Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2376 Lark is a fastidious person

After nightfall, the lights of nearby shops and residences were turned off.

The windows of the office on the second floor of the Maori Detective Agency and behind the windows of the living room on the third floor were also not lit. The moonlight passed through the transparent glass, tracing the hazy outlines of interlaced light and shadow for the indoor furniture.


There was silence all around, and the voice of the call waiting to be answered seemed to become clear and slow, and then was replaced by the noise of the car and the wind.

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Chi Feichi guessed that Gin should be near a certain bridge that was open to traffic.

After the call was connected, Gin asked straightforwardly, "Is there no one bothering you? Are you free to go out?"

"I just found my chance to be alone."

As Chi Feichi said, he threw the binoculars on the bed, and stretched out his hand to pull up the curtains, blocking the window facing the Maori Detective Agency, "There is time for the rest."

"Then we'll see each other," Gin asked again, "How long will it take you to arrive at Kubato Shinbashi at your current location?"

"I'm going to prepare for a disguise, probably..." Chi Feichi briefly estimated, "Forty minutes."

"Then let's meet at Kuwano Shinbashi," Gin said, "I'll go to pick up some things nearby, and call me before you arrive."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone, put the phone in his trouser pocket and began to undress. He took off his jacket and T-shirt, put the clothes on the table, stretched out his hand and pushed open the window facing the park, climbed onto the window sill and jumped out at the same time. , the huge wings on the back spread out quickly.

With a slight flapping of the wings, the blown wind rolled up the leaves of the trees below, accompanied by two black feathers that had just fallen off, and flew away together, and soon disappeared into the night.

Some people have a pair of strong, smooth-coated wings, but they still have to worry about how not to ruin their clothes.


Half an hour later, Chi Feichi, who had gone back to the apartment in Kabatocho, changed his clothes and put on a fake face, found a hidden place to land near the Kabado Shinbashi, and called Gin to confirm The location is just a short walk from Kubato Shinbashi.

It was close to midnight, and the traffic flow on the Kubeto Shinbashi was much smaller, but there were still cars driving across the bridge, and more than one car stayed on the bridge.

The cars staying on the bridge are close to the guardrail, distributed in different positions of the long bridge, keeping a sufficient distance from each other, even if the car owners stand beside the cars, they have no intention of chatting with others, or they are quietly watching the scenery , looking in a trance or contemplatively, or busy with the things at hand, calling family and friends, or sulking with the lover sitting in the car.

Gin and vodka are also included.

One was standing by the front of the car, the other was standing by the rear of the car, one was staring deeply at the dark Tsutsugawa River under the bridge, the other put his laptop on the concrete guardrail and stared at the computer screen wearing sunglasses.

The only thing in common is that the two of them also had lighted cigarettes in their mouths, and they looked sideways at each other after a young blond man approached.

After seeing the person coming, Vodka lifted his spirits, took off the cigarette in his mouth, and threw it to his feet, grinning and saying hello, "Luck, you're here!"

Gin looked sideways at the disguised face that belonged to Lark, looked at the area on that face that was grazed by bullets, and sneered, "The scar on your face that was grazed by bullets should be completely healed soon. Eliminated..."

Hearing the words, Vodka also observed the fine marks on that face, and immediately felt respect in his heart.

Since the cheeks of Lak's fake face were scratched by bullets, every time Lak appeared on that fake face, he would deliberately add scars, and the scars became lighter and lighter in accordance with the law.

Rucker is a fastidious person!

"The injury was not very serious at the time, and there should be no obvious scars left. It will disappear after a while," Chi Feichi responded in a hoarse voice, and walked to the guardrail, not only did he not take his hands out of his pockets, He planned to touch the scar on his cheek, but the fake face also lacked the real facial muscles because of laziness, so he always maintained a cold expression, "How is the situation on the target side?"

This kind of demeanor and reaction is normal on the face of Lak Jiu.

Even though the face with a little freckles is more suitable for a sunny and cheerful style, after a long time, even vodka is used to it, and when asked by Chi Feichi, he talked about the situation in a relaxed tone.

"After Charles returned to Tokyo, he stayed at the Kuwano Hotel. We have already had people sneak into the Kuwano Hotel. You have installed those transmitters and bugs that have not been discovered. It is enough to monitor them. "Vodka said, smiling mysteriously, "But Lark, judging from what we heard, even if you don't go to him, he will take the initiative to find you..."

"The woman most likely to win the beauty pageant was killed, but Charles got an unexpected surprise." Gin didn't go around in circles, his voice was a bit teasing, but his eyes were extremely cold, "When tomorrow, he will come to the door Visit the famous detective Mori Kogoro and his daughter, and invite that Miss Mori to enter the American film and television circle..."

"Then we have to hurry up," Chi Feichi suddenly understood why Gin Jiu's face was so serious, "We need to get rid of Mr. Mao Li before he gets involved."

