Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2531 There are far more solutions than difficulties

"Yes, the difficulty of this plan lies in how to get so many people on board the cruise ship," Belmode thought, "There are four bodyguards, Nicola's assistant team and nearly ten service personnel on the cruise ship. There should be people from the FBI mixed in among the service personnel. Those FBI agents secretly brought guns with them when entering the country. In addition, they are more familiar with the internal structure of the ship. There is no guarantee that there will be any traps on the ship. If we arrange for fewer people to board the ship, It's hard to take advantage. If we send more people, we have hope of successfully hijacking the ship. But suddenly there are about ten people boarding the ship one after another and staying on the ship. How can they feel that something is wrong? Besides, the FBI is arranged to People around are also always observing the people boarding the ship. It may not be easy for ten people to disguise themselves as others and successfully board the ship without revealing their flaws. As long as one of them makes a mistake, it is likely that everyone will be taken away. They are all involved..."

"There is no need to use our people at all. As long as you break your pockets, you can also achieve your goal by using other forces, such as those violent societies in Tokyo. Those guys are the most in need of manpower." Gin said in a cold voice, "Make them mistakenly think that the cruise ship If there is something they want on board, we can mislead them to hijack the ship. We don't even need to let them drive the ship away. As long as they muddy the water, we only need to find one or two people to disguise themselves and sneak into it, and we can take advantage of the chaos to find the hard drive and leave. "

Chi Feichi: "..."

As expected of someone who often plans actions, Gin is very capable of fixing loopholes, improving plans, and drawing inferences from one example to another.

"We can even take advantage of unsuspecting people, just like we did when we rescued Kiel. As long as we can disrupt their thinking and action plans, we can seize opportunities from the chaotic scene..." Gin's eyes were sinister under his silver hair, and he suddenly sneered. He said, "Humph, if that doesn't work, grab a few people, tie bombs on them, and throw them next to them. I don't believe they can maintain their original mentality!"

"Also, we have no way to install bombs on the boat, but we can find ways to install waterproof bombs on the detection net. The detection net is distributed around the cruise ship. We stick a circle of bombs around the detection net, and then use the energy supply Throw some of it in the gap where the swimming fish pass," Chi Feichi suggested in a hoarse voice, already starting to calculate the blasting plan in his mind, "Calculate the blasting point, let a certain corner of the cruise ship be breached instantly, and detonate the cruise ship's fuel. It can turn them into a fireball flying into the sky, and the hard drive will definitely be destroyed."

Belmode: "..."

what is this? Two lunatics inspiring each other to commit crimes?

"It's okay to blow them up directly, but in this case, we must ensure that the hard drive is blown up. We'd better arrange for people to infiltrate the police on the scene after the explosion to confirm the follow-up," Gin thought for a moment and then He looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "What about the other method you mentioned?"

"Completely opposite to the first method," Chi Feichi said, "In terms of people, using the opposite of extreme movement just now, extreme quietness, when they think it is impossible for us to take action, with the fewest people, Complete the robbery and retreat as quickly as possible. The important thing is that the 'land' aspect must also make changes..."

With that said, Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the map at the junction of A, D, B, the bridge and area 2 where the FBI agents had deployed their manpower.

A circle connects the four locations and also encircles the cruise ship and the water near the cruise ship in the middle.

"This is a battlefield defined by the FBI. If we use the battlefield they defined, the situation will be very unfavorable to us."

Immediately afterwards, Chi Feichi drew a small circle around the cruise ship, enclosing the cruise ship inside.

"This is the former method. It is a new battlefield we have designated. Although this battlefield is located inside the battlefield they designated, the battlefield area has shrunk too much and is not their ideal combat location. In addition, it is packed inside "A lot of people, this is not the combat environment they want at all, and it can easily create chaos."

"But if the second method is used to complete the robbery as quickly as possible with the least manpower, then the division of the battlefield will also have to be adjusted. Instead, we will have to expand the scope of the battlefield..."

Chi Feichi controlled the zoom of the map so that the map showed a distant area, and a large circle formed outside the circle designated by the FBI.

"To put it simply, if we use extremely quiet methods, we need to demarcate a larger battlefield area. The purpose is not to surround them and compare their numbers, but to expand the battlefield area for observation. The first to arrive is more suitable for combat. A place of stronghold.”

Vodka: "?"

He doesn't quite understand.

"Area 2 is not suitable," Gin said, looking at the map. "Only area 1 has a combat base."

Vodka: "??"

Huh? Brother, did you actually understand?

"That's right, if we use extremely quiet methods, we will send very few people into their pocket traps. Compared with them, we will not have an advantage in manpower. Area 2 has the open terrain of the park," Chi Feichi glanced at 2 Area, moved to area 1, where area 1 is parallel to the stern of the cruise ship and at the intersection of a small road, there is an English 'E' marked, "There are many small buildings in area 1, and there is also a small road open to traffic. You can use E The road is far away from this area.”

They set the evacuation direction in Area 1, which is also the most ideal situation.

