Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2509 Decline and Rebirth

"That's right," Koizumi Hongzi saw that Chi Feichi was the one who poured cold water on her, so she stopped hesitating and explained to Koshimi Nanatsuki with an example, "Taking the Montgomery family as an example, those scattered around the world People who have the blood of the Montgomery family have no idea what kind of people their ancestors are, what their ancestors’ beliefs are, or who their family’s patron saint is. Most of them may have been there for many generations. People have become believers in the Holy See before..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki's heart was hit hard and he couldn't help but frown slightly and his expression became heavy.

This was something she had never thought about before.

The Holy See not only slaughtered most of the people in those families and erased the history of those families, but also made the descendants of those families become its believers. Isn't this an absolute victory?

"And in this era of scientism, there are many atheists. You may have heard of Yin Lisabai's children," Koizumi Hongzi continued, "Yin Lisabai's daughter Sophia died very early, and her grandson has She left her side and was sent to a side life connected with her family. She also joined the Christian Church on the way. Although her great-granddaughter Tsurumi Yoko liked herbal medicine, she was an atheist. The dream of the child of nature only lasted until Sophia After her death, we did not have any friendship with Tsurumi Yoko, and the bone jade did not accompany her to grow up. Even if we told her that her family once had such a patron saint and such a past, she would just listen to it as a story. She would not He will be a believer in the Son of Nature. In other words, after Elizabeth Yin's death, the patron saint of the Montgomery family has completely become a legend. No one will believe in him anymore, and no one will remember Montgomery. Rise and fall, can the Montgomery family still exist in the world? "

Chi Feichi looked at the bone flute necklace around Yuesui Nanatsuki's neck, "The most important thing is that the soul link is broken."

"Soul link?" Koshizui Nanatsuki looked puzzled.

"Perhaps because I accompanied them to grow up, the successive heads of the Montgomery family and I feel close to each other. It can also be said that there is a spiritual link between us," Chi Feichi patiently explained, "I and There is a sense of connection between Lisa and Yin. Even though I have not watched her grow up since Sophia passed away a few years ago, when I went to Jiangshenyuan and saw her for the first time, there was still a familiar and cordial connection between us. In addition, I met Sakuragi Isao when he was a baby and took care of him. He also felt close to me, but lacked that wonderful sense of connection. Our souls were very strange to each other. When it comes to Tsurumi Yoko's generation, There is no sense of intimacy between us anymore. I have also been in contact with Tsurumi Yoko, and there is an atmosphere in her soul that is completely unfamiliar to me. There is also a lack of some connection between us. At that time, I realized that Yin Lisabai It’s the last one. After Elizabeth Yin dies, the Montgomery I know will be completely lost in history.”

Yuesui Nanatsuki looked into Chi Feichi's eyes, feeling as if a big stone was weighing on his heart.

Those purple eyes were still calm and calm, as if they did not care about the life and death of ordinary people. However, when the owner of those eyes talked about Montgomery, every sentence revealed the kindness of having been together for many years, and every word contained hidden meanings. What I care about in my heart.

The god's followers were robbed, the god's past was wiped clean, and finally, through various means of religious opponents, he was forgotten by the world.

When she thought about it, she felt that this was a suffocating hatred, but the god just looked at the world calmly, not like giving up, and there was no hatred hidden in his eyes. That was the most terrifying state.

At first she felt sad for Mr. Chi, and was so sad that she felt suffocated, but now she feels... Mr. Chi's eyes are so scary!

"Lisa Bai Yin was probably as aware as me, so she gave the bone jade back to me, and I didn't accept it," Chi Feichi said. He noticed that Yueshui Nanzhu's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately called out. , "Over the water?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at those purple eyes with a hint of inquiry. He felt as if he had retreated from the abyss of terror. The fear in his heart also dissipated like a tide. He calmed down for a moment and brought his thoughts back, "No, it's okay... you Do you resent the Holy See?”

"Of course I would hate it."

Chi Feichi felt that the question of crossing the water and seven Tsuki was strange.

Although he lacks strong hatred in his heart, every time he thinks of his grudges with the Holy See, he feels depressed and wishes to destroy the Holy See. If this happens every time, it must be a very strong hatred.

He watched the family he grew up being destroyed by those bastards, and he would naturally feel resentful. Do you need to specifically ask about this kind of thing?

Feeling strange in his heart, Chi Feichi also asked directly, "Why do you ask that?"

Koshikoshi Nanatsuki hated Chi Feichi for speaking so frankly. He reflected that he just felt that Chi Feichi's eyes were scary and it was inappropriate. It was probably because what he saw and heard today was so unbelievable that he put on colored glasses to see Chi Feichi. , when I thought of this, the fear in my heart completely dissipated, and I tried to bring the topic over, "Nothing, I just want to confirm your attitude towards the Holy See, whether you want to avoid it, or whether you want to find an opportunity to take revenge."

"Revenge," Chi Feichi answered simply and directly, "If we don't have enough strength now, then we should wait until we have enough strength before taking action. Anyway, I will eradicate them sooner or later."

