Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2386 Request to increase the difficulty!

To be on the safe side, Koshimizu Nanatsuki suggested that they choose one of the best, and chose history.

After Chi Feichi thought about it, he chose 'animals'. Although he is more familiar with the medical knowledge of common animals, the other party may ask some cold knowledge about animals, but he has a lot of 'leftovers', and he can probably handle those things. Cold trivia question and answer.

When it was time to answer the questions, the two realized that the question was very simple.

The history questions are probably high school history questions like 'When did Tokugawa Ieyasu die?', and the animal questions are 'the smallest bird in the world', which can't even be counted on cold knowledge.

Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki began to wonder what other questions would be easy, and even wanted to see if they could handle the one they were least good at. Unfortunately, the selected question type could not be changed, so they could only choose to end it as soon as possible. , Here comes a quick question and answer.

After the staff finished reading the question, the two of them finished answering the questions. They looked at the staff with an expression of "there is no surprise in this question", and asked the staff to swallow the words "I can give hints", trying to make their faces The smile appeared sincere, "Congratulations to the two warriors for passing the test. The two of you turn left at the fork in front of you. Go straight and then turn left. Walk forward for a distance and you will see the fortress where the devil is imprisoning the princess! The princess is waiting Two rescuers, please continue to work hard!"

Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki continued to walk forward.

"I feel like this level is easier..."


After the two walked away, the staff hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie and called their colleagues.

"This is the second level of route No. 3. The two guests just passed the second level in less than three minutes. I spent more than two minutes in it. I was introducing the rules and reading questions. Please pay attention to the next level. !Emergency, for the customer’s experience, please increase the difficulty of the next level! The characteristics of the customer are..."


It is also a very good experience to walk among the mazes with the appearance of broken walls and look at the various story murals on the walls.

In order to look at the mural, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki slowed down their already slow speed, and they arrived at the third checkpoint after five or six minutes.

The third level is in front of an iron fence, the iron fence is locked, and a piece of cardboard is pasted on it-"The two guards around the princess were calculated and controlled outside the fortress. Among the three people here, there are One is an enemy mixed in with the two guards. Unlike the honest guard who never lies, she will use lies to deceive you. Please find this enemy and help the guards regain their freedom'.

Standing in front of the iron fence were three young girls of similar age, dressed in robes of different colors, neither speaking nor moving, holding three white plaques with words in their hands.

The sign held by the woman in the red robe reads - 'Green is lying, she is the enemy'.

The sign held by the woman in the green robe reads - 'Blue is the villain against the princess'.

The sign held by the woman in the blue robe reads - 'I am the most loyal bodyguard of the princess'.

"The honest guard who never lies," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the signs in the hands of the three of them, "That is to say, among the three of them, one of them lied and two of them told the truth..."

"Green and blue are contradictory, one is true and the other is false, red must be true," Chi Feichi looked at the woman in green robe, "So, green is lying, green is the enemy."

Three staff members: "..."


This is solved?

Nanatsuki Koshimizu pondered for a moment, nodded, and looked at the three female staff members, "But they haven't moved yet, do we need to do something else?"

The three staff immediately started to move, the green-robed woman quickly fled to an intersection, the remaining blue-robed and red-robed women resumed their actions, read their lines, and opened the iron fence.

Behind the iron fence was a cabin. The 'Princess Wizard' who stayed inside was dressed luxuriously. Sitting in the cabin, she told the two of them the route below.

This time the route the princess gave was not so direct, she mentioned words like 'to the east' and 'to the north', but the maze is an open field with the sun in the sky, so it is not difficult to judge the direction.

Even people with a poor sense of direction can pass this section of the road smoothly as long as they look up at the sky and judge the direction after turning around a few times.

After the two left, the three female staff members walked back to the iron fence and looked at each other. The two closed the iron fence, and the remaining student, Xiaolu, used the walkie-talkie to contact her colleagues in aggrieved manner.

"The third checkpoint has already been passed by them. After reading the contents of the cardboard and the sign, the gentleman pointed me out immediately. It didn't even take three minutes!"

"That can't be helped," Xiao Hongpao smiled wryly, "In order to take care of most of the guests, the level will not be too difficult. People like them come here to play, and they probably don't expect our puzzles to be so difficult... "


On the other hand, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki did not bother with the difficulty of the level while walking on the road. They regarded the maze as a "viewing project", mainly looking at the design of the castle ruins in the maze and the murals on the wall.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was strolling around, thinking in his heart, "It would be nice to meet the special guide for couple activities, and see how the levels the special guide is in charge of." When he turned a corner, he saw the print on his robe. Female staff with big rose pattern.

