Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2318 He wants to make a wish...

At the entrance of the custom store, the soliciting man did not pull the passer-by he had stopped into the store. After feeling a little regretful, he saw the two people standing on the street looking at each other, their eyes lit up, and they walked forward quickly, "What do you two want?" Would you like to experience a bubble bath?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Not quite the right way to open tonight.

"Sorry, we're not interested." Chi Feichi replied to the man, stretched out his hand to grab Koshimizu Nanatsuki's wrist, and walked towards the intersection.

Yueshui Nanatsuki let Chi Feichi pull him away, and quickly ignored the fact that the confession venue was too strange, thinking about how to respond to Chi Feichi.

Saying 'Actually, I like you too'?

Would such an answer be too simple, making it seem like she was being perfunctory or responding casually?

How about expressing your feelings for Chi Feichi?

She wasn't sure if she was embarrassed to say it, or didn't know where to say it, but when she was about to implement the idea, her mind went blank.

It was almost at the intersection, she seemed to have been silent for a long time, wouldn't Mr. Chi misunderstand that she was resisting?

No, hurry up and say something... hurry up...

"It seems... a bit strange to say that you like me in this kind of place."

After Yueshui Nanatsuki finished speaking, she wished she could bite her tongue and kill herself immediately.


Can time be turned back? That's not what she really wanted to say!

"It's really a bit strange..."

At the intersection, Chi Feichi did not let go of Yueshui Nanatsuki's wrist, and walked towards the parking lot, saying in a gentle and serious tone, "Then, when the location is suitable another day, I will tell you again, if If possible, in the next period of time, I hope you can accept my date invitation and determine whether you are willing to get along with me as my girlfriend. When I confess next time, I will formally ask you for an answer to this question , I hope you can give me an answer then."

Yueshui Nanatsuki stared at the front with a blushing face, regardless of whether Chi Feichi could see it or not, she tried her best to keep a straight face and show a serious attitude, "Yes, I will take it seriously, anyway... Anyway, next I also ask you to teach me a lot!"

"I also ask for your advice." Chi Feichi replied.

The nightlife in the city had just begun. Pedestrians were heading for Kabukicho First Street in groups. The two of them walked against the crowd and walked slowly in the opposite direction from the crowd.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki gradually relaxed, feeling that she should also be more honest, and said in a very soft voice, "Mr. Chi, I like you too, and I have liked you since a long time ago."


the next day.

Dr. Ari, the Detective Boys, Mori father and daughter, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki met in front of the park invested by the Suzuki Foundation and Umbrella.

A group of people passed through the security check, entered the gate, and after walking through the tree-lined avenue on both sides, they were stunned by the scenery in front of them.

In front is a large square paved with white stone slabs. A fountain pool is built in the center. A white angel statue more than three meters high stands in the middle of the pool. The bottom of the pool is paved with pink and red crystal stones. The sun shines, reflecting charming but not strong colors in the water.

The statue of the angel stands with its eyes closed, with a peaceful expression on its face, its wings are drooping on its back and its hands are clasped in front of its chest, like a divine envoy who is full of compassion and devoutly praying for others, attracting many young girls to stand in front of the fountain pool Stop, clasp your hands in front of you like an angel statue, close your eyes and pray.

Among the green bushes and grasslands, the Baishi Avenue extends in all directions. Occasionally, retro carriages for tourists to experience slowly arrive at the side of the square, and when they pick up tourists, they go away amidst the sound of kicking horseshoes and the sound of bells on the carriages.

Farther away, the high-rise buildings with white exterior walls are more like embellishments of natural scenery. Even if there are buildings with more than 30 floors, they look lively and fresh.

Ayumi regained her senses from her daze, looked at the fountain angel in front of her, her eyes shone with amazement, "This place is so beautiful!"

Yuan Tai asked happily, "We will live in the park for the next two days, right?"

Huiyuan Ai looked down at the bracelet on his wrist that was issued after the ticket inspection, and looked at the surrounding scenery in a good mood, "The doctor booked a full package ticket, including two nights of hotel accommodation and three meals for two days."

"Great!" Mitsuhiko cheered with a smile.

Haibara sighed, and muttered softly, "Although I almost emptied the doctor's wallet..."

Dr. A Li did not hear Hui Yuan Ai's muttering, leaned over and smiled at the three children, "During the two days here, let's all have fun!"


"Thank you doctor!"

The three children cheered happily.

"Miss Yoko, Miss Xiaoling..." Mori Kogoro has been in a state of excitement since he got off the car, not in the mood to appreciate the scenery at all, happily chanting the names of female artists and leaving the team, he found the activity sign and pointed to the music In the direction of the grand ceremony, he shouted loudly, "Hey, the opening ceremony of the music festival starts at ten o'clock in the morning. Should we go to the event site?"

"Before then, don't you want to pray at the fountain first?"

Sonoko Suzuki was wearing a simple short dress, followed by a bodyguard in a black suit, and walked forward with a smile, "That statue was designed by many astrology fortune tellers and sculptors. I heard that such an angel statue would be very willing to listen. The voice of the world, and pass people's wishes and blessings to the gods, coupled with the love circle at the foot of the angel statue, it will be easier for young people to pray for love to come true!"

