Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2446 Are you cruel?

Banba Raita stopped screaming, looked up at Mori Kogoro who was sleeping on the sofa in front of him, his expression was a little dazed, but his eyes gradually became focused.

"For you, this will be a big challenge, but as a man, please muster up the courage to stand up!" Conan paused, then slowed down his tone, "No matter what your identity is, it doesn't matter if you Whether or not we can face each other now, Miss Hatsune needs you to give her some strength."

He believed that Mr. Banba didn't want Ms. Hatsune to die, and that might be the initial gleam of fire in the dark night that supported the two of them to walk out of the blow.

The man in the sunglasses was in a very complicated mood. Seeing Mrs. Banchang struggling to get up, he quickly leaned over to help him, "Mr. Banchang..."

Banba Raita looked at the sofa next to him, his expression was a little calm, but his voice was still a little hoarse, "I want to sit there for a while and calm down."

The man in the sunglasses nodded, and helped Banchang Laitai pass.

Conan also came out from behind the table, looked at the distraught companion Yoshita, walked up to Kogoro Mori, and reached out to remove the loudspeaker from the sleeve of Kogoro Mori's coat.

In front of the bar, Toru Amuro looked back and found that Chi Feichi beside him was still playing games. He was speechless for a moment, and whispered, "Sometimes, I really don't know if you are cruel..."

Chi Feichi glanced at Toru Amuro, then looked back at the mobile game page, playing the game silently.

Amuro Toru was sweated by Chi Feichi's calm glance, looked at the bandage on Chi Feichi's finger, and said with a smile, "I don't think it should be counted, anyone present here is not qualified to comment on that Those who worked hard to save Hatsune-san from the car, without you, Banba-san would never be able to talk to Hatsune-san again."

Chi Feichi looked down at the phone, and manipulated the game character to slash at the enemy, "If you don't come back, I won't be able to handle it anymore."

"Ah, sorry..."

Toru Amuro picked up the phone he had buckled on the table, and sighed inwardly.

It is the consultant who broke the broken glass window to save people. When everyone else feels sorry for the tragedy, it is the consultant who only wants to play games and seems to be unaffected.

That's why he didn't understand whether the consultant was cruel or not.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that maybe he didn't need to be so entangled. The consultant must be a good person, but his mind is not normal!

Conan walked to the side and saw two people playing games. His mood was similar to that of Toru Amuro when he saw Chi Feichi playing games before. He sat to the side and watched speechlessly.

Mr. Banchang is still sitting on the sofa in a daze, the atmosphere in the restaurant is so dull, these two people are still in the mood to play games?

Seems kind of bad in this situation where a tragedy has just been revealed?

As for him...

He is not so heartless, but Mr. Banchang needs someone to calm down. Uncle Kogoro has not woken up yet. Xiaolan is caring about Uncle Kogoro who is unconscious. The police officers also have follow-up matters to arrange. There was nothing to do standing still, so I had to watch Chi Feichi play games for a while.

The truth came to light. As a detective, he had done what he was supposed to do, and it was time to retire and leave time for others to deal with the follow-up.


Six minutes later, Chi Feichi and Amuro Toru won the game. Seeing Conan lying on the side watching again, he checked the phone battery and handed the phone to Conan, "If you want to play, I can lend you the phone, but You can only play one game."

Toru Amuro also quickly clicked on the game settlement page, and looked at Conan with a smile, "If you need teammates, I can team up with you. My skills are very powerful!"

"That..." Conan complained in his heart that Toru Amuro's earnest and proud appearance was a bit childish at the moment, but he was also a little moved. He looked around, and suddenly saw Megushi Shisan coming over, his face changed, and he reminded in a low voice , "Officer Mu, Mumu is here!"

Toru Amuro and Chi Feichi immediately operated their mobile phones to exit the game page, turned off the screen of the mobile phone in neat movements, and put the mobile phones into the right pocket of their trousers in neat movements.

Chi Feichi leaned his head close to Conan's ear, and said softly, "I can play for you on the way back."

"Thank you, Brother Chi, but let's talk about it later."

As Conan said, he quietly glanced at Mu Mu Shisan who was approaching, and found that Mu Mu Shisan's face was not ugly, he was relieved, but soon felt that something was wrong.

He was just a primary school student who was attracted by the news of the game. Even if Police Officer Mu Mu saw them playing games here, he would only scold Chi Feichi and that black-skinned detective if he wanted to scold him. Why is he guilty and nervous?

Mu Mushisan saw the sudden act of the two people putting away their mobile phones. Although he looked more curiously, he never thought that the two of them were playing a game. He guessed that the two of them might be communicating about the entrustment situation, so he didn't ask. Toru Amuro stood up and said, "Mr. Amuro, we are planning to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department, but there will be two colleagues staying in the parking lot to continue collecting evidence. You and the employees in the store can go back at any time, and the store door is closed. It can be locked. If you need to enter the store to collect evidence, our people will come after the restaurant opens tomorrow. If this still disturbs your normal work, please forgive me. In addition, regarding this incident, if you are convenient, please contact us. You need to go to the Police Department to cooperate with us to make a record, I hope you can leave a contact information, and our police will contact you again at that time."

