Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2316 Brother Feichi doesn't blush when he lies

Suzuki Sonoko didn't think too much about it, but thinking that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a capable female detective in her own right, and she really didn't need any beauty contests to decorate her appearance, she decided that Chi Feichi was right, and changed her direction of persuasion without giving up, "But , This Miss Hefeng Beauty Contest has a part of the wedding dress display, I heard that girls will be amazing in wedding dresses, don't you want to see how beautiful Miss Nanatsuki is in her wedding dress in advance?"

"I want to see it," Chi Feichi said in a gloomy tone, "but I don't want her to be stared at by many men under the camera, thinking of those people's gazes will make me very uncomfortable.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

( ̄m ̄“)

This reason... seems reasonable?

Hearing Brother Feichi's cold voice, she didn't dare to say it was unreasonable.

But does Brother Feichi really think that she is good at persuading people? Are you sure this isn't sarcasm? Why did she feel that she was about to be persuaded by Brother Feichi?

"That..." Shiliang Zhenchun moved his head closer and asked curiously, "What are you whispering about?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki tried her best not to move, but she still paid attention to the two of them.

Chi Feichi didn't wait for Suzuki Sonoko's answer, and looked at Sera Masumuno without changing his expression, "I'm going to discuss whether I want you to accompany Sonoko to the beauty pageant."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Brother Feichi doesn't blush when he lies!

"Me, me?" Sera Zhenchun waved his hands nervously, "I have been commissioned to investigate recently, absolutely not!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you go," Chi Feichi said, "Min is also faster than you guys. The beauty pageant is very suitable for newcomers. This spot will be arranged by him. It is a ten-year cooperation agreement between THK and the park." gifts."

Shiliang Zhenchun breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone, and suggested excitedly, "Let's call Xiaolan. Although you don't have to go to school tomorrow, you are going to attend a music festival. It's rare to have time to gather tonight. If she We have already had dinner with Conan, we can invite them to go shopping in the street together!"

"Okay," Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, "Let's go to Kabukicho First Street!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled awkwardly, "Sonoko, wouldn't it be nice to take the kids to Kabukicho First Street?"

From this point of view, Nanatsuki-san should not know Conan's true identity...

Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki, then turned to look at Chi Feichi.

Next is Mr. Chi...


Chi Feichi had already left his seat, and went to the aisle to find the maid to confirm the bill, pay the bill, and give a tip.

"It's okay," Suzuki Sonoko said to Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a smile, "We'll go to the shop that performs robot dances to watch the show, or go to the gift shop to see if there are any cute items. Children should be able to go too!"

Sera Masumi looked away and dialed Mao Lilan on the phone.

Yuanzi's voice is so loud, Mr. Chi should have heard it, right?

However, Mr. Chi was busy paying the bill, and heard that Nanatsuki sister had already suggested that 'it is not good to take children', so it is normal not to question Sonoko's proposal.

In fact, judging from this is not accurate. Sonoko actually wants to take children to play in Kabukicho, which does not prove that Sonoko knows that Conan is not a child. It can only be said that Sonoko is heartless enough.

Sonoko Suzuki was enthusiastically thinking about how to meet up with Mao Lilan and Conan, and how to arrange the itinerary for tonight, but half of the plan died before it started.

Shiliang Zhenchun called and learned that Mao Lilan and Conan had encountered a murder case. His attention was suddenly attracted by the case, and he was going to take a taxi to find Mao Lilan and Conan to join in the fun.

"Are you really not going with me?"

Outside the building, Sera Masumi stopped and turned to Chi Feichi and Koshimi Nanatsuki to confirm, "Mr. Chi and Miss Nanatsuki don't want to go and see what kind of murder it is?"

Chi Feichi: "I don't want to."

Sera Masumi: "..."

Very good, really decisive.

"Mr. Mori should be there, right? In addition, you, a female high school detective, will also go there, and the matter will be resolved soon," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "I won't go, if it's an interesting event , you have to remember to tell me some other day."

Sera Masumi smiled and nodded, seeing a taxi approaching at the intersection, she quickly ran over, "Then I'll take a taxi first!"

"Don't you need Mr. Chi to drive you?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki shouted hastily.

"No need, you guys go play!" Sera Zhenchun waved without looking back, and quickly got into a taxi and left.

Suzuki Sonoko took out her mobile phone, "Then I'll call the driver and ask the driver to pick me up."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little surprised, "Sonoko, didn't you say you were going to go shopping in Kabukicho?"

"Go and play, I won't bother you two," Suzuki Sonoko firmly refused the dog food in his heart, "Don't forget to meet up in the park tomorrow morning!"

Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood outside the building with Suzuki Sonoko for a while, waiting for the driver of Suzuki's family to pick up Suzuki Sonoko, and then walked together to Kabukicho First Street.

