Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2341 feeling offended

"There may be one reason for excluding children. It is because no one has been to the twentieth floor of the hotel except for you little ghosts recently, but that is the result of another clue analysis," Chi Feichi looked at the picture on the table. The threatening letter continued, "From the threatening letter, it can be seen that the prisoner is not more than 45 years old, has been in contact with electronic equipment such as computers and printers for a long time, is proficient in using computer office software, and has read Japanese translations of foreign countries. If you don’t have the habit of poetry anthology, otherwise you wouldn’t use this kind of typesetting, it also shows that this person is not low in education or has always been interested in reading. In addition, the financial ability may not be too bad..."

Listening to Chi Feichi's words, the others found that there was an outline of a person in their minds.

"The pages are clean, the folds are neat, the typesetting looks clean as a whole, the thought is more delicate, and the image is more patient. Such a person will not look sloppy..." Chi Feichi focused on sorting out his thoughts, "If it is someone The clerk of the club will probably be the team leader. If it is another occupation, the social status will not be too low, but it will not be too high... Women, or men with poor physical fitness and physical defects..."

"Female, female?" Dr. Ali was surprised and puzzled.

"The threatening letter contained the other party's criminal fantasies. The sentence 'let you be my marionette' is full of desire to control, and does not exclude contact with Miss Hualian. If it is a normal man, he will probably use 'piercing' at such a close distance." The way to kill Miss Hualian, but the killing method the other party wants to use is to shoot through the heart, and the heart is avoiding direct contact and facing Miss Hualian head-on," Chi Feichi looked down at the threatening letter, and then raised his eyes to look at her. Mao Lilan, "Women, men with obvious physical defects, and men with excessive inferiority complex, pay attention to these three types of people. Some people are good at disguising themselves, but they can judge the other party's true attitude based on body language. If the other party is afraid Men who face Ms. Hua Lian head-on, when in contact with Ms. Hua Lian, there will be some unnatural reactions on the other party. For women, in some places, it needs to be reversed, most likely someone who pays attention to appearance, sensitive mind but full of desire to control certain things, for example... like Mrs. Meiling."

Shou Hualian and Shou Meimei: "?"

He was listening with great interest, but his mother was suddenly named?

Shou Meiling: "..."

For a moment, I don't know whether Mr. Chi is praising her or hurting her. When did she show a strong look? At least not in front of Mr. Chi, right?

"Maybe life is too stressful..." Chi Feichi muttered, then suddenly stopped, without further words, stood up and said, "Anyway, leave this to Xiaolan, we should check the safety of the competition venue. "

The word 'death' in the threatening letter was in quotation marks, and it did have two possibilities of 'marking the key point' and 'another layer of meaning', but combined with the prisoner's evasive attitude, he felt that it might be a kind of hesitation.

In general, if the threatening letter shows an excessive sense of ritual, the size of the text looks too arrogant, or uses blood-like red to show strong emotions, all sick, extreme, and extreme emotions need to be paid attention to. But after reading the threatening letter, he didn't feel a strong sense of threat, it was more like a catharsis.

The surface is vicious, but in fact it shows cowardice everywhere.

Just like some office workers who steal or intentionally damage public property due to the pressure of life or encounter setbacks, the indignation in their hearts cannot find an outlet to pour out, and they want to try to vent their emotions from criminal behavior, but they are still cautiously extending the tentacles of evil In the first stage, some people will start further crimes after a period of time because the pleasure of crime is greater than the sense of guilt or the pleasure lasts for a long time, and some people will give up the idea of ​​hurting others because of the strong sense of guilt.

No matter who the prisoner who sent this threatening letter is, he may not take any further actions in the near future... Although he wanted to say this, the possibility of murder is not low for the Shinigami elementary school student here, so it is better to be careful and prepared , because the prisoner may be suddenly strongly stimulated and kill Shou Hualian.


Probably because Chi Feichi brought out Shou Meiling as an example. The mother and daughter of the Shou family were in complicated moods, so when sending Chi Feichi and others out, the three of them just exchanged casual greetings and turned back to prepare for the stage. .

Dr. A Li led the young detective team, followed Chi Feichi and Yue Shui Nanatsuki, and walked towards the safe passage in a lively manner.

After walking a little further, Conan asked curiously, "Brother Chi, how do you know that Mrs. Meiling is a person with a strong desire to control? When she met us in the morning, her attitude was really tough, and she was unwilling to let Hualian Miss retired, but she should be very easy-going in front of you..."

"Whether a person is used to occupying a dominant position in life can be seen from his casual demeanor and actions," Chi Feichi walked towards the stairs, "and you can tell by the attitudes of Miss Hualian and Miss Meimei. Just now there was no situation where the mother scolded and the daughter Nuonuo responded, but the two daughters are catering to the mother's arrangement, as well-behaved as two elementary school girls..."

Ayumi: "..."

Should elementary school girls be obedient? Feeling offended.

Chi Feichi looked at Ayumi and Huiyuan Ai, and corrected him, "No, better than elementary school girls."

