Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2433 It really is!

Conan was always paying attention to the man in the sunglasses, but he couldn't see Laita's face, but felt that the man's behavior was a bit strange, so he asked aloud, "Today is Uncle Kogoro's high school reunion, right?"

"The bride's party doesn't seem to be today, so today only the groom's friends and classmates came. It seems to be a high school reunion," Mao Liland said, "My mother couldn't come because she had a job..."

Conan quietly pointed at the man in sunglasses, "Is that person also Uncle Kogoro's classmate?"

Mori Kogoro looked back, "I don't remember, after all, many people have not seen each other for twenty years."

Chi Feichi was distracted looking at the rain outside the window.

Judging from the current situation, this plot is the same as what he has seen in his previous life.

A pair of men and women who are about to get married, the woman hired Amuro Toru to investigate the man, and asked Amuro Toru to stare at the man tonight, so as not to let the man get into trouble, and the man also hired a private detective to investigate the woman, and mistakenly thought that he had been with the woman some time ago Toru Amuro, who met secretly, is the woman's secret lover...

Both parties felt insecure, and both made the move of hiring each other, so let’s not talk about it, but the two are still brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years, twins born from the same mother’s womb.

In another twenty minutes or so, Kamen Hatsune who came back here will receive a call, knowing that she and her partner Raita are twin siblings, and then will burn herself in her car in the parking lot...

The two terrible curses of 'show affection, die quickly' and 'lovers will eventually become brothers and sisters' should be applied to these two people.

This has nothing to do with him, he is not familiar with these two people, but he just has the urge to find a way to take care of this nosy matter.

It is impossible for him and Yue Shui to be brother and sister, and he doesn't believe in the curse of 'die quickly', let alone show affection in the future because of it.

He just thought of Kamen Hatsune sitting in the car and setting himself on fire, and he would think of some fragments in the memory of the original consciousness.

It was a night before he came to this world, and it was the day when Dongdu University held a campus festival.

In the evening, it started to rain like tonight. Under the lights and strings of colored lights, young people ran into the room holding activity props.

The raindrops fell on those people's foreheads, cheeks, and clothes, but those people didn't pay attention, talking loudly with their companions. While running, some people deliberately stepped on the stagnant water on the ground, making noise while being chased by their companions. laughing out loud.

In the nearby outdoor parking lot, some people didn’t care about the raindrops falling on them. They just stood beside a red Lexus SC, watching those peers run away gradually, watching the huge playground become empty, watching those Decorative lamps and lights turn into blobs of light in the rain.

After the surroundings quieted down, the people standing beside the car also sat back in the car, looking at the empty rain curtain, planning their own death in their hearts.

At the end of that memory, he saw a numb face reflected on the window glass, which was divided into pieces under the raindrops across the glass.

He sees that face in the mirror every day now.

He and he used to exist in the same body, but they still couldn't understand some of each other's thoughts, but they cared about each other more than many people imagined.

Even if the original consciousness was like a time bomb at that time, always affected by negative emotions, for the safety of their bodies, and for the sake of not being "forced to die" for no reason, even if he had the ability to leave Qingshan Fourth Hospital, You must stay in the hospital honestly and cooperate with the treatment...

Even if he wakes up suddenly after hibernation, his body will appear in an unexpected place, and he doesn't know what the original conscious body did just now. The feeling of memory fault makes him very troubled...

Even if there are troubles of one kind or another, when he first came to this world, it was the original consciousness that accompanied him through the initial period of confusion, and he is the only one in recent years who can make the original consciousness feel that "someone is with you." The placebo of I'm with, the Primitive has always had goodwill towards him in his heart.

Since he fully awakened in this body, the goodwill from the original conscious body has been conveyed to him bit by bit in this strange and absurd environment through written communication again and again, and then he left those words in the book. The text is sent back to the original consciousness body.

They once touched the same mirror, looked at their shared face in the mirror, and were equally curious about what expression the other party would make with this face, and their fingers that landed on the mirror felt the same temperature.

Then, one of them survived, and the other died. After the independent memories of both sides merged, they became each other's siblings.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about destroying the original consciousness body, but unfortunately, the original consciousness body is very similar to Sawada Hiroki in his bones. He looks easy to talk and easy to bully, but he is very thoughtful. Once a certain decision is made, It is difficult to be changed, and before he died, he also made the kind of domineering behavior of "I only inform you, not discuss with you".

He was probably no different.

Facing the original consciousness, he always thinks "you listen to me". Facing Sawada Hiroki, he also firmly believes that his consideration is better than Sawada Hiroki. If he has the opportunity, he probably wants to force that The two did what he wanted, but life and death are the things that everyone has the most freedom to control. When those two people had the home court advantage, he also lost one after another.