Kabukicho is well-known, and it is a place that many tourists will definitely visit after arriving in Tokyo to satisfy their curiosity. After nightfall, the road is bustling with pedestrians, and cars are not allowed to enter.

There are many restaurants, specialty restaurants with international tastes, video game rooms, karaoke shops and some shops selling souvenirs on this street, not just custom shops.

At the same time, because there will be many foreign tourists who come here here, there are members of violent clubs who come here to drink and party, there are gangsters or thieves who come here for tourists, so the security management is strict. Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki Walking along the street, in less than five minutes, two people suspected of being plainclothes policemen were found in the crowd.

Of course, even if this street does not have the phenomenon of "Dancing Demons", it is definitely not a place suitable for bringing children to play.

Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stayed in Kabukicho First Street for half an hour, and were harassed no less than ten times by a female publicist at the door of a custom store and an intermediary who specialized in introducing food, drink and entertainment, and caught a man who tried to take advantage of the crowd. The thieves who stole their things passed by a group of people who were arguing for no reason, and were enthusiastically stopped by tourists from more than one country and asked if they could go to play together...

Finally, Yueshui Nanatsuki saw a souvenir shop, dragged Chi Feichi into the shop, and wanted to take a good look around, but the souvenirs were interesting souvenirs, but some things were too unrestrained, and a row of shelves was actually full of countless Indecent items.

Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't see it clearly at first, and walked to the shelf curiously. After seeing it clearly, she turned around and dragged Chi Feichi and ran out of the store. She ran until a certain alley where there were few people, and then stopped panting.

"That..." A girl in a high school uniform poked her head, looked at the two expectantly, and asked in a delicate voice on purpose, "Brothers, are you Japanese? Do you need someone to accompany you to eat or go shopping?" ?”

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's face was still red, and when she turned her head, she still felt a little bit annoyed, "No need!"

"Ah..." The high school girl was taken aback, but was quickly stopped by her companion who was chasing her. Hearing her companion whispering in her ear, she looked strangely at Yueshui Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi who were tightly pulled together hands, and bowed nervously, "I'm sorry! I didn't know just now... I'm really sorry, sorry, for disturbing you!"

"Actually..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki reflected that his attitude just now seemed to be too bad. Seeing the nervousness of the high school girls, he just wanted to apologize, but found that the two girls turned around and ran away quickly after bowing, "Eh? Eh? !"

The two high school girls were still muttering as they ran away.

"You are too reckless..."

"Because both of them are very handsome... It's good to have dinner together, and it's okay without getting paid..."

"...But I really didn't expect...the people here are still too complicated..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Yueshui ruined his reputation!

"Why did you just leave? I was thinking that I could go to the coffee shop over there with two cute high school girls to have a drink," Koshimizu Nanatsuki muttered depressingly, and turned to see Chi Feichi's expression. It was a bit smelly, so I was taken aback for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Chi, are you okay?"

Chi Fei slowly softened his face, "Yue Shui, don't forget your masculine attire now, because of your height, you look like a male high school student, the clerk in the souvenir shop just looked at us strangely. "

"Really..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki went through the expressions of the clerk in the souvenir shop and the words of the two female high school students just now in his mind, silently let go of his right hand that was holding Chi Feichi's wrist, and looked sideways at Chi Feichi , showing a guilty smile.

Chi Feichi looked down at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's smiling face, and added expressionlessly, "It's still the kind of male high school student who looks tender and delicate, and looks a little thin..."

So, just now when Nanatsuki Koshimizu pulled him into the store, dragged him out of the store, when Nanatsuki Koshimizu held his wrist just now and blushed with anger and embarrassment, those people actually looked at him a little more often.

He could read those glances—the relationship between these two was weird, like a grown man seducing a delicate high school boy?

I don't know if Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face looks too harmless, or because he looks like a bad guy...

If I had known that he would not be wearing black clothes today, wearing clothes that look softer would also prove that they were 'consensual'. Those people should not guess whether there would be a 'innocent boy being lured' behind the scenes.

"Holding, I'm sorry," Koshimizu Nanatsuki also understood that Chi Feichi was about to be turned into a 'pervert' by some people, so he took a step back with a guilty smile and distanced himself, "The store just now... Anyway, I was scared One jump, so forget I'm dressed like a boy now..."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi didn't take it to heart. In his previous life, he pretended to be a woman in order to complete the task, and so on. In this life, he also disguised himself as a woman to drive Amuro Toru's car. If conservative people knew, they would have Seeing him as a pervert, "Do you want to continue shopping?"

"No, no need," Koshimizu Nanatsuki waved his hands quickly, and started to walk towards the intersection, "I think we should go back, don't we have to go to the music festival tomorrow? It's better to go back to sleep early!"

Chi Feichi had no objection, and set off to follow, "That's fine."

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