Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2314 It doesn't matter if you lose all your wealth

"It's good to be motivated," Chi Feichi extinguished the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, staring at the flames on the cigarette butt being annihilated, with his downcast eyes, although his expression didn't change, he was inexplicably more serious than before, "Actually, you have two misunderstandings. First of all, I have always been identified as the heir of the Chi family, but before this year, I had no contact with group affairs. In the past fifteen years, my parents have not spent as much time with me as this year. We spent more than a year together..."

Suzuki Sonoko thought about the situation of the Chi family and his wife, and for a moment didn't know whether to comfort Chi Feichi or not.

In comparison, at least she grew up with her parents since she was a child. Even if she had no contact with many things, she had heard of them to some extent, and now she had her parents by her side to guide and remind her. How could she think it was better than Brother Feichi...

Brother Feichi must have been under a lot of pressure before, I don't know if he has ever been as confused and painful as her...

However, Brother Feichi seems to be doing very well all the time. She doesn't understand Uncle Chi's attitude, but her father never hesitates to give all kinds of compliments to Brother Feichi, and all of them are sincere in private. Is the 'heir of someone else's family'...

Is this a talent? She suddenly didn't want to comfort a gifted dog who was stronger than herself...

"So I don't understand what a qualified heir should do, and I haven't thought about it," Chi Feichi looked up at Suzuki Sonoko, and said firmly, "I only do what I want to do, or what I think is right."

Suzuki Sonoko half-moon eyes, "Oh? Is it just like that..."

It really is a talented dog that makes people jealous.

"The Chi family's wealth is quite rich, and my parents are making money, so no matter what I do now, it's hard to ruin the family fortune. Why don't you let go and do what you want, that's what I think," Chi Feichi said, "It's the same for you. You have more chances of trial and error than others. This is your advantage. You can do it freely. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. Even if your family's fortune is ruined, it's nothing more than zero."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Shiliang Zhenchun stared blankly at Chi Feichi.

'Anyway, it's hard to lose your family fortune and someone has it all, so make it boldly', 'Don't be cowardly, just do it, it doesn't matter if you ruin your family fortune'...

This kind of attitude is really not like what Mr. Chi would have.

It's not that it's wrong, it's just that it's not the same as the impression that Mr. Chi has always given people.

"Brother Feichi, this really doesn't seem like something you would say. I thought you were the kind of careful planning," Suzuki Sonoko was also a little speechless, and even suspected that Chi Feichi was fooling himself, so he couldn't help looking for Chi Feichi. The basis for Feichi not thinking this way, "If you really ruined the family business, or let the family's development become worse day by day, you will be very sorry for the hard work of the family's ancestors!"

"What?" Chi Feichi looked indifferent, "Can they still jump out of the urn and beat me?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

That can't be...

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Brother Feichi's words are really... stupid, but very domineering...

She believed it, Brother Feichi really didn't care if he was wrong or if he would ruin his family.

Sera Masumi: "..."

It was irrefutable, she really wanted to join Mr. Chi's camp and cheer.

Chi Feichi thought for a while, and then added, "Probably my parents won't put pressure on me in this regard, and I won't consider whether I'm worthy of the efforts of my predecessors."

The main reason is that their Chi family still has two crazy batches.

Chikana himself has a very destructive consciousness. If he didn't cross over and the original consciousness died, he believed that Chikana might have a brain twitch one day, and he would feel that everything he owned was meaningless, and then put everything in the Field Group All smashed in, planning to give the world a big 'painful experience', very talented to become the big boss who destroys the world.

Ike Shinosuke seems to be a normal human being, but in fact, he is not very normal. When he agreed to his wife's condition of "not having children in the future", he had no concept of being worthy of his ancestors.

He couldn't even guess if his mother wanted to destroy the world, whether his cheap father would support or oppose it.

If you support it, the reason must be 'I also feel that everything I have is boring, as long as my wife is happy, and I don't care if the world is flooded after it's done'.

If he objected, the reason may be that Lao Chi felt that "since he has come to this world once, he should be gentle with this world", or he suddenly thought about his mother's future, and felt that he should persuade his mother to let go and the couple live longer. several years.

In terms of small matters, he can figure out about 80% of Ike Shinosuke's thoughts and behaviors, but when it comes to major life events, I am afraid that only I know what Ike Shinosuke thinks best, and neither he nor Ike Kana may be able to predict.

There were two predecessors first, so he naturally didn't care too much, and then in Sawada Hiroki's life, that kid is also not normal.

In short, the purpose of the Chi family is - Umbrella is everyone's common construction goal. If there is no accident, everyone should do a good job in the construction. If there is an accident, Umbrella is not the most important, and it can be destroyed if necessary. Add to the fun.

The inheritance of other families has been engraved into their bones so far. Coupled with the large number of family members, there will always be people who insist on the importance of inheritance, and some people who are reluctant to destroy everything they own. It is difficult for the family concept to be as unified as that of the Chi family.

