Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2516: Picky and a bit neurotic

Mao Lilan hugged Conan tightly and said tremblingly, "Fei, Fei, Brother Chi, we have a lot of time, there is no need to rush..."

"Don't speak for now, be careful of biting your tongue."

Chi Feichi reminded, aiming at a suitable position, turning the steering wheel sharply, causing the car to rush out of the river bank road and leap towards the opposite river bank.

Mouri Kogoro felt himself hanging in the air and shouted uncontrollably, "Ahhhh!"

Conan was held tightly by Mao Lilan. As Mao Lilan's arms tightened, a feeling of suffocation followed. It was no longer clear whether he was dizzy because of the shaking of the car, suffocation and lack of oxygen, or whether he was being held by Mao Lilan. Kogoro's shout shocked him.

The car quickly reached the other side, and part of the rear wheels fell off the road. However, after the car landed and drove forward, it quickly entered the road without causing any trouble.

The only impact was...the car swayed backwards.

When Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Ran, and Conan felt the car falling backwards, their faces instantly turned pale, and even Amuro Toru's expression changed.

Fortunately, the car quickly drove onto the road, and Toru Amuro's expression softened again, and he said thoughtfully, "It turns out that it can really rush over directly. The speed-up capability of this car is not as good as that of a sports car. If it is a sports car, it should be very fast." You can rush over easily..."

"My SC can rush through easily."

"Have you tried it?"

"I tried it once, but it's not the river here."

"Then I'll try it another day. My car's speed-increasing ability is also very strong..."

In the car that was speeding forward, Chi Feichi and Toru Amuro chatted like no one else.

Mouri Kogoro slumped in the back seat, as if all his strength had been taken away. He couldn't sit up straight at all, and he didn't speak anymore.

He reflected on himself: Having only one apprentice was already very tiring, so why was he so confused that he accepted another apprentice?

It's also to blame that boy Amuro who always smiles so much that it's deceptive. He looks so polite when he's normal, but as soon as he gets in the car, he makes the car go to scrap.

When the two apprentices started to act wild and crazy, he had better save some energy. If the car really overturned or crashed, he would still have some strength to run out.

Five minutes later, the car drove directly to the small hotel where the five people had reserved, slowed down and stopped.

The hotel is built on a cliff along the coast. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking out, you can see the beach being washed by waves.

The three-story building occupies a large area. It is surrounded by tall coconut trees and some shrubs, and a wooden platform for viewing the scenery is built. It has a leisurely atmosphere like a resort.

"One hour and eleven minutes..." Toru Amuro got out of the car and checked the time on his mobile phone. "Normally, it should take two hours to get from Mikka Town to Ohama Coast. We saved almost fifty minutes."

Chi Feichi got out of the car and looked at the surrounding scenery, "This record should be difficult to surpass."

He didn't know whether it was because Gluttony's appetite had increased a lot, or because the car wasn't very capable of racing, but the excitement that racing brought him just now was still a little too little, almost nonexistent, so he could only suppress the excitement in his heart. Restless.

Driving here at this speed is the limit of this car. He can't go any faster if he wants.

Next, it depends on whether sea surfing is useful. There is no need to fill his spirit. As long as it can barely relieve his 'hunger', it is enough.

Today is the fifth day. If you can spend the day in a way that is beneficial to physical and mental health, it is a good thing worth celebrating.

Mao Lilan waited for Conan to get out of the car, then held the door and got out of the car. The sea breeze and the scenery soothed her tense mood. When she saw the wooden platform outside the house, she lowered her head to Conan happily and said, "Conan, there are still rewards here." Jingmutai, let’s come here in the evening to watch the sunset!”

"I'm afraid not," Toru Amuro said in a gentle tone, looking up at the blue sky above, "Although the weather is very clear now, I saw the weather forecast last night saying that there will be storms along the Ohama coast tonight. The weather will change in the afternoon, so there will be no sunset to watch today.”

Mouri Kogoro was leaning against the car with a dying breath. When Toru Amuro said this, he stood up straight and said, "What? The weather will change in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, didn't you check the weather forecast?" Amuro Toruchichi opened the trunk to pick up the luggage, and stepped forward to help, "And didn't I tell the consultant on the way here that we want to challenge today? The waves are big. In the afternoon, when the sea is not too rough, we want to stay closer to the coast and play a little longer..."

Chi Feichi also read the weather forecast and storm warning information in the morning and reminded, "You have never learned to surf before, so it is best to leave when the weather starts to change. Therefore, from now on, there is still a suitable time to go surfing." We have five hours left, so we’d better hurry up and check in, have lunch and go to the beach.”

"Only five hours left?" Mouri Kogoro's face changed again and again. He suppressed the dizziness caused by the wild ride and ran towards the hotel door. "I'll check in and make a lunch reservation. You guys put all your luggage." Bring it in and move quickly!”

The B\u0026B did not have traditional Japanese-style rooms, so Kogoro Mouri booked two adjacent rooms in advance, a double room for Guiichi Feichi and Amuro Toru, and a triple room for himself, his daughter, and Conan to stay in.

The room is clean and spacious, mainly made of wood tones and wooden furniture. There are also large windows that can see the coast. The whole room is full of sunlight, giving off a quiet and warm home atmosphere.

As soon as Fei Chi entered the room, he ran around the room as usual, checking every corner, complained about the dust in the corner of the TV cabinet that had not been cleaned, jumped up to the window sill, and hid his body under the curtains, only exposing He looked at the scenery outside the window and said, "Master, it's uncomfortable to soak in the sea water. I don't want to go to the sea to play. I'll just wait here for you to come back."

