Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2484 God's Guidance

There is this possibility, Chi Feichi affirmed Hui Yuan Ai's conjecture that the Jingdu family has hoarded some land, and if there is a need for a relatively close branch of the family, it will be allocated for development and management.

Dr. A Li slowed down his heartbeat, and suddenly figured it out. If it was the land of an aristocratic family, it would not be very strange. They have passed it down for many years, and there is a large piece of unopened land somewhere, which makes sense.

Chi Feichi nodded, after all, these two mountains are not too big.

Of course, it makes sense. The famous Mount Fuji is private. The Kyoto family that has been passed down to this day has two unknown hills. How can it be unreasonable?

After Feimo infiltrated the Kyoto family to collect information, they also had channels to explore the bottom of each family. The more he understood, the more he felt that the pond of the Kyoto family was very deep, and those people were dogs, all of them dragons. It is normal for each family to have two or three hills.

As for whether or not there is something in Eastern Tibet on these hills, it is even more uncertain.

Dr. Ali:

The mountain is not too big, but it is still a mountain.

Although he figured it out, this topic could easily cause a heart attack. Haibara Ai is more thoughtful than Dr. A Li.

She remembered that her godmother had mentioned to her that the Chi family also had a small island outside the country, not the island under Umbrella's name, but a small island bought by the Chi family with their own funds.

Although buying that kind of small island is more convenient than buying these mountains, and you don't need a strong background to buy it, but when she thinks that the Chi family also encloses land, she feels embarrassed to complain about these aristocratic families enclosing land.

If you have an island in your own home, you must allow others to have mountains in their homes.

Resources are the focus of these people's wrestling. Crow's mouth said that if something happens to the Chi family in the future, having a real island is much safer and more secure than having banknotes or bank numbers of the same value. The same is true for families, aristocratic families, and financial groups.

From the standpoint of an ordinary person, she could question whether this would take up too many resources, but from the standpoint of the adopted daughter of the Chi family, she had to support the Chi family in arranging many backups to protect her family.

By the way, Dr. Ali suddenly remembered the previous topic, looking at the shrine, you mentioned the guidance of the gods, what is it?

Doctor, the guide didn’t appear there, Conan explained with a smile, the reason why I mentioned the shrine is because I want to know how Brother Chi locked the keyword Qinglu’, we just said that the shrine may be privately owned, let’s not talk about it Do all the people in it live in this village, do they come from aristocratic families? To build a big shrine on the top of a mountain, the other party must be rich and traditional. In recent years, many of them have not been built on the top of the mountain. The shrine is also very popular, but the other party specially built the shrine on the top of the mountain, which shows that the other party cares about and respects the ancient saying that "the soul rises to the mountain", so the shrine is likely to enshrine the ancient traditional gods

Like Qingluhuo, right? Hui Yuanai came to his senses, looked at the shrine road on the top of the mountain, the name of the village at the foot of the mountain was Qinglu Village, and combined with the traditional gods, what he could think of was Qingluhuo, which is the ancient legend that would bless the harvest and the safety of the family. God.

Brother Chi just asked if the shrine was also called Qinglu, just to confirm whether the enshrined in the shrine would be Qingluhuo, right? Conan raised his head and smiled at Chi Feichi. If the shrine is also called Qinglu Shrine, then the enshrinement is probably Qingluhuo!

Chi Feichi nodded, yes.

"Qing Heron Huo" Dr. A Li recalled, "I remember the legend, "Qing Heron Huo" is a heron whose wings emit blue flames at night Huh? Speaking of night, what the staff member said was that children would go to the forest at night due to the guidance of the gods

And it was a guide that only appeared in summer, Conan looked around with a smile, he must be talking about fireflies! There should be a lot of fireflies in the mountains in this area. At night, the fireflies light up and gather together to fly, just like a blue heron floating into the forest with bright feathers, and children are very interested in catching fireflies or watching Fireflies are very interested, if one night

Finding a large group of fireflies in the forest, they will inevitably go to the forest together, as if attracted by the feathers thrown by the green heron fire into the forest, this is the so-called guidance of the gods'ah!

That's why children run into the forest every year, and even the uncle sneaked into the forest three times at night, Hui Yuanai couldn't help but smile, the flames thrown by Qingluhuo are attractive to children It's really strong, and that's why the staff specially remind people who bring children to be careful not to let the children go too far. The reason why they didn't say that it was a firefly is probably because they thought it would hurt them. The kids don't feel surprised.

Also, they were able to find the children who were guided into the forest faster because fireflies like to gather by the water, Conan added, when they were young, they would go to the forest at night to find fireflies, so they should know where there are rivers in the forest Where there will be fireflies gathering, and they said, if children find themselves led into the forest and lost their way, don't run around. This is because they are afraid that children will panic and run to other places, so that they can't do anything Find someone asap.

