Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2361 I'm not afraid of being drowned

"Speaking of the way to kill Ms. Hualian..." Mumu Shisan said to Shou Meimei with a serious expression, "The live broadcast camera of the TV station captured Miss Hualian being hung up by Wia. Traces of dried blood, you can't deceive the police with this trick, as long as the coroner conducts further examination of Miss Hualian's body, she will know where her real fatal injuries are!"

"Miss Meimei, your killing of Miss Hualian should be a crime of passion, because the murder weapon you used was only obtained from local materials and was not prepared in advance." Gao Mushe looked at the box in the corner, "Our forensic personnel are still there In the box, I found a paint can with a blood reaction on the bottom and mercury inside. The weapon you used to kill Miss Hualian should be a paint can filled with mercury, and the mercury came from Mr. Amano's wooden box Taken from the puppets in…”

"The puppet that rolls down the stairs can move by itself because there is a tube filled with mercury inside. The movement of the mercury in the tube changes the center of gravity of the puppet, allowing the puppet to roll and move under this mechanism. " Chi Feichi moved his eyes to the big wooden box behind Shou Meimei, "Even if there is only mercury filled with a 500ml beverage bottle, the weight can exceed six kilograms. Less mercury, the capacity on the paint buckets in the carton is 700 milliliters, if you fill the paint buckets with mercury, you can get a heavy weapon of about nine kilograms, which is enough for a woman to smash a person to death."

"After you smashed Miss Hualian to death, you poured the mercury back into the puppet's pipe," Takagi said seriously, "Maybe you were too nervous and forgot to put the lid on the pipe, so if someone picks up the puppet, it will definitely make the puppet go Mercury is coming out, that's why you sneaked back here to try to cover the tube in the puppet... but unfortunately, Miss Meimei, we have found the puppet, and found mercury mixed with white paint in the tube, and The forensics personnel have already taken the puppet away, and are going to conduct further inspection on the marks on the puppet, you couldn't find the puppet just now, right?"

Miwako Sato stared at Sumimei vigilantly, "As long as you find the cap of that tube on your body, you can prove that you are the murderer. Even if you throw the cap somewhere, you can also find your fingerprints on it, and you Since the paint pot used to kill Ms. Hualian is a crime of passion, the traces you left can be found on it, Miss Meimei, do you have anything else to say?"

"I didn't expect that you would have found that paint pot and taken away the puppet..." Shou Meimei murmured, no longer hiding the plastic tube cap in her hand, and threw it forward, "It's really amazing, I'm fine That's all."

Gao Mushe quickly squatted down, carefully put on the gloves, took out the evidence bag and picked up the lid.

"Meimei..." Shou Meiling looked at Shou Meimei in disbelief, as if she felt that the daughter in front of her was very strange, and quickly shouted in panic, "Liar! It must be a lie! How could Meimei kill her?" My own sister? It must be you, the police, and everyone else who lied to me!"

Sato Miwako hurriedly stepped forward to hold Shou Meiling, and at the same time supported Shou Meiling's shoulders, taking Shou Meiling away first.

Mu Mushisan saw Shou Meiling yelling and breaking down, and found that Shou Meimei was staring at her mother who had been taken away, and couldn't help asking, "Miss Meimei, what reason can you kill your own sister? ?”

"Hua Lian was born a few years later than me. No matter what I do, I am always ahead of her, but she can always surpass me very quickly. This is true for piano, violin, dance, and even beauty pageants," Shou Meimei looked at Shou Mei in a daze. The direction in which Mei Ling was taken away seemed to be gazing at a certain point in the void, "After the piano teacher discovered her talent, she quickly left me, only caring about how well she learned. After the ballet teacher noticed her talent, I have always been by her side, until the age of fifteen, when I participated in the regional beauty pageant and got a good ranking, my mother finally noticed me, and everyone began to pay attention to me..."

Speaking, Shou Meimei suddenly smiled happily. At this time, the kind of joy from the heart seemed a little scary. I thought I had succeeded. After my father passed away when we were very young, my mother loved the young Hua Lian even more , always called Hualian, Hualian, but didn't pay much attention to me. I wanted to win back my mother's attention, so as long as the school was on vacation, I would keep going to various places to participate in beauty contests... From the age of fifteen, I started I only eat vegetables every meal, strictly control my diet, and run more than 10 kilometers every day. I want to exercise a perfect body that no judge can find fault with..."

Chi Feichi saw the three little ghosts hiding behind Dr. Ali in fear, and silently took a step to the side to help block the front. By the way, he also guarded against the possibility that Shou Meimei would violently hurt others due to mental disorders.

The three children found that their sight was blocked, they struggled and walked to the side, and huddled together to watch.

Chi Feichi: "..."

If he had known that the three brats were as cowardly and eager to watch as watching a horror movie, he wouldn't have cared about it.

"My mother is also as I expected. She will care about my health and will accompany me to exercise and study... But after a few years, everything is ruined again!" Soon, Shou Meimei's face became ferocious again, and her eyes Focusing on Dago Miura, "I participated in a large-scale beauty pageant that day. Miura fell in love with Hua Lian who was going to help me cheer, and let the eighteen-year-old her also participate in the competition. Hua Lian won the prize in that competition. I won the championship, but I only won the second place, and everything returned to the original point on that day!"

