Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2351 The target is you

When Miss Hefeng came on stage, Chi Feichi didn't pay attention any more, just chatting with other people on his mobile phone.

After all the 18 contestants took the stage, there was a half-hour break, and the stage was followed by performances such as singing, dancing and magic.

Taking advantage of this time, Miura, the main judge, went to the backstage lounge to score for the time being. The other two judges took the stage in the middle of the performance and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the contestants from various angles. Ballot boxes, where audience votes are collected in the venue.

When the staff walked up to Chi Feichi, Chi Feichi said bluntly 'abstain'. The three children and Dr. A Li divided up the number of votes, and each voted for Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi twice.

The performances on the stage followed one after another, while the audience sat in the dark, eating meals prepared by the hotel, and discussing the contestants in this competition.

The three children had eaten earlier, and when Dr. Ali and Chi Feichi were eating, they also ate snacks and watched the show, and yawned as they watched.

Counting the time, Dr. Ali felt that Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho should have got the cake recipe, and immediately smiled at the three children, "If you feel sleepy, I will take you to sleep in the hotel room over there." .”

He sent the children to the hotel to rest, and he was able to meet Na Xinyi and Xiao Ai by the way!

Ayumi rubbed her eyes, resisted sleepiness and said, "But the second round is about to start, I want to go back to sleep after watching the second round at least..."


Just as Chi Feichi wanted to urge the three children to go to bed, he felt the phone vibrating in his hand, glanced at the number, and picked up the phone.

"Over water?"

"Mr. Chi, Miss Hualian is gone!"

"where are you?"

"Backstage, outside Mr. Miura's lounge, Miss Meimei said that someone saw Miss Hualian go to Mr. Miura's lounge, we just rushed here..."

"Wait for me to pass."

Chi Feichi hung up the phone, stood up and said to Dr. Ali who came to ask for his attention, "Doctor, take them to rest, and I'll go backstage."

"Is something wrong?" Dr. A Li hurriedly got up.

"It's nothing, Mr. Miura suddenly came to me with something."

Chi Feichi left a sentence, got up and walked through the round table, and went to the backstage through the side door next to the stage.

In addition to the stage lifting platform and the layout of equipment and equipment lines, there are also prop rooms, studios, temporary lounges for judges, and lounges shared by contestants in the backstage, which are connected by a wide and long corridor.

In the corridor, all kinds of equipment lines were gathered in a mess by the wall, and there were still many places where cardboard boxes were piled up. Several huge background panels were also placed in the corridor. Fortunately, the corridor is relatively spacious and will not affect people's movement.

When Chi Feichi was rushing all the way to the judging room, there were still many staff members busy carrying the background boards and props that will be used later. The on-site supervisor stood at the door of the studio and shouted. Very busy.

Passing through the noisiest area, the judges' lounge was much quieter. Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Ran, Suzuki Sonoko, and Sumimi stood outside Miura's lounge.

And Miura Dawu stood helplessly at the door, saw Chi Feichi, as if waiting for a savior, "Mr. Chi is also here, if you still suspect that I hid Miss Hualian, just let him come to check Let's see if Miss Hualian is in my lounge!"

"Don't play dumb, someone saw my sister walk in!" Shou Meimei said, pointing to the two girls standing in the corner, who were also the two girls who had been in Shou Hualian's room before.

"What's going on?" Chi Fei approached late, and instead of asking Shou Meimei and the others in a hurry, he cast his gaze at Mao Lilan, Yueshui Nanatsuki, and Suzuki Sonoko, "Why did Miss Hualian disappear?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Feichi," Mao Lilan said anxiously, but still let herself explain the situation as detailed as possible, "When we were about to change into the second dress in the dressing room, Miss Hualian said that she was going to the bathroom over there Take a shower, let me avoid it for a while, and go to her after changing the dress, so after I sent her to the bathroom, I went back to the lounge by myself, changed the dress with Sonoko in the dressing room of the lounge, and waited again. She didn't come back for more than ten minutes, Yuanzi and I went to the bathroom to look for her, only to find that she wasn't in the bathroom at all..."

"After the game, I heard that they were going to change clothes, so I went to check if there were any suspicious people in the staff," Koshimizu Nanatsuki also talked about his movements, "After that, I went to the stairs leading to Check the lock at the back door, not long after arriving there, Xiaolan called and asked me if I saw Miss Hualian, that's when I found out that Miss Hualian was gone..."

"Did you call her at that time?" Chi Feichi looked at Mao Lilan and asked.

"Yes!" Mao Lilan nodded immediately, "After seeing the bathroom, I called her cell phone, but I didn't get through twice in a row, so I called Miss Nanatsuki and Miss Meimei and waited for them to come to the bathroom Afterwards, we searched in the bathroom, corridor, and lounge, and finally Miss Meimei said that Miss Chengxiang and Miss Kagami saw Miss Hualian entering Mr. Miura's lounge, so we rushed over again."

