Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2419 three things noticed

Chi Feichi thought for a while, looked straight at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and said, "Didn't you scream tonight?"

Conan choked and was speechless when he suddenly felt that Chi Feichi's discovery was not unreasonable, so he frowned and thought about it.

That's right, there were bloodstains on the back of the young lady's hands and sleeves, as well as on the inside of her arms and the outside of her palms, indicating that she had touched a corpse before, and she was still so scared. She didn't look like a very courageous person. The lady found out that the owner of the house had fallen to the ground, and someone died when she stepped forward to help her, she would have been terrified, and it was reasonable to have blood on her hands, but when she was frightened, did the lady not scream? ?

No, there are also people who will not scream after being frightened, but are directly frightened.

Thinking about this, Conan reminded, "But, there are also people who are scared but can't scream?"

Chi Feichi took a look at Conan and nodded, "There are such people, but when we encountered murders, we often heard screams, but there were no screams tonight. Don't you feel awkward?"

Conan: "..."

Do you feel awkward like this?

The sound of sirens and brakes came from far and near outside the yard. Following Megu Shisan leading the team out of the car, Mori Kogoro walked out of the yard and greeted Memu Shisan.

Taking advantage of the time when Mori Kogoro explained the situation to the police, Koshimizu Nanatsuki lowered his voice and asked Chi Feichi again, "Mr. Chi, in your current state, can you investigate and reason?"

"The reasoning is a bit difficult," Chi Feichi paused, "so I don't really want to participate in the investigation of this case."

Conan was not surprised, but just sighed in his heart.

In the past, Chi Feichi always solved the case more than one step before him, and he would feel depressed, but when Chi Feichi was at the scene but could not participate in the investigation and reasoning, he would feel regretful.

It's fine if Chi Feichi doesn't want to investigate and loses interest in the investigation, but this time it's because of thinking problems, which makes him feel even more uncomfortable...

"Before I rest, I'll tell you a few things I care about," Chi Feichi thought about not participating in the investigation, so he might as well tell Yueshui Nanatsuki all the doubts he found, and talked about his discovery, " First of all, the Tachino patrolman. Just now he said that he wanted to check whether there were other people in the house, so he went straight to the kitchen with the back door. It was not the room adjacent to the crime scene, nor the room at the end of the corridor, but he was I chose to go to the kitchen first, and I only knew it was the kitchen after he opened the door and saw the cabinets in the house..."

"Could it be that he wants to check the back door lock and windows first..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki reacted, "No, if he wants to check the door lock and windows first, it means that he has no idea about the layout of Ooka's house. Very familiar, he and Mr. Ooka are probably acquaintances!"

Haibara looked at Toshio Tateno who was standing with Mori Kogoro, "Just now Uncle Mori asked about the situation of the deceased, but he didn't take the initiative to talk about the deceased, showing that he was completely unfamiliar with the deceased, which is really suspicious. "

"Then there's that lady," Chi Feichi looked at the woman who ran out of the yard before, "When she ran out of the yard, she was carrying a backpack and wearing a hoodie, as if she was outdoors. It's not like someone who just came out of the house, or someone who came to visit Mr. Ooka and found Mr. Ooka dead and ran out in a hurry."

"That's right..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the young woman's hat and replied in a low voice, "There is no blood on the edge of the hat, which means that the hat has been put on before her hands were stained with blood. When someone dies, she runs out immediately, and that hat is what she puts on when she enters the house or before entering the house. When visiting someone's house, no one will wear a hoodie hat..."

"Mrs. Nakajima can testify to Mrs. Huaze's words, and she is unlikely to lie. Then, with the man she said has left," Chi Feichi affirmed, "There are currently three suspicious people."

There was a moment of silence.

Conan smiled and said, "Police Liye will be transferred to the Criminal Department of Mihua Police Station soon, and he will soon realize his dream all along. He is the kind of person who is not easy to be impulsive, and has such a good personality that he is reluctant to lose his temper with others. There is no reason at all, and it is unlikely to kill people? It may be a coincidence that he goes to the kitchen as soon as he arrives, isn't it?"

"At that time, you, a child, were in the house, and there were girls outside. He searched the house for any suspicious persons hiding. He should start the search from the nearest room, first search from the next room, and gradually expand the scope of the search. He will let the prisoner leave, and it is more important to protect the safety of others. As a policeman, he should understand this, but as soon as he came, he went to the kitchen farther away from us," Chi Feichi calmly broke Conan's luck, and then Said, "Of course, I can't say for sure that he is covering up, but I just think he is suspicious, and you need to investigate the rest."

"Although I don't really hope that he is the murderer, but at present, he is also very suspicious." Hui Yuanai echoed.

"The third thing is the letter 'K' under the finger of the deceased. It seems that it is the message left by the deceased before death," Chi Feichi continued, "The deceased should be a person who likes to use English and numbers to abbreviate. people..."

"Wait, wait a minute! Brother Chi, how could the deceased like to use English and numbers..." Conan remembered the schedule records on the wall calendar in the room, and his eyes lit up, "It's the wall calendar schedule in the room, right? There are few numbers and English, and the only place where the number appears is '89 female'. It seems that something is abbreviated, indicating that the deceased has the habit of using numbers and English to abbreviate. You need to refer to the abbreviation rules of the deceased."

