Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2397 That's... also

"It's so hot outside, and it's easy to suffer from heatstroke if you go outside. Why don't you stay indoors to rest and tell some stories casually. We plan to go to the park lantern show and night market at night, and we will also call Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Teacher Maoli," Chi Feichi said. Sending an invitation to Okiya Subaru, "Mr. Okiya, are you going?"

"Sorry, I have an appointment with a junior student tonight, and I want to send him something, so I may not be able to go with everyone..." Okiya Subaru didn't want to go out with a celebrity like Mori Kogoro, so he found an excuse to decline, and then deliberately Tsukuru hesitated, "As for telling stories, I'm actually not very good at this kind of thing..."

Chi Feichi didn't force himself to attack Subaru, "Then let me say one more thing."

Okiya Subaru: "?"

Wait, he came here because he wanted to see Mr. Chi... Forget it, just listen to the story first.

Before starting to tell the story, Chi Feichi pulled down the two girls who were leaning against him. Under the unhappy eyes of the two, he got up and went to the corner near the piano, and moved the giant panda doll, which was almost as tall as a person, to the sofa. , I went to Okiya Subaru's side and sat down on the sofa.

As soon as Yueshui Nanatsuki and Huiyuan Ai saw the furry giant panda doll, the unhappiness in their hearts disappeared immediately, and they found a comfortable position to curl up and listen to Chi Feichi's story.

After listening to the two more childish animal stories, the two girls closed their eyes, leaned on the giant panda doll from left to right, and their breathing gradually became steady.

"That's it, Little Bear got all the honey..."

After Chi Feichi finished his last sentence, he looked at the two girls leaning on the giant panda doll, got up and walked to the window.

Okiya Subaru also got up immediately, and walked forward with light steps.

On the sofa, Hui Yuan Ai nestled between the soft body of the giant panda doll, quietly opened his eyes and looked at the two people in front of the window, and closed his eyes again to suppress the coexistence of tension and excitement in his heart.

Very good, assuming that they are already asleep, if the two of you have any secret topics, let's chat quickly.

"I heard from the doctor that you have not been able to sleep well recently, maybe it's a nervous system problem," Okiya Subaru said softly, "Smoking it okay?"

Haibara Ai:"?"

Brother Feichi is already like this, do you still plan to smoke?

In front of the window, Chi Feichi put the extinguished matchstick into the box, "Theoretically, you can't smoke it."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Now that Brother Feichi knows...

"I just smoked because Xiao Ai fell asleep." Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and opened the window a little more, so that the smoke could escape better. "Otherwise, she's going to be nagging again."

Haibara Ai:"!"

Okiya Subaru couldn't help turning his head to look at the figure of Hui Yuan Ai leaning on the sofa, and also felt that Chi Feichi's behavior was very irritating, so he said after considering, "Miss Xiao Ai is watching closely, and it is also for Chi Feichi's sake." For Mr.'s sake..."

"I know, but maybe it's because she's talking about it, but I..." Chi Feichi turned his back to the window, looked at the light and shadow on the wall in the room, and felt a sense of "the time is quiet, I want to sleep".

Okiya Subaru waited for a while without waiting for the next article, turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, and then looked at the wall that Chi Feichi was staring at, making sure that there was nothing special on the wall, and after Chi Feichi's eyes were obviously distracted, He called out, "Mr. Chi? Are you okay?"

Chi Feichi came back to his senses, looked at Okiya Subaru, "Am I distracted again?"

"Yeah," Okiya Subaru withdrew his gaze and leaned against the wall next to the window, his eyes under the glasses were still tightly squinted, looking gentle and harmless, "Mr. Chi's condition really seems to be not very good. If there is no problem, should I go to the hospital for a mental examination? I remember you said yesterday that there is no abnormality in the brain CT, but compared with your last examination, it may be a little different from normal people, and No more detailed monitoring has been carried out, and mental problems cannot be ruled out, right?"

"Let's talk about it in two days," Chi Feichi neither agreed nor refused. "The situation is not too bad now. Even if you need to see a doctor, it is difficult for the doctor to determine the cause with such mild symptoms."

"I see. Since Mr. Chi has his own judgment, then I won't say more..." Okiya Subaru asked, "However, when I was sleepy before, I would suddenly go into a trance, and when I woke up, I realized that I was distracted. Chi Was it the same when Mr. was distracted just now?"

"Same," Chi Feichi also wanted to ask Okiya Subaru a question, "By the way, I should have just been distracted and not acting abnormally, right?"

"All I saw was you in a daze," Okiya Subaru smiled helplessly, "Is this considered abnormal?"

"The abnormality I'm talking about refers to being like a different person, suddenly making some actions that I wouldn't have."

"Mr. Chi is worried that this is a symptom of split personality?"

"Just want to rule it out."

"Then you can rest assured, I don't feel that you have changed..."

"That's good."

In front of the sunny window, the two stood chatting together.

"Split personality doesn't seem to have any strong connection with mind-wandering, does it? How could Mr. Chi think of this?"

