Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2428 an acquaintance who appeared at the intersection


The living room door was opened, and Vodka entered with a bag of fried food.

"That's because the dishes I cook are moderately salty, and I never put too much condiment," Chi Feichi didn't get up, still leaning on the sofa and staring at the ceiling, "Right, vodka?"

"Ah..." Vodka was stunned for a moment, thinking that what Chi Feichi said was true, nodded and said, "Yes."


Qin Jiu snorted softly, but didn't speak again.

He didn't even bother to say vodka.

Know what they're saying, like 'yes, yeah, that's right'...

"Huh? Is it big brother cooking today?" Vodka wasn't sure what gin meant. He brought the fried food to the cooking counter and actively took the plates to distribute the food. Do the octopus balls in that store taste good? When I passed by that store today, I bought it for you..."

Gin: "..."

For the sake of vodka's intentions, be silly.

"By the way, Lark," Vodka turned to share with Chi Feichi again, "Last time you said that the fried chicken cutlets at the street corner store are very special, and this time I bought a new flavor marinated in a special sauce, you Try it later!"

Chi Feichi was paralyzed, and couldn't bear not to respond, "Thank you."

He said that there is no vodka in the gin team, otherwise Gin's daily work will become boring, no one should object to this, right?

"There is also Feichi..." Vodka was a little surprised to see Feichi with a round belly on the table, "Eh? Feichi has already eaten, and I brought you fresh raw fish."

Feichi's stomach was so distended that he couldn't move, he just moved his head stuck on the table, and spat out the snake letter, "Master, can you tell the vodka..."

"Feichi asked me to thank you," Chi Feichi relayed Feichi's words, "but it has already eaten the mice, and it doesn't need to eat anymore these days, the fish pieces can only be disposed of by you."

"Then throw it out and feed the crows. There are two more crows standing on the fence outside, which should be enough for them to eat..."

Vodka turned out the raw fish and put it in a disposable paper cup. When he was about to send it out the door, he caught a glimpse of a row of dead mice on the coffee table, "Huh?"

The five little white mice were laid out neatly on the spread paper towels, and even their long tails were straightly facing the direction of the TV, which looked a little weird.

"This can't be eaten, it's poisonous." Chi Feichi sat up and reached out to pick up the dead mouse. "Forget it, I'll get rid of it."

Gin couldn't help mocking the two, "If you hadn't been following him, Lak would still be reluctant to take away those little white mouse corpses..."

Vodka: "..."

The eldest brother said this strangely, as if he wanted to grab the white mouse from Lak.

Chi Feichi was too lazy to argue with Gin, went into the laboratory to dispose of the dead mice, and went out to wait for dinner.

He felt that his cooking was very fast, and his gin was not slow, and he looked quite skilled, but it was hard to tell which country's cuisine he belonged to for lunch.

There is miso soup, which is very famous in Japanese home cooking, there is vodka bought from the street, Japanese fried chicken nuggets, fried fish nuggets...

There are fried steaks in Western food, and standard English mashed potatoes...

And what he did before, the Chinese-style stir-fried mixed vegetables...

Except for the dispute over the matter of 'what to eat first', the three of them had a fairly smooth lunch.

Although the dishes were rather peculiar, Chi Feichi felt that he couldn't be picky about the taste of the food. Even if there wasn't any special experience to surprise the taste buds, at least every dish was at a level of comfort.

After the meal, Chi Feichi lay paralyzed in the living room for more than an hour, and the gin and vodka communicating information and making phone calls did not affect Chi Feichi.

There was someone next to him as a salted fish, and Gin was no longer in the mood for work. After reading the information at hand, he called for vodka to rest, and turned on the TV to watch the show.

A safety promotional video was playing on the TV, and the sky outside the curtains suddenly darkened.

"Huh? Is it going to rain?" Vodka got up and went to the window, opened the corner of the curtain, and looked at the gloomy sky outside, "When I first came here, there were dark clouds gathering in the sky over there, I didn't find it so quickly." It's going to rain."

"If you're not in a hurry to go back, I can drive you off later," Gin Jiu glanced out the window, took the remote control and changed the channel, "When are you going to leave?"

"Anyway, I haven't done anything lately. I don't have anything to do when I go back alone, so I can go back anytime." Vodka put down the corner of the curtain, turned back to the sofa, "Luck, what about you?"

Chi Feichi looked at the time displayed in the lower corner of the TV, "I can go back before eight o'clock in the evening. In the past few days, my sister has been watching me take medicine every morning and evening."

"Take medicine?" Vodka was a little puzzled.

"He just sat in a daze for more than an hour just now, and he looks a little sluggish, haven't you noticed it?" Qin Jiu used the remote control to keep changing the channel, "His condition has been recurring, and he needs to take medicine to control his condition recently."

"I almost forgot, Luke's mental state is not stable..." Vodka said, and asked curiously, "Luck, how is your situation now? Do you feel any different recently from before?"

"It's much better today, but I can't cheer up." Chi Feichi continued to lean on the sofa and paralyzed.

