Ogura ramen shop.

It was lunch time, the store was full of customers, and customers who bought ramen takeaway formed a long queue outside the store.

Koizumi Hongzi didn't expect the business of a ramen shop to be so hot. Seeing the noisy environment from a distance, she raised her head to confirm that the signboard was correct, but she couldn't move forward, her face was a little stiff, "I said evil."

Nanatsuki Yueshui poked her head from Chi Feichi's side, and cast a curious look at Hongzi Koizumi. Already the third time.

Along the way, this Miss Koizumi mentioned the adjective "evil" for the third time, and she stopped forcibly every time, but judging from the content of the conversation before and after, she felt that "evil" should be referring to Mr. Chi.

"Cough," Koizumi Hongzi stopped forcibly again, turned to look at Chi Feichi and said, "I mean, there are too many people here. Not only are there no vacancies in the store, but even for takeout, it seems that there is a queue long time"

"follow me."

Chi Feichi led the way past the crowd, turned into the alley next to Xiaocang Ramen Shop, walked for a while, turned another corner, and pushed open the half-closed wooden door.

Since he proposed to eat ramen, he must have read the information and guaranteed that he would not be empty when he came.

As soon as the single wooden door was pushed open, loud and noisy voices came out, and there was the voice of a man shouting for two orders of Yan Mo Da Wang's ramen.

Koizumi Hongko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed through the door, looked to the noisy left side, and saw middle-aged men and young women in chef's white clothes and hats busy behind the glass door, and immediately understood.

Are they coming behind the back kitchen?

Chi Feichi closed the door with his backhand, and locked the door by the way. He walked to the room on the right, pushed open the half-closed door, and greeted him, "You guys come in first, I'll go and say hello to the boss. "

This is a living room, with a TV, a long sofa, and a coffee table on one side, and snacks on the coffee table, and a square table, stools, and other sundries on the other.

Chi Feichi helped the two girls set up the stools before turning around and going out to find the owner of the ramen shop Kokura Katsuya. After Yueshui Nanatsuki and Koizumi Hongzi sat down, they were still a little overwhelmed.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at the environment and said speechlessly, "It's like coming to a friend's house for dinner."

"Yes, yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki was also a little speechless, looked around, and felt that he should help explain the situation, "This store used to be opened in Kabadocho, and Mr. Ike was a frequent customer of their family long ago. , I heard that when they opened a store in Kubadocho, there was a murder case in the store. Mr. Ike and Mr. Mori helped solve it. When they moved to Mihua Town to find a suitable store, Mr. Mori also helped a lot, so Ike Mr. and Mr. Mori are more familiar with the people in the shop."

"So that's it. This should be the lounge for the owner and the staff. Maybe the owner usually lives here. In fact, it's not bad to eat here. It's just that it's the first time for me to eat behind the back kitchen of a store. It feels very strange. Novelty." Hongko Koizumi didn't look around the room anymore, but turned to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's side face.

She looks like the kind of cute and well-behaved girl

"It's also the first time for me to eat in this kind of place," Koshimizu Nanatsuki noticed Koizumi Hongko's gaze, thought for a while, and decided to be calm, and turned to look at Koizumi Hongko and smiled, "Speaking of which, You turned out to be a classmate of Detective Baima, I met him once before."

Koizumi Hongko knew that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was looking for a topic to chat with herself. Thinking that this is the family member of an ally, she also felt that in order to get along better in the future, she should get closer. Following the topic, she said, "It was the invitation from Detective Koshien Is it? Baiba mentioned it once in class.」

There was a second of silence.

Koizumi Hongzi changed to a bad attitude, and switched to an attitude of indifference, "Well, let me be frank, I didn't listen to Baima at all. He didn't transfer to another school not long ago, and he often asked for leave to investigate. There is no one to discuss the case with, so he probably didn't mention it, and I'm not the kind of person who would gossip, and I might not get along well with everyone, although there are girls in the class who are attracted to him who keep talking about him

, but I'm not going to ask how he's doing."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared blankly at Koizumi Hongko, but felt instantly relaxed. There is a young and beautiful girl beside Mr. Chi, so of course she is also worried.

In particular, Hongzi Koizumi is different from many beautiful girls. Not only is she beautiful, Hongzi Koizumi's every move and temperament are generous and elegant, which can easily bring a sense of crisis to girls in love.

However, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly changed her way of speaking, as if she had been working hard to get along with her and seriously consider what she should say, but suddenly found that this was very tiring, so she just opened her mouth

At this moment, she felt that Koizumi Hongzi had no malice towards her.

Koizumi Hongzi's frank and direct way of speaking is also very appetizing to her. Although she doesn't mind being polite to others, it is hard for her not to like the frank and direct way of communication that saves worry and effort.

