Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2521 I fell asleep

Chi Feichi also lay down and stared at the ceiling, "Maybe I'm just too lazy to deal with it."

"Please let me be moved a little bit..." Toru Amuro muttered speechlessly, and soon laughed again, "You are Teacher Mouri's apprentice, not Lawyer Fei's, and Lawyer Fei and Teacher Maori have been separated for so long. , the relationship between husband and wife does not seem to be very harmonious. As a result, the concubine’s lawyer actually called you for such a trivial matter, which also shows that you have a good relationship with her. You may have done this kind of thing to help her answer questions more than once before, so she Only then can I call you without any scruples, without worrying that this kind of thing will trouble you. Since this is not the first time you have dealt with it, how could you suddenly lose your patience this time? "

Chi Feichi: "..."

Amuro is right. Fei Yingli has approached him in similar situations before, and he will also call Fei Yingli about a certain murderer. But has Amuro ever thought that being able to answer patiently is one thing? The opportunity to be lazy is another matter.

Since there is Amuro on top, why doesn't he just be lazy?

Feichi didn't care what the two were talking about. He rolled on the pillow and lay down comfortably, getting ready to sleep.

Chi Feichi did not want to hold a debate and did not deny Toru Amuro's statement, "She has a Russian blue cat and she would call me about the cat in the past."

"Is it a telephone consultation?"

"That's right."

The heavy rain outside the window has stopped.

Chi Feichi and Toru Amuro were both very tired today. After speaking, they calmed down and closed their eyes to rest.

Not even half a minute after the two closed their eyes, another knock on the door and Mo Hu's voice came from the corridor.

Toru Amuro heard the knock on the door coming from the residence of the three Maori people next door. He opened his eyes and asked, "Counsellor, are you asleep? Did you hear someone knocking on the door next door just now?"

"I didn't hear it," Chi Feichi didn't even bother to open his eyes, "I fell asleep."

Toru Amuro choked and didn't bother to get up to look. Seeing that there was no shouting next door, he wondered if the boss had just sent something to the next door, so he relaxed.

There were intermittent voices next door, and the voices were a bit inaudible through the wall, like the whispers of a hypnotist, making the two people in the room drowsy.

"Dongdong! Dong!"

A knock on the door broke the silence.

Mouri Kogoro's voice came into the room through the crack in the door, "Hey, are you two sleeping?"

Toru Amuro sat up, sighed helplessly, lifted the quilt, stood up and answered the door, "Here he is, please wait a moment!"

Chi Feichi sat up and looked up to see not only Mouri Kogoro and others standing behind the open door, but also Imaoka Kaishiro, so he got up and walked to the door.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your sleep," Mouri Kogoro looked a little worried, "but Mrs. Imaoka is missing. Mr. Kaishiro said that she used to like to go surfing in bad weather. This afternoon, after Mr. Kaishiro closed the house, she Went to the kitchen to prepare things for tomorrow. We haven't seen her since. She hasn't gone back yet. We were worried that she might have gone to the sea to surf before, so we wanted to ask if you two have seen her. she."

"No," Toru Amuro looked serious and thought about it carefully, "When we were surfing in the sea, there were very few people on the beach. I didn't see anyone else. Then the sky started to get dark, so we came back. , and I didn’t see her on the road. Of course, when we came back, it was already dark, and then it rained again, which affected our vision. I was not sure whether she would be on the road... By the way, her Are the surfboards still in the shop?”

"Mr. Kaishiro has seen that her surfboard is still in the store," Mouri Kogoro frowned, "but I don't know if she took out the surfboard for sale in the store."

"Um..." Conan stood next to Moori Kogoro and raised his hand to point to the mobile phone Imaoka Kaishiro put in the breast pocket of his T-shirt. "Uncle, your mobile phone has been flashing since just now. It's Isn’t there a text message or email that you haven’t checked?”

"Ah, yes," Imaoka Kaishiro looked down at his breast pocket, and with a surprised look on his face, he reached out and took out the flip phone, opened the flip cover, looked down at the phone and said, "It's from Xiao Ting... …”

Toru Amuro stared at the pocket on Kaishiro Imaoka's chest and was distracted, his face becoming gloomy little by little.

Chi Feichi noticed that Toru Amuro was in a bad mood, and followed Toru Amuro's line of sight. When he saw the pocket on Kaishiro Imaoka's chest, he almost guessed the reason. He raised his right hand and put his palm on Toru Amuro's shoulder. superior.

He remembered that in the plot, when police undercover Zhu Fu Jingguang died, the cell phone in his chest was also penetrated by a bullet. This was Zhu Fu Jingguang's intention to destroy the cell phone and protect his companions. Undercover Anshi should be Thinking of this, my face becomes so ugly...

You can't have a gloomy face now, as this is not in line with the sunny persona that Amuro's little undercover shows to others.

When Toru Amuro was distracted, he felt a touch on his shoulder, and suddenly became alert. When he came back to his senses, he found that it was Chi Feichi who put his hand on his shoulder. He was stunned for a moment, and realized that Chi Feichi was reminding him, and quickly softened his expression.

