Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2534 Best intentions for the boss

On the side, Gin and Vodka turned to look at Chi Feichi.

how? Is there something wrong with Luck?

Chi Feichi continued to add eyebrows and hair to the prosthetic face in his hand without stopping. He wrote lightly, "It is rare to have a challenging action. I am looking forward to it. If I am in a good mood, it can be considered a good one." "

He has been mentally hungry since this morning.

The only time I got spiritual food was when I learned about Nicola's declaration of war in the morning, and when I just thought of a way to deal with it.

Eating can make people excited and happy, but that bit of food is just bait stuck between the teeth. As soon as they taste something fresh and delicious, it is gone. The anxiety is like a child who doesn't listen to advice, always crying, "I don't care." I want to eat', making him eagerly waiting for the action to begin and becoming excited because of it.

The two emotions of excitement and joy, anxiety and depression are intertwined. This experience is quite special.

If he went for a psychiatric examination, the doctor would probably suspect that he was suffering from mania.

Whether he is irritable and depressed, or happy and excited, in these two periods, his heart rate will be faster than usual, and his behavior will be similar - increased activity, active thinking, energetic, tireless, and more active than before. Willing to interact with people.

If he didn't have self-control, he would probably lose his temper easily due to irritability during the hunger period, and during the eating period, he would also be too immersed in excitement and appear unusually happy. Acting recklessly and without regard for the consequences.

Once he shows these states, he will not be able to escape from "suspected mania". If combined with the peaceful and calm state of the digestion period, where he feels everything is boring, he may become "suspected bipolar disorder" , that is, bipolar disorder.

He didn't want to have an examination or take any more medicine, so he restrained himself, controlled himself, and tried to make everyone just think that he was in a good mood recently and let him get through this without taking any medicine.

Belmod is good at imitating others, and is also good at summarizing other people's facial features, personality traits, daily habits, speaking rhythms, and usual body movements. It may be because of his talent in this area that Belmod quickly noticed that his inner core was more active than before. But he believed that Belmode didn't really find anything unusual.

Using the excuse "I'm just in a good mood", I should be able to get over.

"That's it." Belmod looked at the calm expression on Lark's fake face and wondered if he was too surprised. He smiled and said, "It seems that you are very confident in this action. Evacuation on the ship doesn't seem to be a problem for you, so I feel relieved."

"You can't relax there," Gin reminded Belmod. "Even if our chance of success is 99%, we must have a prepared plan to deal with the 1% emergency situation!"

"Yes, yes," Belmod responded with a smile, "I will be prepared without any compromise. After all, if you fail, it will be my time to take action!"

Gin: "Hmph..."

Belmode should just settle down and be the substitute.

Chi Feichi: "Then come on."

There is no such possibility, Belmode will just wait to sit on the bench this time.

In less than half an hour, Chi Feichi gave Takatori Yannan a new face, and put ten bearded disguised faces in a bag. Each layer was covered with thick paper towels, and handed them to Takatori. Yan Nan.

"Take it back and store it yourself. Be careful to keep it dry. Don't let the prosthetic face come into contact with anything with a temperature higher than 60 degrees for a long time. If there is a problem or it runs out, come back to me."

"Yes, I'm really sorry that I've caused you trouble again this time."

"No trouble, just go to work."

Takatori Yannan, who also planned to reminisce about the past and express his feelings to Chi Feichi: "..."

Such a good atmosphere suddenly turned strange. The boss was really...

Forget it, he goes, he goes right away.

As a subordinate, he works seriously and efficiently, which means he has the best intentions for his boss.

Takatori Yano drove from a remote neighborhood to near Ginza, and then drove near Ginza into Area 1 designated by Rum. He paid attention to the situation on the road along the way, used headphones to answer calls, and reported the road conditions to Chi Feichi.

Due to the heavy traffic volume on this route, under the command of Chi Feichi, Takatori Yannan changed to a longer road but would not be blocked. He also observed and reported the road conditions. After receiving Chi Feichi's approval, Just drove to Road E in Area 1.

The route that Takato Yannan takes to Route E will also be their evacuation route.

With Takatori Yannan observing and familiarizing with the road conditions in advance, and Chi Feichi searching for network information and simulating road conditions at various times, their evacuation will be smoother.

When he arrived near E Road, Takatori Isao slowed down and observed the few vehicles and pedestrians on the road. After the car successfully drove onto E Road, he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to the headset, " Lark, I have successfully arrived at Road E, and I haven’t seen any suspicious people moving at the intersection yet. The specific situation remains to be seen.”

A hoarse and gentle voice came from the earphone, "Drive the car close to the river bank, park two or three hundred yards away from the river bank, turn the front of the car around, and head towards the intersection you drove past... Are there any shops nearby? Is it open?”