Chi Feichi put the duffel bag next to the bed, took out a tissue, squatted down next to the TV cabinet, and wiped away the dust in the corner.

It's okay if Fei Chi didn't say anything. As soon as he mentioned that there was dust here and he heard it, he wanted to wipe it clean.

If he doesn't wipe it with his hands, he will feel that something has not been done, and he will not feel at ease when going out to play.

"The environment here is really..." Toru Amuro put away his luggage. When he turned around, he saw Chi Feichi wiping black marks on the corner of the TV cabinet with a tissue. He was silent for a moment, "It should be pretty good."

The gaps in the floor behind the TV cabinet are generally not touched, stepped on or rubbed by anyone, so it is not surprising that they are ignored during cleaning.

The consultant even cared so much about the dust in the corner. He was so picky and neurotic that he couldn't help but think back to his career as a consultant assistant...

Fortunately, when he arrived at the office early to sort out documents and clean the room, he did not overlook any small details, and such oversights were not mentioned by the consultant.

If you put it this way, it must be that the people cleaning this hotel are not careful enough, right?

When Toru Amuro was distracted, Chi Feichi threw the paper towel into the trash can, gave Feichi a glass of water and put it on the counter next to the TV. He turned around and called Toru Amuro out for lunch.

Amuro heard Chi Feichi say that he planned to keep Feichi in the room, and he also felt that it was inappropriate to take the snake to the sea for surfing, so he didn't ask any more questions and made sure to lock the door when he left the room.

Mouri Kogoro had nothing to pack. After putting away his things, he led the team to the hotel restaurant for lunch.

After guests check in, the hotel will provide three meals a day during their stay. Meal fees will be charged based on the number of people at check-in. The menu is determined by the hotel. What the owner and his family eat is what the guests eat. Basically, it is freshly caught. seafood.

After arriving at the restaurant, the five of them received a lunch for each person - razor clam soup, steamed sea fish, cold stone cauliflower and rice.

The food was rich in nutrients, but the taste was very dull. From the first bite of food, Toru Amuro had endless feelings.

“The fish is not fishy and fresh when it is prepared. Although this method is very traditional and you can taste the original taste of the ingredients, I rarely eat steamed fish like this. I am not used to it..."

"The razor clam soup tastes pretty good, but the razor clams are a bit overcooked. It's probably because I have to reserve lunch for guests who don't know when they will come over, so I can't control the heat. That's understandable..."

"Gelidium is very fresh, it would be nice if I added some vinegar..."

As Toru Amuro commented on each food, the three of them nodded in agreement more than once, but if they nodded too much, they felt weird.

Chi Feichi, who was eating silently: "..."

Amuro really cares about food sometimes.

Picky and a bit neurotic.

After Toru Amuro commented on the food, he was not picky about food. He ate all the food and began to worry about dinner. "If we can find fresh ocean ingredients, we should be able to borrow the kitchen to cook by ourselves, right? Or it doesn't matter if we buy ingredients from the hotel kitchen. ”

The accommodation environment is picky by the consultant, and the food must be carefully checked.

Is he no longer the consultant's assistant? That's not important. What's important is that he wants to eat better at night. Regardless of how good the ingredients are, at least the taste must be passable.

Chi Feichi didn't want to give in if he could eat well, so he hit it off with Toru Amuro, "We can cook dumplings in the evening, with seafood such as sea greens and cuttlefish as fillings, and fresh fish soup as the soup."

Amuro Toru nodded in thought, "That sounds great. Let's do this tonight."

Mouri Kogoro nodded quickly with a smile, "Yes, these seafood dumplings sound delicious. I seem to have tasted the freshness of the ingredients. I will go and tell the boss later that I can borrow their ingredients for dinner. Use it with the kitchen!”

Conan nodded along with Mouri Kogoro.

The uncle's two apprentices would cook dinner, and the taste would definitely be the same. He was already looking forward to dinner when he thought about it.

Mao Lilan had the same idea as Conan, and couldn't help laughing and joking, "My father seems to be looking for hidden attributes when he accepts apprentices. Brother Fei Chi and Mr. Amuro are both so good at cooking. One is good at Chinese cuisine, and the other is good at cooking." All kinds of Western-style meals taste as good as those of professional chefs. It turns out they are all dad’s apprentices, and dad is really good at recruiting apprentices!”

"I think uncle was bribed by the delicious food," Conan's childish voice said cutely, and he began to suspect that Mouri Kogoro accepted the apprentice because of the label of 'cooking master', "When he agreed to accept brother Chi as his apprentice, we were We had breakfast at the Mori Detective Agency when he agreed to take Mr. Amuro as his apprentice, and we had breakfast at Poirot..."

Therefore, he reasonably suspected that the truth behind the uncle's recruitment was because the uncle was bribed by delicious food.

Chi Feichi started to put the tableware aside, "If we find another one who knows how to cook Japanese cuisine, everything will be basically complete."

A cook who knows how to make Japanese sushi is hired to replace his teacher.

At that time, the Maori detective's apprentice's home cooking will not only include Chinese and Western dishes, but also Japanese food. His teacher can eat whatever he wants, and the apprentice can eat all kinds of things he is used to. The food is also first-rate and delicious.

Apart from the danger and lack of personal safety, there are simply no downsides.

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