Outside the door, Mouri Kogoro, Mao Lilan and Conan were all focused on Imaoka Kaishiro and the text messages Imaoka Kaishiro received, but they did not notice the change in Amuro Toru's expression.

"I'm sorry, but I'm singing karaoke and may stay up all night..." Imaoka Kaishiro looked at his phone, muttered the content of the message, sighed, closed the phone cover again, and turned to Xiao Mouri. Wulang said, "That's what she said, Mr. Mori, I saw that she was not in the store before. I was too anxious and didn't see the text message on my phone. I am really sorry to bother you so late."

"No..." Mouri Kogoro smiled, "I can understand your feelings. As long as your wife doesn't go to the sea, even a shark can't do anything at the karaoke bar, so you don't have to worry about her being in danger. ”

"Yes," Imaoka Kaishiro put the phone back into his breast pocket and complained with a look of dissatisfaction, "but the fact that he went out suddenly is really... I really don't understand what this woman is thinking..."

Mouri Kogoro teased, "Is this the trouble of marrying a young lady?"

Chi Feichi put his hand down from Toru Amuro's shoulders and remained silent.

According to the rules of events in this world, Imaoka Ting is probably dead or about to die, and the murderer is Imaoka Kaishiro.

Although he does not remember this incident, there are no real elementary school students here this time, so the possibility of it being an accident is relatively low. The conflict between the old couple and the young wife is not small. If the death of elementary school students is crossing the border, there is a possibility of murder. The sex is up to 95%.

Therefore, Imaoka Kaishiro came to them probably just to let them know about the text message...

"We shouldn't be like this... This is the mantra of Xiao Ting and I recently," Imaoka Kaishiro sighed again in frustration, and quickly cheered up, "I really caused trouble for you tonight, since Xiao Ting "Ting is fine, I will go back first. When you come to the store tomorrow, I will share with you the fish I caught today. Please don't dislike it."

"Thank you very much," Mouri Kogoro scratched his head and smiled, "You should go back early..."

Chi Feichi looked at Imaoka Kaishiro and said coldly, "Mr. Kaishiro, do you want to reply to a text message first and ask her where she sings karaoke?"

Imaoka Kaishiro was stunned on the spot.

Mouri Kogoro, Amuro Toru and others also looked at Chi Feichi with puzzled faces.

"Don't you plan to pick her up and take her home?" Chi Feichi looked at Imaoka Kaishiro with calm eyes, without any bad intentions. "Ask her where she sings karaoke and when she plans to come back. When you arrive, Go pick her up and take her home. This will ensure her safety, and maybe you can take the opportunity to have a good talk with her. Even if she drinks a lot and can't communicate, just complain less. Tomorrow she will learn that you have been taking care of her. She, she probably understands how you feel about her, and you can try to resolve the conflict with her. "

This proposal seems to be for Imaoka Kaishiro, but if Imaoka Kaishiro really killed someone or planned to kill someone, the text message should be to mislead them. At this time, anything involving text messages and karaoke Information about OK places will make Imaoka Kaishiro feel uneasy.

He was woken up when he was about to fall asleep. If he didn't scare and take revenge on the instigator, he would be confused!

"I think this method is very good," Mao Lilan smiled at Imaoka Kaishiro. "When there is a conflict between husband and wife, they should find a way to solve it. If no one is willing to take the first step, the problem will continue. It can’t be solved!”

"This way..." Imaoka Kaishiro looked a little uncomfortable and raised his hand to scratch his head, "Because Xiao Ting hates me interrupting her karaoke. When I went to pick her up, she got angry at me. In the last two I’m having a big fight, so... forget it, I’ll give it a try first.”

Chi Feichi: "..."

Good acting.

I was vaccinated against the idea that "she won't pay attention to me" in advance, so that if I just send a text message casually to inquire, it would still be justified even if Imaoka Ting didn't reply to the text message after investigation.

"Actually, I can understand that the woman who got angry is really..." Maori Kogoro imagined Feiying's temper tantrum, sweated, and forced a smile to Imaoka Kaishiro, "Feichi is kindly reminding you, but Mr. Kaishiro should decide for himself what to do. After all, only you two know the situation between you and your husband best. "


Mao Lilan snorted and turned her head away, but she was only dissatisfied with Mao Li Kogoro who had not resolved the conflict between the couple. She did not want to interfere with the Imaoka couple's affairs, so she didn't say anything more.

Mouri Kogoro watched Imaoka Kaishiro leave, then turned to greet him, "Okay, since everyone is fine, let's not meddle in other people's private affairs. Fei Chi, Amuro, you are not asleep yet? I thought you had already I was so tired that I fell asleep..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Wouldn't his conscience hurt when his teacher said something like this?

Toru Amuro also felt that what Mouri Kogoro said was excessive, and said in a faint tone, "We did fall asleep, we were just woken up when we were about to fall asleep..."

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