"Is this..." Takatori Yanao drove on the E road, his eyes behind his sunglasses scanning the shops on both sides of the street, "There are only clothing stores and shops selling leather bags and other accessories on this street, two or three hundred yards away from the river bank. Location, if I turn the car around and face the way I came from, there is a men's clothing store and two women's clothing stores next to me, and opposite is a leather bag store and a shoe store, all of which are open..."

The hoarse voice in my ear: "If the women's clothing store has a display window, drive nearby, pretend to be attracted by the women's clothing in the window, park..."

"Attracted by women's clothing?" Takatori Yannan was a little confused.

"Then you go to that store, go directly to the salesperson, and tell the salesperson that you had a fight with your girlfriend, and you want to buy a gift to coax her. You see some good women's clothing in the window, and you want to consult. When speaking, try to stand in front of her. Behind the display window, and pointing at a certain piece of clothing, this way, if there are FBI agents lurking on that street, they won’t be surprised to see you suddenly parking there,” Chi Feichi explained, “The most important thing is What's more, if you lie about going to help your girlfriend buy women's clothing, you can pretend that you don't understand the situation and try to stay in the store for a while. During this time, first make sure there is no suspicious person in the store, and then stand in the window. Nearby, check if there are any suspicious people on the street..."

"I understand," Takatori Yannan responded seriously, drove the car past those stores, and turned around on the side of the road, "I can stay in that women's clothing store for up to twenty minutes. Since it's just for coaxing I just go shopping for my girlfriend. If it’s not particularly expensive clothes, I shouldn’t be too lazy to buy them. In addition, the black sports car arranged by Gin is very expensive in the market. It’s not appropriate for me to be too lazy to buy clothes. The store clerk will After looking at and analyzing my situation too much, I can be picky about fabrics and styles and ask the store clerk to recommend more new styles for me, which can delay it for up to twenty minutes. "

Chi Feichi felt that it was not easy for Takatori Yannan to stay in that store for twenty minutes. "Twenty minutes later, you pretended that you couldn't remember your girlfriend's size, and then pretended to call to ask, and pretended that you If an argument breaks out, try to stay away from the store clerk and talk on the phone. You can delay it for two or three minutes. After buying a certain set of women's clothing, go out and stand on the street pretending to call your girlfriend, showing that the conflict is relieved and you are very happy. Then, you can go back to that store and buy some more clothes, or change to a women's clothing store, or you can go to the leather bag store across the street. During the time in between, you can pass the time by talking on the phone and shopping in the store. You decide what to buy, whether to buy it, and how much to buy. The travel expenses will be reimbursed, but you must ensure that you are back in the car at 6 p.m. "

The excuse of ‘buying clothes for my girlfriend’ works really well.

There are so many styles of women's clothing that you will be spoiled for choice just by looking at them. If you hesitate a little longer, you can stay in the store for about twenty minutes, using the two methods of "entering the store to select items" and "calling to communicate" to delay time. It's probably okay to spend more than an hour in that area of ​​the road.

If you are buying men's clothing for yourself, most men will not spend more than an hour on a street.

"Understood!" Takatori Yannan understood what Chi Feichi meant and responded seriously. He drove the car to the door of a women's clothing store with a window display, pulled over and asked, "Do you have the women's clothing you want?"

Chi Feichi: "?"

What kind of weird question is this?

Takatori Yannan realized that his question was a bit strange and explained, "What I mean is that although the travel expenses can be reimbursed, it is still a waste to buy a bunch of unused women's clothes. If you need it, I can buy it for you." Buy specific types of women’s clothing in the sizes you specify so you can give them as gifts.”

"If there are exclusive items in those women's clothing stores, when the FBI investigates afterwards, they can ask you, a suspicious person, about the women's clothing that you, a suspicious person, bought during the subsequent investigation. If a girl wears such clothes afterwards, the FBI will immediately Keep an eye on the other person and then confirm the source of the clothes with him," Chi Feichi asked in a hoarse and cold voice, "Who do you think I can give it to?"

Takatori Yannan: "..."

That's right...

"Don't even think about giving it away to people in need. This kind of thing will only cause trouble to others and easily reveal your whereabouts." Chi Feichi paused, "But before you get off the car, you can send an email to Bell Mod, ask her if she wants to temporarily pretend to be the girlfriend you were quarreling with. You buy her clothes and she acts with you. "

Takatori Yannan was a little moved, "But if I give her the clothes I bought, won't it cause her trouble?"

"She should know how to identify exclusive items and just avoid them," Chi Feichi hissed, "And she can wear them when she is helping to confirm intelligence or when she is disguised as someone else, and she can destroy them after wearing them once. It’s not a special style, and before the FBI found her, her clothes would have been turned into ashes.”

"Then I'll ask Belmod. If she needs it, I'll buy something for her."

Takatori Yannan hung up the phone, sent an email to Belmod to explain his thoughts, and then entered the women's clothing store next to him. According to Chi Feichi's plan, he pointed at the women's clothing displayed in the window and told the clerk that he wanted to give in to the quarrel. My girlfriend buys clothes.

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