Ayumi and Haibara: "..."

Does looking at them mean that they are not good?

"To put it simply, the two daughters seem to lack ego," Chi Feichi said, "So, I think Mrs. Meiling should be the kind of person who is strict with her daughters and usually relatively strong."

Hui Yuanai recalled Shou Hualian and Shou Meimei's attitude towards their mother, and suddenly thought of her godmother. After a little comparison, she could feel that getting along with her godmother was more relaxed and natural than Shou's daughter getting along with her own mother, and she also had some pointers The confidence of other people's relationship, "Their father seems to have passed away earlier, so it's no wonder that Mrs. Meiling has become strong, but the mother is too strong, it will not be good for the growth of the two daughters, or they will raise a daughter like a puppet. Either let the daughter have a serious rebellious mentality, I am more inclined to the latter, because people will always have their own ideas when they grow up."

When outsiders talk about Chi Kana, they will always mention that Chi Kana is the chairman of the group and has an equal business status with her husband. A strong woman is often associated with 'power', and she is a goddaughter, logically speaking , she should be restrained and restrained when facing Chi Kanai.

In fact, at the beginning, she really wondered about such issues as "whether the godmother looks gentle, but actually hates others to contradict" and "whether the Chi family and his wife are strict with their children", but as they got along, she found that Chi Kana was not a strong mother.

Sometimes Ichikana would talk to her about "Go to bed early" and "Get along well with your classmates", and would say what is okay and what is not, but she can feel Chikana's tolerance for her personality and ideas, for example, knowing her It is impossible to be as lively as other children, so she will not be forced to do some childish things and pretend to be innocent.

So when she faced Chi Kane, she would be more casual and natural.

Between the mother and daughter of the Shou family, the two daughters seem to be led by Mrs. Meiling, but their words and deeds lack some thoughts and emotions of their own. They seem harmonious and natural, but there is a kind of two daughters who are too obedient to have no self a feeling of.

There will also be the feeling of restraining herself and focusing on her mother, which makes her immediately think of 'the daughter listens to her mother very much'.

It's definitely not just about respecting my mother.

She also respects Chi Kanai, but respect does not mean obedience in everything.

"Mr. Chi's observation is really meticulous," Nanatsuki Koshimizu walked aside, probing, "Then you should have noticed, right? Ms. Hualian has been looking at you just now?"

Chi Feichi didn't expect Koshimi Nanatsuki to ask this question, looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki who was a little cautious and tried to put on a calm face, dispelled the intention of laughing in his heart, nodded and said, "I feel it."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki simply asked more bluntly, "Miss Hua Lian is so beautiful and has a good figure. It should be said that she is perfect. Her eyes are even more beautiful. She looks at her passionately. How can you tell me?" Don't you feel moved?"

"I don't think..." Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "I think she's trying to plot against me."

Experience tells him that the meaning behind that look is 'I'm going to hook you up'.

Not to mention, Belmode likes to play this trick very much, and there are multiple modes of 'affectionate gaze', 'pure and ignorant gaze', and 'lustful gaze' to switch freely.

If he was really hooked, he wouldn't even understand how he died if he was used to death.

Not only him, but some people in the organization may be immune to this kind of gaze, and it will also be accompanied by a certain degree of stress response.

As soon as a beautiful woman stares at him with that kind of gaze, the first thought in his mind is - this trickster wants to plot against me!

"Account, calculation?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't expect Chi Feichi to make such an evaluation, and was a little surprised.

She also felt a little bit wronged for Shou Hualian.

A beautiful woman stared at her affectionately. When she arrived at Mr. Chi's place, how could she feel that 'she is going to plot against me'?

She suspected that Mr. Chi might have some serious illness.

Like persecution paranoia or something...

"Don't you think?" Chi Feichi gave an example, "If a strange man sees you for the first time, he will look at you with that kind of eyes. If you look over, he will still look at you like that. If you don't When looking at other things, he still stares at you like that, regardless of his appearance, you will find it strange, right?"

"Yes, it's a bit strange," Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled the scene, "However, I probably wonder if there is something dirty on my face, and the other party is embarrassed to say so, so they look at me like that..."

"If there is dirt on your face, the person who sees it wants to remind you but is embarrassed to say it directly. When you look over, the other person will not look directly into your eyes for the first time, and their eyes will inadvertently glance at the dirt on your face. The location of things will also show a embarrassed expression that hesitates to speak," Chi Feichi said quietly, "Anyone who is staring at you has absolutely no good intentions."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

It makes sense.

Thinking about it this way, she also felt that there was something wrong with the person staring at her so directly.

Conan followed behind. After thinking about it, he also felt that it would be strange for someone to stare at him like that. He was complaining about Chi Feichi not only being nervous, but also infecting them. Look, I found out that it was the mobile phone belonging to Kudo Shinichi, and the call prompt was 'Xiao Lan', I looked up at the other people walking in front, and slipped to the corner of the corridor to answer the phone.

"Hey, Xiaolan..."

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