Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2454 Stop by the hospital to see you

Conan was speechless, slandering Kogoro Mori for comparing himself with Holmes, he was too arrogant, but he didn't argue with Kogoro Mori, he turned around and asked about the comparison of food, "Brother Chi, there are no other web pages. Is it okay to post the detective's personal photo, Uncle?"

"As long as the teacher is willing, then there is no problem," Chi Feichi patiently analyzed, "The reason why those firms don't post the detective's photos on the Internet is because the detective sometimes needs to follow up and investigate. If you put your personal photos on the webpage , When the detective is following the target, it is very likely to be recognized by others, and because of this, Yue Shui did not upload his own photo, but the teacher should not have such scruples."

Mori Kogoro nodded again and again, "That's right! I have accepted so many TV interviews and newspaper interviews. If you just look for this year's newspaper, you can see my photos from various angles. This face has long been remembered by many people." Well, why not just post my photo on the firm's homepage and attract people to make appointments!"

"That's fine too," Conan thought after much deliberation and felt that Kogoro Mori had underestimated his idol before, so he rolled his eyes at Kogoro Mori with a smile, and his childish voice was cute, "But it's a pity that I didn't use the silhouette of Sherlock Holmes in the end. I think Sherlock Holmes is much better than Uncle!"

"What did you say?!" Mori Kogoro widened his eyes, stood up and rolled up his sleeves, "You brat"

"Teacher, remember to ask Conan to take a photo for you after the beating." Chi Feichi said while facing the computer without raising his head, "put it on the homepage." Mori Kogoro choked, and quickly pulled away from him Conan, who was far away, muttered depressedly, "If you say that, how can I beat him up?"

When Conan reached the safe range, he still couldn't help emphasizing, "I'm telling the truth, Sherlock Holmes is much better than Uncle!" Two minutes later

Conan had two big bulging bags on his head, one on the left and one on the right. He stood in front of the sofa with a face of reluctance, holding a digital camera in his right hand. "Little devil, be serious. Make sure I look handsome and famous as a detective," Mori Kogoro said while sitting on the sofa, before posing in a contemplative pose, threatening with a vicious fist, "If you dare to take the opportunity Retaliation, random shooting, I will definitely beat you up again!"

Conan looked at Chi Feichi, who was concentrating on building the webpage on the computer, and found that Chi Feichi didn't plan to take care of it. No matter how reluctant, he still held up the digital camera, "Yes."

Could it be that Chi Feichi and his friendship boat started to dangle in front of the master-student relationship? Chi Feichi let his teacher bully a child without stopping, didn't his conscience hurt?

There is no love or compassion at all!

Chi Feichi didn't care about how Conan and Mori Kogoro were messing around.

He had already helped Conan once, and it was Conan himself who had to be serious about Sherlock Holmes before he was beaten. Then let his teacher beat him up.


"Conan, take another picture for me like this!" "And this"

"No, no, you have to stand in front of the side."

"Children are not tall enough. It's troublesome. You'd better take a chair and stand on it." "Remember to make me look handsome!"

Mori Kogoro placed different POSS, directed Conan to climb up and down on the chair, and took more than 50 photos before stopping. He took the digital camera in Conan's hand, looked through the photos, and deleted some of himself. Unsatisfied, he took the digital camera and sat back in front of the computer. Chi Feichi connected the digital camera to the computer, used the computer to look at the photos just taken, and deleted some repetitive poses or the lighting did not look good enough.

When Mao Lilan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki came back from shopping for ingredients, Mori Kogoro had already selected a photo of himself looking "handsome and friendly", and sat beside him watching Chi Feichi make a website.

"We're back!" Mao Lilan entered the door carrying a bag of vegetables and fruits, and turned to greet Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Miss Nanatsuki, take a break first, I'll go upstairs to make lunch later."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also helped carry the meat ingredients, and said with a smile, "Then I will help you later."

Mao Lilan put the shopping bag on the cabinet and asked again, "Dad,

Are you done? If you are really hungry, eat the snacks I bought yesterday to fill your stomach first! "

"Not yet, it will probably take more than ten minutes. We all had breakfast in the morning, so it doesn't matter if we eat lunch later," Mori Kogoro responded casually, continuing to chat with Chi Feichi, "By the way, Feichi, you I asked Ms. Xiaozi before, whether I want to make a lot of money or develop stably in the long run, can't I make a lot of money first and then develop steadily?"

Conan sat on the swivel chair beside him and yawned speechlessly. Uncle is too greedy, how could such a good thing be possible

"Of course." Chi Feichi operated the computer to build the website, "it can even develop stably for a long time, and make a lot of money from time to time."

Mori Kogoro was taken aback, and quickly rubbed his hands with a smile on his face, "Can my Mori Detective Agency use the method you said?"