"That's right," Chi Feichi affirmed, and asked suddenly, "Have you finished your group homework?"

"Ah?" Conan was stunned by the question, quickly reacted, and replied honestly, "After Haibara went to the cemetery with you, we gathered at Dr. Ali's house and completed the remaining tasks."

Chi Feichi nodded, "That's good."

Mao Lilan accompanied Mori Kogoro to explain the situation to the police, turned around and found that Chi Feichi and others were still standing at the gate of the courtyard whispering, then turned around and came back, listening to Conan and Chi Feichi chatting about group homework, stood After waiting for a while, after Chi Feichi finished speaking, he said worriedly, "But, Conan, Xiao Ai, you are going to school tomorrow, do you want me to take you back to rest first?"

"No need," Conan quickly smiled and waved his hands, "I'm not sleepy yet, I want to wait, or even if I go back, I won't be able to fall asleep!"

"I can do whatever I want," Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, "If brother Feichi is tired, we can go back to rest first."

Considering that Nanatsuki Koshimi seems to be interested in the case, Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and checked the time, "It's not too late until eight o'clock in the evening, so don't rush back."

"Officer Megure!" Takagi stepped forward to report, "The victim's identity has been investigated! The victim is Mr. Ooka Zenkichi, who is sixty-four years old this year. He lives here alone. He usually works in a supermarket in Kabadocho. guard."

Mu Mushisan nodded, and looked at the young woman who was called to the side, "Are you the first person who found the dead? Excuse me, can you tell me your name?"

"I, my name is Takawako Kaitani." The young woman stammered back.

Conan paid attention to the question, and whispered, "The first letter of the name is K."

Mu Mushisan turned around and asked about the middle-aged woman who had been talking to Tachino Toshio before.

Chi Feichi didn't listen any more, and walked to the other side of the courtyard wall, leaning his back against the courtyard wall, and put his right hand into his pants pocket.

Hui Yuanai followed, noticing Chi Feichi's movements, took out a candy from his pocket, and handed it to Chi Feichi, "This is the Masked Rider hard candy the kids bought last time, a mint-flavored candy Almost all belong to me, the sweetness is not strong, if it is not particularly uncomfortable, just use this instead of cigarettes."

Chi Feichi put the cigarette case in his right hand back into his pocket, reached out to take the candy from Hui Yuanai's hand, peeled off the wrapper, and put the candy into his mouth.

Hui Yuanai dug out a candy from his pocket, peeled off the wrapper and put it in his mouth, decided not to disturb Chi Feichi anymore, stared at the ground with his head down, recalling the recent drug research in his mind.


There was a noise in front of the cordon over there, Mori Kogoro and Tachino Toshio passed through the cordon, chasing a middle-aged man who turned around and ran away in the crowd, and held the middle-aged man down.

The police dispersed the crowd, and Mrs. Hanazawa confirmed that the middle-aged man was an office worker who had been to Ooka's house before.

"What's your name?" Mu Mu Shisan stepped forward and asked.

The middle-aged man stood up from the ground, "Jiu, Jiu Rong Kejun."

It is also a name with the first letter K in the Roman sound.

Since Jiu Rong Kejun mixed in the crowd to wait and see, turned around and ran away after being discovered was very suspicious, Mu Mo Shisan looked at Jiu Rong Kejun suspiciously, "Mr. You came here to look for Mr. Ooka, right? Why did you look for him?"

"Yes... it's Ooka who is not good!" Jiu Rong Kejun was already nervous, surrounded by a group of people and questioned by the police. Suddenly asked me to send money, so I came here with a knife, trying to scare him!"

"As a result, you accidentally killed him during the fight," Mori Kogoro asked with a serious expression, "afterwards you hurriedly fled the scene, wandered around restlessly, and when you heard the sound of a police car approaching, you immediately mingled with the crowd peeking inside, isn’t that right?”

Chi Feichi who followed beside him said, "..."

Hearing his teacher's reasoning, he wanted to smoke... eat candy again.

"No...that's not the case!" Jiurong Kejun quickly denied, "I didn't kill him!"

Mori Kogoro frowned, "It's no use denying it now..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki approached Kogoro Mori with a dry smile, and reminded in a low voice, "Mr. Mori, there was a blood-stained cushion with a big hole in the middle at the crime scene. The knife stabbed down, and the mat was used to block the splashed blood. If you can consider this kind of thing, it will definitely not be an impulsive killing."

"That is to say..." Kogoro Mori stared at Katsutoshi Jiurong with sharper eyes, "He didn't accidentally kill someone in a fight, but he killed someone premeditatedly. When he came to Mr. Ooka with a knife At that time, he had already planned to kill someone!"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki Doudouyan, "No, this is still..."

Is it too early to say with certainty that Jiu Rong Kejun is the murderer?

"I really didn't do it," Jiu Rong Kejun rushed towards Mu Mu Shisan anxiously, startling the pensive Mu Mu Shisan, "I just cut his hand, and then ran away in fright! I really didn't kill anyone, officer!"

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