Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2399 Did she react too much?

"It seems that there is no need for me, Mori Kogoro," Mori Kogoro greeted the others listlessly, "Let's go back too, and leave the next thing to the police to investigate!"

Mao Lilan was thinking about Conan who was about to get home, and when Kogoro Mori said that he didn't need to help with the investigation, she immediately nodded in agreement with Kogoro Mori's decision, and set off without hesitation.

Chi Feichi was not interested in solving the incident, and when listening to Iwai's words, he suddenly lost his mind, and he didn't want to stay and investigate, so he would leave as soon as he said it.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki saw that there were "old" and young patients on his side, as well as patients who were not in a good mental state. After thinking about it, he felt that people were more important than investigating the incident, so he silently followed Chi Feichi.

Hui Yuanai saw that Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki had no intention of continuing the investigation, and felt that it was more important for Chi Fei to go back to rest sooner or later. He also did not object to the proposal of 'going back'. Before leaving, he spoke to Ke I said goodbye.

The four of them left decisively, which made Mori Kogoro a little uncomfortable. After walking a certain distance, he stopped, turned his head to look at the four people who were following him, walked another distance, stopped again, and looked at the other four. People, "I said... did we go too fast tonight?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked back at the entrance and exit of the underground sidewalk, moved his eyes all the way to his feet, and asked puzzledly, "Mr. Mori, is our speed fast?"

"No, no," Mori Kogoro thought with a confused face, "I mean, when we left the scene before, didn't we always get caught by some accidents?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Maybe after his teacher said, 'There's no need to worry about this incident', there was one missing first grader who ran around and popped up out of nowhere to shake out some clue?

I'm really sorry, the famous detective who is keen to solve the case is not here, so the cooperation of these people is only this little.

"I can't explain why," Mori Kogoro was thinking seriously, "but I always feel that there seems to be something wrong tonight..."

"Teacher, it's probably your illusion." Chi Feichi continued to walk forward, opened his eyes calmly and said nonsense, "I think tonight is normal, there is nothing wrong."

"Really..." Mori Kogoro couldn't tell what was wrong with him, so he could only keep up thinking about it.

"That's right, you are thinking too much." Chi Feichi affirmed.

solve the case? To solve any case, it is true to go back to sleep early.


On the way back with the group, Dr. Ali called Mao Lilan, saying that he had sent Conan to the Mori Detective Agency, and asked if he should wait to pick up Hui Yuanai back by the way.

Haibara Ai wanted to stay overnight at Seven Detective Agency, took Mao Lilan's mobile phone, told Dr. A Li a few words, and made an appointment with Dr. A Li to go back the next day.

It was too late for Chi Fei to drive back to Kuboto-cho, and he himself was too lazy to run around, so he also stayed in the small building in Mihuacho for the night.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening when the three said goodbye to the father and daughter of Maori and returned to the small building in Mihua Town.

When Yueshui Nanatsuki took Hui Yuanai to take a bath, Chi Feichi briefly washed up, talked to the two girls through the door, and took Feichi to the loft to sleep.

The two girls were late for quite a while. After taking a bath, they gathered in Nanatsuki's room to dry their hair. In the end, Huiyuan Ai simply stayed in Nanatsuki's room, looking at Nanatsuki with her head. Go out and turn off the lights.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned off the main lighting in the corridor, and returned to the room by the light of the sensor light. When the door was closed and locked, she urged Huiyuan Ai to go to bed in a coaxing tone, "Okay, Xiao Ai, lie down. Go inside and sleep well, if a wild animal comes to catch a child at night, I will beat it away for you!"

Hui Yuanai took off his slippers and crawled to the side of the bed, but did not lie down in a hurry, sat on the bed, and asked a little speechlessly, "There are wild animals at night, what kind of naive saying is that?"

"Mr. Chi said it before, he said that the beast would come out of the cage at night..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked to the bed, squatted down, and dug out the mobile phone charger from the drawer of the bedside table, "I thought it was What legends?"

"I've never heard of it..." Haibara Ai thought about it for a while, didn't dwell on the story of the beast, and looked at the phone that Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out, "Don't talk about that, is it okay if you are so blatant?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki just connected the mobile phone charger, turned around with a puzzled look and asked, "What?"

"Your mobile phone desktop," Haibara Ai looked at the mobile phone in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand, and reminded, "Although it is a cartoon villain that is deliberately drawn cutely, but with black hair, purple eyes and a black top, anyone can I can guess that it is Brother Feichi, when you took pictures with your mobile phone at the park light show, I saw it..."

The desktop picture is a brightly colored card picture, on which there is a cartoon villain with black hair and purple eyes, wearing a black top, sitting behind the table, posing in a cute pose with his face in his hands, his serious expression is more like Cute, there are two red hearts in the air on the side of the head.

Sister Nanatsuki used Brother Feichi's cartoon character as the desktop of her mobile phone, and there was also an ambiguous pattern of love, which is almost a blatant expression of her heart.