Moreover, a beautiful and elegant girl who looks very polite, but speaks in such a straightforward way, is really cute.

"Student Baima is actually pretty good, and he would take the initiative to tell me." Hongzi Koizumi thought about it carefully, "but about the detective Koshien, I really don't remember Baima said it. I just listened to Mr. Chi. "

Koshimi Nanatsuki was so serious about this question, and originally wanted to talk along the topic for a while, but when he heard that Koizumi Hongzi would say some strange words every time he wanted to address Chi Feichi, he couldn't hold back his curiosity. He took the initiative to ask, "Does Miss Hongzi have any special address for Mr. Chi? You mentioned 'natural' just now, and you said 'evil' several times before. You should be referring to him, right?"

"She likes to call me the Evil Son of Nature." Chi Feichi entered the door with a tray, walked to the table, and bent over to put three glasses of water on the table. Bring the water here."

As he said that, Chi Feichi put two menus with types of ramen in front of the two girls, "Look at what you want to eat, I'll go and tell Boss Xiaocang."

"I'll just eat the special Yanma King ramen in the store," Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw the enlarged and bold Yanma King ramen on the menu, and ordered without much hesitation, "I think I'll help you."

"No, you and Hongzi wait here for a while, I'll come over later," Chi Feichi stopped Koshimizu Nanatsuki from getting up, and looked at Koizumi Hongzi, "Hongzi, what are you eating?"

Koizumi Hongzi didn't hesitate too much, "I'll also eat Yan Mo Daiwang Ramen. Since you recommend it, I'll try this first today." "Then wait a moment."

Chi Feichi took away the menu.

Ayayo Ohashi really told me that the menu at the Ogura ramen shop was just for display, and it was almost useless this time. Feichi jumped out of Chi Feichi's sleeve and onto the table, intending to stay and listen.

Yueshui Nanatsuki watched Chi Feichi leave the door, and after looking away, he stretched out his hand to lift Feichi to a nearby table. Seeing that Feichi didn't plan to run around, he felt relieved and continued chatting with Koizumi Hongzi, "Chi The relationship between Mr. and the boss is really good.”

"Yeah, to be able to let him temporarily serve as a waiter," Koizumi Hongzi knew that Feichi was someone's living bug. She glanced at Feichi who was obediently lying on the table, but didn't let it go. Then she thought of Chi Feichi's always indifferent expression. , "But his attitude as a waiter is not very good. If he is really a waiter, he will definitely drive away the guests."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and said, "But if you are a doctor, such as an animal doctor, you will feel very reliable, right?" Koizumi Hongzi tried to imagine Chi Feichi wearing a white coat with a cold face, and couldn't help but Nodding in agreement, "Aside from making people think that this doctor is not gentle enough, there seems to be no other problem."

"Mr. Chi will be very serious when facing injured animals, so that even if he doesn't look very gentle, others won't care." Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but speak, and then talked about the previous topic, "By the way, as we said just now, you like to call Mr. Chi the 'son of evil nature', this title."

"We are all playing the online game "Magical Continent"," Koizumi Hongzi smiled, "and his sister Xiao Ai, we will all play games together, his role in the game

Ye is a hunter and can bring many pets to fight. We often form a team to help him catch powerful pets, and sometimes help him collect various plants to help him raise pets.”

There was a second of silence.

The smile on Koizumi Hongzi's face froze, and he became salty again, and said indifferently, "Forget it, I'll just say it directly, because the result of my divination told me that he is the child of nature, but we don't know "What does Son of Nature mean, but I like to call him that too."

The two sudden changes in attitude made Koshimizu Nanatsuki temporarily suppress her opinion of "she is so cute", and began to worry about the mental state of the beautiful girl in front of her, but she still tried to understand Koizumi Hongko's meaning, "That is to say, you In the divination related to Mr. Chi, I deciphered the word or meaning of "Son of Nature", and then used this as his nickname, right? The prefix "evil" is your mockery of him."

Koizumi Hongzi nodded appreciatively, "He is right, you are really strong, but the Son of Nature is not my nickname for him, but the meaning of life given to him by the world, and now I prefer In judgment, this is another name of cosmic energy for individual gods. Human beings use different names to distinguish the gods they recognize. Cosmic energy also needs to use a name to distinguish the gods it recognizes. The names used by cosmic energy and humans Different, so it is difficult for us to know the hidden meaning behind the cosmic energy calling him the Son of Nature I say this, I wonder if you can understand?"

"It should be understood. The energy of the universe and the individual's name for a certain existence are different. I can understand this point." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked puzzled, "But why is it said that the child of nature is a 'divine name'? Instead of another name for a person?"

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