Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2344 fake, lie, excuse

"Okay, don't worry," Kudo Shinichi assured with a smile, not knowing the source of Miyano Shiho's worries and conflicts, "I know you don't want Brother Chi to be involved in the family, and I think the same way. The state is really worrying, and it is not suitable for meddling with that kind of confrontation with dangerous guys, I will try to avoid him."

Miyano Shiho suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about confessing to Ran?"

Kudo Shinichi felt that this question was a bit sudden, looked up at the approaching elevator door, looked a little more serious, and said softly, "Of course I have thought about it, I have had such an impulse more than once, thinking about it, otherwise I will directly Tell her the truth."

"Why did you give up again?" Miyano Shiho asked.

She also had an impulse just now, otherwise she would pull Kudo Shinichi and Fei Chi to sit down together, tear off these two guys and the mask she was wearing, and reveal all the hidden things and say, It also saves her from worrying and suffering.

But she felt that she might not be ready yet.

She didn't know Brother Feichi's attitude towards Shirley, his reaction to this kind of concealment or deception, and she didn't know what the godmother would think when she knew the truth. She wasn't ready to lose them.

"In the past, I didn't want her to be in danger. After that, I was also a little worried. Will my deception make her feel sad when she learned the truth so late, and will she think that my behavior is unforgivable..." Kudo When Xinyi arrived in front of the elevator door, he paused for a moment, reached out and pressed the button, "In short, the longer it takes, the more speechless it seems."

"That's really good news, someone can feel the same as me," Miyano Shiho used the words of a famous detective before, and under Kudo Shinichi's speechless eyes, he stared at the floor where the elevator jumped Number, said softly, "The guilt brought about by concealment and deception, the fear and retreat brought about by the fear of losing, plus the fluke mentality that everyone will have, that something may not be discovered, finally created a dilemma. The situation, thinking that I am not the only one who suffers because of this, seems to make my heart feel a lot easier."

Kudo Shinichi felt that his heart had been poked, and he wanted to feel that life was difficult, so he couldn't help but half-moon said, "Isn't it fine when these things are over? At that time, let Conan leave with the reason of transferring, and then Kudo Shinichi When I get back to everyone, those secrets will become eternal secrets. People who don’t know the truth may be sad because of Conan’s departure, but I believe that after a long time, they will slowly let go, and I can talk to them again become friends."

Dr. Ali, who hadn't been able to get in the conversation, sighed beside him.

At that time, the children should be very sad, and so will other people who don't know the truth...

"You are really optimistic," Miyano Shiho originally wanted to find the answer of 'when will he be mentally prepared' from the famous detective, but he did not expect Kudo Shinichi to be so optimistic, "It would be great if the matter can end like that gone."

For her, the best result is probably that Brother Feichi doesn't know her identity as Shirley, and she leaves the organization safely. Live on, have family, have friends, and keep some secrets in your heart forever.

It would be nice if it could go that smoothly, but it would be too difficult to complete.

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that getting Brother Feichi to leave the organization intact was much more difficult than Kudo waiting for her to come up with an antidote.

Life is hard.

"Cough..." Dr. A Li felt that the atmosphere was too heavy, and was about to say something to adjust the atmosphere, when he heard his mobile phone ringing, he quickly took out his mobile phone and looked, "It's not too late..."

Seeing the elevator door open, Miyano Shiho walked in, didn't rush to press the floor button, looked at Dr. Ali who was about to answer the phone, and said, "Then trouble the doctor to take advantage of the situation and go undercover."


19th floor.

Chi Feichi led Genta and Mitsuhiko to inspect the men's restroom on the first floor, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ayumi inspected the women's restroom on the first floor. Channel exit.

With the children, I hope that the three children can find some problems from the perspective of children, but after inspection, there is no problem.


The phone rang twice and was answered.


"It's not too late, I'm sorry, Conan went to the bathroom by himself just now, but he accidentally slipped in the bathroom and twisted his foot. Xiao Ai and I sent him back to the hotel room we stayed in," Dr. A Li said in a tone Apologizing, "He may have to take a break, Xiao Ai will accompany him, but I will come to you immediately and help you do the security check."

"It actually made Conan give up the investigation. Could it be that he was seriously injured?" Chi Feichi asked calmly, and then suggested, "If it is serious, you can send him to Mr. Mao Li. He also sprained his foot. They happened to be injured. To be able to lie in a ward and talk."

"Uh, no..." Dr. A Li was quiet for a while, and quickly said with a dry smile, "He just has a little pain in his ankle, and he feels that the inconvenience of walking will affect the progress of everyone's examination. After my persuasion, he agreed to go to the room He came here to rest, Xiao Ai helped him to look at it just now, there is no need to go to the hospital, just let him rest for a while, and he also wants to go to the venue later... By the way, Feichi, where have you checked now? ah?"

"I've basically checked the outside of the venue on the 19th floor, and now I'm going to check the inside and the backstage of the venue," Chi Feichi told the truth, "Doctor, I'm a little worried about leaving them in the room with no one to take care of them. Why don't you do the same?" Stay in the room and take care of them, and leave it to us."

