Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2411 don't make a fuss

Huihara Ai, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Conan, and Okiya Subaru all consciously moved their positions with Dr. Ali, and stood watching while Chi Feichi was concentrating on the test.

When Chi Feichi was doing the test questions, Fukuyama Zhiming asked Chi Feichi if he had any other abnormal behavior recently.

"Has Mr. Chi exhibited social avoidance recently? For example, he hides in his room and doesn't want to see people, even his family and friends..."

"No," Dr. Ali replied decisively, looking at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "I must have kept in touch with people during this time..."

It seems that he hasn't been in contact with Feichi for as long as Nanatsuki.

Nanatsuki Koshimi understood what Dr. Ali meant, and added, "Recently, his sleep quality is not good, and we are also worried that his mental state will be affected, so we often stay with him and ask him to go out for a walk. He didn't show any repulsion either, so I don't think Mr. Chi should have such a problem."

"Then has he had any abnormal emotions recently?" Fukuyama Zhiming asked again, "For example, he can feel that he is emotionally indifferent and dull. People will feel happy or sad, and he rarely has emotions after encountering them. Fluctuations, or mood conflicts with circumstances, feeling sad when you should be happy, and happy when you should be sad,"

"There has never been a conflict between emotions and the environment..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki replied, but suddenly fell silent.

Dr. Agasa, Okiya Subaru, Conan, and Haibara Ai were also thoughtfully silent.


While using the computer to solve the problem, Chi Feichi was fighting against the messy thoughts in his mind. He didn't bother to care about what other people were talking about. He stared at the computer intently and pressed the mouse with his fingers from time to time.

Dr. A Li and others turned their heads to look at Chi Feichi, with black lines hanging from their foreheads.

That's pretty much it, no matter what happens, there doesn't seem to be any mood swings...

"As for emotional bluntness and indifference," Okiya Subaru paused, "Speaking of this question, since I met Mr. Chi, I have never seen him angry, laughing happily or sad, and I thought he had a calmer personality. , I don’t really like showing emotions to people.”

"Of course there are also personality reasons. When he was re-examined after he was discharged from the hospital, the results of the emotional response test were much better, and he seemed relatively calm on the surface," Fukuyama Zhiming said. "I also learned from his teacher in college. Others In my impression, he is indeed relatively quiet and doesn't like noisy personality."

Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief and became more energetic, "Then..."

"However, according to the results of Mr. Chi's latest reexamination, his mood swings have not returned to the normal level," Fukuyama Zhiming said again, "His peak mood swings are lower than normal people, and the duration is shorter, that is to say, his mood swings Perception is still a little dull, the emotions I feel are not so obvious, and the duration of emotions will be shorter than normal people."

"No wonder..." Okiya Subaru murmured, and then confirmed to Fukuyama Shiming, "The already calm personality, coupled with this abnormal emotional reaction, is the reason for the current situation, right? Sometimes, I feel that Chi Sir is as calm as a robot."

"That's right," Fukuyama Zhiming affirmed Okiya Subaru's remarks, and said, "Let's continue. The next question is, according to your observations, has Mr. Chi recently experienced hallucinations or auditory hallucinations? If hallucinations and Auditory hallucinations, he will see and hear things that you do not see or hear, some hallucinations will be very real, and will deceive his sense of smell and touch, so when he has hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, it will not be so easy to distinguish It is hallucinations or auditory hallucinations, you will suddenly talk to the air, you will suddenly make some unexpected actions, or your eyes will move in a certain direction, but there is no such moving object around you, in short, you The anomaly should be easy to spot."

"This..." Dr. A Li thought about it seriously, feeling guilty of 'complaining', looked sideways at Chi Feichi, who was seriously doing the question, and said seriously, "I haven't seen Feichi do anything strange. But not long ago, when we were having dinner outside, he went out to buy cigarettes from the vending machine. I suddenly remembered that I also wanted to buy canned coffee. After him, I also went outside to look for the vending machine. He was shopping. At that time, I suddenly said 'No, you have had enough drinks recently', but at that time there was no one around him talking to him, and I was still some distance away from him. At that time, I wondered if he had hallucinations again I heard..."

Hui Yuan mourned that Chi Feichi also had a behavior that seemed to be talking to himself at the Miss Hefeng beauty pageant that day, and then thought of Chi Feichi's similar behavior earlier, and said, "It should be said, Brother Feichi The auditory hallucination symptoms are not better, but they don’t seem to appear very frequently, except for a little strange behavior, it doesn’t seem to have much impact on life, so we are usually a little careless.”

"I know this. We tested it many times during his hospitalization. His auditory hallucinations will not convey any dangerous views to him, but just talk about some trivial things in life or some details that are easily overlooked by him. He himself It is not easy to be affected by auditory hallucinations. Generally speaking, auditory hallucinations will not have much impact on his life..."