Outside the window, heavy rain poured down.

The sound insulation effect in the living room is good, but the force of the raindrops hitting the glass and falling on the window sill is really strong enough. In the gap between the sound of the TV program, the human ear can vaguely capture the slight, dull, dense drum-like rain.

Vodka couldn't help expressing the emotion of "the rainy season is coming", and then the heavy rain outside the window stopped and stopped, and soon turned into light rain that fell from time to time for half an hour.

The three of them sat in the living room and watched the news broadcast, and watched two episodes of the recent hot detective TV series. They took advantage of the rain to stop and went out to go home.

Chi Feichi didn't take Gin's car any more, so he tore off his fake face nearby, went to the street and hailed a taxi, and took a taxi to Seven Detective Agency.

After three consecutive heavy rains and light rains, the drowsy sky became much brighter.

The activity class of the senior grades originally scheduled for Didan Primary School was cancelled. After changing their shoes, the senior students took out umbrellas from their backpacks and left the school early like the lower grade students. They greeted the class teacher at the gate and made friends Go to the street.

In the crowd, Yuan Tai slowed down as he walked, and turned to look at the students around him, "It's so lively today!"

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko's eyes stayed on the two senior students who passed by, and he was also excited by the excitement at this moment, "Because our first grade has one less activity class than other grades, so every time we have a holiday Leaving school earlier than other grades, and the sixth grade students have one more class than other grades, it will be more difficult for us to meet them after school, it is really rare when it is as lively as today!"

Huiyuan Ai also looked at the elementary school students who were taller than him, and when he thought that he was still the shortest group of elementary school students, he felt a little delicate, "If we didn't walk together like this, I didn't find that the senior students could So much higher than us."

"Yeah, some senior students are really tall, and they look very strong." Ayumi held Haibara Ai's arm and looked around excitedly. "It feels good to be surrounded by seniors and seniors who are older than us." Amazing!"

Conan wanted to try to understand the excitement of the children, but found that he could only recall the time ten years ago, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a familiar figure on the street ahead.

It had just rained on the road, and the surrounding area was in the school area. After the car slowed down, there were quite a few people stuck at the intersection. Coupled with the rare high and low grade students who left school at the same time, it seemed that the surrounding area was very lively.

Behind the crowded crowd, he saw a familiar adult man standing in front of a car, and his mind stuck for a moment before he thought about the matter of Yasuji Kuroki picking up Xiaoshu before. The profile and figure of Yasuji Kuroki were also the same The man in front of the car responded.

Just after he recognized Kuroki Yasuji, Kuroki Yasuji over there also bowed his head and said something to the people in the car, and quickly got into the car.

"Edogawa?" Seeing that Conan suddenly stopped and looked forward, Haibara stopped in doubt and looked over, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, but I seem to see Mr. Kuroki, that Mr. Yasuji Kuroki who once won the world judo champion, and now he seems to be a housekeeper at Xiaoshu's house..."

Conan paid attention to the car over there, and found that the car was also slowly catching up with the traffic ahead and driving towards the intersection, and he was even more puzzled.


He thought it was Xiaoshu who came back from abroad. He knew that Didan Primary School was in class today, so he came to wait for them outside the school, but now it seemed that the car had already met the waiting person.

Kuroki Yasuji or Xiaoshu's family, is there anyone going to Teidan Elementary School to do something...

"Little tree?"

When the three children heard the name of an acquaintance, they immediately looked around.

"Is his housekeeper around?"

"Could it be that he came to see us?"

"It seems that Xiaoshu didn't come to us. The car has already left. Mr. Kuroki may have come here for other things." Conan looked away and walked forward with a smile, "I seem to have told you before Yes, Xiaoshu’s parents have passed away, he and his elder brother live in Mihua Town now, Mr. Kuroki probably came here on business..."

Mitsuhiko looked at Conan with excitement in his eyes, "Conan, it's the end of Tedan Elementary School! Don't you think it's a coincidence that Mr. Kuroki appeared here?"

Conan was taken aback, "This time is quite special, but..."

"Conan, you are too slow to react!" Yuan Tai excitedly said, "Even I thought that Mr. Kuroki might be here to pick you up, right? Although Xiaoshu is not yet at the age of school, but You also said that Xiaoshu still has an older brother!"

"That is to say, Xiaoshu's elder brother is probably also in Didan Elementary School!" Guangyan said happily, and touched Yuantai with his elbow, "Yuantai, your brain is very good today!"

"Of course," Yuan Tai said proudly, "I thought of such a simple thing right away!"

Conan wanted to reason with black lines, "Although it is possible, Didan Primary School is not the only one nearby. There are also bookstores and dessert shops on the street. Just seeing him does not prove that he is here to pick someone up. of……"

"Will Xiaoshu's brother be our classmate?" Ayumi excitedly said, "That's great!"

Mitsuhiko was equally excited, "Maybe we are in the same grade as us!"

Conan: "..."


The brats weren't even listening.

I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year! All the best in the new year!

(This time I'm lazy, no more updates)

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