Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2303 Is there such a good thing?

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's serious expression and serious attitude, Haibara nodded and said, "You ask, if it is a question that can be answered, I will definitely answer it truthfully."

"It's really cunning enough to pre-set the conditions in advance..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, and soon became serious again, looking at Haibara Ai and asked, "I mean 'if'... If Mr. Chi In the future, if you have a lover and will probably marry him, will Xiao Ai worry that your brother will be snatched away by others?"

Huihara Ai tried to understand Koshimizu Nanatsuki's intention of asking such a question, realized that Koshimizu Nanatsuki might really see her as a little girl, and deliberately pretended to be thinking seriously, "If Brother Feichi will be with someone in the future A woman gets married..."

"Yeah!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded repeatedly.

"Is there such a good thing?" Hui Yuanai sighed solemnly, "Then I should thank the other party."

"Good, good thing?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki repeated in perplexity, wondering if it might be the reason for Chi Feichi's mental illness.

"Yeah," Hui Yuanai took a bite of the watermelon calmly before complaining about his experience of being frightened, "He and the doctor said before that if they don't get married and start a family in the future, I will be in charge of helping them. They take care of old people, and I don’t want to take care of one old man in my future and have to take care of another old man.”

"O, so that's how it is..."

Nanatsuki Koshimi didn't expect such an answer, and for a while, she didn't know where to start complaining.

Anyway, Mr. Chi and Dr. Chi's behavior of planning retirement in advance and trying to squeeze the little girl is very strange...

"It's just that these two people are more worrying, and it's not easy to take care of them," Hui Yuanai continued to complain in a slow tone, "The doctor always doesn't pay enough attention to the things in life, he knows very well that he needs to control his diet, strengthen his Exercise, that's good for his body, but if no one is watching, he will quickly put these things aside, and he will feel 'just eat once', 'just be lazy for a day', not sure about the result If you have too much influence, you will steal food or be lazy again and again; as for Brother Feichi, even if no one is watching him, he will pay attention to eating healthy and exercising, but he will only do what he wants to do , if you make a proposal to him that is good for him but he doesn't want to do it, he will willfully reject it from the beginning, 'no', 'I don't want', 'don't worry about children'..."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Listening to Xiao Ai's words, she felt that these two people were not worrying.

Hui Yuan Ai originally complained in a joking manner, and as he talked, he also felt resentful, and said expressionlessly, "Anyway, it's hard enough to deal with two people like this, and I really don't have the confidence to take care of the two. If someone is willing to take them over, it will make me feel a lot easier."

"No wonder..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki smiled dryly, "Xiao Ai seems to have always hoped to fall in love..."

Hui Yuanai complained, refreshed, and suddenly worried that Koshimizu Nanatsuki would be scared off, "Of course, if the person who takes over them needs help, I will be happy to help, but I want to let them choose to get married You probably don't need my help."

Hearing footsteps coming from the stairs in the living room, Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned his head and looked over.

Conan followed Chi Fei to the living room late, put the schoolbag in his arms on the sofa, and followed Chi Fei to the balcony late.

"Sit wherever you want, if you want to eat watermelon, you can take it yourself." Chi Feichi greeted Conan.

"Okay," Conan smiled obediently, "Thank you Brother Chi!"

Hui Yuanai looked at Conan's schoolbag on the sofa, and said in a teasing tone, "I said, did Uncle Maoli finally couldn't help driving you out?"

"No." Conan glanced at Hui Yuanai and said speechlessly, "It's just that Uncle Kogoro has a commissioned work recently, and he came home very late today. Sister Xiaolan helped him heat up the food, and he plans to drink for a while. I don’t know how long he’s going to go to. I have to go to school tomorrow morning. Sister Xiaolan is worried that he will disturb me when he goes back to the room to sleep, and I also want to come and talk to you, so I asked Sister Xiaolan to send me over. .”

Every once in a while, he would think about whether to get some poison that would temporarily make him unable to speak.

He has to carry three bottles with him, one for poisoning Chi Feichi, one for poisoning Huiyuan, and one spare bottle, always ready for these two talking and annoying guys!

"Conan will stay here temporarily for one night," Chi Feichi added, "I can let him sleep in the same room as me, and the rest of the attic and the first floor will be left to our two arrangements."

"So that's how it is," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "Xiaolan usually has to take care of Mr. Mori and take care of Conan. It's really hard work. Let Xiaolan relax a little bit, and tomorrow morning, Conan and Xiaoai can be together You can also talk on the way to meet other people when you go out."

After Conan sat down, Haibara turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Is there really nothing else you want to do when you come here?"

"I'm disappointed," Conan replied in a low voice, "It's true that uncle snored too loudly, so I came here."

Hui Yuanai couldn't help but replied in a low voice, "How could I be disappointed, you didn't come with the incident, you should be lucky."


The next day, early.

Chi Feichi prepared breakfast in the open kitchen, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki called Huihara Ai and Conan to go downstairs to wash up.

There are more people in the room, and they are doing their own activities, which makes this morning more lively and lively.

After washing up, Conan went back to the second floor, looked at Feichi who was eating fish cubes on the dining table, didn't sit down in a hurry, and wandered to the kitchen to watch today's breakfast.

He decided to sleep in the same room with Chi Feichi last night. He had already thought that he would have refreshing experiences such as 'live snake around neck', 'snake tail touching face', 'snake eyes staring' when he woke up, but he did not expect to wake up. At that time, Chi Feichi and Feichi were gone.