"In the eyes of other people, split personality is to switch personalities to control the body, mind-wandering is a person in a daze, it is really different, but I still have dissociative disorder, that is, when I have split personality disorder, two personalities appear alternately, remember One second I was preparing to sleep at night, the next second I was in the afternoon, and the last second I was still in the bedroom, and I was in a trance, and I might have gone outside. It is very similar to the current trance, but the length of time without memory is different. How can I The possibility of schizophrenia should also be ruled out."

"It's no wonder...but I have the experience of dissociative disorder. Is it like this? You will lose a piece of memory... When you woke up at that time, you found that the time and surrounding environment did not match your memory. Would you suspect that you were in a dream?"

"of course."

"Then how do you distinguish between dreams and reality?"

"Why make a distinction?"

"That is to say... living in a muddle?"

"Whether it's a dream or reality, eating at mealtime and sleeping at night, I don't think it's muddled. At that point, if you stick to distinguishing dreams from reality, accidents will easily happen."

"That's... that's also..."

Hui Yuanai pretended to be asleep and listened to the two chatting for a long time. From "the experience of suffering from dissociative disorder", I heard "the doctor and the others encountered an incident very horribly", and heard "what are you doing for lunch and dinner today". Straight sleepy.

Okiya Subaru listened to Chi Feichi's guidance, and cooked some home-cooked dishes. Hearing Chi Feichi's talk about going to the game hall to play arcade games in the afternoon, he immediately expressed that he wanted to go too. ' excuse, but also changed to say 'I will send it to him in the evening'.

Mr. Chi's situation of being in a trance from time to time not only has the risk of "being hit by a car while crossing the road in a trance", but it is more serious. It may be after a trance that he finds that the child is missing. lost it all...

Although Miss Yueshui followed, Miss Yueshui's attention was limited, and he worried that when there were too many emergencies, Miss Yueshui would not be able to handle it alone.


The four of them spent the whole afternoon in the game hall.

Chi Feichi experienced arcade machines, fighting simulators, and new game consoles. Even with the stimulation of fighting games, the trance still did not ease much. The memory was disconnected for a few seconds from time to time.

But Chi Feichi didn't care about winning or losing, he just found something to pass the time.

Okiya Subaru played around, shuttled through the noisy game crowd with a gentle image, and achieved the achievements of "from beginner to proficient" in many games, which made Chi Feichi feel guilty for leading a bad boy .

Only his Maori teacher lacks a heart, and he can lead his younger generation to play mahjong, pachinko, bet on horses, and visit nightclubs...

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Nanatsuki Yueshui called Mao Lilan.

Okiya Subaru learned that Mori Kogoro and Mori Lan were going to meet Chi Feichi in the game hall, so he took the initiative to say goodbye, falsely claiming that he was going to deliver something to his junior, but in fact went out and continued to watch nearby.

Kogoro Maoli rushed to the store and saw a small steel ball machine, so he had to play for a while. This game lasted until after eight o'clock in the evening, and Mao Lilan forcibly dragged him out of the door before giving up.

When a group of people were looking for a place to eat, the night market near the shrine park had already closed, so they had to go to the park to watch the lantern show, and then took the tram back to Mihua Town.

When walking out of the Mihua Station, Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone to check the time, and couldn't help feeling anxious, "It's almost 10:30 in the evening... The doctor said that they will be back in Mihua Town at 10:30 in the evening, let's go back quickly Otherwise, Conan will stay at home alone and wait for us!"

"It doesn't matter to let that kid go back first," Mori Kogoro still walked slowly, with a relaxed expression, "just ask him to help put the hot water, so I can take a bath directly when I go back."

"Father, what are you talking about!" Mao Lilan complained with his face darkened, "Conan and the others ran all day in the mountains of Yamanashi Prefecture, and they must be exhausted after driving for so long at night. , how can you ask him to help you do what you, an idler, should do!"

"Hey, my foot hurts, but I can barely walk today. I'm staying at home to recuperate. How can you say I'm an idler?" Mori Kogoro said confidently, "And my feet are just right, so I'll accompany you in the park After walking for so long, I am also very tired..."

"The doctor said that you need to exercise properly, you can't lie down and sit all the time," Mao Lilan said half-moon eyes, "Besides, we only walked a certain distance on the light show road outside the park, didn't we walk far at all?"

Kogoro Maoli glanced at Mao Lilan and muttered softly, "I wanted to stay in the game hall and play steel balls..."

"You still have the nerve to say it," Mao Lilan thought of the pachinko balls, feeling angry, "If you hadn't been playing pachinko balls for too long, we would have caught up with the opening time of the night market!"

Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai walked beside them along the road, listening to the Mao Li father and daughter bickering without any surprises, and regarded it as a guankou program they listened to while walking.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt that the three of them were too indifferent if they ate melons in silence, so she smiled and smoothed things over, "Okay, Xiaolan, although we didn't catch up with the night market, it's worth seeing such a beautiful lantern show, and Because we went there late, there were no crowds of people crowded to take pictures next to the beautiful lighting scene, and the lighting scene we saw was more complete, and this experience is also great.”

"That's right," Mao Lilan calmed down, and said to Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a smile, "It's a pity that Sonoko couldn't come. In fact, Shiliang originally wanted to play with us, but she seems to have something to do... ..."


The police car roared past the road and stopped sharply on the side of the road ahead.

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