In two and a half hours, Nanatsuki Koshimizu sat on the sofa and watched a romance movie. When the subtitles were played at the end of the movie, he put the pillow in his arms aside, got up and threw the yogurt bottle into the trash can, and then I sent the plate with the cake to the kitchen for cleaning, came out to look at the wall clock, walked to the door of a room, and stood there hesitating.

She wanted to see if Mr. Chi was awake and how he was doing, but the problem was that the doors of the other rooms were not open like the kitchen, they all looked the same from the outside, and there was no audible noise inside, so she didn't know which room It's Mr. Chi's bedroom. If you want to see it, you have to open the door one by one to look for it. That kind of behavior is like a thief who breaks into the house or a pervert who sneaks in to spy on other people's privacy, which is very impolite.

It would be better if the first door she opened was Mr. Chi's room, otherwise she was also worried that she would look around and see something she shouldn't see in a certain room.

Such as blood-stained murder weapons, untreated animal carcasses...

Cough, it's scary just thinking about it.

If because of this, Mr. Chi killed and silenced her at the beginning of the relationship, then she would be too wronged.

After thinking twice, Koshimizu Nanatsuki decided to relax, went back to the TV in the living room, quit the videotape he was watching before, opened the curtains in the living room, went back to the TV cabinet, and picked out a box with a cover that looked like an old version. The CD box of American horror movies, after opening the box, put the CD into the player on the other side, returned to the sofa and sat down, pulled the pillow in front of him and hugged it, and stared at the TV screen seriously.

If she was frightened by horror movies, she might not think that Mr. Chi's environment is cold and weird. This is fighting poison with fire...

Well, she just thinks that such a cold environment is more suitable for watching horror movies, so she wants to try it anyway.

When Xiaomei stayed at home, she watched all the video tapes and CDs in the house, and some of them more than once. When she saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki chose a movie that she had watched three times, she turned around decisively and drifted away. In the bathroom, quietly help Chi Feichi prepare the toiletries and check whether the water heater has enough hot water.

This also caused Koshimizu Nanatsuki to feel the surrounding temperature rise after he started watching horror movies. He was not sure if it was because he opened all the curtains, or because he had adapted to the environment and felt that the sun was shining in front of him. The living room is spacious and bright, and I feel warm and comfortable on my body. Looking at the doll on the wall, it seems to have become ugly and cute.

And the movie that was playing was not as scary as she imagined. At the beginning, it was a scene that she was embarrassed to look at, and it could almost become a small movie of the Eighteen Forbidden Movies. Killed, the picture suddenly became very bloody...

Seeing the police arriving in the movie and investigating the scene decently, Koshimizu Nanatsuki guessed that this was a bloody crime horror movie, let alone being afraid, and began to think about what the police would do based on the clues the police had in the movie. How to investigate this case, whether there is any hidden information in the case, and how should the police arrest the criminal.


The sound of the TV was turned off very low, and the sound of the room door opening was very clear.

When Yueshui Nanatsuki heard the movement, she immediately turned her head and looked over. Seeing Chi Feichi coming out, she greeted with a smile, "Mr. Chi, good morning!"

Chi Feichi was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and loose long trousers, but the expression on his face was too calm, and he didn't look like he had just woken up. He walked to the sofa and greeted Nanatsuki Koshimizu ,"morning."

"Although it's already..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the hands of the wall clock, then looked at Chi Feichi and said, "It's eleven o'clock, but I thought you wouldn't wake up until twelve noon, Did I disturb you?"

"No, the sound insulation in the room here is good, you don't need it..." Chi Feichi looked at the TV with very low sound, and after seeing the overly ambiguous picture of men and women on it, he stopped in his footsteps, and a strange emotion flashed in his eyes, " There is no need to deliberately reduce the sound, of course, if it is convenient for you."

"If you want to see..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and turned his gaze back to the TV, and the next second, the smile froze on his face.

In the movie, the hero and his current girlfriend are kissing passionately and their clothes are disheveled. Because she turned off the sound of the TV very low, she didn’t notice that it was playing on the TV just now, but after she noticed, the slight The small groans seemed to become so clear that they couldn't be ignored even if they wanted to ignore them.

Chi Feichi quickly turned around and looked away, without looking at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and walked to the bathroom at the entrance, "I'm going to take a shower, take your time."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki fell sideways on the sofa and hugged the pillow in his arms with a blank expression.

How long can a person's life be?


Counting the days day by day, it will be over after a while.

It's okay, just force yourself to smile.


In the bathroom, Xiaomei saw Chi Feichi enter the door, she didn't say a word, she just showed up and pointed to the wooden shelf where the toiletries were placed, and after Chi Feichi nodded, she floated out of the bathroom invisibly.

Feichi slowly followed Chi Feichi's feet, and just as he reached the door, he found that the door was closed quickly. He was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was almost caught by the door, and then he flicked his tail and slammed the door panel aggrievedly, " Master! I'm still outside..."