"It can be used," Chi Feichi said while working on the webpage, "but if you gain something, you lose it. You need to pay a lot of money in other areas in order to get this wealth."

Mori Kogoro became vigilant, "Could it be some superstitious sacrificial activity you're talking about? As a detective, I don't believe in that, but if what you want is a dividend, I can consider it."

"I don't need your dividends, and I don't want you to participate in any sacrificial activities. That's a very scientific truth. For example, if you focus on your career, you have to sacrifice leisure and time with your family," Chi Feichi said. Staring at the computer screen, typing on the keyboard with both hands, his expression was always calm, "My method can make you a lot of money, but it requires you to act, and it may also make you infamous for a certain period of time, or make some The behavior that makes people laugh, of course, I will ask the team to help you adjust the plan at any time, and I will also help to ensure that your final reputation will not be affected too much, and that you will not worry about no commission within a year, and you can make a lot of money from time to time Each one can have your previous year's income"

Mori Kogoro's eyeballs turned into spinning coins in an instant, and he fantasized about his life after getting rich with intoxication, and soon his eyes lit up and said, "It's just that I occasionally make some jokes, or scold for a while after being misunderstood. Time, right? This kind of thing is nothing to me, I usually make some jokes

Mao Lilan murmured softly, "You still know."

"As for being misunderstood, it's not a big deal. Before, I was misunderstood as a hateful detective who suspected others randomly and caused others to commit suicide. I’ve been cursed by many people.” Mori Kogoro raised his hand and patted his chest proudly, “I’ve long known the troubles and pains behind honor, and I’ve built a strong heart long ago! So , I won’t take such a small price to heart!”

"The price is more than just a little bit," Chi Feichi said calmly, typing on the keyboard, "If you want to keep your popularity going for a year, you need to keep reversing the script you're performing, and you need to keep changing your moods. In addition, You have to act when you are interviewed by the media, and you also have to accept commissioned work, so your leisure time will be reduced.”

Mori Kogoro's enthusiasm was half extinguished, and he rubbed his hands in cold sweat, "How far will it decrease?"

"If you are talented in acting, you don't have to think about the content of the performance. You can spend about five hours a week watching TV or going to the park. Of course, it is after you have completed the commissioned work," Chi Feichi said, "If You don't have acting talent, maybe even this five-hour break."

"Hey, isn't this the equivalent of having two jobs as an actor and a detective?" Mori Kogoro hurriedly said, "I made a little more money that way, isn't it because I spent more energy and time in exchange for it?"

"It can't be said that, although the work is still the content of detectives and actors, but assuming that you are a detective and an actor respectively, and the annual salary is 2, then using my method, your income can reach 20," Chi said. Feichi said, "It's just that you have to work under high pressure for a year. In order not to spoil the plan, you may not be able to go betting on horses or playing pachinko for a long period of time.

Mori Kogoro's face is gone

The previous anticipation and eagerness to try, the mood that was still hesitant when Chi Feichi said the remuneration ratio, also cooled down instantly after hearing the sentence "can't go betting on horses or playing small steel balls."

As for the prefix 'for a long time', he didn't even want to think about it.

If there is no entertainment for a year, only work, occasionally pretending to be stupid, and acting out scenes that do not conform to his habits and personality for a long time, maybe he will be scolded at any time. If he lives this kind of life, he will definitely go crazy!

"So, in the whole money-making plan, the biggest price you have to pay is your own mental state." Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro, his eyes were calm and unwavering, "I can guarantee that the plan will take effect within one day. One year, not because one year is the limit of my plan, but because one year is likely to be your limit, one year later, when I go to Qingshan Fourth Hospital for a review, I can visit you by the way.”

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi in shock, quickly waved his hands and shook his head, "No no no no, this kind of price is too exaggerated, I still don't think about it

Conan smiled gloatingly.

You should let the uncle understand that there are so many cheap things in this world!

"So, Dad, you'd better earn money as a detective honestly," Mao Lilan came out from the tea room with a teacup, teasing, "I don't want to visit you in Qingshan Fourth Hospital either!"

"I don't even want to live there, so I have no choice but to give up this opportunity to make money," Mori Kogoro sighed depressingly, and saw that Chi Feichi had almost completed the webpage, so he took a closer look with his head, up and down I looked at my own photo, and the depression in my heart immediately dissipated, "As long as you manage the firm's website well, you should be able to meet a few more clients too, Feichi, why don't you try to put your appointment link on it too? Huh? Just like the Kawado Detective Agency and the previous Mifune Office, the client can choose different detective appointments by himself. This design seems to be good. You put your own appointment options on it, and then mark it with Kogoro Mori. Big apprentice, how can I receive some commissions?

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