The two got their wish and experienced the special levels for couples.

The female staff member in a rose robe held a box, and asked the two to reach into the box and randomly pull out a note, which recorded the tasks that the couple needed to complete together.

For example, write down your favorite or least hated food on a piece of paper, and if the other party answers correctly, you will pass the test...

For example, tell the other party the moment of your heartbeat, and make a verbal confession...

Yueshui Nanatsuki handed over the right to draw the note to Chi Feichi, and watched as Chi Feichi took out a note.

Chi Feichi opened the note, looked down, and remained silent.

"Also, there will be some physical interactions. The most interesting thing is to cooperate with the other party to perform the designated hand shadow play," the female staff member said, noticing that Chi Feichi was looking down at the note without saying a word, and asked proactively, "May I ask what task you two have drawn?"

Chi Feichi came back to his senses, and handed the note to Nanatsuki Koshimi, "Kiss for one minute."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's brain roared, he took the note in a daze, and confirmed it again and again.

Well, Mr. Chi said it verbatim...

"You two are so lucky!" The female staff member smiled and said, "This task is actually not difficult, as long as you take action, one minute is not too long, and it will be completed soon!"

"No..." Yueshui Nanatsuki clenched the note with her right fingers, and cast a difficult look at Chi Feichi, "For me, it may not be so easy, but I still think it's too early..."

Chi Feichi also felt that this kind of thing was too early for them, so he nodded to Koshimizu Nanatsuki to show comfort, and then said to the female staff, "Sorry, we just started dating, so we can't complete this kind of task. "

"It doesn't matter. There are also some couples who are temporary partners. When they get here, they are stumped by some special tasks. I am the couple guide in the maze. I only have this kind of task in hand. I hope you two can understand. It's just a pity that I didn't complete the task. If so, I won’t tell you the next route! Of course, the remaining distance is not far, and the two of you can pass through the route after groping, and the two of you may meet other executors on the way, and you can also By completing the test and quickly clearing the level, I wish you two good luck!"

After the female staff member finished speaking, she bowed, and walked up the path Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki had come with, holding the box with a smile, humming a song relaxedly.

She's going to tell Xiaolu that those two guests who were too good at clearing levels fell into her hands, and she avenged everyone~!

Chi Feichi turned his head and sent the female staff away, "The special guide seems to be in a better mood than the others..."

Excessively happy, and very real, not like a performance, or it is a snake spirit that is prone to hyperactivity, or it is really something that is worth being happy about.

Is it something to be happy that they failed to pass the customs? Do these staff still have a work indicator of "number of stuck guests"?

"Maybe it's because I saw a lot of sweet couples today, and I'm in a really good mood, and the tourists came here and saved the princess. According to the story, the other staff here will indeed be very happy," said Nanatsuki Koshimi I feel that the rose-robed female staff member is a little too happy, trying to convince myself to fail, wanting to laugh happily, but I can't help the funny and helpless mood in my heart, "Isn't it because we didn't pass the customs that we are happy?" ..."

Chi Feichi didn't want to waste his energy thinking about why the female staff members were happy, so he nodded in cooperation and asked, "Next, do you want to go out slowly, or do you want to pass the customs quickly?"

"Do you have any good way to quickly clear the level?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

Chi Feichi led Koshimizu Nanatsuki to walk forward again, "Actually, there is not much difference between a maze and a cave. As long as there is an exit, you can find the exit through the flow of the airflow. It's just that the airflow in the maze is not as strong as in the cave. It is difficult for people to sense accurately. Therefore, light objects can be used as auxiliary tools in indoor mazes, such as feathers tied on strings. Just do the calculations."

"Then I don't want it anymore," Yueshui Nanatsuki took the initiative to put his hand on Chi Feichi's arm, leaning his head on Chi Feichi's shoulder, and said softly, "When you are playing outside, I think you can relax a bit. .”

Chi Feichi raised his eyes and looked at the brick wall that was sprinkled with sunlight along the road, and gave a soft 'hmm'.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki took two steps, only to realize that the movement of holding Chi Feichi's arm was very intimate, and immediately became entangled.

If you keep holding on and don't let go, it seems like a rascal, and it's really too close...

But if she lets go, she's worried that Mr. Chi thinks she's alienating on purpose...

Wait, she seems to have tightened her arms unconsciously, so it's better to relax first?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Yue Shui hugged him so tightly, did you ever think that it would be difficult for him to relax like this?

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