Dr. Ali looked around and seemed to have seen fireflies appearing in the forest. He smiled and sighed, let alone children, as long as I imagine that there will be fireflies in such a beautiful place, I can’t help but want to follow them to the forest. !

Maybe someone will organize a viewing event at night. Hui Yuanai watched the three children come back, and lowered his voice. Before the night comes, let's keep it a secret from them, so that they have a chance to get a surprise.

Of course, Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and Conan would not object, and did not continue their discussion. They looked at the three children who were trotting back, and then at a middle-aged pair carrying a box of charcoal and following behind the three children. men and women.

Brother Chi, we are back!

As the person who distributed the shopping funds, Chi Feichi was the first to be greeted by the three children.

how so fast Seeing that the three children were empty-handed, Hui Yuanai looked at the middle-aged men and women behind the three of them, with a trace of doubt in their eyes, don't you still want to buy snacks?

It's because the charcoal is almost sold out! Yuantai was sweating profusely and pointed at the charcoal that the middle-aged man was holding. When we went to the store, there were only two boxes of charcoal left in the store, so we hurriedly bought a box and sent it back as soon as possible. There was no time to buy it. Snacks!

Because the box is very big, it will be very troublesome for us to carry it. Mitsuhiko looked at the middle-aged man panting, and explained, fortunately, he met this gentleman and his wife who were going to the store, and he said he could deliver it for us.

So this is ah. Dr. A Li nodded, but his gaze on the three children was still a little dull.

Chi Feichi looked at the three children with the anticipation of "Are we taking care of the overall situation, praise us?" and was silent for a while. Have you ever thought that the decision on the ownership of the last two boxes of charcoal is when you arrive? When the store buys charcoal, it has nothing to do with whether you have sent the charcoal back, that is to say

Haibara sighed, and looked at the three children with helpless and worried eyes. That is to say, after you know that there are only two boxes of charcoal, you can pay the clerk to buy the charcoal first, and then ask the clerk to allow you to put the charcoal in temporarily. In the store, wait for you to buy snacks, and then bring back the snacks and charcoal. As long as you pay, the clerk will not sell the charcoal to others. If you are inconvenient to move back, you can contact Doctor or Feichi Brother, go to help, don't rush to send the charcoal back

If she said that, the children would understand, right? I'm really worried about the IQ of these three little devils.

Three children: (°°)

When they heard that the charcoal was about to be sold out, they became anxious all of a sudden. They just wanted to buy a box of charcoal and send it back. They didn't think much about it at all.

You wouldn't buy the charcoal and run back with the charcoal in your arms without thinking too much, would you? When Conan saw the awkward smiles of the three children, he knew that he was right, and he held his forehead speechlessly, really.

Now there is another question. Chi Feichi looked at the three children and asked calmly, did you pay?

The three children froze in place, tilting their heads to think about it.

The expressions of Conan, Dr. Ali, and Haibara watching the show changed slightly.

Hey, the kids won't pick up the charcoal and run away without paying, right?

Mitsuhiko suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, I remembered, after hearing that there were only two boxes of charcoal, I immediately asked the clerk to move to the cash register to pay.

Ayumi also relaxed all of a sudden, and I also remembered that the money given by Brother Chi is temporarily kept by Mitsuhiko, so he gave the money too.

Yuan Tai looked up at Chi Feichi with a speechless face, "Brother Chi, although we forgot that charcoal can be temporarily stored in the store in a hurry, we have known since childhood to pay for things, how can you doubt us?" Didn't pay? Do you think we are too stupid?

Dr. Ali:

I have known it since I was a child, and I am still in my childhood? Do you really think you've known this for years? Haibara Ai:

As for whether Brother Feichi thinks too stupidly of the three children Conan:

That is clearly a reasonable doubt!

Seeing Mitsuhiko and Ayumi agreeing, Chi Feichi looked at the charcoal held by the middle-aged man, and signaled the three children to pay attention to the physical evidence. Don't think about it, you are stupid.

Three children: (トト)

Okay, okay, let's stop talking, okay? Can this matter be passed on? Who hasn't been in a hurry and has no time to think carefully?


The woman who was following the middle-aged man laughed softly, and found that Chi Feichi and others were looking at her, she quickly smiled and waved her hands, sorry, sorry, I am not laughing at you, but I just think the expressions of the children and my husband are so cute!

The middle-aged man also stood frozen in place before, and when he heard what the woman said, he looked over helplessly, Chun Xia

The woman smiled at the middle-aged man, and cheerfully explained to Chi Feichi and the others that we saw the children running here with charcoal in their arms, and heard the children say that the charcoal is almost sold out, and they should send the charcoal back quickly. I felt something was wrong, but before I figured it out, he helped the children run away with the charcoal in their arms, and I had no choice but to quickly follow. By the time I figured it out, they had already run away!

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