will be designed by a special person to evaluate the safety, and many modified cars only focus on appearance or performance improvement. Such a randomly modified car, what should I do if something breaks down while running? ? What should I do if a sudden loss of control or flameout causes a traffic accident?

The same goes for another car with the rear window blocked by a golf bag, and the traffic police actually...

Wait, this is Japan? Oh, then it's all right.

In the countries he visited in his previous life, including Japan and the United States, some people drove past the traffic police in modified cars, and Japan has no clear regulations on whether the rear windows of vehicles can be blocked.

As far as this life is concerned, of course there are quite a few cars that obey the traffic rules, and some drivers will politely insist on 'giving way to pedestrians', but lawless people are still just as arrogant.

Chianti once accelerated and turned sharply in front of the traffic police. Even if it violated the traffic rules, the traffic police had to dare to stop it and be able to stop it.

Gin can drive an antique car with the steering wheel in his hands, a cigarette in his mouth, and a cell phone on the phone next to his head, driving, smoking, and making calls.

He also had the experience of driving back and forth with other people outside the city, scolding someone who can't drive while driving...

Cough, not to mention criminals like them, even a certain Shinigami elementary school student will use a skateboard to shuttle back and forth in the traffic flow. It is understandable to prevent things like explosions, but sometimes it is just to chase a suspicious person.

Everyone seemed to follow the same rule in tacit understanding - I only guarantee that I will not die, and whether others will die or not depends on whether God will show face or not.

"Anyway," Conan was still explaining the situation to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Officer Yumi has already obtained the information of the victim of the car accident, a family named Shigei..."

"We want to go and have a look!" Yuantai stood in front of Yueshui Nanatsuki, and shouted with a serious face, "We have to tell the other party, no matter what, it's wrong to destroy other people's cars!"

"Okay, it's okay for me to take you there," Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out the car key and unlocked the door, and opened the rear door to let the children get in the car, "But it seems that it's not sure who is sitting in it now, right? Even if it is related to the person named Zhongjing, it is not sure whether it is the husband or the wife. If you just come to the door like this, won't you startle the other party and cause the other party to destroy the evidence..."

"I think it should be my wife." Conan climbed into the car and sat down, and analyzed seriously, "According to the information they left in the Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Shigei is an employee of a company. Just now, the US police officer called to that company to ask However, after the accident happened a month ago, Mr. Shigei only took two weeks off before returning to work. He is still in the company today, and the company is far away from here. The paint cannot be Mr. Shigei. It was sprayed, and today there are four incidents of red paint, which happened between 4pm and 5pm on Tuesday last week, around 10am on Friday last week, after 2pm on Monday this week, and today , from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday..."

"So that's how it is," Nanatsuki Koshimizu said clearly, "The time for outdoor activities is concentrated on the working hours of office workers, usually full-time wives. As for the lack of action after five o'clock in the afternoon, it is because they have to go home to prepare dinner, and dinner After that, I may need to stay with my husband at home or clean up the house, so I don’t have time to do this kind of thing.”

"Ms. Shigei should have been in this parking lot before, or passed by this parking lot. It is almost evening now, and Mrs. Shigei will probably go home to prepare dinner. We can just go to her house to look for her now," Hui Yuanai continued Explained, "Before the police come to the door, it would be better for us to talk to her first."

"Officer Chiba said that he could stay and help," Mitsuhiko added. "As for Officer Chiba's friend, Officer Yumi asked him to take a taxi back first."

After the children got into the car, Chi Feichi and Yue Shui Nanatsuki also got into the car.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu drove to catch up with the patrol car driven by Yumi Miyamoto. Not long after leaving the parking lot, when passing by the exit of an underground parking lot, he heard noises in the parking lot.

As soon as the crowd at the exit of the parking lot saw the traffic police patrol car, they immediately waved forward.

"Here! Here!"

"The traffic patrol car is coming, let's move!"

"Officer, a car rear-ended someone's car inside, and the owners of the two cars were arguing at the door. Our car can't get out at all!"

Miyamoto Yumi stopped the car on the side of the road, leaned out of the car window and shouted, "I have other things to deal with. If there is an accident, call the traffic accident handling team!"

Passers-by silently took a step back and looked at Miyamoto Yumi.

This female police officer is so violent...

"Really..." Yumi Miyamoto pulled the door open and got out of the car with black hair, then turned her head and explained to the bewildered Miike Naeko, "It doesn't matter if we go to Shigei's house later, let's go and see what's going on inside first. Let's do it!"


Naeko Miike nodded with a smile, picked up the notebook and got out of the car.

Miyamoto Yumi patted the window of the back seat of the patrol car again, "Chiba, please wait in the car for a while..."

"Wait, wait a minute," Chiba and Shinobu hurriedly got out of the car, "I'll go help too!"

In the back, the five children of the Detective Boys, of course, would not fail to join in the fun, getting off the car one step faster than Chiba and Shinobu, and standing neatly by the side of the road.

Yuan Tai: "Let's go and have a look too!"

Mitsuhiko: "I saw police officer Yumi on duty before. She was either in a patrol car, or she was cooperating with the criminal department to set up a random inspection on the road. I don't know how she would deal with traffic accidents..."

Ayumi: "It must be cool!"

Listening to the children's discussion, Yumi Miyamoto couldn't say what she wanted to say, "Why are you joining in the fun?", so she could only say to Chi Feichi and Nanatsuki Koshimizu with a speechless expression, "Mr. Chi, Miss Yueshui , after entering, please take care of the children, don't let them affect my work!"

"Don't worry." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

Miyamoto Yumi then walked to the underground parking lot.

Alright, then she will show the group of brats, what is the demeanor of the female police officer in the traffic department when she is on duty!

In the underground parking lot, the two collided cars were not far from the exit.

The rear of the blue car in front was dented by the red car behind. The door on the driver's side was wide open, and the airbag inside could be seen to have popped out.

The front of the red car behind is also dented, the hood is deformed, black smoke is coming out of the gap, and the airbag has also popped out. The most striking thing is the front window of the car, with red paint sprayed on the glass. The two big characters of "die" came out.

"Hey, hello..." Yumi Miyamoto didn't expect that the two cars seemed to have hit hard, so she quickly turned her head and asked the people around, "Are the drivers of the two cars here? Is anyone injured?"

Okay, no more, call it a day! Complete a cut-and-seek update.

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