Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2416 In order to reassure Mrs.

"It seems to be like this," Akio Shigematsu recalled, and said with a dry smile, "This may be her habit, because she was brought by Mrs. Kanai, and it is understandable that she is the main lady."

"Then let's talk about how she made the atmosphere of the family rigid. In the beginning, since the wife and the master got married, she began to intervene in the affairs of the Chi family and made a lot of rules, such as which rooms no one can enter, Everyone should look energetic and not be reckless," Gu Chuan Wanzhi said, frowning slightly, "Actually, my husband also agrees with her rules, but she can't restrict my husband from hugging the young master..."

"Huh?" Zhongsong Mingnan looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, "Does Ms. Jian still care about this?"

"Yeah, after the young master was born, she first suggested that, except for the master's wife, the servants who take care of the young master, my husband, and her, other servants are not allowed to hug the young master casually. Servants can coax, but they cannot hug the young master... Except for emergencies," Gu Chuan Wanzhi's originally stern face eased again, "Although I can understand, she doesn't allow others to hug the young master, it's also because of the Chi family There are also quite a few servants here, and she is worried that the young master will be carried away and they will not find out in time. If it is agreed that only a small number of people can hold the young master, then as long as someone sees other people holding the young master, they will step forward to stop him. Without this rule, if someone saw a servant hugging the young master in the corridor, they might think that that person wanted to give the young master to the master or madam, and would not pay more attention. late……"

"This is indeed a very good idea," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "It can be regarded as precaution in advance."

"But why is she on guard against this?" Hui Yuanai asked immediately, "Does she feel that someone will take Brother Feichi away?"

Chi Feichi thought it was a good decision to bring Hui Yuanai here, but he asked him some questions he wanted to ask, so that his energy could only be used to expel chaotic thoughts and listen.

Gu Chuan Wanzhi paused before continuing to walk forward. Looking at the tombstones lined up, his gaze became complicated, "It's for Madam's peace of mind."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai were stunned for a moment, and looked at Guchuan Wanzhi with some doubts in their hearts.

"I heard that Mrs. Kanai has been in a bad mood since she became pregnant, so she seldom goes out to visit friends," Akio Shigematsu asked doubtfully, "Is it still like this after Master Feichi was born?"

"In the early stages of pregnancy, madam often suffered from insomnia, was alone in a daze, and her temper became very unstable. It finally got better in the later stage. One month before the young master was born, the madam's condition had already returned to normal, but after the young master was born Afterwards, Madam became nervous again." Gu Chuan Wanzhi sighed, turned to look at Chi Feichi, hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully, "For a while, she didn't even want to hug the young master, she just did it alone. In a daze in front of the mirror, sometimes I feel that something will happen to the young master, he will be injured and sick, he will be carried away, and he will be killed because of the servant's carelessness..."

Chi Feichi was not surprised. He had already guessed the reason.

Hearing 'in order to reassure Madam', he knew that it was his mother who was neurotic. He probably gave birth to the child and found out that the child had purple eyes, which made his mother's mentality collapse.

"During that time, the master tried his best to finish his work at home, just worried about his wife, but the wife didn't want to talk to the master. Only Jane can make the wife less anxious. Jane stipulates that only some people can hug the young master. Aware of her own worries, she explained her arrangement to calm Madam's emotions slowly. She selected a careful servant to take care of the young master with harsh conditions, and she always stared at the servant to take care of the young master, just to let Madam Don't worry about the young master having an accident," Gu Chuan Wanzhi said, sighing softly, "She is also protecting the young master, probably because she has heard the madam talking about it for a long time, and she was also a little nervous during that time, and she felt that such a small thing was too small. Fragile and easy to encounter danger, while comforting Madam, at the same time worrying that Madam will hurt the Young Master when she is emotionally unstable, she wished to split herself in half and use it separately, staring at Madam and Young Master 24 hours a day."

"So it's like this, it's really not easy for her, and it's the same for Mrs. Kanai and Mr. Shinnosuke," Senyuan Juren sighed, feeling that the atmosphere was too dull, and turned his head to tease Chi Feichi, "And you, although you may not Remember."

"Young Master is really not easy..." Gu Chuan Wanzhi paused, and quickly returned to the previous topic, "In short, at that time, even I was not allowed to hug Young Master, and I was willing to cooperate. I only hope that Madam can get well soon After getting up, after a month or so, Madam's condition gradually improved, she still wouldn't let me hug the young master, after the young master started talking and walking, she became stricter with us, in her words, the young master and the master have nothing to do On the other hand, in front of the young master, we must also behave like servants. After the young master turns five years old, she will not even allow my husband to hug the young master. Of course, she is the same..."