The door was opened, and the tail that Feichi threw out again was caught by one hand, and the whole snake was quickly dragged into the bathroom and thrown into a basin.

Chi Feichi turned on the spare faucet for washing, adjusted to warm water, and put the basin containing Feichi under the faucet.

Feichi was soaking in the cool warm water, immediately put aside his grievances, looked at Chi Feichi who was silent with a cold face, stretched his body in the basin, put his head on the side of the basin and looked at Chi Feichi, "Master , are you in a bad mood? Huh? Your body temperature is so high now!"

Chi Feichi glanced at Feichi blankly, stood up, took off his T-shirt, turned and walked towards the shower area.

He wanted Feichi to remain silent.

"Is it a cold?" Feichi thought while soaking in the bath, "But the cold and fever shouldn't be so sudden, it's clear that I was fine when I woke up..."

"Boom boom."

There were two light knocks on the bathroom door.

Feichi was distracted and reminded, "Master, it's Miss Yueshui~"

Chi Feichi saw the outline reflected in the frosted glass on the bathroom door, and knew it was Nanatsuki Koshimizu, took a deep breath, and responded, "Is there something wrong?"


Outside the door, Nanatsuki Koshimizu coughed lightly, "That...that seems to be a horror movie. I didn't watch strange movies at your house."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is a morning that Yue Shui loves.

Yueshui Nanatsuki's voice became a little anxious, "If you don't believe me, you can take a look after you take a bath..."

"I believe," Chi Feichi responded, turning on the tap, "I've watched all the videos here."

"Yes, yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki reacted, his eyes staring at the door turned into peas, "This is your home, you should know what movie it is..."

"And I don't have that kind of weird videotape here." Chi Feichi added.

Outside the door, Yueshui Nanatsuki felt that it was not good for him to stare at the door all the time, so he turned and leaned against the wall next to the door, and couldn't help complaining, "But this movie is about the same. At the beginning, the victim and the murderer The murderer is all stripped..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Can he finish his cold shower today?

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

It seems to have exposed his hooligan behavior of being cowardly and peeping the whole time.


How long is this lifetime, right?

"But most of the time the camera is focused on the necks of the two people, and there is no particularly obvious picture..." Chi Feichi paused, feeling that he could not help this movie. "Early American horror movies like to add this kind of Factors, this will happen now, but the scale is not as large as in the early days, and this movie is also marked that children under the age of 16 are not allowed to watch alone, there should be there in the opening title.”

"I saw it. There is also a reminder on the CD box, but I thought it was just a bloody and terrifying content, so there is a reminder..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki tried to explain to himself, and soon realized that he should not be too nervous, and emphasized, "And I Has come of age."

Chi Feichi took advantage of the situation and said, "So, it's good to look at this kind of problem correctly."


Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded, feeling that this topic would be ambiguous no matter what, and wanted to change the subject, but couldn't think of what to say for a while.

Chi Feichi didn't know what to say for a while, and also fell silent.

The sound of water swishing in the bathroom made the surrounding air more ambiguous and sticky.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki leaned her back against the wall, feeling the scorching water vapor in the bathroom seem to come through the door, making her face scalding hot.

She blocked the door of the bathroom to talk to Mr. Chi, this behavior seems strange...

About four or five seconds later, Chi Feichi asked, "When did you get here?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and replied truthfully, "I arrived here after eight o'clock, and I brought some vegetables and meat ingredients along the way, and they have been put in the refrigerator."

"Then did you see the note pasted on the shoe cabinet?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"I see," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile after his nerves completely relaxed, "When I was sitting in the living room watching a movie, I ate a piece of cake, a bottle of yogurt and two bunches of grapes, but I don't really want to eat mung bean porridge , so I haven’t opened the vacuum flask to see it, if you feel hungry, you can eat something to fill your stomach first.”

"I don't feel hungry now," Chi Feichi calmed down a little bit, "If you don't feel hungry, then wait until I take a shower before making lunch."

"Okay," Nanatsuki Yueshui suddenly remembered the mysterious blood bottle in the refrigerator, and tentatively said, "Speaking of which, when I put the ingredients in the refrigerator, the plastic box touched the top carton of the refrigerator, and the carton It looks very delicate, I guess it may be a cake or something, I was a little worried that the snacks inside would stick to the inside of the box, so I took it out to have a look..."

Chi Feichi recalled that he had told Xiaomei about the paper box last night, and understood that Nanatsuki Koshimizu was talking about the box containing blood bottles, and that Nanatsuki Koshimizu should already know what was inside, "Have you opened it and seen it?" right?"

"Yes, yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little embarrassed, "I didn't mess with your things on purpose, but I smelled a bloody smell, and seeing that the bright red liquid in the bottle didn't look like ketchup, I wanted to make sure... Is it something like blood..."

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