Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2529 Non-technical methods

Chi Feichi watched the video recorded by the programmer and re-watched the part of it that showed the computer operation.

Gin, Vodka and Belmode were not idle either and frequently contacted others.

While Chi Feichi was watching the video again, Belmode went to the side to talk to Rum on the phone. Gin took out a map and stared at it distractedly. Only Vodka was still sending emails on his mobile phone.

Chi Feichi finished watching the video and affirmed in a hissing voice, "It is indeed a mirror computer."

Gin, who was looking at the map, and Vodka, who was looking at his phone, looked up at Chi Feichi.

Belmod held the phone in one hand and turned to look at Chi Feichi and asked, "Lark, are you sure?"

Chi Feichi nodded, looked down at the video on the tablet, dragged the progress bar forward, and handed the tablet to Gin, "The mirror is a mirror. It just makes the same display as the real computer and operates the mirror computer. The person is a master, and his double-yellow performance is excellent, but the computer will be stuck and sluggish, especially when performing some complex operations. Our person asked to see the real computer retrieving data in the background of the program that detects the hard disk. The screen paused for a moment, but the person operating the mirror computer did not slow down when typing on the keyboard. This was the first flaw. About five minutes later, the second flaw appeared. His movements were slower than what was actually displayed. The operation is a little faster..."

While Chi Feichi was talking, Belmod turned on the speaker phone.

Rum's voice changed with a voice changer came from the phone, "So Lark, if you want to find out where the real computer is, you can only tell them the correct password?"

"From a technical perspective, this is the only way," Chi Feichi insisted in a hoarse voice, "When the operation of the mirror computer involves the password input box, compared with the screen displayed by other operations, the mouse movement seems to be smoother. We The person who was sent was right. The password input box on the mirror computer can be used, and only the password input box can be used. After entering the password on the mirror computer, the password may be sent to the real computer, although it is also possible to enter it directly and simultaneously. into the password box of the real computer, but considering that entering the wrong hard disk password will cause the data to be cleared, it is impossible for them to allow the password to be entered simultaneously to prevent someone from using the mirror computer to enter the password and causing the hard disk data connected to the real computer to be destroyed. Therefore, the only possibility is to use the mirror computer to send the real password. "

Ginjiu heard the implication of Chi Feichi's words, "What if we don't talk about it from a technical level?"

"The programmers we sent may have been too focused on the computer program and didn't notice a problem," Chi Feichi hissed calmly, "The person operating the mirror computer was just pretending and didn't turn on the mirror computer. Operations other than entering passwords are passed to the real computer, so how do the people operating the real computer know what to demonstrate? Our people want to see the program background, but the real computer operator immediately shows it and wants to see part of the code. , the other party also followed suit..."

"There is a bug in that room, right?" Belmode reacted, "The person who operated the real computer was hiding somewhere and used the bug placed in that room to perform corresponding operations on the real computer. "

Gin sneered, his eyes filled with the fierceness and excitement of targeting prey, "The use of bugs has a limited range. The real computer and the person operating the real computer are hiding somewhere on the cruise ship, even where the mirror computer is. Near that room!”

"This is an easy solution," Belmod's brows relaxed and he said in a relaxed tone, "Bringing special signal transmitters and detectors, we can in turn find the monitors they set up, and thus find the location of the real computer. After that, it’s enough to get the real hard drive back.”

Chi Feichi looked at the map in Gin's hand. There was an obvious red dot between the rivers on it, "Is that where Nicola's cruise ship is?"

"Yes," Gin looked down at the map with a sneer on his lips, "We drove from the coast to the river, and then we didn't dock. We stayed on the river. Those who participated in the code breaking will be sent to the cruise ship in a small boat. …”

"Then the upstream and downstream should also be temporarily blocked, making the cruise ship a safe island," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "It is surrounded by open water. Once a suspicious person approaches, he will definitely be seen."

"At the same time, a lot of detection nets have been opened under the water," Belmode took over. "We found someone to try out in the morning. Detection nets have been deployed in the waters near the cruise ship. If the swimming fish passes by, if a human body approaches, the boat will receive an alarm. I heard that in order to prevent the detection net from being cut off, some lines will release electric current, which is really dangerous.”

Rum, who used a voice changer: "The underwater route is very tightly blocked, and the water route is easy to monitor. As long as someone is close, they can find it. This can prevent someone from sneaking into the cruise ship to do tricks. This should be their purpose, if not In this case, as long as we make sure that the hard drive is on the ship, we can blow up the entire ship. However, to ensure that the hard drive is blown up, we need enough bombs, it must be blocked underwater, inaccessible on the water, and individuals can board the cruise ship. If we can rely on their small boat to ferry them, we can't transport so many bombs to the ship in a short time..."

