Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2525 Toru Amuro: Tired

In front of the surf shop not far away, Toru Amuro walked to the aisle next to the stairs, looked down at the mobile phone in his hand, and operated it for a while. He was keenly aware of the sight from the roadside, and turned around to see Chi Feichi standing there. On the side of the road, he put away his mobile phone and set off towards Chi Feichi.

"How is the situation?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I already know how Mr. Imaoka sent the body there," Amuro said as he walked to Chi Feichi's side and turned to look at the surf shop. "The police officers also found evidence there, and soon they Can solve the problem."

"That's good." Chi Feichi nodded.

Toru Amuro lowered his voice, "Did you ask us to resolve the incident earlier because we had received the news already?"

"I just received the news," Chi Feichi paused and turned to look at Toru Amuro, "The report of Nicola's arrival in Japan was only sent out at half past half in the morning. I was still carrying the board at that time, How could I have received the message without looking at my phone?”

how? Didn't he and Amuro receive the same message?

"What report?" Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully, "I just received an email from that person asking me to return to Tokyo as soon as possible. There was no mention of any report."

"It has something to do with Charles's daughter Nicola," Chi Feichi reminded in a low voice, "You can read the news reports this morning for yourself. This is probably why I came back to you. I don't know the specific situation. You won’t know until you go back.”

"Ah, I understand," Toru Amuro responded. When he saw the two policemen who had collected evidence at the surf shop come out, he added, "I'm going to find a place to read the report. The incident is..."

"You go and solve it," Chi Feichi interrupted, "When you go back to the hotel to pack your luggage, it's not too late for you to read the reports."

Toru Amuro choked and reluctantly walked to the surf shop, "Well, who told me to have a fellow disciple who is good at being lazy? You'd better come along, so that the police officers won't have to find you to gather there later."

A group of people gathered in a surf shop.

Imaganting's body was also carried indoors by the police and placed on a clean waterproof plastic sheet.

Toru Amuro soon discovered that his sect not only had a senior brother who was good at being lazy, but also a master who seemed to be unclear about the situation and liked to talk nonsense.

Mouri Kogoro stood next to the body and said sternly to the middle-aged male policeman, "Obviously, this is an unfortunate accident!"

"Is it just an accident?" The middle-aged male policeman looked at Toru Amuro in confusion, "But the young man just said that he was your apprentice, and Mrs. Imaoka was murdered. I thought you had already agreed. ”

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro looked at Toru Amuro in confusion.

Toru Amuro: "..."

Has Teacher Mori not realized the truth yet?

Although he found that Kogoro Mouri was not that powerful, and that the guy with glasses and his consultant were really powerful, his teacher didn't have to be so cool either.

When he wanted to solve the case as soon as possible, having such a teacher and a restless senior brother made him feel very tired.

"What kind of murder?" When Mouri Kogoro asked Toru Amuro in confusion, he received an anesthetic needle on the back of his neck. His expression instantly became confused. He staggered around in a circle and fell down against the wall. "Of course, this is a murder, there is no doubt about it..."

A question mark popped up in the middle-aged male policeman's mind. He lowered his head and looked at what he had just recorded, and reminded him seriously, "Mr. Maoli, what I recorded will also become the investigation record. I hope you can be serious when you speak." a little."

He hoped that Mr. Maoli would be more clear-headed when speaking, and would not say things all at once, which would make his work notes appear messy.

"I'm sorry," Conan hid behind a cabinet nearby and used a bow-tie voice changer to produce the voice of Kogoro Mouri, looking for a reason to explain his 'change of behavior' just now. "I said that before, I just hope that the murderer can come forward and surrender. "

The middle-aged male policeman believed it immediately, with a look of realization on his face, "I see, you are really kind-hearted!"

When Conan heard this comment, he felt embarrassed for Mouri Kogoro. He was silent for a moment before saying, "In short, I am very sure that this is a murder, and the murderer is you... Mr. Imaoka Kaishiro! You killed yourself." Mrs.

Next, Imaoka Kaishiro immediately refuted, Conan used Mouri Kogoro's identity to reason, and asked the police to show evidence to Imaoka Kaishiro.

There was yellow nail polish on Imagun Ting's body, and three of his toenails were not painted with nail polish. Together with the plastic bags found in the store, it can basically prove that Imagantine was murdered in the store.

As for Imaoka Kaishiro's method of transporting the body, he used props like tank tracks.

As long as the cardboard is spliced ​​together end to end to make a prop like a tank track, and you carry the body on your back and crawl forward inside the track, you can ensure that the body is sent to the beach after the tide goes out in the morning without leaving any footprints. In addition, Since the cardboard is yellow, hiding inside the cardboard tracks will not let nearby people see anything unusual on the beach.

After placing the body on the beach, Imaoka Kaishiro only needed to continue hiding in the cardboard tracks and crawl back to the store.

However, Imaoka Kaishiro didn't notice that the cardboard tracks hit the small crabs that came out of the sand after low tide, leaving squashed crab corpses in the sand. Corresponding stains were also found on the cardboard found in the store.