"Okay, here is my business card." Toru Amuro took out a 'Detective' business card from his pocket and handed it to Megushisan. "It has my email address and phone number on it. I am free for the last two days. I will be able to take notes in two days.”

Mu Mushisan nodded and took the business card, looked down, and handed it to Takagi She who followed, "Then let Takagi contact you tomorrow, so it's okay?"

Toru Amuro responded immediately, "No problem."

"Brother Feichi, Conan, it's time for us to go back!" Mao Lilan stepped forward, followed by Kogoro Mouri who was yawning, and greeted Mumu Shisan and the others, "Officer Mumu , Officer Takagi."

Mu Mo Shisan nodded kindly to Mao Lilan, then turned to Chi Feichi and said seriously, "Brother Chi, you should go back to rest early, tonight only Conan and you saw what happened in the parking lot, Conan It's a child, and you have a history of mental illness, so it's best for both of you to take notes..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This time, the nosy affairs were managed fairly smoothly, and the biggest price to pay was a transcript that could not be lazy.

"There is also the case in the Miss Hefeng Beauty Contest and the case where Mr. Ooka was killed. You also need to take notes." Mu Mu Shisan turned to look at Takagi She, "Takagi is in charge of Mr. Amuro's notes. , but also responsible for sorting out the information of this case, I will ask Shiratori to contact you when I see it..."

Takagi nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Although he felt a little guilty, but a dead fellow Daoist would never die in a poor way. He would rather help Police Officer Bai Niao stay up for two more nights when there was a surveillance mission in the future, and he didn't want to face Mr. Chi's 'perfunctory transcript'.

"Maori, Shiratori will be responsible for the records of you and Xiaolan as well. Then you can go there with Brother Chi and Conan," Mumu Shisan said to Moori Kogoro who was standing next to him, "I will let Shiratori Contact you tomorrow, no problem?"

"Yes," Mori Kogoro, who was rubbing the back of his neck, immediately put down his hands, stood up straight, responded with a straight face, and smiled again, "Officer Megure, the new computer I bought will be sent to the detective agency tomorrow morning Go, Feichi promised to help me assemble the computer, so we may not be able to go to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow morning, as for the afternoon..."

Mu Mushisan sighed speechlessly, "Then you should contact Shiratori again when you have time, especially the record of Miss Hefeng's beauty pageant case can't be delayed any longer."

"Yes! Don't worry, before the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, we must go to the Metropolitan Police Department to complete the record!" Mori Kogoro responded a lot more firmly this time, and looked at the accompanying field accompanied by Chiba and Shinobu Mrs. Lai, "Officer Mu Mu, the companion..."

"Qianye will send him to the hospital to visit Miss Hatsune." Mu Mu Shisan explained.

Yorita Banba seemed to be in better spirits, at least a little blood had returned to his face, he nodded politely to Megushisan, then looked at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Mouri, you are right, Hatsune is still I need to give her strength, so no matter how unbearable the truth is, I have to muster up the courage to stand up. Thank you for helping me find the truth this time. I want to go to the hospital and wait for Hatsune to wake up before thinking about what to do. How do you deal with this?"

"Ah, then be careful on the road," Mori Kogoro heard Mori Ran briefly talk about his own reasoning before coming over. Knowing the truth of the case, he heard what Banba Laitai said, so he responded first , Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and patted Lai Tai on the shoulder, and said seriously, "When Ms. Hatsune wakes up, don't forget to call me. If you feel that this matter is still unbearable, you can go to a psychologist. Doctor, if you need me in the future, please feel free to come to me!"

"I will," Banba Lai's complicated mood couldn't be calmed down for a while, but he squeezed out a little smile towards Mori Kogoro, "Hurry up and go back to rest, I'll be leaving first!"

Mori Kogoro nodded, watching his partner Laita leave, his eyes were filled with emotion, but also a little puzzled, and he murmured in a low voice, "It's really a shocking truth, how could they be twin brothers and sisters... Can you imagine People in this situation, the way of thinking is too strange..."

"But, didn't you discover this, Mr. Mori?" Toru Amuro looked at Kogoro Mori, and suddenly smiled, "Your deduction just now is very exciting!"

Conan was sweating, worried that Kogoro Mori's words would reveal his secrets, and also worried that Kogoro Mori would suddenly become suspicious, thinking about how to get around, "That..."

"Really?" Mori Kogoro laughed immediately, "No wonder, this is the first time you have seen my famous reasoning scene, right? In fact, I also think that this time I played very well in the investigation and solving the case , Even if it is such a bizarre truth, I saw through it all at once, and also quickly accepted the truth of the matter, I have to say, this is also the extraordinary endurance of a famous detective!"

Amuro smiled sincerely, "Yes, seeing sleeping Kogoro's famous reasoning with my own eyes tonight really opened my eyes!"

Conan: "..."

Hehe, he shouldn't question the uncle's narcissism and courage. He suspects that no matter the big or small cases, as long as everyone says that the uncle solved the case, there will be no case that the uncle dare not take over.

Chi Feichi: "..."

One dared to admit it casually, and the other could boast brazenly, the atmosphere was inexplicably harmonious.

If Amuro learns from Mori Kogoro according to the plot, the Mori Detective Agency will definitely become more lively in the future.

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