Fukuyama Zhiming explained patiently, "It stands to reason that Mr. Chi's auditory hallucinations will gradually subside after drug treatment, but the drug treatment during hospitalization can at most reduce the frequency of his auditory hallucinations. After the discussion at the meeting, he believed that Mr. Chi’s situation was complicated, and increasing the dose of the drug would affect his health and the treatment of other diseases. Until he stopped the drug on his own initiative after he was discharged from the hospital, the auditory hallucination symptoms did not change. It is more serious, and there are signs of improvement, and his life has not been affected by auditory hallucinations, so I think that even without drug treatment, his auditory hallucination symptoms may disappear with the improvement of his mental state and mental state. Since he Now things are getting better, then we'd better stay where we are."

"Yes," Dr. A Li replied, and couldn't help but sigh worriedly, "However, Feichi has so many problems that need to be solved..."

"These problems have always existed," Fukuyama Zhiming teased with a smile, "If these problems were solved, I would have issued a recovery certificate to Mr. Chi, wouldn't I?"

Dr. A Li felt a thunder flash in his mind, and he was instantly numb and unable to move.

Yes, Feichi seems to have no proof of recovery yet...

Hui Yuanai was also taken aback for a moment, his eyes gradually becoming complicated.

Brother Feichi usually behaves too normally, and the occasional "auditory hallucinations" are gradually adapted to them. Although they haven't forgotten Brother Feichi's mental problems, most of the time, they don't think it's a big problem.

Until Dr. Fukuyama reminded her...

Now that she thinks about the organization, she has no time to think about questions like 'what the organization wants Brother Feichi to do'. There are only two questions left in her mind——

Are those guys crazy to let a time bomb like Brother Feichi stay in the organization?

What is it about Brother Feichi that those guys are attracted to, so that they will not let even a person with a mental illness be spared?

Okiya Subaru was also taken aback, and then said, "Because Mr. Chi usually looks normal, but his personality is relatively calm, so..."

"We sometimes forget about his problems," Conan said.

"This is a good thing. It shows that mental problems have little impact on Mr. Chi. He can live or work normally. This is the ultimate goal of many mental illness treatments. Some doctors and patients have put in a lot of effort to achieve this goal. Well," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile, "whether it is a mental illness or a mental illness, many patients are only slightly different from normal people when they are not ill, and some people are even no different from normal people. Strange behavior, you should pay more attention to it, just like today, and we just need to pay more attention to and help them when they get sick, don't we?"

"Uh," Dr. A Li nodded, "Yes..."

"Everyone don't need to be nervous or worried. The relapse of the disease is what we expected," Fukuyama Zhiming remained calm, "Mr. Chi's condition has been improving after he was discharged from the hospital. Trouble, what we need to do now is to understand his situation clearly, and then prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem."

"You're right." Dr. Ali agreed.

Others thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

They had long been mentally prepared for Chi Feichi's recurrence of illness. This time, it was discovered early, and the treatment may be much easier. They really don't need to be too nervous.

"I have already understood the general situation. I only need to wait for Mr. Chi to complete the test, and I can make a more accurate judgment on his condition," Fukuyama Zhiming reassured the others, and said, "During this period, I would like to confirm Mr. Chi's recurrent illness, he said that he started to suffer from insomnia five days ago, was in a trance two days ago, and only had thinking problems today, is that true?"

"That's what Feichi told us," Dr. A Li affirmed, and added, "He was fine at first, but it started about five days ago when he said that he didn't sleep well, which made us worry about his illness. Will relapse."

"Well..." Fukuyama Zhiming scribbled on the other end, and at the same time he was thinking, "I always feel that it is too fast... In short, his other problems are not caused by sleep disorders. It's like life has changed too much, what stimulates him... did anything special happen five days ago?"

"Five days ago..." Dr. A Li said with a serious look, "Let's start from a week ago. A week ago, Feichi and his friends held the All Japan Music Festival. Chi is a bit busy, but we meet occasionally, and he is in good condition. After the Japanese Music Festival, Feichi stayed to be a guest at the Miss Hefeng Beauty Contest. Mao Li also received a commission from a Miss Hefeng. At that time We are with Maori, and we plan to stay for a few more days..."

"I've heard about the murder that happened in the Japanese Miss Hefeng beauty pageant. There are still many photos and videos of the deceased being circulated in online forums. The video of the deceased being hung up is really terrifying," Fukuyama Zhiming murmured, "It turns out that Mr. Chi was at the scene that day. Could it be that the scene was so powerful that it stimulated him?"

"I don't think so," Conan couldn't help but said, "Brother Chi has seen many crime scenes before, and some crime scenes looked more terrifying. Some people were poisoned and fell to the ground, and some were burned to death..."

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

burn alive...

Is it so scary?

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