But, he is the kind of guy who is so arrogant that he wants to control other people's life and death, and he will not look back after hitting the south wall, and stand in front of the south wall again, he still wants to try the south wall in front of him Can it crash.

The same is true tonight.

And it might not be too difficult to deal with the 'nosy' this time, and he didn't have the determination to succeed, he just wanted to try...

"Brother Chi?"

Conan's face appeared in Chi Feichi's sight.

Because Conan was too close, Chi Feichi raised his eyes and saw his own face reflected in Conan's eyes.

Soon, Conan also realized that he was too close, stepped back and sat back on the sofa, and asked curiously, "Is there something on your mind?"

"I was thinking of a story I heard before..."

Under Conan's surprised and searching eyes, Chi Feichi got up and left his seat, avoiding Toru Amuro who was passing by with a tray, and went to the bathroom, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Conan: "?"

What about that story? Just gone?

It felt like Chi Feichi was just fooling him, and even the fooling was perfunctory!

Amuro waited for Chi Feichi to pass by, turned his head to see Chi Feichi's back going to the bathroom, and then went to the bar with the empty cups packed in the tray.

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm going to the bathroom too!" Conan greeted Mao Lilan and jumped off the sofa.

"Hey?" Mao Lilan saw that Conan had already quickly left the seat, so she had to tell him, "Conan, don't worry, be careful of slipping!"


Conan purposely ran near the bar before slowing down his pace, peeking at Toru Amuro next to the bar, silently counting down in his heart.


Toru Amuro stood in front of the bar, talking to the waitress who was pouring the wine, "Yeah, bourbon and mango juice... I'll deliver it when it's ready..."

Conan walked a lot slower than usual, deliberately lingering between the seats next to him.


"I'm going to the bathroom." Toru Amuro put the tray on the bar, looked at the closed door of the bathroom, and walked over.


There was a smile on the corner of Conan's mouth, and he followed lightly.

it is as expected!

In the bathroom, Chi Feichi just washed his hands, then stood in front of the mirror and waited.

If he goes around telling people that 'Kamen Hatsune will die', there is a high probability that others will treat him as a snake maniac...

No, in the eyes of those who knew him, he was a snake spirit. If he said that a certain person would die, everyone would definitely think that he was sick, and they might not take his words seriously.

If the companion Raitai thinks that he is cursing Kamen Hatsune, even if he does not fight with him for the sake of his teacher's face, he will probably have to argue with him. At that time, Mori Kogoro who kindly brought him over But it's going to be difficult.

Even if he wanted to meddle in this nosy business, he still had to find a suitable reason and get involved in it logically, so as not to cause himself any trouble.

"Boom, boom!"

There were two knocks on the door, and Toru Amuro's voice came from outside the door.

"Guest, I'm sorry, I also want to use the bathroom, is it convenient for me to go in now?"

"The door is unlocked."

Chi Fei replied late.

"Excuse me." Toru Amuro said politely outside the door, and then he unscrewed the doorknob, opened the door and entered the bathroom.

Conan quietly followed outside the bathroom, stood against the wall, and eavesdropped.

After An Shitou entered the door, he looked at Chi Feichi who was standing in front of the mirror wiping his hands with a paper towel, closed the door behind his back, and asked with a smile, "Do you need my help?"

"Don't ask such questions in the bathroom," Chi Feichi threw the paper towels for wiping hands into the trash, "just like the waiters in your restaurant have to take care of the customers to use the bathroom."

"If the guest is unwell or has inherent inconvenience, such as drinking too much..." Amuro stepped forward, with a casual smile on his face, which seemed to reveal a hint of bourbon blackening, and glanced at Chi Feichi's waist, " For another example, if you have injuries on your legs, feet or waist, and you can only move around in wheelchairs before, then, as a waiter working here, I also have the responsibility to take care of such customers."

Cynicism is the fine tradition of a black organization.

Chi Feichi came to a conclusion in his heart, and he was not caught by Amuro. He looked at Toru Amuro who was walking beside him from the mirror, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a half-smile, "But seeing you doing this kind of hard work Being angry and being bullied by customers but having to swallow my anger at work, I am really sad, Amuro."

At the door, Conan felt as if caterpillars were crawling across his back, shivering, and quickly shook his head, trying to convince himself not to make a fuss.

This waiter is really working hard tonight, and he is really a little bit offended. My friends will definitely think that he is working hard when they see it...

But he couldn't lie to himself anymore.

'I feel sorry for you' is not something that Chi Feichi can say, and Chi Feichi's meaningful tone sounds weird no matter how he hears it, as if saying 'You I haven't seen enough of such an interesting scene of being bullied, it's a pity'...

Uh, is it too much for him to think about Chi Feichi so much?

Chi Feichi probably didn't mean that, it's just that he was used to a cold tone, and now he wanted to express his concern but couldn't control his tone, right?

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