Chi Feichi took out a notepad and opened it, took out a pen to record the general process, then looked at the two girls in the corner, "When did you see Miss Hualian enter Mr. Miura's lounge?"

The long-haired girl timidly turned her head to look at the contestants' lounge, "It's... when we are going to change the round of dresses..."

"We had a dispute with Hua Lian, and we were not in the same lounge with her, and there were only two dressing rooms in the lounge we stayed in, so Chengxiang and I planned to wait for the other two girls to change their dresses before changing, and we arrived together In the corridor, I planned to wander around casually." The short-haired girl was obviously much calmer, and she answered Chi Feichi's question seriously, "As a result, when we got around here, we saw Hualian enter Mr. Miura's lounge. As for the time... It should have been about ten minutes after the end of the first round, and at that time there was a magic show on the front stage, and I heard the applause and the host shouting 'Flowers cluster'."

"It's 8:47 p.m.," Chi Feichi recorded the time in his notebook, and asked Mao Lilan again, "Xiao Lan, do you still remember the exact time when you separated from Miss Hualian?"

"We went back to the lounge after watching the last contestant take the stage. Not long after, Ms. Hua Lian asked to take a shower..." Mao Lilan recalled, "The time we parted was about 8:45 p.m. Divide around."

"Two minutes... If these two ladies are not lying, Ms. Hua Lian didn't take a shower at all. After she separated from you, she came out of the bathroom and went to Mr. Miura's lounge," Chi Feichi recorded what Mao Lilan said. Time, looked at Miura Daigo again and asked, "Did Miss Hualian come to see you?"

Although Chi Feichi's expression was calm from the beginning to the end, the calmer Chi Feichi was, the more others felt that their hearts were stuffed with cotton, not sinking, but suffocating.

Dago Miura wiped the sweat from his brow, nodded honestly, "Yes, she came to see me, but she...she just said a few words to me and left soon."

"You have always harbored ill intentions towards Hua Lian, and I have known about this for a long time," Shou Meimei stared at Miura Daigo, and asked in a dissatisfied tone, "She specially sent Miss Xiaolan and the others to come to you, how could it be just In order to say a few words to you?"

In this way, it is almost questioning that the two have an improper relationship.

Chi Feichi couldn't help paying attention to Shou Meimei's angry expression, "Miss Meimei, you are Miss Hualian's older sister. Wouldn't it be a good idea to doubt her like this before you figure it out?"

"Hua Lian is not that confident. Before each competition, she has to take a picture in front of the mirror and see her mother saying that she is perfect before she can rest assured." Shou Meimei didn't have the slightest guilty conscience on her face, her brows were tightly frowned, and she looked dissatisfied and worried. I am very worried, worried that she will do something that I will regret later in order to win. Of course, I will also feel angry. She always said that she must rely on strength to win, and I believe in her so much. I didn't expect that she would secretly come to find her behind everyone's back. Mr. Miura..."

"Mr. Miura," Chi Feichi asked again, "What is the purpose of Miss Hualian looking for you? What did she say?"

"Actually, she..." Dago Miura paused with a tangled expression on his face, stepped forward to Chi Feichi's ear, and whispered, "Her target is you."

Chi Feichi nodded, and moved his eyes to Shou Meimei, "Her family is very worried. If you are not discussing something shameful, it would be better for you to speak up."

"Yes..." Miura Dago himself knew that it would be better to speak out. Facing other people's questioning, the reason why he kept his words vague until now was to get Chi Feichi to say, "You can speak directly", so that even if he said it, Chi Chi Feichi couldn't blame him for the embarrassment that Feichi felt, "I admit, I wanted Miss Hualian to date me after the game, and Miss Hualian did come to my waiting room to find me just now. , I saw her coming, and I was very happy, thinking that she was going to agree to me, but she refused me again, she said that she hoped that I could organize a celebration banquet after the game, and then let me find a way to invite Mr. Chi to participate dinner..."


Shou Meimei looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, and after guessing Shou Hualian's thoughts, she suddenly became embarrassed, and her confidence was not so strong when she spoke, "Could it be that Hualian wants to..."

"She likes Mr. Chi, so she wants you to help create opportunities for her to have more contact with Mr. Chi," Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked bluntly, "Is that so, Mr. Miura?"

"That's right," Miura Dawu saw that Chi Feichi's expression was still not at all embarrassed or secretly happy, and admired Chi Feichi's mentality in his heart, "That's what she meant."

"Then did you promise her?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

"I just said to think about it," Miura Dago smiled awkwardly, "After all, I can't guarantee that Mr. Chi will agree to the invitation."

Shou Meimei looked at Dago Miura with doubts in her eyes, "Could it be because Hua Lian rejected you and asked you to help her create opportunities to get along with other men, you are not angry, so you locked her up?"

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