And this picture is really... unique.

Looking at the characteristics of the character, she could immediately recognize that it was Brother Feichi, but looking at the overall impression of the cartoon villain, she felt that this might be someone else's cute boy.

Anyway, her brother wouldn't be so cute.

This also made her more worried-brother Feichi saw that Miss Nanatsuki used this kind of mobile phone as a desktop, would she think that Miss Nanatsuki was using her appearance to play a prank, and would she be unhappy because of it.

Thinking about it, Hui Yuanai couldn't help reminding again, "You have taken several photos of the lighting scene with your mobile phone tonight, and he is also next to him. With his height, he might have seen your mobile phone desktop a long time ago."

"Really..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki put the phone on the bedside table, lay down on the bed, looked at Hui Yuanai with interest and asked, "Then did he have any special reaction?"

Hui Yuanai thought about it seriously, shook his head, and lay down beside him, "No, Brother Feichi is not very good at expressing his thoughts and feelings, so I don't know if he saw it..."

Seeing that Hui Yuanai was thinking about these things seriously, Yueshui Nanatsuki said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if he sees it, because he knows it. I've already let him see it, and he didn't object, so I decided to put it on..."

"So it's not that you are blatant, but that you are all blatant," Hui Yuanai said speechlessly, "At this point, you are still pretending to be stupid with each other, right?"

"I didn't pretend to be stupid at first, I just didn't know what Mr. Chi would think of me, so I needed to observe the situation before I spoke..." Nanatsuki Koshimi retorted Huihara Ai's words in a low voice, and soon blushed again He smiled, "However, now I understand his intentions."

Huiyuan Ai sat up suddenly, looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki to confirm, "It means... are you already together?"

"Yes, yes, that's about it..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki's cheeks were still flushed, she reached out to turn off the light, quickly picked up Hui Yuanai, and hugged her tightly, "It's getting late, let's hurry up Go to sleep!"

Haibara Ai is almost used to children being treated as 'teddy bears' occasionally, so she let Koshimizu Nanatsuki hold her without saying a word, but said quietly, "But I can't sleep now, I really want to know what you are time together..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "Oh, I'm already asleep."

Hui Yuanai: "...I'll ask brother Feichi tomorrow."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "Okay."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Do you think she dare not ask brother Feichi?

She...she would do some psychological training, so she dared to ask.


The next day, at half past six in the morning.

At the dining table on the second floor of the Mihua Town building, Huihara Ai took one last deep breath, and asked nonchalantly when Chi Feichi served the porridge.

"Brother Feichi, are you dating Miss Nanatsuki?"

"Yes," Chi Feichi put the porridge bowl down without any delay, and even his expression didn't change, "What's wrong?"

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's calm expression, and felt that her brother knew how to get rid of people's gossip, at least she had a sign of calmness, "It's nothing, I'm just curious about when it happened... "

"Just two days ago," Chi Feichi sat down at the dining table, reached out and handed the spoon to Hui Yuanai, "You guys went to school that day, and we went to Dorobiga Paradise."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also sat down at the dining table, looking at the brothers and sisters who had always been calm, began to doubt life.

Is she overreacting?

That's right, Xiao Ai probably just pays more attention to her and Mr. Chi, and is curious about their being together. As long as she satisfies the child's curiosity, the matter will pass.

So it really means that she was too coy last night?

"Did you go to Dorobiga Paradise that day..." Hui Yuanai took the spoon and nodded with a clear face, "That kind of place is indeed very suitable for dating, and it may also create a lot of good opportunities to confess... "

Chi Feichi handed the spoon to Yueshui Nanatsuki again, "On the day we went, we also met a summer date event in Dorobega Paradise. The amusement park is full of couples, and there are many couple activities."

"So that's how it is," Hui Yuanai drank the porridge with a spoon, "I have come across an extremely good time, and if I don't use it to confess my love, I would feel sorry for you, so who among you will take the initiative to speak out?" of?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki also began to drink the porridge.

Listening to the two brothers and sisters chatting back and forth, she also felt that it was not something that could not be said, and it didn't seem strange to have a chat...

"Me." Chi Feichi replied.

"You didn't let the girl take the initiative, it's commendable." Hui Yuanai nodded with some relief, suddenly felt that her brother's calm face was a bit out of place, and asked deliberately, "You two are dating and living together again, is this considered cohabitation?" ?”


Koshimizu Nanatsuki lowered her head and swallowed the porridge that almost spewed down.

"If this is cohabitation, then we have already lived under the same roof," Chi Feichi replied calmly without being provoked by Hui Yuanai's words, "If this is not cohabitation, then we will probably talk about it later."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

So, is this something you can talk about with children?

The grains in that bowl were not boiled rice porridge, but the heart of a shy girl who had been crushed after being wiped out by the Chi family brothers and sisters.

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