"The garden!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mao Lilan stepped forward with a smile, and gathered with Suzuki Sonoko, a little friend who had arrived here early.

Others also gathered around, looking at the angel statue in the center of the fountain pool.

Mao Lilan turned her head expectantly and said to Mao Li Kogoro, "Father, let's go to the music festival after praying!"

"What love comes, that kind of thing..." Mori Kogoro said with an unhappy face, and found that Mori Ran had already dragged Suzuki Sonoko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki to pray, and he choked back, even more dissatisfied, "You move quickly One point!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed, closed his eyes and prayed earnestly.

She wants to make a wish: Every date with Mr. Chi will go smoothly in the future...

Huihara Ai followed to the pool, looking up at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's smiling face.

After the assembly this morning, Ms. Nanatsuki kept smiling on her face. She was still smiling and distracted while sitting in the car on the road. Fortunately, Ms. Nanatsuki was not allowed to drive today. Otherwise, it is still a question of whether they can reach here safely. The smile on Nanatsuki-san's face seemed to convey a hint of happiness...

There is a situation!

Morilan closed her eyes and prayed.

She wants to make a wish: to be able to meet Shinichi...

Conan walked forward with a speechless face, waiting for the girls to finish their prayers, but seeing Mao Lilan praying with eyes closed sincerely, he couldn't help but look at the angel statue in the center of the pool.

This should not be allowed, it is something to deceive little girls, but...

Looking at the three children who were also closing their eyes and making a wish, Conan silently clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

Since there are other children praying, it is not surprising that he joins in the fun.

He absolutely believes in science, but this is also a way to use good wishes to make himself more motivated, just treat it as being with Xiaolan.

He wanted to make a wish, so he quickly changed back to Kudo Shinichi to find Xiaolan...

"Speaking of which, why is this statue praying for love?" Mori Kogoro stood aside, not interested in participating in the prayer, and turned his head speechlessly to talk to Suzuki Sonoko who finished the prayer, "Building prayers for health, prayers for studies, etc. Isn't the statue of him nice too?"

"Because the planning of this area is based on the theme of love," Suzuki Sonoko pointed to the tall buildings with white exterior walls in the distance, and smiled proudly, "There are hotels, horse farms, sports fields and commercial streets over there, and the buildings are all castles. The shape, the tower and a church surrounded by perennial flowers, there are already many unmarried couples planning to hold their weddings here!"


Conan's thoughts drifted away, and Mao Lilan wearing a white wedding dress and smiling shyly appeared in his mind. The next second, he felt someone patting him on the shoulder, retracted his thoughts, opened his eyes and turned his head.

Seeing that Conan finally opened his eyes, Haibara teased in a slow tone, "You pray very devoutly."

How childish a certain detective would be to believe in such a trick to a little girl.

Conan Half Moon Eyes, "..."

Huiyuan had better not give him a chance to laugh at him in the future!

"Little ghosts, I'm leaving!" Suzuki Sonoko greeted, and went to find a carriage in front of the carriageway, "I'll take you to pack your luggage first, and then go to the opening ceremony of the music festival. After lunch, there will be a Hours of sightseeing time, when the time comes, I will take you around!"

Mori Kogoro walked to Suzuki Sonoko and asked aloud, "Speaking of which, Feichi should have arrived long ago, right? Didn't he come with you?"

"He and Brother Juren are over there at the venue, and there is absolutely no time to entertain you now," Sonoko Suzuki smiled gloatingly, "Because Brother Minya said that he is always busy with the company, he decided to do it at the opening ceremony this time. He and Brother Juren had no choice but to take over Brother Minye’s work, although they don’t need to do anything, but they have to keep an eye on the progress of the event, and if there is an emergency, they need to decide how to deal with it.”

Mitsuhiko looked at the other two children and suggested excitedly, "After the opening ceremony is over, let's go to the backstage to find Brother Chi!"

"You have to ask Fei Chi Fang if it's inconvenient," Dr. A Li put on a straight face, "Don't make trouble for them at this time!"

The three children responded helplessly, "Yes..."

A group of people boarded a sightseeing carriage, led by Suzuki Sonoko, and went to the hotel to check in. After putting away their luggage, they took a sightseeing carriage to the venue of the music festival.

The venue was located on the edge of the developed area, and it was built like a gymnasium. In other words, it was originally a gymnasium, but six large stages of different heights were set up in the center.

Large broadcast screens, audio equipment, and laser lights were also installed on the venue. There was another security check when entering the venue, and there were people wearing Umbrella security uniforms patrolling and standing guard.

When the protagonist group entered the arena, the arena was almost full of people. Nearly 100,000 spectators sat in the open arena, and they were all black heads as far as they could see.

Mori Kogoro was startled when he saw it, "Hey, are there so many people?"

"Uncle, don't underestimate this music festival. Some well-known singers in Japan are gathered here, let alone those popular singers," Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile. It was booked out, and the remaining tickets were only tickets, but they were still booked out within a week, if you book tickets late, I am afraid you will have to drive back every night."

Dr. Ali looked at the crowded scene and wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

Fortunately, he booked the ticket when THK's official website accepted ticket reservations on the first day.

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