"Is that so..." Senyuan Juren was sweating, glanced at Chi Feichi's indifferent face, and asked with a dry smile, "It's because she thinks that when Feichi grows up, being hugged around will make him look bad." Does it look like it? Or...worrying about being hugged too much will make Feichi like to act like a spoiled child, making her less masculine?"

"You can't say that, she had a special talk with my husband about this issue, and I had a rest that day, and I was also listening." Gu Chuan Wanzhi's eyes became distant, "I heard her talk a lot, and I probably only remember that One point, she said, we watched the young master be born and watch the young master grow up from a small size. If we get too close to the young master during this process, our mentality will change, and we will not be able to treat the young master like a master. Look, that way, when the young master is in trouble or makes a mistake, we will always treat the young master as that child, and deal with it from the perspective of an elder..."

Akio Shigematsu reflected silently.

The same is true for him, treating the young master as his own child, and he will have the idea of ​​disciplining him on behalf of the master in the future, but isn't this also very good?

"We've lived together for so many years, we're considered family members," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Furukawa Wane, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it good to get along happily like a family? And in this way, the young master of the family Or maybe Miss will have one more person to love and control, isn't it a bad thing?"

"It's a good thing to get along happily." Furukawa Wane looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki, his eyes were always humble, without the slightest gesture of imparting experience from the elders, it was more like sharing, "I also had doubts at the time. Jane's answer was that we When we have a good relationship with the young master, that is naturally very good, but once we have a conflict with the young master's ideas, then we will interfere too much with the young master's decision, and thus make people annoying, but we will not listen to us because the young master does not listen to us. Annoyed by the arrangement, the sovereignty is chaotic, either it will delay the growth of the young master into the head of the family, or because of something, we will hate each other, or even turn against each other."

Akio Shigematsu exhaled lightly, frowned and reflected.

"Would it be too serious to say that?" Hui Yuanai asked, "We are family members who have been with each other for many years. Even if we occasionally quarrel because of different ideas, we will not turn against each other directly..."

Chi Feichi looked at Senyuan Juren who was walking aside with wandering eyes.

Why not?

The guy next to him with an elegant and easy-going smile once wanted to directly kill the old housekeeper who watched him grow up and regarded himself as his own child, but threatened him with other things.

When it comes to this matter, Senyuan Juren is wrong, but Akio Shigematsu's approach is not much better. He decided to 'terminate the marriage' for his young master on his own initiative, and did not explain his thoughts to his young master. Collected handles of Senyuan Juren to threaten Senyuan Juren.

In the end, Akio Shigematsu still regarded his young master in his twenties as a child, and felt that he only needed to say "I won't give you a lollipop if you cry again" and the matter would be resolved. Treated as an adult, without thinking that Senyuan Juren would feel that his free space was being compressed by others, he would worry that he would always be in danger in the future, and he never thought that his young master would kill someone if he was in a hurry.

"I also don't think it will turn against each other, but Jane is very persistent. She said that we can treat the young master as family, which is the best, but in order to prevent us from interfering with the young master's affairs too much in the future, the behavior of hugging him from time to time should be Prohibition," Gu Chuan Wanzhi imitated Jane's serious expression, and began to think, "Young master will bear a lot of responsibilities in the future, and the future of the Chi family is still counting on the young master. We must not interfere with the young master or affect the growth of the young master. In addition , Mr. and Mrs. have left, we are too close to the young master, and it will also affect their relationship..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Enough is enough, she has already thought of Jane's nagging.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why did he feel that the last sentence was the key point?

He felt that Jane cared more about his snake-sick mother than he, the snake-sick young master.

Maybe he also thought about the growth of the original consciousness, but he used too much force to assist Chi Kanai and his wife to kill the original consciousness...

Pushing the eaglet off the cliff can help the eaglet learn to fly, but if the eaglet's wings have not grown well, it may also cause the eaglet to thump and fall to death.

Withdrawing the nest and wings can make the eaglet know how to face the wind and rain, but if the eaglet finds that the eaglet that is as big as itself still has shelter in the wind and rain, after the storm passes, the surviving eaglet will always have a storm in his heart .

"In short, she just chatted with my husband for more than two hours, and my husband was persuaded by her. Every time she found out that my husband was going to violate the rules, she always talked to my husband in advance, sometimes like my husband, I would think she is rigid and unreasonable, but I still admire her very much, and when I was entangled with her, there was nothing I could do about her..." Gu Chuan Wanzhi said, stopping in front of a grave, reminding her aloud Said, "It's here, it's here."

When Hui Yuanai saw the place, she didn't ask Jane any more. She looked at the serious photo of the old man with a slight smile on the tombstone, and put the bouquet of flowers on it with Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki.

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