"Well..." Dr. A Li was quiet for a while, and quickly smiled, "They will be fine here, but on your side, if you don't have enough manpower, it will be difficult to complete the inspection before the start of the game, right? I'll help you take care of Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko in the past, and save them from running around, and it will be troublesome if it affects the progress of the inspection..."

"Understood, let's go to the venue first. When you arrive, come directly to the venue to find us."

"Ah, yes, I'll be there soon!"

The three children waiting nearby saw Chi Feichi put down his cell phone and hung up, and hurriedly asked questions.

"Brother Chi, what did the doctor say?"

"Why haven't the doctor and Xiao Ai come back yet?"

"Haven't they found Conan yet?"

"I found it," Chi Feichi stared down at the email notification he had just received on his phone, pressed 'View', and replied while reading the email, "But Conan accidentally sprained his foot in the bathroom. Ai sent him back to the hotel room where he stayed to rest, Xiao Ai will stay there to take care of Conan, the doctor will come soon..."

It's just a sprained foot, the injury is not necessary to go to the hospital, will it make Conan give up investigating a threatening letter incident that may endanger other people's lives? Fake.

Xiao Ai knows that her observation ability is better than the three real children, so she will take care of Conan, who is also capable of self-protection in the face of gangsters, regardless of whether they have enough manpower or whether they are in a hurry? lie.

The doctor knows that the three children are taken care of by him and Yue Shui, but when he asks, "Why don't you stay there to take care of them", can you safely leave Conan and Xiao Ai behind and stick to it? Excuse.

Moreover, when the doctor objected to his two proposals, the other end of the phone would be quiet for a few seconds. It should be that he covered the sound recording hole of the phone and was discussing with someone how to answer him. Hearing the doctor's speaking speed, it didn't seem It was the speed at which a doctor would only speak if he was threatened by a bad guy.

Something must have happened that prevented Conan and Xiao Ai from appearing in front of them, and asked the doctor to help them cover up.

If Conan found important clues, it is possible to investigate secretly by himself, and even recruited Xiao Ai as a helper, but there is no reason to hide the clues from him, and if Conan wants to help, he should also call Dr. Ali, an adult male To make up for the shortcoming of children's lack of physical fitness, even if Xiao Ai had to be kidnapped, there is a high probability that Conan would let the doctor follow instead of letting the doctor rush to them immediately.

Combined with the white dry wine in the cake before, he had a bold guess - Conan and Xiao Ai changed back, because they became Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho, so they couldn't come back to them, let Dr. The reason for coming back is to let Conan confirm the progress of their inspection, and perhaps also to let the doctor inform them of their location at any time, so as to prevent the two of them from being bumped into by them.

Xiao Ai knows that he has connections with the organization, and it is indeed possible to ask the doctor to act as an internal response to prevent Kudo Shinichi or Miyano Shiho from being seen by him.

Those two people changed back, didn't leave here quickly or hid, they seemed to want to come here because the detective was worried about the threatening letter...

Fortunately, he was a little sensitive to the combination of 'baiganjiu and the halo of elementary school students of death'. He thought of the possibility of the two of them changing back in advance. When checking the bathroom, he took the time to send an email to Gin and asked if Gin was nearby. stalk.

New email: [I'm nearby, and there are other people on hand, is there any change in Charles? ——Gin]

[No, but one of the contestants received a threatening letter. Mr. Mao Li took the commission but sprained his foot. I will check the security of the venue on his behalf. I don’t have time to monitor Charles. I probably want you to pay more attention to the monitoring situation and the location of the transmitter. The news is that no one plans to call the police at present, and if there is no accident, the police will not come. ——Raki]

After Chi Feichi replied the email, the three children also chattered. Conan, who had suddenly left the team and was injured, began to pay attention to Chi Feichi's actions.

"Brother Chi, do you have other work to do?" Guangyan asked curiously.

Yueshui Nanatsuki, Ayumi, and Genta also cast attention on Chi Feichi.

"No, it's just that a friend suddenly sent me a message asking me if I want to go to dinner tonight, and I explained to him that I have something to do today." Chi Feichi made an excuse at random, and set off towards the venue, "It's almost six o'clock in the afternoon, we Go see the venue as soon as possible."

It's good that Conan and Xiao Ai don't plan to leave here.

If the two of them go out, maybe Dr. A Li will drive them out, but Gin's eyes are sometimes very good. Maybe when you turn your head and look sideways, you will just see a suspicious person sitting in a passing car. What about Shirley's woman?

If there are other people organized nearby, it will be even more unsafe for those two people to go out. If they are not seen by Qin Jiu, they may also be seen by others.

The peripheral members may not know Shirley's face, but they must know Kudo Shinichi, a high school student detective who has been reported countless times. They may not know that Kudo Shinichi was poisoned by Gin, but they may inadvertently mention it to Gin. I saw Kudo Shinichi myself.

Besides, as long as Da Ai passes by the vicinity of Gin, he will definitely be sensitive to Gin, and Conan will definitely run to track down Gin, or he will be traced to him, and the situation will become more complicated... …

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