Because point C, which may become Akai Shuichi's ambush point, is near the junction of the bridge and area 2, retreating towards area 2 will be like having food delivered to your door.

On the cruise ship, it is about 1800 yards away from point C building, which is not very safe. However, facing point C is the bow of the ship. Aiming at the stern of the ship from point C may be blocked by the hull. This may also block Akai Shuichi's sniper attack. sight.

As long as they can safely reach the shore of area 1, which is about 2100 yards away from the building at point C, the possibility of being hit by a sniper rifle is very low. Next, as long as the people they send immediately enter road E, the sniper at point C will The line of sight will be blocked by the buildings on both sides of Road E, making Shuichi Akai unable to aim. Subsequently, the distance between the evacuees and point C will become farther and farther, and Shuichi Akai will no longer be able to play any role.

One trouble with leaving from E is that the E intersection is very close to point D where the FBI has deployed manpower. It is only 200 yards, or about 182 meters away. As long as the people at point D react, they can quickly chase them into the alley.

In addition, to leave from Road E, you need to go straight to the main road connecting to the intersection on the other side, and the FBI's manpower at point A and the Nicola bodyguard duo at the junction of the bridge and area 1 can also Immediately start along the main road, turn the corner and arrive at the main street exit of Road E. Therefore, if you retreat to Road E, you will easily be entangled by the four FBI agents at point D. After that, there is a bridge that interfaces with Area 1. office, the two bodyguards traveling in cars, and the four FBI at point A. The FBI from other places can also send personnel to block the alley on the bank of E Road. If everything goes well, people can be blocked in E Road. It is difficult to Escape.

This is probably why the FBI has no one to guard Route E - even if the enemy attacks or evacuates Route E, the FBI has manpower available. There are four people at the nearest point D, and they probably still have guns in their hands. As long as they delay for a while, Support from other places will arrive soon, and those who enter Route E can easily be surrounded by FBI manpower, as if seeking death.

But it is not impossible for the FBI to break this situation.

As long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

He said that they needed to expand their scope in terms of 'land', also to make Route E from a point of inevitable defeat to an evacuation route suitable for them.

"But the intersection of Route E is too close to point D where the FBI is located. There are four FBIs at point D. If we only send one or two people, we will be easily delayed." Belmode looked at the map and raised the hidden dangers of Route E. , "Moreover, the intersection on the other side is connected to the main road, and there are no other small alleys to leave in the middle. Once our people enter Road E and are surrounded, the situation will be dangerous."

"They can't surround us!" Ginjiu clearly understood Chi Feichi's purpose of expanding the battlefield. He reached out to another exit on the E road away from the river bank, and continued to move his fingers further away from the river bank until he reached Chi Feichi. Near the line of the largest circle that Chi drew, he said with sharp eyes, "In this area, there are more places suitable for snipers, but they are unprepared and have to deploy manpower. We only need to arrange snipers near here, As long as the four FBI at point D dare to pursue Route E, our snipers will be able to target their heads. At that time, it will not be them holding back our people, but our snipers holding them back. If they don’t find cover in time and continue to chase our people, we may even let them all die on the E road!”

"Brother, where are the two bodyguards at point A and on the bridge?" Vodka asked seriously. "They have cars to travel around. They should soon go around to the exit of Road E. By then, they will use the cars as cover to protect themselves. You can stop our snipers’ bullets and shoot at our people rushing into Road E.”

"If they want to block the other exit on E Road, they have to go through the corner of the main street. We just need to do some tricks at the corner so that they can't move forward. These problems are not difficult to solve at all," Gin said. To the cruise ship on the map, "It's not difficult for our people to get on the ship. As long as they have the equipment, it's not difficult to find the hard drive. Anyone can do it. Even if they want to snatch the hard drive on the ship, they only need to use their skills or marksmanship." People with good and quick reactions can also do it, but the difficulty is, after grabbing the hard drive, how does that person get back to the shore from the cruise ship, and do it back to the shore before the FBI at point D can react? And retreated to Route E. The cruise ship is 300 yards away from the shore of Area 1. It is impossible to cross it manually. After the ferry boat picks up the people who boarded the boat, it will return to the shore. The ferry boat cannot be used. There is a power grid in the water. , it is impossible to dive and swim to the shore, and it is impossible to reach the intersection of Route E faster than the FBI at point D by swimming or using a ferry boat, so..."

"I can do it," Chi Feichi said hoarsely, looking at the map. "Within ten seconds, from the stern of the cruise ship to the E intersection, the FBI people guarding point D were at the door of the first floor of building D. They discovered an abnormality and It takes a while to react. Ten seconds is not enough for them to take out their pistols and aim, nor is it enough for them to catch up with me. Before taking action, E Road needs to help me arrange a car and a driver with excellent driving skills. I enter E Once you reach the road, you can immediately get in the car and drive quickly to another intersection, leaving them behind. How to stop the pursuers depends on the sniper's assistance and your methods. "

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