"My parents didn't tell me that I must be worthy of my ancestors, but they have been working hard for the development of the Suzuki family, and I don't want to hold back," Suzuki Sonoko thought, and soon smiled, "But it is very important. Brother Chi, you are right. You want me to boldly do what I think is right. Even if I make a mistake once or twice, don’t worry too much about whether I didn’t do well or have no talent. I should To think about how much I can grow by being wrong, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded, looked at Suzuki Sonoko and continued, "Your second misunderstanding is that you underestimate your ability too much. In my opinion, you are more suitable to be the heir of the Suzuki consortium than your sister Ayako."

Suzuki Sonoko once again suspected that Chi Feichi was fooling you, and confirmed in surprise, "I am more suitable to be the heir than my sister... Brother Feichi, are you kidding me?"

"Ayako is gentle and steady, easy to make people feel friendly, handles things with a sense of proportion, and can do what she should do in an orderly manner in case of emergencies," Chi Feichi commented, "Your sister's personality is different from that of your father. More like some."

"That's right, my sister is usually very gentle with people, so gentle that she doesn't seem to have a temper, but I know her, she can be serious when she is serious, and everyone says she is more like my father than me," Sonoko Suzuki nodded in agreement, and then He bared his teeth and said with a smile, "I should be more like Uncle Jirokichi. I have been more active since I was a child. In fact, Uncle Jirokichi and I get along better. When facing father and sister, he always feels too rigid!"

"This is Ayako's shortcoming. Her personality is too gentle and stable, and she doesn't change enough. It's not easy to attract people with whimsical ideas. You don't have her advantages, but you have advantages that she doesn't. Your thinking is more flexible and you are more open to new things. Your ability to accept is stronger, and at the same time, you have an exploratory heart. With your personality, you can also attract some people with fantastic ideas." Chi Feichi paused before continuing, "Actually, for President Suzuki, Both you and Ayako are suitable heirs. If Ayako inherits the family business, then the future development of the Suzuki Consortium will focus on stability, just like a Ferris wheel, whether it is going up or down, the cabin will try to keep it as stable as possible. It is very small. If you inherit the family business, the development strategy will not be so conservative. You may be able to discover new fields and tracks, or you may need to abandon some old things, such as roller coasters. The falling speed will be faster. The speed will be very fast, but no matter what, you don’t have to worry about the Ferris wheel or the roller coaster falling to the ground, because the facilities of the Suzuki Foundation have been well maintained, and President Suzuki will help you choose and prepare suitable helpers for you, just because I'm an aggressive guy, so I identify more with people who share my style."

"Is there a reason why I am more familiar with you?" Suzuki Sonoko smiled, "Brother Feichi, you are actually very good at comforting people, because Xiaolan is the type who is easy to worry about others, and I don't want her to worry too much , so I have never dared to complain to her, but now I feel full of confidence, and I really want to have a big fight right away! Actually, I also prefer roller coasters. If life is always as stable as a Ferris wheel, it will be too boring. There must be Life is interesting only when there are things that make people's eyes shine!"

Seeing that Suzuki Sonoko regained his vitality, Shiliang Zhenchun felt relieved, and returned to his nature of curious baby, "But, is Mr. Chi actually an enterprising school?"

"It doesn't look like it?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

Sera Masumi: "..."

Seeing Mr. Chi's stable and lack of turmoil, the more she felt that there was a big gap between him and the active and progressive group in her impression.

But if you think about it carefully, Mr. Chi doesn't seem to be lacking in aggressiveness, he is an aggressive... Doesn't it seem strange?

Nanatsuki Yueshui smiled quietly.

She knew that Mr. Chi hadn't been seen by many people. Mr. Chi Benlei was not a quiet person. Isn't it normal for him to be an aggressive faction?

Chi Feichi saw Sera Zhenchun choked, and then looked at Suzuki Sonoko, "As for you and Kyogoku..."

Suzuki Sonoko immediately stopped the smile on his face and kept listening seriously.

"As I said, this is something you have to face and solve," Chi Feichi didn't directly say that Kyogoku is really easy to be recognized by Suzuki and his wife, so as not to cause them to take it lightly and lead to failure, but reminded, "Things should not be let You can solve it by yourself, and you can’t solve it alone. These are two exam questions released for the two of you. The exam questions you face are how to make your parents agree with the person you like, and he also has his own need to submit answers. Exam questions, that is how to get the approval of the parents of the girl you like. When you are all ready, go to meet your parents together. The attitude of the two answerers to the exam questions and the answers you submit will determine the final score together. , which is the final decision of President Suzuki and Mrs. Suzuki."

Suzuki Sonoko felt a sense of enlightenment, and laughed again, "That's right, it's really not about me alone, I have to call Kyogoku to do it!"

"It's really amazing, Mr. Chi..." Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but smile and sigh, "When you say that, it's very romantic like lovers fighting side by side!"

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