The reasoning ability of 'Sleeping Mouri Kogoro' is online. After listening to it, Amuro Toru quietly moved away from the center of the crowd. He went to the corner and took out his mobile phone. He soon saw the report about Nicola in the popular reports and clicked to view it. .

After talking about his reasoning, Conan asked in the voice of Mouri Kogoro, "Mr. Imaoka, did I say something wrong somewhere?"

Imaoka Kaishiro knelt down in front of the corpse. When he saw that all the evidence had been found, he realized that his execution method was not very clever and was very careless. He no longer insisted that he did not kill anyone and closed his eyes dejectedly, "Yesterday... ...When Mr. Maoli and you guys went back to rest, Xiaoting told me that she would meet her lover under the pine tree today, and when she stabilized, she would give me the divorce agreement. I asked her if she wanted to think about it, but she He said disapprovingly, in the end, the most important thing in this world is not face but money... It turns out that Xiao Ting only married me for money... Just for my money! "

In front of the window, Chi Feichi was looking at the scenery outside the window, smoking to suppress the restlessness in his heart. When he heard Imaoka Kaishiro's shout, he couldn't help but look back at Imaoka Kaishiro.

Isn't this a no-brainer?

The incident was resolved, and the police took away Imaoka Kaishiro, leaving the contact information of Chi Feichi and others, saying that they would call another person to cooperate with the investigation if necessary.

Mouri Kogoro didn't sleep for long before he was woken up by Conan. He wandered around the lake and was taken back to the hotel to pack his things.

When Toru Amuro was in the surf shop, he hid in the corner and read the reports related to Nicola. After returning to the room, he did not read the reports again. He locked the door, turned to the window, cleaned himself up and dried them in the morning. After making sure there was no one outside the window, he asked softly, "Are you troubled by the uninvited guests coming to Japan? While waiting for the incident to be resolved, you smoked more frequently. On the road behind the surf shop , there is a black cigarette butt, which is the brand of cigarettes you often smoke. It seems that you are the only one here who can smoke that kind of cigarette. Afterwards, when you return to the surf shop and wait for everyone to gather, you smoke another cigarette, and then Afterwards, when the sleeping Mouri Kogoro expressed his wonderful reasoning, you smoked again, and finally on the way back to the hotel..."

Chi Feichi silently folded his cold-proof clothes flat and put them into his luggage bag.

While paying attention to events and reading reports, Amuro was actually able to distract himself and pay attention to whether he smoked, when he smoked, and how many cigarettes he smoked in total. He was also impressed.

I wonder if Conan noticed that something was not right with him.

After learning about Nicola's arrival in Japan, the hunger in his heart seemed to have a direction.

Regardless of whether Nicola is naive or sophisticated, he is eager to understand Nicola's plan and destroy Nicola's plan.

There was no reason, and there was no hatred between him and Nicola. He just wanted to discover some interesting toy, and Nicola happened to be the first target.

Under the influence of the sin of gluttony, he just wanted to destroy Nicola's plan, which was considered very 'mild', but his expectations were not met because of the journey, making him feel like ants crawling and gnawing in his heart.

He smoked frequently as a way to distract himself and relieve his constant mental hunger.

Today is the sixth day. If possible, he hopes not to alarm others and survive this period of time on his own, so as not to be regarded as a recurrence of the disease and make him go through another process of taking medicine and stopping medicine.

"Obviously you didn't smoke three cigarettes all day yesterday, but you smoked four cigarettes in just one hour this morning." Toru Amuro folded the cold-proof clothes, turned to the window, and put the cold-proof clothes on Putting it in the duffel bag, "So I'm also curious, are you troubled by that matter?"

"No, although that matter is very troublesome, it doesn't bother me," Chi Feichi replied without raising his head. He put the other packed things into his luggage bag and did not truthfully say that he smoked to suppress it. He was restless in his heart, "I'm just thinking about things... Since you said that woman was an uninvited guest, that means she didn't contact the Japanese police before coming to Japan, right?"

"That's right," Toru Amuro looked more serious and said softly, "If she had contacted the police in advance, I should have received the news, but before I saw the report, I didn't hear anything about it. Maybe the Immigration Administration There will be her application record, but she is not a suspect wanted in Japan. If she does not contact the police, it will be difficult for us to get the news immediately. She made such a big fuss without contacting us in advance, which means she has no intention to follow us. cooperate……"

"She goes her own way, which is very much their style," Chi Feichi zipped up the duffel bag. "She seems to have brought bodyguards, and there should be people from the FBI secretly protecting her, or helping her lay traps."

A sneer appeared on Amuro Toru's lips, "Oh, it's just those rats that sneak up and hide in the sewers..."

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Toru Amuro and corrected, "They are not hiding in the sewers. Many of them live in high-end apartment buildings and go somewhere to have a cup of coffee or drink every day."

Toru Amuro: "..."

When he thought that those people's living standards were not bad, he became even more angry!

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