Koshizu Nanatsuki: "..."

Her feeling before was correct. Mr. Chi was really the kind of old yin who had a calm face and lurked like a poisonous snake looking for opportunities... Well, Mr. Chi had hidden his thoughts deeply, and it wasn't just for a day or two. Used to it.

"The same goes for me. If it was me before, I would definitely choose to stay away and keep the inheritance as the priority. But after getting to know the son of nature..." Koizumi Anko took a deep breath and tried to keep her expression calm, her eyes red. It seemed to have deepened, "No, after witnessing the witch-hunting movement with my own eyes, I didn't want to make things easier for the Holy See. They sent members of my family to the stake, yelled at my beliefs, and criticized my beliefs. They are not popular and dirty, and they have to force the children of the Red Magic family to agree with them. If they don't compromise with them, they will destroy them. Also, if the Red Magic family acted a little eccentricly back then, then Montgomery It is a family that has been kind to others for generations. I watched both Becky and Phoebe grow up. Becky never wanted to hurt anyone, but the Holy See did not even let her go. So, the hatred I felt for losing my family forced me to Is it normal to do something that Phoebe did? Even if the Son of Nature doesn’t intend to participate and it’s just me, then I will do it.”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Koizumi Anko, who was gritting his teeth when he mentioned those things, and then at Chi Feichi, who was silent when he heard Montgomery Mary, "Then I should do something..."

As he said that, Koshizui Nanatsuki saw both of them looking at him. Koizumi Anko's eyes were obviously surprised and incomprehensible, and a smile appeared on his face. "Don't be surprised. You are right. The foundation of family inheritance lies in the spirit." And faith, the Montgomery family you know has indeed declined, but it can also usher in new life after its decline. I have the blood of Montgomery, and of course I can inherit their spirit and beliefs. "

Chi Fei Chi Dingding looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki and felt a pleasant shock in his heart.

The thought of Yueshui made him feel a kind of vitality that was often seen in the early stages of cultural renaissance but had not been felt for a long time.

That kind of mental impact was like a rich and delicious meal, which calmed down the restlessness in his heart due to the sin of gluttony. Not only did he feel satisfied with eating and drinking, but there was still something left that made him excited. of pleasure.

"As long as you spread the seeds of fire, there will be hope of resurgence. Phoebe and the others must have thought the same way back then," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said his thoughts in a soft and serious voice, "I have no interaction with the Montgomery of the past. , it may be difficult to share the same ideological heritage as them, but no one can say that there cannot be another Montgomery in the world. "

Koizumi Hongzi's eyes were a little red.

Phoebe had said something similar. After so many years, without her mentioning it, Sister Nanatsuki said such words. Even her expression was similar to that of Phoebe when she spoke.

She believed that Phoebe had the same idea as Sister Nanatsuki.

The ideas of these two people have been confirmed across time, as if they are telling others together - 'Our ideas are absolutely correct'.

Chi Feichi stared at Yueshui Nantsuki, feeling more satisfied and happy in his heart.

He seemed to see Diana's figure behind Yueshui, and also saw the figures of Sandy, Lawrence and other heads of the Montgomery family.

Every time he chose the next head of the Montgomery family, he did not do it for the purpose of 'family development', and chose randomly. However, in those years, each of the children he selected had a bold and fearless heart. They have always been Don't be afraid to start over.

This is the spirit of Montgomery.

When Yueshui said those words just now, he felt Montgomery's new life.

Seeing that Chi Feichi remained silent, Yuesui Nanatsuki thought that Chi Feichi did not agree with his idea, so he stood up from the chair, holding the bone flute pendant of the necklace in his right hand, and said with some reluctance, "You have already given me the bone jade." Yes, I planted elderberries for you. Diana wasn’t soul-linked with you from the beginning, so can’t I give it a try?”

Koizumi Hongzi looked at the elder trees in the yard in surprise.

The Son of Nature gives the bone jade to the Montgomery family, and the Montgomery family provides the Elder tree to the Son of Nature. This has been the tacit rule for hundreds of years.

Before they knew about Sister Nanatsuki's bloodline, Koudama and Elderberry had already reunited. From this incident, she seemed to have glimpsed a corner of the complex intertwined trajectories of fate.

Just like the last time she entered the dreamland of the Son of Nature and returned hundreds of years ago, she seemed to have some indescribable subtle insights in her heart, which she couldn't grasp no matter how hard she thought about it.

Her intuition told her that as long as she understood the rules, she would be able to master powerful power, and maybe she could become a god, or a very powerful god, but it was too difficult to see clearly, even worse than mathematics. Difficult, she gets a headache if she thinks too much...

Chi Feichi also looked at the elder tree next to the lounge chair, then turned back to Koshimizu Nanatsuki and said, "That's right, the conditions are all met. As long as you are willing, the new Montgomery will be left to you."

Koshizui Nanatsuki felt that Chi Feichi was like 'for the elder's sake', and looked at the elder tree thoughtfully, "Are you so easy to buy? Do you want me to help you with more in the yard?" Plant two?”

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is not impossible...

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