"Yeah... I originally wanted to wait for him to drive through a secluded road before starting, but if Mori Kogoro might be involved, I should find a way to do it in advance," Gin shifted his gaze to the passing car , His eyes were still sharp, "After he contacted the lawyer of the American company, it was getting late. He planned to call the beauty pageant organizer tomorrow and ask for the information and personal contact information of the Maori lady. That is to say, he has not contacted Mori Kogoro, which is good news, but at the same time, it also means that we will kill him tonight."

Vodka smiled relaxedly, "Brother, we have grasped his movements. It is not difficult to kill him, right? The security arrangement in that hotel is not strict. Just enter his room and shoot him and kill him." His bodyguard doesn't need much time, and there is still time to evacuate before the police arrive, and we can find two people to do it!"

"What if I insist on making him look like he's missing?" Qin Jiu's eyes were cold, "I want the Japanese police to go to his room to investigate, and it can be determined that he is in trouble, but it will not be determined that he is most likely dead. !"

"Uh," Vodka choked, thinking seriously, "In that case, we'll kill him together with that bodyguard, and try not to disturb others, and don't leave too much blood on the scene. It's okay if it's just Charles alone. But he also has a bodyguard..."

Chi Feichi said hoarsely, "Poison."

"Down, poison?"

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and his previous experience of pouring poison on people appeared in his mind.

"It's not the capsules studied by the tissue, but the poison that works faster!" Qin Jiu and Chi Feichi thought of something, thinking that the problem could be solved smoothly, a smile could not help but look at Chi Fei Chi said, "If I hadn't thought of poisoning tonight, I would have almost forgotten that Belmode suffered a lot under your hands before..."

"Bermod is not here, so don't arrange her." Chi Feichi looked at Gin, and there was a gleam of light in his previously indifferent eyes, "I brought venom, the dose is enough to kill three to five adult men .”

Hurry up, when Charles is dealt with, he can go back to rest!

"This matter really requires you to go. The level of poisoning that can make Belmode suffer is definitely able to deal with Mr. Dragon and his attendants. As long as one of them is quickly eliminated, the remaining one will be handled very well," Gin said unhurriedly, looking at the pair of blue eyes with neon lights on the opposite side, as if pointing out, "As long as you don't make mistakes due to physical discomfort or lack of energy, tonight's action will be nothing question!"

It's normal for Lak to have that indifferent look on his face, but he always felt that Lak was a little different tonight than usual. It wasn't until Lak suddenly seemed to be more energetic just now that he suddenly noticed the problem.

In the past, even if Lak stayed quietly in the corner, he was not lacking in vigor and vigor. Tonight, although Lak didn't look sleepy, the aura on his body seemed too quiet. From the first impression, Tonight Rucker looked more harmless than before.

People who lack energy will naturally appear to lack aggression.

It wasn't until the venom was mentioned just now that the spirit in Lark returned, and the feeling became the same as before.

He suspected that Lark was not in good shape, either physically or mentally.

Like... sleepy...

"I didn't go to bed until five o'clock this morning, and the quality of sleep after I fell asleep was not good." Chi Feichi did not deny that he was not in the same state as before tonight, "I will stay with you until three o'clock in the morning at most, and I will not wait when it is too late. "

Hearing what Chi Feichi said, Qin Jiu took another look at Chi Feichi's face, and after making sure that Chi Feichi didn't look sleepy enough to affect his actions, he took out his phone from his windbreaker pocket, lowered his head and turned his gaze back to the phone to light up on the screen, "If I can go back to rest earlier, I don't want to waste time standing on the bridge, but before I act, I need someone to confirm the situation in the Cupeto Hotel, to ensure that there will be no one in the way, and to ensure the evacuation The route is clear..."


Vodka was listening carefully, when he noticed that Gin's right hand hanging by his side was suddenly taken out of his pocket, and he was stunned for a second.

At this very second, he watched Gin Jiu clenched a pistol in his right hand and pulled it out of his pocket. Due to the speed, even the corners of the black windbreaker were lifted.

Vodka was stunned for another second in surprise, watching Gin quickly raise the pistol, his eyes reflected the trajectory of the raised muzzle of the pistol.

This direction is...

While the muzzle was pointing at Vodka's side, a pistol was quickly raised beside Vodka.

When Vodka subconsciously rolled his eyes to the side because the muzzle of the gin was pointed at him, the barrel of the raised pistol appeared in the corner of his vision, and he was dazed for another second.

Vodka: "..."

Brother and Lak are no longer satisfied with bickering, are they ready to start fighting on the spot?

Eh, wait a minute, the gun in Big Brother Gin's hand seems to be...

"By the way, let's see if there is any problem with your reflexes." Gin Jiu stared at the muzzle of the gun aimed at him, startled for a moment, lowered his right hand, and said speechlessly, "Why do you have such boring things..."

Would Rucker be interested in trick toys too?

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