Dago Miura wiped the cold sweat off his brow, "Then...that can't be my fault, it's also one of my jobs to discover those girls who are eligible to participate in the competition, and I didn't help her cheat, they were selected by everyone .”

"Yeah, she just has the talent to make everyone like her. Since that competition, she has qualified for the Miss Hefeng regional competition, and soon won the qualification for the Miss Hefeng national competition. Take it away," Shou Meimei smiled bitterly, "but I also passed on all the experience of these years of competitions to her, but she didn't say a word of gratitude. After the competition, she laughed at me for my lack of talent and asked me to be her manager. People, since then, they have been driving me as a maid, and my mother has completely let her go... No, as long as Hua Lian is there, my mother will not remember that I am also her daughter. Take away my most precious thing!"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help thinking about her own situation. Her older sister was also favored by her parents, but when she thought about it carefully, she didn't seem to be ignored, so that she couldn't fully imagine what kind of pain it was, so she hesitated and said, " don't need to kill her, do you?"

"I didn't intend to kill her at first," Shou Meimei looked sideways at the black shadow cast by the wooden box behind her, "When we came here to prepare, there was still a lot of time, and I saw something inside the wooden box. I picked up the somersault puppet I saw, took it out for her to see, and took out the tube in the puppet, and explained the principle to her, do you know what she said?"

Mu Mushisan looked at Shou Meimei in silence, and listened to Shou Meimei's continuation.

"She didn't seem interested at all, and said, 'I heard Amano say this, because we were dating before'," Shou Meimei glared at Amano Shoichi angrily, but tears overflowed her eyes like water bursting from a bank , "But Amano and I have been dating for five years, and I didn't know that he had betrayed me before!"

Chi Feichi looked at Amano Shoichi who bowed his head in shame.

Standing on two boats, still sisters... Amano Shoichi is really not afraid that he will be drowned first.

"I was very surprised at the time. Hua Lian was even more proud when she saw me like that. She actually smiled and said, 'Don't worry, my mother told us to break up, and I'm tired of it. I proposed to break up with him two days ago. Give him back to my sister, I already have a more suitable and more perfect goal'," Shou Meimei looked down at her hands, her expression became ferocious again, "I saw the smile on her face, her hands were not affected. Trembling in control, he unscrewed the lid of the plastic tube, poured the mercury into the paint bucket, and when Hua Lian turned around to connect Wia with a belt, he smashed the bucket hard on her head...Calm down Later, I realized that the matter was serious, and when I was thinking about how to deal with the corpse, I thought of that threatening letter..."

Mu Mu Shisan exhaled a foul breath, calmed himself down, looked at Shou Meimei seriously and said, "Miss Meimei, please come to the Metropolitan Police Department to talk about other things after you come with us!"

Takagi stepped forward, took out the handcuffs and put them on Su Meimei, which was the 'treatment' that Amano Shoichi didn't have before.

Thinking of Amano Shouichi, Mu Mushisan looked over, "Mr. Amano, why did you admit that you were the murderer before? We thought you would resist, but I was also surprised when I heard that you pleaded guilty..."

"Because Mr. Amano discovered it a long time ago?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Amano Shoichi, and for a moment didn't know whether Amano Shoichi was hateful or pitiful, "You were obviously taken aback when you hugged the puppet from the wooden box. It should be the puppet with the mercury pipe that got up, and I also found that the mercury was opened, but you said at the time that the puppet's thread was entangled, and I was only interested in seeing if Miss Hualian was hidden in the wooden box, so I didn't go. Pay attention to the puppet, did you know that the murderer was Miss Meimei at that time?"

"No, I just had an ominous premonition at the time," Amano Xiang said, "I didn't confirm my guess until I found out that Hua Lian was killed..."

Mu Mu Thirteen frowned and asked, "Then, do you want to cover Miss Meimei and take everything on yourself?"

Amano Xiangyi looked up at Shou Meimei and nodded, "I couldn't stand the temptation and betrayed Meimei. I really felt sorry for her. When Hua Lian said she was tired of me, I realized that what I really love is Meimei..."

"What, what?" Su Meimei looked at Shoichi Amano in surprise.

Sho Amano sighed lightly, "I'm sorry, Meimei..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

I have been with my sister for five years. I cheated on my sister behind my back. After being abandoned by my sister, I turned around and said that my true love is for my sister. But in fact, the marionette that still retains the image of my sister is reluctant to hold it in my hand. Let go, and plan to perform a puppet show to persuade my sister not to pursue beauty too much?

He's never been this bad in his life.

The environment is complicated tonight, there may be Gin's ears around, or Kudo Shinichi's ears, he doesn't want to show too much concern for anything.

Whether it is your own affairs or other people's affairs, it may reflect your own heart.

He endured it, he didn't expose this guy, but he still wanted Officer Megure to think about it and drag Amano Shoichi out first.

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