He's still a little uncomfortable.

Feichi got up so early today, is it because he is hungry?

But compared to this, he cares more about another thing...


There are dumplings to eat early this morning!

Hui Yuanai also actively went to the kitchen to watch breakfast, and looked at Chi Feichi to scoop up dumplings, "Aren't they fried dumplings?"

Most of the Japanese eat dumplings in the way of 'fried', but Chi Feichi just boiled the dumplings and put them on the plate.

"The weather is so hot recently, it's not good to eat fried food." Chi Feichi explained.

"In this way, you can choose whether to dip in soy sauce or vinegar." Koshimizu Nanatsuki found out the bottles and jars for dipping, put them where two elementary school students could reach, and helped get a small bowl, "and pepper Oil and the like, but remember not to put too much..."

More than half an hour later, the two elementary school students finished their breakfast and went out with their schoolbags on their backs.

"I am leaving!"

"Yes," Yue Shui Nanatsuki sent to the entrance on the first floor, and responded with a smile, "Please pay attention to safety on the road!"

Chi Feichi tidied up and cleaned the dishes upstairs, and waited for Koshimizu Nanatsuki to go upstairs, and while wiping off the water on his hands, he said hello, "Koshimizu, I'm going back to the Kashido-machi apartment, lunch will probably be at Eat outside, I'll pick you up again in the evening, and we'll go out to play."

"Ah, yes," Yue Shui Nanatsuki was a little surprised. Hearing that Chi Feichi said that he would pick her up to play at night, he didn't get too entangled in the question of "Does Chi Feichi want to go back to the apartment?" "Do you need me to take you there? ?”

"No need," Chi Feichi walked downstairs, "I'll take a taxi and try to drive here at night."

"Still pay attention to safety."

Yueshui Nanatsuki sent Chi Feichi to the downstairs porch again, watched Chi Feichi change his shoes and go out, said 'be careful on the road', waited for the door to close, raised his hand to rub his cheeks, turned and went to his office.

She looks like someone's housewife today, and it feels amazing.


Early, eight o'clock.

Chi Feichi took a taxi back to the apartment in Kubadocho, went to the bedroom and opened the window, summoning a group of crows nearby into the house, and the moment the group of crows appeared in the house, he himself turned into a crow and mixed in.

Feichi fell to the ground together with his clothes. The clothes acted as a cushion, but he didn't fall. He crawled out of his collar, propped himself up, and looked up for Chi Feichi's crow incarnation.

The chick of the purple-eyed crow is too small, it is very inconspicuous among the crows, and it is almost blocked by other crows.

Chi Feichi took the initiative to fly out of the crows, and grabbed Feichi's body with his claws.

"Be careful! Be careful!" Feichi was worried that a certain crow's little claws would not be able to grab him, and shouted excitedly. After realizing that a certain crow was flying steadily while holding it, he was relieved, "Master, you have become a crow. After that, the strength is still quite great!"

"My strength and bone hardness seem to be stronger than those of normal crow chicks. Anyway, Feimo is entering school today. Let's go to Didan Elementary School as a team," the purple-eyed crow said, raising its flight altitude and taking Feichi Put it on another big crow, "Let them take you to fly, I'm not very skilled in flying, so I can't guarantee that I won't let you fall on the way."

Feichi looked at the small body of the purple-eyed crow, and obediently wrapped it around the big crow, "Even if you want to take me flying around, I don't trust you to take me with you."

Chi Feichi: "..."

As expected of his family's pet, so honest.

A slightly larger crow landed on the window sill, looked sideways at the little purple-eyed crow in the air, and quacked, "Master, it's too far to fly to Didan Primary School, do you need me to carry you for a while?"

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, seriously doubting whether he in the form of a crow could be too easily associated with the 'weak', "...No, I want to practice outdoor high-altitude flying."

"Then follow me and call out if you need it," the big crow croaked and flew out of the window. "Other crows, form a guard formation and go!"

Chi Feichi followed the big crow and flew out of the window, and soon understood what the 'guard formation' was.

At a height of several hundred meters, the wind is much stronger than indoors, and it is more difficult to fly than indoors. However, with a big crow opening the way in front, he does not have to face the strong wind directly behind him, so it is easier to fly.

The other crows lined up on both sides of them like a geese flying formation, better helping him block the wind resistance on the way forward. If there are creatures flying from behind, they probably haven't approached him yet. The crows flying on the left and right sides will encircle him and protect him in the middle.

Flying in this lineup, other crows can also relax and save some energy in order to cope with possible crises.

There is nothing wrong with flying in formation like this, and it will allow him to get through the adaptation period safely.

No matter how strong his wings are, he is still the size of a crow chick. When flying outside, he may encounter crises that he could not imagine as a human being.

In the crow form, his vision and height are different from those in the human form. If there is no crow to lead the team, he is worried that he will crash into a bird trap while flying outside.

Although there are many crows in Tokyo, there are also other birds, such as the white horse Tan's eagle 'Watson', for example, the birds that occasionally fight in the air with the African-Mexico Army, and the passing birds are not skilled enough in flying. Those birds probably couldn't run away even if they wanted to.

In addition, there may be cats who are interested in flying birds in the low altitudes, and there may be some unscrupulous teenagers in the city who are so bored that they throw things to beat birds, set traps to catch birds...

Before thinking of all kinds of cruel persecution methods, he would call other crows to come and fly in groups. After he was proficient in flying and figured out the precautions of crow life, he would consider flying solo.

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