"Then tell me about the new information you have," Gin asked directly. "Didn't you already arrange for someone to identify the people nearby?"

Rum's voice, which had been changed by the voice changer, came from the mobile phone, "Our previous guess was correct. Nicola has joined forces with the FBI who secretly entered Japan. The personnel I sent found many suspicious people nearby. Among them were some familiar faces from the FBI group. It was initially estimated that there were more than ten people. In order not to be noticed by them, my people did not get too close, but they sent out a lot of people. This can be confirmed. It’s possible that everyone is dispatched…”

"Nicola brought six bodyguards this time. I found the information of those six people. All six of them are veterans of the US military. They have good skills and marksmanship," Belmode said seriously, "The assistant she brought There are four people in the team. The leader is her high school classmate in the United States. The girl masters fighting skills and may also be serving as her personal bodyguard. There are three people left. The person we sent to the ship only met one, and Only the appearance of that person was photographed. He is the head of a department in Charles Company. He seems to be responsible for negotiating with the Japanese media on behalf of Nicola. The remaining two people were not photographed and their identities are unclear for the time being. In addition, Nicola We also brought two computer masters over. Both of them are famous programmers. The information is easy to check. Those two people have never learned fighting, and they don’t have any extraordinary reflexes. They are just good at computer skills. They can barely be considered good. People who are not a threat.”

Vodka counted the number of people, "In that case, there will be at least twenty people we have to deal with this time..."

Rum: "The terrain map has been completed. I will send the terrain map to Gin, and then I will tell you the specific manpower distribution."

Gin got out of the car with his tablet, logged into a web page, and opened the only real-time sharing program inside.

Chi Feichi also followed and looked at the tablet.

The program is a 3D map that only covers the area around the river bank, but clearly shows the real situation except the river and nearby buildings.

Rum divided the river channels on both sides of the cruise ship into Area 1 and Area 2.

There is a bridge connecting the two areas. The bridge is some distance away from the cruise ship and was simply marked with the word "bridge" by Rum.

Gin quickly clicked on the screen and marked 'A' and 'B' on two of the buildings, "These two places are suitable for arranging snipers..."

Chi Feichi looked at the two buildings and confirmed Ginjiu's judgment, "It is indeed suitable, but it is too suitable. The FBI will definitely arrange personnel to go and keep an eye on them."

Building A is at the junction of Area 1 and the bridge. If a sniper reaches the rooftop, he can target the bow deck and observe the bridge, Area 1, and the road leading to the bridge.

The height is appropriate, and the distance from the cruise ship deck is only about 600 yards, making it a perfect sniper position.

Building B is located on the river bank in Area 2, almost at the same level as the stern of the cruise ship. It has a park on one side and low houses on the other side. It is also suitable for observing the nearby situation. It is also about 600 yards away from the stern of the cruise ship. Also suitable for sniping targets.

If snipers are deployed at points A and B at the same time, they can monitor both the front and rear of the cruise ship and observe the situation nearby.

With these two important points, the FBI might have been on guard for a long time.

"Yes, these two places are the focus of the FBI's care," Rum said. There was an extra bracket after points A and B on the map, and the words '4f' were also marked in the brackets. "Since this morning From the beginning, people suspected of being FBI were searching the two buildings, and the entrances and exits were monitored. They have not evacuated yet. There were at least four suspicious people operating inside and outside each building. There were many foreign faces, most likely from the FBI. people."

Chi Feichi reached out and clicked on the screen, marking 'C' on a tall building, and said in a hoarse voice, "Where is this place? The landscape tower in area 2 is much higher than points A and B..."

Vodka also watched nearby, counting the dotted grids on the map, and silently calculated the distance, "Lark, you can indeed aim at the bow of the ship, and you can also observe the situation near the bridge, but it is about one thousand two hundred meters away from the bow of the ship. As for the code, if Chianti and Cohen go there, they will definitely not be able to provide fire support to the people boarding the ship..."

Rum also saw the point C marked by Chi Feichi. The voice after using the voice changer always had a mechanical feel. "Vodka is right. The landscape tower at point C is very high, but it is about an inch away from the bow of the ship." Thousands and two hundred yards. If snipers are there, it will be difficult to support those who board the ship. The landscape tower has not been officially opened. After the FBI people searched it in the morning, they locked the entrances and exits. It is not sure yet. No one is watching, but if there is, there is only one person watching.”

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